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Bulletin of School of Oriental and African Studies :
Mlanges dislamologie
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. L. Ginzberg, Geniza Studies in memory of Doctor Solomon Schechter, vol. I, N.Y 1928 , pp. 310 - 312

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Adolph Jellinek
Marco Mortara
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) ( - ix - viii . -
. . J. Kaufmann
- . - .
) ( - xix . - . S. Wertheimer
] yajwy @b @w[m` r qrp
[ . -
111v - 107v
. . . Dr. A. Spitaler
) ( Geschichte der Juden . -
) ( - xxviii ZDMG Apocalypsen mit polemischer Tendenz -
xxix . - .
) ( - . . I . -
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. ()Buttenwieser
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).B. M. vv, p. viii (
). Geschichte, vii, note7, pp. 449 - 451 (
) ( Jewish Encyclopaedia : -
Apocalypses: Neo-Hebraic Apcalyptic Literature .
) ( Eine jdische Messiaprophetie auf Jahr 1186 und
LXX MGMJ der dritte Kreuzzug - . -
. -
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) .(Wertheimer, pp. 25 - 6
) (107v .
.Steischneider, Apocalypen... ZDMG xxviii, p. 635

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ii Tarbiz Mohammeds Ten Jewish Companions di Administrando Imperio . -
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von Grunebaum




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). wynb ynb ynbw (

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Prq dRabbi Eliezer

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n.s.i JQR Jewish Arabic Studies . -
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) ( Eine jdische Messiaprophteie .

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). Mid.G., p. 277 (
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Archiv fr

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.aylAAfya ) ayyf ( -



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Albert of Aix ) (
in moenibus armis exsurgentes, multum in defensione
obstiterunt... Judaei cives, commixtis Sarracenorum turmis, sine dilatione viriliter
: resistentes, a turri oleum, picem ferventem, ignem et stuppas opposuerunt...

] [


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.David Alroy .




) ( Silver, Messianic Speculation pp, 77 - 78 : .

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Schechter .
Louis Genzberg .()

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Genizah Studies in memory of doctor Solomon

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J.Marcus,Rabbi Elazar be-Rabbi Qalir u-fiyytav hahadashim,in Horeb i (1933-1934),New York,21-29;idem,Litugical and

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