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Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA)

This VTC course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to take and pass the Red Hat Certified System Administrator exam. This course focuses on deploying, administrating, and securing a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 system. RHCE author, Kenneth Armstrong, teaches the Red Hat exam objectives while providing examples and real world scenarios essential for an exam candidate to succeed. Get your exam preparation under way today by clicking on the movie links below. To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.


Welcome Practice Requirements Basic Installation

Kickstart Installations

Kickstart Files Installing RHEL with Kickstart

Basic Command Line

Accessing a Terminal Basic Commands pt. 1 Basic Commands pt. 2 Help at the Command Line cat and nano vim File Compression Elevating Privileges
Advanced Command Line

Input and Output Redirection Regular Expressions

User Accounts

Adding and Removing Users Password Control Group Administration Account Configuration Files User Accounts with LDAP
File and Folder Permissions

Basic Permissions pt. 1 Basic Permissions pt. 2 Basic Permissions pt. 3 Group Directories
Network Setup and Troubleshooting

Network Devices NetworkManager system-config-network Network Commands Network Scripts system-config-firewall iptables pt. 1 iptables pt. 2
Software Management

RPM Files Yum Command Yum Repository RPM Command

PackageKit Updating the Kernel

Basic Filesystems

Creating Partitions Creating Filesystems Mounting Filesystems Swap Partitions Quota Management pt. 1 Quota Management pt. 2 Hard and Soft Links File and Folder ACL Management

LVM Overview Creating a Logical Volume pt. 1 Creating a Logical Volume pt. 2 LVM Snapshots GUI LVM Management
Service Management

Service Commands Using system-config-services


SELinux Overview SELinux Tools Setting SELinux Contexts pt. 1 Setting SELinux Contexts pt. 2 SELinux - mv Versus cp SELinux Booleans
Encrypted Filesystems

Encrypted Filesystems
Network Services

NFS FTP pt. 1 FTP pt. 2 CIFS (Samba) Client Autofs HTTP Server pt. 1 HTTP Server pt. 2 NTP Server Secure Shell (SSH) Commands VNC
Working with Processes

View Running Processes Changing Process Priorities Stopping Processes Scheduling a Job with cron Scheduling a Job with at
System Logs

System Logs Overview

Reading Logfiles syslog

The Kernel

Linux Kernel Overview Hardware and the Kernel Kernel Modules Working with proc and sysctl.conf
The Boot Process

The Boot Process GRUB Upstart Runlevels pt. 1 Runlevels pt. 2 Powering Down the System
System Recovery

Basic Troubleshooting Network Troubleshooting The Rescue Environment User Account Troubleshooting
Virtual Machines

Introduction to Virtualization virsh virt-manager pt. 1 virt-manager pt. 2


Course Wrap Up Getting Help


About the Author

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