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PLANNING for ENGLISH Area: Reading (Procedural text) R/ AI!

S: (A"ARA) Understand that the purposes texts serve shape their structure in predictable ways (ACELA1447) Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the communication o others in in ormal and structured classroom situations (ACEL!1"4") #escribe some di erences between ima$inative in ormative and persuasive texts (ACEL!1"%&) 'ead supportive texts usin$ developin$ phrasin$( luency( contextual( semantic( $rammatical and phonic )nowled$e and emer$in$ text processin$ strate$ies( or example prediction( monitorin$ meanin$ and rereadin$ (ACEL!1"%*) Understand that texts can ta)e many orms( can be very short ( or example an exit si$n) or +uite lon$ ( or example an in ormation boo) or a ilm) and that stories and in ormative texts have di erent purposes (ACELA14,-) S#$%EN# &$#"&!ES: .tudents will understand ormat and eatures o a procedural text/ .tudents will be able to en$a$e with peers in discussions and loo)in$ at examples o procedural texts e ectively/ .tudents will participate appropriately in the activities which are happenin$ while the teacher ta)es the $uided readin$ $roups/ 0inally students will be able to ollow a procedure to create a coloured se+uence o shapes in their summative assessment/ 'EE(LY LESS&N SE)$EN"E: Lesson 1ne2 Explicit teachin$ o procedural text/ 3hat is a procedure4 3hat is a procedural text4 5eacher will show examples o procedural texts especially ones which relate to the student6s lives li)e everyday se+uences and simple recipes/ 5eacher will $uide the class throu$h identi yin$ the materials needed and the necessary steps included when brushin$ your teeth/ .tudents will then be as)ed or other examples o procedural texts/ 'esponses to these +uestions will be used as pre7assessment or the next lessons/ Year level:

Lesson 5wo2 5eacher will read two procedural text bi$ boo)s to the class and discuss the eatures o a procedural text with the class/ As) +uestions about the texts7 as) literal +uestions and comprehensive +uestions about both texts/ 5his lesson will be to rein orce and chec) the students6 understandin$ o procedural texts/ Lesson 5hree2 5ext 'econstruction An example o a procedure (recipe) will be drawn and written on sentence strips and placed 8umbled up in a box9 plastic sleeve/ .tudents will wor) as a class to reconstruct the procedure into the correct order so it ollows the structure o a procedure and ma)es sense/ 5he teacher will read out the sentence strips to the class and $et them to decide which order they will $o in/ (Could also have the sentence strips on the .mart board i accessible/) Class discussion about the text when it is inished/ 5eacher corrects any mista)es i it is not ordered correctly( reads out correctly ordered text and may as) students literal and comprehensive +uestions about the completed text/ Lesson 0our2 5eacher will ta)e a $uided readin$ $roup who will read a procedural text $uided readin$ boo)/ Comprehension +uestions will be as)ed to this $roup/ 5he class )now how to wor) while the teacher ta)es a $uided readin$ $roup/ 5hey will wor) in their assi$ned $roups on other readin$ tas)s such as2 si$ht word bin$o( blendin$ bin$o/ Lesson 0ive2 5eacher will ta)e another $uided readin$ $roup who will read a procedural text $uided readin$ boo)/ Comprehension +uestions will be as)ed to this $roup/ 5he class )now how to wor) while the teacher ta)es a $uided readin$ $roup/ 5hey will wor) in their assi$ned $roups on other readin$ tas)s such as2 si$ht word bin$o( blendin$ bin$o/ Lesson .ix2 (.ummative assessment) .tudents will be tal)ed throu$h their own procedure/ 5eacher will read out materials needed in order and all students need to ma)e sure they have them with them at their des)s/ 5hey will all sit at their des)s and teacher will read out the instructions or the students to ollow/ :aterials needed2 Each student has 4 red shapes( ; blue shapes and 1 yellow shape/ <nstructions2 (teacher to read out) 1/ =lace one o your red shapes on your table/ ;/ =lace the two blue shapes next to the red shape/ ,/ =lace two red shapes next to the blue shape/ 4/ =lace the yellow shape next to the two red shapes/ %/ =lace the last red shape next to the yellow shape/ "/ 3ow> !ou have made a pattern/ 3ell done/ 5eacher will $et students to leave their patterns on their des)s and will write down 9 ta)e photos o each to see i they have ollowed the instructions/

(.ummative assessment) .e+uence2 'ed( blue( blue( red( red( yellow( red/ 5eacher directed class discussion overall about procedural texts/ S#$%EN# ASSESS!EN#: 0ormative assessment2 1n$oin$ throu$hout all o the six lessons determinin$ whether or not the students understand the content and are learnin$ e ectively/ .ummative Assessment2 .ee lesson six where students are tal)ed throu$h a speci ic procedure and have to ma)e their own pattern/

PLANNING for ENGLISH Area: Hand*riting Year level: R/

AI!: (SA"SA) (A"ARA) 7 5o communicate e ectively with their audiences( children control aspects such as writin$ top to bottom( le t to ri$ht( leavin$ spaces between words( and usin$ correct word order and )nown words and phrases/ ?@C"A 75o use consistent siBe( shape and space when handwritin$ a published piece/ (0rom the strate$ies @ey <dea( Early !ears Cand2 'D;EEn$lish( pa$e 1%4)/ 7 =roduce some lower case and upper case letters usin$ learned letter ormations (ACEL!1"%,) S#$%EN# &$#"&!ES: .tudents should be able to aim towards technically per ect handwritin$/ .tudents should ollow basic rules o handwritin$ or example correct posture/ .tudents will be able to write all six letters startin$ at the correct point and doin$ the correct rotations/ RE+EREN"ES and RES&$R"ES: 7Coo)2 5he Complete =honic Fandboo) 7Anythin$ which shows the correct ormations o G5he Cloc)wise Letters/6 'EE(LY LESS&N SE)$EN"E: All six handwritin$ lessons will ta)e the same orm as belowH althou$h they will be ocused on a new letter each lesson/ .ix letters have been chosen because they start in the same spot( $o down( and bac) up and over/ All letters will be written without lin)s/ .tructure o lessons2 1/ .tudents will watch teacher model how the letter is written on the board/ ;/ 5eacher will tal) about where the letter sits on the line( where it starts and that it $oes down( bac) up and over while demonstratin$ how to write the letter/ ,/ .tudents will $o to their des)s and will be reminded about havin$ a sharp pencil( correct posture( and to ma)e sure they remember where the letter starts and $oes rom there/ 4/ All students will receive a handwritin$ sheet similar to the one titled GFandwritin$6 below or the letter A/ (< do not have access to these sheets until < am at placement/) %/ 'eceptions will complete the sheet/ "/ !ear ones will complete the sheet but will also write a sentence in their boo)s which includes words startin$ with the ocus letter/

Lesson 1ne2 0ollow structure o lessons as stated or letter '( r/ Lesson 5wo2 0ollow structure o lessons as stated or letter I( n/ Lesson 5hree2 0ollow structure o lessons as stated or letter :( m/ Lesson 0our2 0ollow structure o lessons as stated or letter =( p/ Lesson 0ive2 0ollow structure o lessons as stated or letter F( h/ Lesson .ix2 0ollow structure o lessons as stated or letter C( b/ S#$%EN# ASSESS!EN#: 0ormative assessment2 1bservations and anecdotal notes ta)en while students were completin$ each lesson/ .ummative assessment2 Jet students to write in their boo)s each letter three times/ #ependin$ on how the students are copin$ the teacher may have to read out each letter then $et students to write it three times rather than sendin$ them o to write each o the six letters all at once/


Practice writing the letter

a 5 times

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Practice writing the letter

5 times

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Write 3 words starting with A

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

PLANNING for ENGLISH Area: "o,-uting Year level: R/

AI!: (A"ARA) 7Comparin$ ob8ects rom the past with those o the present( usin$ comparative lan$ua$e such as KolderK( KnewerK ( or example K5his toy is olderKH K5hat computer $ame is more un than///K) ELCF-;- (< thou$ht we could have a discussion about how be ore computers there was only writin$ so we can see the chan$e between writin$ and typin$/) S#$%EN# &$#"&!ES: 7 .tudents will understand that typin$ on the computer is an alternative to hand writin$/ 7.tudents will show a pro$ression in their typin$ s)ills/ 7Understand that be ore computers and typin$ there was only writin$/ 'EE(LY LESS&N SE)$EN"E: Lesson 1ne2 5al) about )eyboard eatures/ Jive students a print out o a )eyboard on paper to practice indin$ the letters when the teacher says a letter or a )ey aloud/ :ost i not all students will be able to do this activity well/ 5his activity will chec) s)ills and will be used to demonstrate pro$ress at the end o the six lessons as students will have pro$ressed in their own individual typin$ s)ills as recorded in the pro$ram/ #iscussion about how be ore a computer there was only writin$ so we can see the chan$e between writin$ and typin$/ Lesson 5wo2 .tudents will be$in their assi$ned tas)s in the G5ypin$ 3eb6 pro$ram/ Lesson 5hree2 .tudents will complete assi$ned tas) in pro$ram G5ypin$ 3eb6/ 5as)s will be rom the be$inners section and will include thin$s li)e G5he home row )eys6( Gthe top row )eys(6 and Gthe bottom row )eys/6 5his pro$ram allows teachers to add the students in their class and assi$n tas)s or each lesson or the students to wor) throu$h at their own pace with the teachers help/ Lesson 0our2 .tudents will continue wor)in$ throu$h the tas)s on G5ypin$ 3eb6 in the be$inners section o the pro$ram with the teachers help/ Lesson 0ive2 .tudents will continue wor)in$ throu$h the tas)s on G5ypin$ 3eb6 in the be$inners section o the pro$ram with the teachers help/ Lesson .ix2 .tudents will continue wor)in$ throu$h the tas)s on G5ypin$ 3eb6 in the be$inners section o the pro$ram with the teachers help/ Cy the end o this

lesson students will be able to see their own pro$ress and could have completed nearly all o the tas)s in the be$inners section/ S#$%EN# ASSESS!EN#: =re assessment has been done on my speci ic class already throu$h observin$ the students in computin$ class/ :ost students do not )now where the letters are on the )eyboard and cannot type very +uic)ly( o ten typin$ the wron$ letters( even lo$$in$ into the computer is sometimes a problem/ Cecause o what < have observed we will $o almost bac) to basics and use the G5ypin$ 3eb6 to re resh and develop students )nowled$e/ 0ormative Assessment2 #one in all lessons/ Can students wor) throu$h the tas)s on their own and complete them e iciently4 Are students pro$ressin$ throu$h the pro$ram well4 .ummative assessment2 5he summative assessment o the six lessons is more about each student6s pro$ress rather than their per ormance in s)ills/ .o the ormative assessments( the pre assessment and the records on the G5ypin$ 3eb6 pro$ram will be used to put to$ether whether or not the child made pro$ress/

PLANNING for ENGLISH Area: P.onic//S-elling AI!S: (A"ARA) @now that spo)en sounds and words can be written down usin$ letters o the alphabet and how to write some hi$h7 re+uency si$ht words and )nown words (ACELA17%&) @now how to use onset and rime to spell words (ACELA14,&) Understand the variability o sound E letter matches (ACELA14%*) S#$%EN# &$#"&!ES: .tudents will continue to wor) with Lolly =honics pro$ram which school already use/ .tudents will e ectively complete the spellin$ test summative assessment in the last lesson/ .tudents will appropriately participate in the lash cards activity at the be$innin$ o each lesson/ 'EE(LY LESS&N SE)$EN"E: Lesson 1ne2 #o Lolly =honics lash cards with the students/ .tudents do sound and action as a response to seein$ each card/ Continue with Lolly =honics pro$ram already runnin$ in the class/ 0ocus on the spellin$ lists and activities or that wee) in Lolly phonics pro$ram/ Lessons 1 to % will ta)e the same ormat as lesson one/ Lesson 5wo2 Lolly =honics lash cards/ Continue with Lolly =honics pro$ram/ Lesson 5hree2 Lolly =honics lash cards/ Continue with Lolly =honics pro$ram/ Lesson 0our2 Lolly =honics lash cards/ Continue with Lolly =honics pro$ram/ Lesson 0ive2 Lolly =honics lash cards/ Continue with Lolly =honics pro$ram/ Lesson .ix2 #o Lolly =honics lash cards with the students/ .ummative assessment2 A spellin$ test with a mixture o ;- words selected rom the previous wee)s spellin$ lists/ S#$%EN# ASSESS!EN#: 0ormative2 'ecords o the Lolly =honics wor)sheets and the students6 participation in the lash cards activity each lesson/ .ummative2 A spellin$ test with a mixture o ;- words selected rom the previous wee)s spellin$ lists/

Year level: R/


PLANNING for ENGLISH Area: Non0fiction 'riting AI!: (A"ARA) Understand that the purposes texts serve shape their structure in predictable ways (ACELA1447) Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the communication o others in in ormal and structured classroom situations (ACEL!1"4") #escribe some di erences between ima$inative in ormative and persuasive texts (ACEL!1"%&) S#$%EN# &$#"&!ES: .tudents will )now how to draw a se+uence o steps or a procedure/ .tudents will understand ormat and eatures o a procedural text/ .tudents will be able to en$a$e with peers in discussions and loo)in$ at examples o procedural texts e ectively/ .tudents will be able to create their own procedure on GFow to ma)e a ruit s)ewer/6 'EE(LY LESS&N SE)$EN"E: Lesson 1ne2 5eacher will re resh student6s )nowled$e about what a procedural text is/ (5his unit ollows on rom the unit on readin$ procedural texts/) 5eacher will show examples o drawn se+uences and explain they are procedures/ 5al) about how they have pictures to visually show what to do and what it should loo) li)e and thin it has the steps written out/ 5as)2 .tudents will $o to their des)s and draw a se+uence with , or 4 steps o how to do somethin$/ 5eacher will have a list o thin$s to choose rom i necessary/ 5eacher will scribe what the students draw/ .tudents then $et into pairs and share their procedures/ Lesson 5wo2 As a class students will loo) at a recipe and speci ically about the lan$ua$e used in the recipe/ 0or example the headin$s or G3hat you need6 and G3hat you do6( the wordin$ o each instruction and how it demands an action( action verbs and adverbs/ As) students or alternatives or the headin$s/ Also draw student6s attention to the tar$et audience or a recipe bein$ the reader as we ollow the steps to ma)e the product/ Lesson 5hree2

Year level: R/

Create procedure as a class on how to ma)e a mil)sha)e or how to ma)e an ice7cream sundae/ <nclude materials needed and the steps in order/ .tudents will tell the teacher what they thin) they need in and what order it $oes in and the teacher will put it on the board in procedure ormat/ Class discussion about what is included in a procedure/ Lesson 0our2 .tudents will be $iven a wor)sheet with a recipe on it with some words or pictures missin$ which they have to ill in/ 0or example step , mi$ht be add the MMMMM to the dry lour mixture/ 1r you will need , MMMMMMMMM/ .tudents complete the wor)sheet and re lect as a class on how they decided what words to add and what pictures to draw to complete the recipe so it ma)es sense/ Lesson 0ive2 .tudents will be $iven print outs o ima$es o ruit such as strawberries( apple pieces( $rapes( pineapple and watermelon and they will have to write out their own procedure on GFow to ma)e my ruit s)ewer/6 =rocedure will need to include what ruit pieces they will need and how many and the se+uence in which the ruit $oes onto the s)ewer/ .tudents will be told they need at least 4 pieces o ruit on their s)ewer and the most they can have is & pieces/ .tudents will be $iven a wor)sheet titled2 GFow to ma)e my ruit s)ewer/6 (see below) 5he students will need to stic) the printed out ima$es o ruit they want to use in the boxes on the wor)sheet in the Gwhat you will need section/6 (.ome students may need ewer materials as they may write ; pieces o apple etc/) 5hen students will need to draw a picture o their s)ewer and then the teacher and a helper will scribe the steps to ma)in$ the s)ewer as the child says them/ 5hese wor)sheets will be displayed in the classroom as G1ur =rocedure2 Fow to ma)e 0ruit .)ewers/6 Lesson .ix2 .tudents will continue to complete their ruit s)ewer wor)sheets and $et them scribed by the teacher and the teacher helper/ (0inished product is the summative assessment/)


1Ho* to ,a2e ,3 +ruit S2e*er4 '.at 3ou *ill need to ,a2e t.e /2e*er: 5 65 75







!3 /2e*er: (.tudents draw their s)ewer to be scribed later/)

Ho* 3ou *ill ,a2e t.e /2e*er: (this part will be scribed by the teacher a ter the students have drawn their s)ewers/ 0or example i a student draws a s)ewer with two pieces o watermelon then one piece o pineapple and one strawberry the steps would be said by the student and would be written somethin$ li)e2 1/ .lide two pieces o watermelon onto the s)ewer/ ;/ .lide one piece o pineapple onto the s)ewer/ ,/ .lide one strawberry onto the s)ewer/

4/ Eat and en8oy>

S#$%EN# ASSESS!EN#: 0ormative2 (#one in all lessons) #id students participate in the lessons actively and e ectively4 .ummative2 #id students ollow instructions and draw their own ruit s)ewer with at least 4 pieces o ruit and no more than & pieces4 #id students complete the wor)sheet and tell the teacher the steps in order so the teacher could scribe them4


PLANNING for ENGLISH Area: Gra,,atical (no*ledge AI!: (A"ARA) 'eco$nise that di erent types o punctuation( includin$ ull stops( +uestion mar)s and exclamation mar)s( si$nal sentences that ma)e statements( as) +uestions( express emotion or $ive commands (ACELA144*) Explore di erences in words that represent people( places and thin$s (nouns( includin$ pronouns)( happenin$s and states (verbs)( +ualities (ad8ectives) and details such as when( where and how (adverbs) (ACELA14%;) S#$%EN# &$#"&!ES: .tudents will complete activities within the Lolly Jrammar pro$ram/ .tudents will show pro$ress in the speci ic $rammar s)ills ocused on/ LESS&N SE)$EN"E: Lesson 1ne2 Continue on with Lolly Jrammar pro$ram which the school already have in place/ 0ocusin$ on capital letters/ Lesson 5wo2 Lolly Jrammar pro$ram ocusin$ on capital letters/ Lesson 5hree2 Lolly Jrammar pro$ram ocusin$ on proper nouns/ Lesson 0our2 Lolly Jrammar pro$ram ocusin$ on common nouns/ Lesson 0ive2 Lolly Jrammar pro$ram ocusin$ on personal pronouns/ Lesson .ix2 .tudents will be $iven a photocopied pa$e o a procedural text which they have used in the readin$ lessons and they will need to do the ollowin$ when the teacher reads out the instructions/ <nstructions2 7Circle three capital letters/ 7Fi$hli$ht a common noun/ 7Underline a proper noun/ Class discussion about capital letters( proper and common nouns and personal pronouns/ S#$%EN# ASSESS!EN#: 0ormative2 0ormative assessment will be in the orm o notes and records rom Lolly Jrammar pro$ram/ .ummative2 .tudents will complete lesson six activities which will be the summative assessment/

Year level: R/


PLANNING for ENGLISH Area: &ral Language Year level: R/

AI!: (A"ARA) 'epresent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety o ways such as oral and written lan$ua$e( drawin$ and role play (AC.<.-;*) :a)e short presentations usin$ some introduced text structures and lan$ua$e( or example openin$ statements (ACEL!1"%7) Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the communication o others in in ormal and structured classroom situations (ACEL!1"4") S#$%EN# &$#"&!ES: .tudents will develop their oral lan$ua$e s)ills/ All children will participate e ectively and appropriately/ LESS&N SE)$EN"E: Lesson 1ne2 5eacher will read the boo) The Very Hungry Caterpillar/ .tudents will be put into discussion $roups o , and each $roup will be $iven a timer/ 5eacher explains each person has to tal) or 1 minute in each $roup o , and that each student needs to thin) o a di erent idea/ .u$$est to students that a ter the caterpillar has a stomach ache he has a wee)6s ree time to G ill in6 be ore it is time to spin his cocoon/ 3hat mi$ht the caterpillar decide to do durin$ the wee)4 Jroups discuss and each student must tal) or a minute usin$ the timer/ Come bac) to$ether as a $roup and some students share their ideas/ Lesson 5wo2 Choose a topic rom the tal)in$ list which will be supplied by the teacher or created with the teacher and students/ 0or example2 Gwhat three thin$s would you li)e to ta)e with you i you went on a holiday46 .tudents tal) in their discussion $roups about the +uestion( each student spea)s or 1 minute and then there is a class discussion about some o the ideas/ Lesson 5hree2 .tudents will use the class puppets or puppets they have made themselves and ma)e them tal)/ .tudents all tal) or 1 minute and then there is a class discussion about what the puppets had to say/ Lesson 0our2 'ead G5he .ilent 1wl6 by Clemency =earce/ As) students what they thin) could have happened i the owl did tal)4 3hat mi$ht he have said4 Each student spea)s or 1 minute then there is a class discussion/ Lesson 0ive2 'ead the boo) GJrandmother6 by Leannie Ca)er/ As) students to tell each other what they do when they visit their Jrandmother or Jrand ather or an Aunty or Uncle/ Lesson .ix2 .tudents are as)ed the +uestion Gwhat would happen i an alien came to school46 5eacher explains they want three di erent answers in each

$roup o three and each student must spea) or a minute/ 5he classroom teacher and a class helper will $o around with a list o student names and tic) them o when they have heard them spea)in$/ < the two teachers have not heard all o the )ids spea) a ter the three minutes they will as) another +uestion/ 0or example they mi$ht read the nursery rhyme Little 'ed 'idin$ Food and as) the +uestion2 G3hat mi$ht have happened i Little 'ed6s #ad went to see Jrandma instead46 5hen there would be a class discussion about the students6 responses/ S#$%EN# ASSESS!EN#: 0ormative2 5eacher has a list o student names and $oes around +uic)ly while students are spea)in$ or 1 minute and mar)s o when she hears each student spea)in$/ 5eacher will not hear every student every lesson but students will not )now when they will be called on to tell the class their response so they will always have a response ready/ .ummative2 Lesson six is summative/ #id all students tal) in lesson "4 #id each student come up with their own answer4


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