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1. I have learned that I am............ Very driven for success. A unique individual.

2. I have demonstrated effort, initiative, and commitment by............ Completing everything to the best of my ability. Going on Job Shadows to secure my conviction.

3. I have contributed to my community and others by.............. Participating in the 30 Hour famine two years in a row. Staples Back To School Drive.

4. The accomplishments that I am most proud of are............. My academic achievement Being accepted in Grad Council Excellence in my workplace.

5. The career/life option I have chosen is.......... To go into the accounting profession. Gain my CPA designation.

6. My career research and exploration activities helped to clarify my career, life and learning goals by................ Giving me insight into how post-secondary education works Informing me of the careers I dont want to do Teaching me the steps to become what I want.

7. The skills that I will transfer to my career/life after school are........ The customer service skills I have learned in school and at my job. The excellence I put into everything I do. Empathy in dealing with others difficulties.

8. My financial plan for next year in regards to education, career and life options is........ Staying within what my part-time minimum wage will be. Apply for all the financial help I can. Realizing what I need and want are different things .

9. I plan to stay healthy by............. Going for longer walks more often. Staying away from fast food. Keeping with a balanced diet.

10. This MAP process helped me prepare for my career/life journey by........ Making me think realistically about the future. Being informed about the way certain careers work Gaining the knowledge to live a fulfilling life.

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