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Federation for Deaf Children Incorporated

Minutes of the Executive Committee of the New Zealand Federation for Deaf Children Inc, on the 2 !pril 2"#2 Meetin$ opened at %2&am Deaf !otearoa, 'ellin$ton
(resent Interpreters # 2 !polo$ies !dditions to )eneral *usiness - DEA ! re"ort - Data collection - Parent #entor "rogramme (revious Minutes That the minutes o$ the E%ecutive Committee meeting &'th (e)ruary &*+& )e received,a""roved -ith the amendment that the motion re Austria con$erence )e included in the minutes. Alan Bensley #atters Arising1 / (residents .eport Alan s"o2e to his re"ort. #atters arising1 - Tauranga (unds1 Suggest have Se"tem)er !(DC meeting in Tauranga. Possi)ly have a (amily event on the Saturday )e$orehand. - /ne Board 3KDEC 4 0ADEC5 -as announced on Thursday and -e understand that it -ill )e com)ined )y the end o$ the year. There -ill )e a !(DC re" on that )oard. The "arent re" -ill )e that o$ a child currently receiving services. - Brian Co$$ey to )e the s"ea2er $rom the #inistry o$ Education at the !(DC con$erence - 6earing Association A7#1 no one a)le to attend - /utstanding matters $rom "revious meeting1 Alan still to contact !is re insurance, Leah re orthland a""lication $or scholarshi" 4 to send Sue "hoto o$ Patric2 #ulrennan $or the ne%t ne-sletter !ctions% - Kate to $ind out a)out the iPad a"" re !SL $or )a)ies. Contact Ally 36ands through your 0oices5 and $ollo- u" the iPhone a"" that Judith sa- in Australia 8 yrs ago. Judith to email Kate -ith contact she had $rom Australia. - Kelly to invite Lesley Longstone 4 6e2ia Porata to !(DC con$,A7# M,-I,N% That Julie Patterson )e the voting delegate at the &*+& (D A7#. SEC/ DED1 Judith Sosich C!..IED Alan Bensley, Julie Patterson, Judith Sosich, Sue Cammell, Kelly Davy, Andrea Craig, Jill Taylor, Kate Lyde

+ M,-I,N%



Alan Bensley

SEC/ DED1 Kelly Davy


As "er the President9s :e"ort, the $ollo-ing motions -ere carried out )et-een meetings via email. M,-I,N #% #/0ED1 M,-I,N 2% That ; 3Alan Bensley5 move that the motion to send Alan 4 Julie to the (CE; and 6S con$erences, )e -ithdra-n. Alan Bensley SEC/ DED1 Sue Cammell C!..IED

That ; 3Alan Bensley5 move that (ederation send one delegate, Julie Patterson, to )oth the (CE; &*+& and 6S &*+& con$erences and that <=,*** )e allocated $rom the e%ternal con$erences )udget $or this "ro>ect. ; also move that a second delegate, Alan Bensley, )e sent )ut only i$ su$$icient e%ternal $unding is raised to $ully $und this delegate. Alan Bensley SEC/ DED1 Sue Cammell C!..IED 3' $or, & against5

#/0ED1 M,-I,N% #/0ED1 M,-I,N% #/0ED1 M,-I,N% #/0ED1 0

That -e rati$y the a)ove & motions. Alan Bensley SEC/ DED1 Kelly Davy C!..IED

That -e rati$y that Kelly Davy 4 Alan Bensley attend the D;AS con$erence held in ?ueensto-n on #ay +8-+@ at a cost o$ u" to <A,***. Judith Sosich SEC/ DED1 Julie Patterson C!..IED C!..IED

That the President9s re"ort )e received,acce"ted Alan Bensley SEC/ DED Kate Lyde

1ecretar23s .eport Kelly s"o2e to her re"ort. #atters arising1 - Be)site1 Photo on $ront "age needs to )e u"dated 4 grou" in$ormation should )e u" to date. Andrea volunteered to lead the "ro>ect to revie- the -e)site 34 -ill loo2 at Dea$ Children Australia -e)site5. - An a""lication has )een su)mitted to /ticon to get /tto9s $or our Kits. - Be understand 3through 0al Smith5 that an AoDC "osition has )een advertised, 4 a""lications have no- closed. 6o-ever, our understanding $rom the meeting -ith #ar2 -as that no A/DC "ositions -ould )e re"laced until the AoDC reviehad )een com"lete. Be -ill continue to -atch this s"ace. eed to get documentation $rom 0an Asch re :TD criteria 4 "rocess $or /:S , non-/:S students so -e can see ho- it com"ares to KDEC. - /utstanding matters $rom "revious meeting1 !SL classes on -e)site C this is still a -or2-in-"rogress. !ctions% - Kelly to as2 Parent grou"s $or recent "hotos that could )e used on the -e)site. Sue to as2 through ne%t ne-sletter - Kelly to re"ly to Stuart #arsland re his concerns 4 $or-ard #ar2 Douglas9s email i$ he -ants to $ollo- u" $urther. - Julie to invoice Chris Blum $or ! :elay s"onsorshi" o$ !(DC A7# - Alan to send Kelly the contact details $or the Telecom sta$$ she can contact re C;$riendly Android "hone - Alan to meet -ith Bernie 4 get documentation around :TD criteria,"rocess in -riting.

M,-I,N% #/0ED1

That the SecretaryDs re"ort )e received,acce"ted Kelly Davy SEC/ DED Andrea Craig


-reasurers .eport Julie s"o2e to her re"ort. #atters arising1 !ctions% - Alan to create a ne- sli" to go -ith Kits, -ithout the Credit card o"tion as -e no longer have this $acility. Jill to $or-ard Alan the old $orm. - Jill to contact the Thorneycro$t $amily re their credit card "ayment 4 give )an2 account num)er $or a direct "ayment.

M,-I,N% #/0ED1 &

That the Treasurer9s re"ort )e received,acce"ted and the accounts "aid in the Treasurer9s re"ort )e rati$ied and the accounts "resented $or "ayment "aid. Julie Patterson SEC/ DED Sue Cammell C!..IED (ortfolio reports !. 1ervices 56ate7 Kate9s re"ort -as ta)led. #atters arising1 !ctions% - Alan to give Kate in$o a)out APD grou" 3Christchurch 4 Auc2land5

M,-I,N% #/0ED

That the Services re"ort )e received,acce"ted and that the reim)ursements $or assistive devices 4 tutor $ees )e "aid as "er the re"ort. Kate Lyde SEC/ DED Julie Patterson C!..IED

*. Famil2 6its 58ill7 Jill9s re"ort -as ta)led. #atters arising1 - Jill has )een in contact -ith Po"e Print. They do have our logo 4 can screen "rint onto )ags. A$ter discussion, it -as decided to order $rom Brand+*A in Auc2land. - Jill has a E(ull 2itF 4 E)asic 2itF that gets sent de"ending on age o$ child and holong since diagnosis. !ctions% - Jill to get &* )oo2 list )rochures "rinted. Alan to "rint +** to give to Jill ne%t meeting. - Sue to organise getting )ags "rinted as soon as "ossi)le M,-I,N% #/0ED M,-I,N% #/0ED That -e s"end u" to <+*** to "urchase 4 have "rinted )ags $or Kits, A7# 4 general "u)licity. Alan Bensley SEC/ DED Jill Taylor C!..IED C!..IED

That the (amily ;n$ormation Kit re"ort )e received, acce"ted. Jill Taylor SEC/ DED Andrea Craig C. Communications9 Newsletter 51ue7 Sue s"o2e to her re"ort. #atters arising1 !ctions% - Alan to send names to ic2 $or the (D mailout.

M,-I,N% #/0ED

That the Communications re"ort )e received,acce"ted. Sue Cammell SEC/ DED Kelly Davis G


D. 'e:site ; -echnolo$2 < o E%ecutive in this role currently. E. =ice<(resident .eport 58udith7 Judith s"o2e to her re"ort. M,-I,N% #/0ED > That the 0ice-President re"ort )e received,acce"ted. Judith Sosich SEC/ DED Julie Patterson )eneral *usiness C!..IED

!. NZFDC !)M 2"#2

Covered under Secretary9s re"ort


Famil2 *oo?

Discussed 4 several revisions made. !ctions% - Everyone to email any $urther revisions to Kelly )y 8 #ay - Kelly to su)mit $eed)ac2

C. Meetin$ with MoE ## !pril

Covered in President9s :e"ort


-he Final Frontier

Covered in Secretary9s :e"ort E. M!)NE!(DC received a letter $rom #agnet as2ing $or donations or $inancial assistance. !ctions% - Kelly to re"ly that -e are loo2ing $or-ard to -or2ing colla)oratively -ith them. (. 1tretch (roductions !(DC received an email $rom Brent #cPherson re "roducing a D0D. As !(DC -ould have to "ay $or the "roduction, it -as decided to leave the decision until the ne%t e%ecutive is elected. 7. Carol2n )race @ access for deaf parents Covered in President9s :e"ort. A. NZFDC 'e:site To )e discussed $urther via email. I. DE!NZ /n &=,8, DEA ! voted to discontinue. The trustees made the decision that uns"ent $unds -ill go to !(DC -ith the "roviso that it is used to hel" reinstate grou"s that are not $unctioning. Letter coming. 8. Data collection 0al Smith has )een as2ed to do a sna"shot ne%t month on dea$ 4 hearing im"aired children 4 -here they are at learning--ise. This survey -ill only ca"ture those on AoDC caseload, so -ill only sho- a EsliceF o$ the true "icture. !ctions% - Jill to chec2 -ith 0al i$ she -ants us to do anything. 6. (arent Mentor pro$ramme Julie hasn9t had time to $ollo- u" all $amilies that have reHuested a Parent #entor,

)ut has contacted the & $rom Christchurch. The trustees need to meet 4 loo2 at a -ay $or-ard and re"ort )ac2 to the ne%t !(DC meeting. B. Aonararium Alan, Julie 4 Kelly le$t the room -hilst the honaraium -as discussed. ;t -as agreed to divide the <@,*** as $ollo-s1 Treasurer <&,***, President <+,@**, Secretary <+,*** #eeting closed at A1+&"m e%t #eeting 1 Saturday &A June &*+& Chair"erson9s Signature Date IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII


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