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To Whom It May Concern:

In every educators life, there are students who standout and make you feel honored to have known them; Carlos Chavez is one of those students. I first met Carlos this year as a tutor in my classroom. I soon realized that Carlos was not only a bright student who has the capacity to achieve all of his goals but was also a caring individual who carries himself with a quiet dignity and is always willing to help others. Carlos possesses not only a critical mind but he also represents the ideal combination sought after in a lifelong learner. His attitude towards his colleagues is cooperative and congenial, his conduct is upright and decent and his communication skills; both in speaking and writing, are excellent. Carlos has been enrolled in the Academy of Health for the past three years where he has acquired a strong foundation for the health sciences. Also, Carlos has been involved in the annual school blood drive which has allowed the school to donate a significant amount blood over the past years. Therefore I highly believe that Carlos would be successful at any institute of higher learning, he is the type of student that any university would be proud to have; hard working, compassionate, and determined to reach his goals. I know with the support of your dedicated staff and the philosophy towards education and students; Carlos will certainly achieve all academic goals.


Mary Ann S. Avila, MA, Ed Resource Specialist Teacher

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