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Hydrated Compound Lab

Katie Wu, Charmaine Chan Period 3 Honors Chemistry October 31, 2013
Unit 2:Mole Concept

Pre-lab Problem Cobalt (II) Chloride is a hydrated crystal in its solid form. In the lab, you want to determine the formula of this hydrated compound (ie. How many water molecules attach to a formula unit of CoCl2? CoCl2 X H2O?) In the lab, you find the mass of the test-tube to be 12.443g, and the mass of the compound and the test-tube to be 17.122g. After heating and mixing multiple times to drive off the water, you find the mass of the ionic compound (also known as the anhydrous compound) and the test-tube to be 14.992g. The hydrated compounds is always a 1: X ratio. Write a balanced equation: 53oCl2 14H2O or 1CoCl2: 4.66H2O Create a data table to organize the data: Mass 12.443grams Test-tube 17.122grams Test-tube + Hydrated salt 14.992grams After Heating (with test-tube)

Salt + Water or Hydrated Salt (before heating) Dehydrated Salt (after heating) Water (calculated)

4.689g 2.549g 2.14ml

What is the mass of the ionic compound without water (also called the anhydrous compound)? How many moles is this? 2.549 grams. 2.549gCoCl2 x (1molCoCl2/98.92g)= 0.02577 mol CoCl2 Hydrated salt = 4.689g CoCl2 Dehydrated salt=2.549g Mass of water (hydrated salt - dehydrated salt) = 2.140g

What is the mass of the water heated away? How many moles is this? 2.140g 2.140g x (1molH20/(18.02g/molH20))= 0.12 mol H2O What is the mole ratio of the ionic compound to the water? 1CoCl2 : 4.66H2O What is the formula of the reactant hydrate compound? 3CoCl2 + 14H2O What is the name of this compound? Cobalt (II) Chloride tetrakaidecahydrate

Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to find the mass of salt from a hydrated salt compound. Through heating the substance, we were able to get the water to evaporate leaving only the salt. Procedure: 1) Weigh the crucible with the hydrated compound 2) Heat the compound until it turns white 3) Weigh the substance and crucible again 4) Calculate to find the mass of salt and mass of water

Materials: Crucible Tongs Bunsen burner Lighter Clay Triangle Ring stand Lighter Balance Hydrated compound

Data: Create a data table to organize the data: Mass 17.893 grams Crucible 20.212 grams Crucible + Hydrated salt 19.349 grams After Heating (with crucible)

Salt + Water or Hydrated Salt (before heating) Dehydrated Salt (after heating) Water (calculated) Calculations: To find mass of hydrated compound: 20.212g- 17.893g= 2.319g To find mass of dehydrated salt: 19.349g-17.893g=1.495g To find mass of water : 20.212g-19.349g=0.863g

2.319g 1.456g 0.863g

Converting to moles:

Finding the Formula:

Ratio: 1CuCl2: 4.42H2O Formula: 2CuCl2 9H2O Discussion Questions: Make sure to address the following questions in your discussion section: Would the error cause your ratio to increase or decrease? 1. What was the actual ratio you obtained (with all significant digits)? What was your rounded ratio to whole numbers? Is your actual ratio higher or lower than the rounded ratio? Research what the actual ratio should be. Is your answer too high or too low? What is the percent error? The actual ratio we obtained is 4.42 and the rounded ratio to whole number was 4. The actual ratio was higher than the rounded ratio. The actual ratio should have been 2. Our answer was too high. Percent error: ((4.42-2.00)/2.00) * 100% = 121% 2. How would your ratio change if you did not dehydrate the compound fully? If the compound was not dehydrated fully, that means the water was still with the compound so the anhydrous would have weighed more with the water attached. Therefore, you would get a lower mol ratio. 3. Suppose some of the compound fell out of the test tube before heating but after massing. How would that change your ratio? That mass would contribute to the final mass of water evaporated because the final mass of the compound would be less than it should be. The compound that fell out would be measured and once compared to the final measurement, the salt that fell out would not be included. That would make the ratio of water greater than salt. 4. How would your ratio change if the test tube was wet when the hydrated compound was added to it at the beginning of the experiment? There would be a greater value for water on the ratio because it would have contributed to the initial mass, but also as the mass of water that evaporated. Our data would reflect that the water from the test tube was part of the water in the hydrated compound and would add mass to the water. 5. How would your ratio relate to another groups who used the same compound, if you used 2.0 grams and they used 2.5grams? The ratios should be the same because the ratio is a measurement of salt in relation to water. The percentage of salt and water should be the same though the volume is different.

6. Suggest what might happen if you left the anhydrous compound to sit overnight before weighing it for your data? If the anhydrous were to sit overnight before weighing, it would have absorbed moisture from the air, and the mass of the anhydrous compound would have appeared to be greater. By subtraction, the mass of water would have been less. Therefore a smaller mole ratio would have been obtained.

7. If you could improve this lab, what you do differently and why? Discuss at least three feasible improvements and why with reference to the other discussion questions and errors. (Note: relate this to #1 and the answers for the other questions). Firstly, We would heat it a few more times until constant mass is obtained. Secondly, I would wait long enough for the crucible to cool off to get a more accurate massing. Lastly, I would repeat another trial using a different mass of the hydrate to prove the mole ratio remains the same.

Conclusion Statement: Write a one to two sentence statement to conclude what you did in your lab, what was your actual and how did it compare to your theoretical. By heating the hydrated compound of copper chloride, the formula of the hydrated compound was determined to be CuCl2 4H2O. Although the theoretical value was supposed to be CuCl2 2 H2O.

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