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Works Cited "39 Articles." Anglicans Online. Anglicans Online, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. DiNoia, J.A., OP.

" arl !a"ner." The Modern Theologians: An Introduction to Christian Theology in the Twentieth Century. #d. Da$id %ord. Ne& 'ork, N', ()A* +. +lack&ell, 19,9. 1,3-20.. Print. /a0bac", Jakob. " arl !a"ner." Theologians of Our Time. #d. /eonard !einisc". Nortre Da1e* (ni$ersit2 O3 Notre Da1e, 194.. 1,2-202. Print. 5olt1ann, J0rgen. God in Creation: A New Theology of Creation and the Spirit of God. )an %rancisco* 6ar7er 8 !o&, 19,9. Print. O:Dono$an, Oli$er. On the Thirty Nine Articles: A Conversation with Tudor Christianity. #;eter* P0blis"ed 3or /ati1er 6o0se, O;3ord b2 t"e Paternoster, 19,4. Print. )tott, Jo"n !. W. Authentic Christianity. #d. <i1ot"2 D0dle2-)1it". Do&ners =ro$e, >/* >nter?arsit2, 1999. Print. )tott, Jo"n !. W. Authentic Christianity. #d. <i1ot"2 D0dle2-)1it". Do&ners =ro$e, >/* >nter?arsit2, 1999. Print. )tott, Jo"n !. W. The Cross of Christ. Do&ners =ro$e, >/* >nter?arsit2, 19,4. Print.

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