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AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS TRAVIS COUNTY I, Guadalupe Ramos, am a former, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Revenue Agent, GS-12. = worked in the Examination Division in the District Office in Austin Texas when I retired. I held this position since 1979 until my retirement in January 2001.07 my enployee evaluation; I was rated above average 4 plus iin a maximim scale of 5) from 1974 until my retirement in 2001. > also trained other IRS employees, including Susan S@xgg@@B on =RS audit classification procedures. I have personal knowledge of IRS menagement's policy and custom of discriminating, harassing and retaliating against employees, such as Mr. Rodolfo -izzano, who legally engage in whistle-blowing, EEO and Union activities. IRS management labels these employees 25 “troublemakers” and goes after them with a vengeance until they succeed in firing the employee on some pre'ex: or the employee is no longer able to endure the dis.c/visation, harassment and retaliation and resigns :a disgust. I have gained this knowledge from my own zun-ins w:ch IRS management for my whistle-blowing, EEC and Un:en activities, as well as from Personally helping many empiovaes over many years on the same activities. Based on my 20 years of exoar‘enze as a Revenue Agent, with about most of them in the classificatior/selection of returns for examination, I bel:eve that the audits on Mr. Lizcano's income tax returns for the 1999 and 2000 tax years were most likely initiavea ix retaliation for Mr. Lizcano's whistle-blowing and EC activities rather than tax compliance. I make this statement based on the foliowing undisputed facts I have personal knowledge of gained from my IRS experience and my meetings and conversations with Mr. Lizcano: 1. pre score 4ceoyderng te mx Lizerny, — Mr. Lizcano was informed by Tax compliance Cfficer Edda A. Fahlund that the DIF score y:. his 2999 income tax return was "about 700". I have personally seen Mr, Lizcano's 1999 income tax return, cons: ing of a Form 1040 and a e return corld not have cre. Even 2 the DIF score RS has a second level of single Schedule C. His siap generated such a high DIF 5: would have been about 700, Deponent’s signature Sworn and subscribed before me on the 21th day of February 2004, to certify which witness my rand and seal of office. lic in and for the State of Texas

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