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May I have your complete given name? Do you mind telling me how old you are?

(b1)How many individuals belong to your family?

What is your complete given name? Whats your International age? (b1)How family? (b2)What is your birth order? (b3)Do you have any siblings? big/large is your

What is your Korean name? * How old are you? * (b1)Who are the people in your family? * (2)How many brothers and sisters do you have?* What are your hobbies? *

How do you occupy your free time?

What do you usually do on your free time?

1. If you have 100,000 $(Korean money almost 10,000,000won) (kid $100, Korean almost 100,000won) what do you want to do?( Thinking 30sec / speech 1 min)*

1. The ball is on the floor. It is a red ball. It is a rubber ball. The baby looks at the ball. The cat looks at the ball. The cat is black. The cat walks over to the ball. The cat hits the ball with its paw. The ball rolls on the floor. The baby smiles.

2. She plays soccer. She has a uniform. She wears her uniform every Saturday. Her team plays every Saturday. Her team wins sometimes. Her team loses sometimes. She is the goalie. She stands in front of the goal. She blocks shots. Sometimes she misses. Then the other team scores. That makes her unhappy

The Grasshopper-Aesop A grasshopper spent the summer hopping about in the sun and singing to his heart's content. One day, an ant went hurrying by, looking very hot and weary. "Why are you working on such a lovely day?" said the grasshopper. "I'm collecting food for the winter," said the ant, "and I suggest you do the same." And off she went, helping the other ants to carry food to their store. The grasshopper carried on hopping and singing. When winter came the ground was covered with snow. The grasshopper had no food and was hungry. So he

went to the ants and asked for food. "What did you do all summer when we were working to collect our food?" said one of the ants. "I was busy hopping and singing," said the grasshopper. "Well," said the ant, "if you hop and sing all summer, and do no work, then you must starve in the winter."

Who is The Grasshopper? 1) the Grasshopper is very diligent. 2) The Grasshopper likes to help ants. 3) The Grasshopper is worried about the winter.

1. A dog is bigger than a mouse, but smaller than an elephant. A dog is smaller than a mouse. dog is very big. A dog is the biggest. An elephant is bigger than a dog. 2. Sangay is English but Teresa isn't; she's American. Teresa is English. Sangay isn't English. Sangay isn't American. Teresa and Sangay aren't English. 3. He is the oldest man in the world. He is not as old as my grandmother. Many men are older. There are no older men anywhere. He's older than some other men. 4. You can't come without a ticket. You can come if you have a ticket. You mustn't go with a ticket. You don't need a ticket to come. You cannot buy a ticket outside.

5. Andrea is looking after the children. She can see the children. She is taking care of the children. She is looking at the children. The children are in front of her.

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