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French Prepositions - Les Prpositions

French Language
Prpositions - French Prepositions


Prepositions are words which link two related parts of a sentence. They are placed in front of nouns in order to indicate a relationship between that noun and the verb, adjective, or noun that precedes it. These pages will help you to understand French prepositions. Click on the underlined prepositions for specific information about meaning, usage, and more. (If this seems too complicated, take a look at my lesson on prepositions for beginners) ct de aprs au sujet de avant avec chez contre dans d'aprs de depuis derrire devant durant en en dehors de en face de entre envers environ hors de jusque loin de malgr par parmi pendant pour prs de quant sans selon sous suivant sur vers to, at, in next to, beside after about, on the subject of before with at the home/office of, among against in according to from, of, about since, for in back of, behind in front of during, while in, on, to outside of facing, across from between toward approximately outside of until, up to, even far from despite by, through among during for near as for, regarding without according to under according to on toward


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