Student Growth Objective Form (Tiered)

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SGO Step 3, Form 2: Set Ambitious and Feasible Student Growth Objectives

Student Growth Objective Form (Tiered)

Grade Course/Subject Number of Students Interval of Instruction
Full year Semester _________ Other

Name of Assessment Rationale for Student Gro th Objective

!"lease include content standards covered and e#$lanation of assessment method%&

Student Gro th Objective "re$aredness Grou$ !e%'% (o ) *edium) +i'h& Number of Students in ,ach Grou$ !-otal& -ar'et Score on "ost.Assessment !/& Number of Students Re0uired for 1Full Attainment2

3aseline 4ata and "re$aredness Grou$in's

!"lease include the number of students in each $re$aredness 'rou$% Summari5e the information you used to $roduce these 'rou$in's% "rovide any additional student data or bac6'round information used in settin' your objective%&

Scorin' "lan "re$aredne ss Grou$ -ar'et Score on Final Assessment Objective Attainment (evel 3ased on "ercent and Number of Students Achievin' -ar'et Score ,#ce$tional Full !8& "artial !9& Insufficient !7& !:&

A$$roval of Student Gro th Objective -eacher _________________ Si'nature_______________ ,valuator ________________ _______________ Si'nature 4ate Submitted_______________ 4ate A$$roved _______________

Results of Student Gro th Objective "re$aredne Number of Objective ss Grou$ Students at Attainment -ar'et (evel Score

SGO Score
Avera'e Objective Attainment




,valuator _________________ _____ 4ate _________________

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