Fitts' Law: Modeling Movement Time in HCI: Pertemuan 8: Piranti Interaksi

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Pertemuan 8: Piranti interaksi 1. Mahasiswadiminta merangkum salah satu referensi online. Fitt's Law and Movement Time. http://psych.hanover.

edu/classes/hfnotes2/sld !".html 2. Mahasiswa diminta mendikusikan piranti interaksi di masa depan #. Mahasiswa diminta melakukan riset di we$ dan mem$uat tulisan tentang piranti interaksi dengan suara.

%awa$an: 1.

Fitts Law: Modeling Movement Time in HCI

What is Fitts Law?
Fitts' law is a model of human psychomotor behavior developed in 1954 [6]. !tendin" #hannon$s theorem 1% in information theory &a formulation of effective information capacity of a communication channel'( Fitts discovered a formal relationship that models speed)accuracy tradeoffs in rapid( aimed movement &not drawin" or writin"'. *ccordin" to Fitts$ +aw( the time to move and point to a tar"et of width , at a distance * is a lo"arithmic function of the spatial relative error &*),'( that is [11]MT . a / b lo"0&0A)W + c' where

MT is the movement time a and b are empirically determined constants( that are device dependent. c is a constant of 1( 1.5 or 1 &refer to [11] for details' A is the distance &or amplitude' of movement from start to tar"et center W is the width of the tar"et( which corresponds to 2accuracy3

4he term lo"0&0A)W + c' is called the inde! of difficulty &56'. 5t describes the difficulty of the motor tas7s. 1)b is also called the inde! of performance &58'( and measures the information capacity of the human motor system.

9athematically interpreted( Fitts$ +aw is a linear re"ression model [1:]. 4he re"ression coefficients are &see fi"ure 1'

a - intercept b - slope &1)b is inde! of performance &58''

Fi"ure 1- Fitts$ +aw is a linear re"ression model 8hysically interpreted( Fitts$ +aw states the followin" [0]

;i" tar"ets at close distance are ac<uired faster than small tar"ets at lon" ran"e= 56 provides a sin"le combined measure of two main physical properties of movement tas7s= 56 increases by one unit for each doublin" of amplitude and halvin" of width= 8ositive intercept indicates additive factors unrelated to 56. 5t can be related to mechanism of movement and)or selection &mouse( button( etc'

Dimensional Extension of Fitts Law

Fitts' law is inherently one>dimensional since tar"et amplitude &*' and width &,' are measured alon" the same a!is in Fitts' ori"inal e!periments &reciprocal tappin"( dis7

transfer( and pin transfer'. ,hen dealin" with two>dimensional tar"et ac<uisition tas7s( new interpretations of ?tar"et width? must be considered. 9ac@enAie B ;u!ton &1990' compared five width interpretation models re"ardin" 0>dimensional tar"ets [11] [11] Stat s !"# model$ 5t simply discards the hei"ht and only considers the horiAontal e!tent. S m model$ 5t simply ta7es the width to be the sum of the hei"ht and the width of the tar"et. Area model$ 5t ta7es the product of the width and hei"ht and uses it as the width in the inde! of difficulty. 4his model can be used for tar"ets with shapes other than rectan"les. %Smaller of& model$ 5t pic7s the smaller of the hei"ht and width. 5ntuitively it may produce accurate results( because the smallest dimension of the obCect will be the most restrictin" when attemptin" to move a cursor inside it. 4his model is only useful for rectan"les. W model$ 5t uses the len"th of the line between the center point of the tar"et obCect and the obCect boundary alon" the approach an"le. 4his is appealin" because it is a 1>6 interpretation of a 0>6 tas7. ;ut it is more difficult to calculate because the an"le between the startin" point and the tar"et obCect must be 7nown. 4his model is "ood for circles( rectan"les and others.

Scope and Application

Fitts' law is an effective <uantitative method of modelin" user performance in rapid( aimed movements( where one appenda"e &li7e a hand' starts at rest at a specific start position( and moves to rest within a tar"et area. 4he law can be used to assist in the desi"n of user interfaces and evaluation of alternative tas7 methods in Draphical Eser 5nterface &DE5'. 5t can also be used to predict the performance of operators in a user> adaptive system( assist in allocatin" tas7s to operators( and predict movement times for assembly line wor7 [1:].

4heoretically( the followin" principles e!ist when applyin" Fitts$ +aw to interface desi"ns

4hin"s done more often should be assi"ned a lar"er button. 4his seems an intuitive principle( but it needs to be used very carefully( since it harms the consistency of the interface.

4hin"s done more often should be closer to the avera"e position of the user's cursor. 4he amplitude &*' of a wid"et allows more control from interface desi"ners compared to the width &,'. *"ain( this needs to be used with caution( since fre<uency>based wid"et arran"ements may slow down the user from findin" thin"s compared to lo"ic>based arran"ements. 4he top( bottom( and sides of the screen are infinitely tar"etable because of the boundary created by the ed"es of the screen &unless a virtual screen e!ists' [:]. 4hey should be fully utiliAed.

4here are tradeoffs when applyin" Fitts' +aw to interface desi"ns. Fitts' +aw su""ests that interface components should be made lar"er and positioned closer to the avera"e cursor position. 4hese su""estions may act in opposition to other factors that ma7e an efficient interface( such as or"aniAation and use of available screen space.

E ample
*s an e!ample of usin" Fitts$ +aw to assist user interface desi"n( consider the invention of interface wid"ets such as pop>up menus. Diven a lar"e( 1611 ! 1011 screen( where should a tar"et be placed so that the user can access it fastest no matter where the user is ori"inally locatedF Fitts$ +aw says that for a fi!ed>siAed tar"et( the ac<uisition time decreases when the amplitude of movement decreases. #o the fastest pi!el is located ri"ht at the current location of the mouse pointer. 8opup menus ma7e use of this 2ma"ic pi!el3 [:]( showin" up relative to the mouse pointer( no matter where the user may have moved it &see fi"ure 0'. 4he pi!el re<uires Aero travel and is( in effect( an infinitely lar"e tar"et G it Cust cannot be missed.

Fi"ure 0- 4he popup menu and the ma"ic pi!el


Interaksi Mesin dan Manusia

'ro(ansicht des )ildes mit der )ild nterschrift* 'ame + dimensi ,on-

!era" is#arat tangan ata$ gesti"$lasi% &ar$ men'adi sarana "om$ni"asi &ila "ed$a pi(a" mema(ami ma"na tiap gera"an tangan ata$ 'ari) Is#arat tangan ta" (an#a dig$na"an dalam "om$ni"asi antar man$sia)
#eCumlah riset berupaya memanfaat7an "esti7ulasi untu7 memun"7in7an intera7si antara manusia dan mesin. #alah satu lemba"a riset yan" meneliti hal ini adalah Fraunhofer Heinrich>HertA>5nstitut( ;erlin. 6i pameran baran" ele7troni7 5F* yan" di"elar di ;erlin antara tan""al 4 sampai 9 #eptember( 5nstitut Heinrich HertA memper7enal7an risetnya. 2@ami menampil7an 5> 8oint :6( pen""una dapat men""era77an sesuatu pada display :6( den"an hanya menunCu7 layar pen""una menyebab7an a7si tertentu. 6i sini( mere7a dapat men""era77an pemu7ul virtual untu7 bermain "ame yan" bernama 8on" di layar :6(2 demi7ian ,olf"an" Iainer dari 5nstitut untu7 4e7nolo"i 9edia 6i"ital. 5>8oint dalam bahasa 5n""ris berarti 2saya menunCu73. Jama ini meruCu7 pada "era7an tan"an di awal riset( di mana menunCu7 den"an satu Cari di"una7an untu7 membu7a apli7asi tertentu. 4api( selain itu( 5>8oint Cu"a dapat diarti7an seba"ai sin"7atan 5nformation>8oint. Iiset 7omuni7asi non>verbal antara mesin dan manusia sebenarnya sudah dimulai se7itar sepuluh tahun lalu. #aat itu 5nstitut Heinrich>HertA men"emban"7an 7ios informasi untu7 wisatawan. 8en""una hanya perlu menunCu7 informasi yan" diin"in7an( tanpa menyentuh layar 7omputer( dan informasi tersebut muncul. 6i awal riset( peran"7at dalam e7sperimen hanya men"enali "era7an satu Cari. 8iranti luna7 dia7tif7an den"an menunCu7 satu titi7. Dera7an satu Cari yan" menunCu7 titi7 tertentu dapat di"una7an untu7 membu7a file di 7omputer.

@ini( 7omputer Cu"a dapat memperbesar atau memper7ecil "ambar hanya den"an men""una7an "era7an tan"an( tanpa men""una7an mouse( 7eyboard computer atau sarun" tan"an 7husus. Entu7 memperCelas cara 7erCa te7nolo"i ini( diperlu7an beberapa 7omponen( 7ata ,olf"an" Iainer. 2#istem ini terdiri dari peran"7at untu7 memindai "era7an tan"an yan" terdiri dari dua 7amera inframerah. 4iap "era7an dilaca7 melalui ti"a titi7 yan" disebut titi7 7oordinat yan" diterCemah7an 7e dalam sistem :6.2 *lat pemindai den"an 7amera inframerah bisa ditempat7an di atas atau di bawah. Kan" pentin"( 7amera dapat menan"7ap "era7an tan"an tanpa dihalan"i benda lain. Dambar 7amera tersebut lan"sun" diproses piranti luna7 yan" melaca7 posisi satu atau lebih Cari. 9elalui ti"a titi7 yan" dilaca7 lo7asinya pada pors L( K dan M posisi Cari diterus7an pada apli7asi yan" lalu menerCemah7an "era7an tan"an tersebut. *lat yan" di7emban"7an 5nstitut Heinrich>HertA san"at teliti. 8iranti luna7nya dapat men"hitun" posisi tiap Cari sampai militer tertentu dan men"ubahnya menCadi "era7an 7ursor di layar 7omputer. Entu7 ma7in menyempurna7an te7nolo"i 5>8oint( 5nstitut Heinrich>HertA mela7u7an uCi coba yan" melibat7an pen"unCun" pameran baran" ele7troni7 5F*. 4ahun 011N lalu( pen"unCun" diminta berdiri di depan sebuah layar 7omputer. 6en"an hanya men""una7an "era7an tan"an dan tanpa menyentuh layar 7omputer( pen"unCun" lalu diminta membu7a atau menutup suatu do7umen( memperbesar atau memper7ecil "ambar atau memindah7an do7umen dari 7anan 7e 7iri. Dera7an>"era7an tan"an yan" dila7u7an pen"unCun" dire7am. Iiset 5nstitut Heinrich>HertA bertuCuan untu7 memudah7an intera7si dan 7omuni7asi antar manusia dan mesin. 9a7sudnya untu7 men"emban"7an sistem yan" dapat di"una7an secara intuitif dan mudah dalam 7ehidupan sehari>hari. Entu7 men"emban"7an te7nolo"i ini( 5nstitut Heinrich>HertA be7erCa sama den"an den"an seCumlah mitra. +ayar :6 yan" menerCemah7an isyarat tan"an diprodu7si oleh 8hilipps( produsen baran" ele7troni7 yan" bermar7as di ;elanda. 4e7nolo"i 5>8oint nantinya dapat di"una7an di berba"ai se7tor( 7ata ,olf"an" Iainer dari 5nstitut untu7 4e7nolo"i 9edia 6i"ital. 29isalnya di bidan" medis( di ruan"an steril do7ter dapat membu7a foto hasil ront"en tanpa harus menin""al7an ruan"an steril. *tau misalnya di tempat umum( oran" dapat membu7a Cadwal 7ereta den"an hanya menunCu7 layar. 8ada dasarnya( te7nolo"i ini dapat di"una7an dalam setiap situasi di mana intera7si lan"sun" antara pen""una dan sistem tida7 mun"7in atau tida7 diin"in7an.2 6i masa depan( te7nolo"i 5>8oint :6 ta7 hanya di"una7an untu7 men""era77an model virtual di layar tapi Cu"a men"ubah bentu7 obye7 tersebut. *) !+I ,S -+I 9embeli suatu produ7 di masa 7ini ta7 hanya untu7 mendapat7an fun"sinya saCa. 4etapi ada berba"ai parameter lain seperti 7emudahan pema7aian( 7eawetan( se"i artisti7( fun"si tambahan( maupun 7emasan turut mempen"aruhi apa7ah suatu produ7 dapat la7u di beli

oran". @alau Jo7ia dapat meraCai pasar ponsel di 5ndonesia( sudah baran" tentu salah satu fa7tornya adalah 7arena asas 7emudahan pa7ainya. +aris manisnya model 5111 F ponsel seCuta umat F Cu"a sedi7itnya 7arena 7emudahan pen""unaannya den"an tombol ?Javi @ey?. +ewat seran"7aian i7lannya Jo7ia selalu men"identi77an dirinya den"an ?4he Human 4echnolo"y?( seba"ai ponsel yan" san"at peduli den"an 7emudahan a7ses serta 7ebutuhan user. #an"at berbeda den"an saat telepon ditemu7an pertama 7alinya( di mana se"i fun"sionalitaslah menCadi unsur pentin"( sehin""a peran"7at handset yan" u7urannya besar serta 7uran" artisti7 tida7 mempen"aruhi minat pen""una. *7hir Februari lalu saya ber7esempatan memenuhi undan"an 9icrosoft untu7 menCadi salah seoran" Curi dari 7ompetisi .J 4 tin"7at *sia 8asifi7 yan" dii7uti 10 tim dari 11 ne"ara. 5ndonesia men"irim7an tim pemenan" 7ompetisi nasional yan" 7ebetulan adalah mahasiswa bimbin"an saya. 6i event penutupan 7ompetisi inilah ;ill Dates datan" 7e ;eiCin" untu7 mencerita7an current updates dari riset 9icrosoft di depan para finalis serta N111 mahasiswa Oina. ;a"i *nda yan" saat ini men""una7an 8O pasti sudah ta7 asin" den"an sistem operasi ,indows. ;ila dicermati( terCadi lompatan yan" san"at besar di pen"huCun" de7ade 19N1an seCa7 ditemu7annya ,indows setelah sebelumnya para pen""una 8O sudah mantap den"an adanya 6P#. 8erubahan pentin" dari 6P# 7e ,indows adalah antara lain yan" 7ita sebut seba"ai DE5 atau Draphical Eser 5nterface( artinya( bila sebelumnya pema7ai hanya bisa berhubun"an den"an mesin den"an men"eti7 melalui 7eyboard saCa( ma7a mulailah dipopuler7an pen""unaan 9ouse seba"ai piranti intera7si yan" powerful( serta tampilan yan" lebih artisti7 dan ?manusiawi? 7arena berbasis7an "rafis yan" full> colour( tida7 hanya te7s saCa serta mendu7un" multimedia. 6unia menCadi lebih indah ba"i pen""una 7omputer. #eCa7 itulah 7onsep 7omputer pribadi mulai ber7emban" pesat. #etelah 7ira>7ira 01 tahun berlalu( 7ini 9icrosoft mulai 7embali mencipta7an perubahan besar di bidan" intera7si manusia dan mesin)7omputer. 5nilah yan" disebut ;ill Dates seba"ai Jatural Eser 5nterface &JE5'. JE5 a7an se"era masu7 7e pasar diper7ira7an a7hir 011: ini. ;entu7 JE5 adalah pen""unaan suara seba"ai satu interface utama dalam berintera7si pada semua device yan" men""una7an ,indows. 8O( 86*( 4ablet 8O( hin""a #mart8hone semuanya a7an men""una7an JE5 di sampin" DE5 yan" telah san"at maCu. 6en"an matan"nya piranti luna7 44# &te!t to speech' serta *#I &*utomatic #peech Ieco"niser'( ma7a speech sudah mulai dapat di"una7an seba"ai media. 6en"an 44#( 7ita bisa ?menden"ar7an? e>mail yan" masu7( arti7el( a"enda 7erCa( do7umen( dan seba"ainya saat 7ita sedan" berada di Calan misalnya lewat mobile phone. #edan"7an den"an *#I( 7ita bisa memerintah7an 7omputer untu7 membaca( menulis( menCalan7an apli7asi dan seba"ainya melalui suara 7ita. 6en"an demi7ian( peran 7eyboard dan mouse mulai dapat di7uran"i. *#I Cu"a telah di7emban"7an melalui apli7asi #pea7er Qerification untu7 memun"7in7an suara manusia seba"ai password secara biometric. #udah seCa7 lama suara manusia( retina mata( sidi7 bibir( dian""ap san"at uni7 dan mulai di7emban"7an

seba"ai salah satu alternatif pen""anti sidi7 Cari. 5nilah yan" disebut den"an ?Jatural?( intera7si den"an 7omputer menCadi lebih manusiawi dan dapat diaCa7 ?berca7ap>ca7ap? seperti manusia. *pa dampa7nya ba"i 7itaF #udah pasti di"ital divide a7an sema7in ber7uran". Pran" sema7in mudah berintera7si den"an 7omputer. Pran" yan" buta( tuli( serta buta huruf a7an mempunyai 7esempatan yan" sama den"an oran" normal untu7 berintera7si den"an 7omputer. ;ah7an ba"i oran" buta( a7an sema7in banya7 informasi yan" dapat diserap 7arena adanya pembaca do7umen otomatis. Iiset 9icrosoft tentu dilatarbela7an"i oleh banya7 hal. #alah satunya yan" terpentin" adalah 7enyataan bahwa berbicara lebih cepat daripada men"eti7. #eCa7 8O ditemu7an( te7nolo"i baru dapat men"hasil7an solusi men"eti7 yan" lebih cepat daripada menulis manual. #edan"7an 7ini( den"an maCunya riset di bidan" Arti.icial Intelligence /Speec( Anal#sis01ecognition dan Speec( S#nt(esis2% didu7un" sepenuhnya den"an sema7in cepatnya prosesor 7omputer( membuat speech menCadi solusi baru dalam berintera7si. +alu 7emudian bila #peech sudah bisa menCadi andalan( interface apa yan" lebih cepat dari suara seba"ai media intera7siF 4entunya pi7iran. 6i masa mendatan"( mun"7in 7omputer malah sudah bisa secara otomatis ?memutus7an? untu7 mela7u7an sesuatu tanpa harus disuruh( den"an memperhati7an pola berfi7ir dan pen"ambilan 7eputusan 7ita sebelumnya. @ita tun""u la"i 7emaCuan *5 di bidan" personal 7nowled"e mana"ement serta personal e!pert system. Kan" tera7hir ini a7an me>mana"e serta mere7am seluruh rea7si 7ita terhadap suatu a7si. @emudian a7an men"hasil7an rea7si otomatis berdasar7an pola>pola sebelumnya

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