Affidavit of W. McInyre Former Austin IRS Employee

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AFFIDAVIT STATE OF GEORGIA DEKALB COUNTY I, William McIntyre, was employed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a Contact Representative, GS-962-08, in the Adjustments/Correspondence department in the Customer Service Building (CSB) in Austin, TX. I worked for the IRS for twelve years, until 2001, and had a employee evaluation rating of straight fives, which is the highest rating possible. It is well known among IRS employees that IRS management engages in harassment and retaliation towards those employees who they have deemed “troublemakers”, so called because they are active in the union, have filed EEO complaints, are whistleblowers or have Clashed in some way with someone in management. I know several people who have been targeted by management in this way, and I have witnessed first-hand one in particular that I would like to use as an example of what goes on. This person worked for the IRS for fifteen years was also straight-five employee, was prominent in the union, and whose work ethic and knowledge were held in very high regard. Problems began for my friend in earnest after a paper containing an apology from a Branch Chief was posted by the union president on the union bulletin boards. Management was extremely angry and blamed my friend. Over the next several years there was a never-ending series of incidents, of which I will mention three. My friend was the senior seasonal workleader on the night shift, a position which represented a promotion in grade and pay that lasted usually around seven months. After the bulletin board incident my friend applied for, but was not picked up as a seasonal workleader. In fact, management was soliciting day shift employees with no workleader experience to come to night shift, rather than give the position to my friend. After a complaint was lodged with the union about it, my friend was made a workleader. However, three weeks later, in an unprecedented move, the unit was broken up and the manager re-assigned elsewher In fact, my friend was assigned to a unit with a manager who several times a week would come back from lunch intoxicated and was often verbally abusive. After getting nowhere with management about the problem, my friend filed an EEO complaint against the manager. This particular manager had been cited in many previous complaints for this problem. Nothing was done about the manager but my friend was moved to another unit. (To my knowledge, this same manager still reports to work and comes back from lunch inebriated to this day.) Shortly thereafter, the new manager informed my friend that “someone in files” had discovered a case my friend had worked on four years earlier that appeared to be a missed Assessment. An investigation was going to be made. If true, my friend was told, the missed assessment was a very serlous matter and could result in termination. My friend was denied union representation at that time, which is a violation of the contract. My friend was never allowed to look at the whole case - only a partial transcript, and was one of several people who had worked on it. None of the other people who worked the case were under investigation. over a period of time and at a cost of thousands of taxpayer dollars, members of both the union and management, including Section Chiefs, Branch Chiefs and Division ‘hiefs, were involved in the investigation. Eventually, ‘anagement dropped the case after refusing to provide requested information that might reveal how this case came sout. It was evident there was no missed assessment. It ter was revealed that the amount of the so called “missed ssment” in question was seven dollars! That’s right- even dollars! When processing returns, there is a hundred sollar tax tolerance. Seven dollars was well below any processing tolerance. Seeing there was no future in Austin and hoping for some peace, my friend transferred to another IRS office in another part of the country. However, several months later, my friend was informed of yet another investigation. My friend was to be re-fingerprinted, records were to be checked, neighbors were to be interviewed. And my friend going to be audited (particularly strange since my friend had never even filed so much as a Schedule A). ing the harassment and retaliation would never end, my triend finally quit the IRS. To this day, the IRS still owes my friend performance award money, despite many calls being made and getting the runaround from several different IRS offices. Also, it should be mentioned, once my friend quit no audit was done. ‘The reason I am not identifying my friend is because my friend is in a bad way financially and has had to take a seasonal probationary job with the IRS, and is afraid to step forward for fear of being targeted once again or even fired. Knowing what I do about the IRS, and seeing the chronology of events, there is no question in my mind that Rudy Lizcano has been retaliated against for his EEO complaints and whistleblower activities. As part of our duties we regularly sent questionable returns to CATA, who reviewed them for possible audit potential. Many cases were sent back “accepted as filed” because the money involved was too low or there simply was not the manpower to handle more cases. So the numbers involved alone should have precluded Mr.Lizcano being audited. People may have a hard time believing that IRS management would spend such time and money trying to get someone, even following them across country, but it is true. It is sad that when someone tries to do the right thing, like Mr. Lizcano, instead of being praised they are considered a threat by IRS management that must be crushed. It is not an isolated event. I have read the above statement, consisting of 3 pages, and it is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand the information I have given is not confidential and may be shown to the interested parties. Ls Y 's signature Sworn and subscribed before me on the _3@«)_ day of

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