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Logical Reasoning

I. Four sisters S, T, U & V are playing a game such that the loser doubles money of each of the other player. They played four games and each sister lost one game in alphabetical order. At the end of fourth game each sisters had Rs 32. 1. Who started with the lowest amount? a) S b) T c) U d) V 2. Who started with the highest amount? a) S b) T c) U d) V 3. What was the amount with U at the end of the 2nd round? a) 36 b) 72 c) 16 d) None of these 4. How many rupees did S starts with? a) 60 b)34 c) 66 d) 28

II. Ten coins are distributed among four people P,Q,R & S such that if one person gets n coins, second gets (n+1), third gets (n+2) and so on but not necessarily in the same order. Q gets more coins than P and S gets fewer coins than R. 1. If P gets even number of coins which one of them is necessarily true a) Sum of P & Q is 5 b)Sum of P & R is 5 c) Sum of Q & R is more than 5 d) Sum of P & Q is multiple of 3 2. If R gets two coins more than S but not maximum number of coins which of the following is necessarily true a) Sum of P & S is 4 b) Sum R & S is 4 c) Sum of P & Q is 5 d) All of these 3. If Q gets twice the number of coins given to P which of the following is necessarily true? a) S can have only odd values b) S can have both even as well as odd values c) Sum of P & S is 4 d) Only R can have both even as well as odd values 4. If R receives 3 coins then number of coins received by Q is a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) All of these III. In some code, letters a, b, c, d and e represents numbers 2, 4, 5, 6 and 10. We just don't know which letter represents which number. Consider the following relationships: I. a + c = e II. b - d = d and III. e + a = b Which statement below is true? a) b = 4 , d = 2 b) a = 4, e = 6

c) b = 6 , e = 2

d) a = 4 , c = 6

IV. A string of three English letters is formed as per the following rules (a) The first letter is any vowel (b) The second letter is m, n or p (c) If the second letter is m, then the third letter is any vowel which is different from the first letter. (d) If the second letter is n, then the third letter is e or u. (e) If the second letter is p, then the third letter is the same as the first letter. 1. How many strings of letters can possibly be formed using the above rules? a) 40 b) 45 c) 30 d) 35 2. How many strings of letters can possibly be formed using the above rules such that the third letter of the string is e? a) 8 b) 9 c) 10 d) 1

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