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Federation for Deaf Children Incorporated

Minutes of the Executive Committee of the New Zealand Federation for Deaf Children Inc Date !enue Meetin$ opened at
'resent Kate Whale "polo$ies "dditions to (eneral )usiness 'revious Minutes Honorariums

Sunday th May Christchurch "irport #ooms %&. &am

Alan Bensley, Jill Taylor, Kelly Davy, Lena Smith, Andrea Craig

M*+I*N, That the minutes of the !e"utive Committee meeting dated Sunday #$th %ar"h &$#' (e re"eived)a**roved+ %,- D.Alan S C,/D D. Jill C"##IED

Matters "risin$

Deaf du"ation Centres - no res*onse at this stage+ $0$$ Calls - no more "alls that 1e are a1are of A**li"ation for La*to* 2unding to 3u( Charity - Alan has ' 4uotes and "om*leted the a**li"ation forms for for1arding+ Brought to meeting to get /52DC stam* to authorise+ These t1o la*to*s 1ill (e for Alan in his role as 3resident and Kate in her role as %inute Se"retary)Tutor 2ee Assistive Devi"es 3ortfolio+ Human 6ights Commission - no res*onse as yet /e1(orn Hearing S"reening Conferen"e - 3arent led tal7)dis"ussion s"heduled for the Thursday afternoon *rior to the "onferen"e has (een "an"elled due to la"7 of interest Alan)Andrea attended the S*e"ial du"ation %eeting in Wellington and s*o7e to Brian Coffey re. "om*laints)"om*liments to %anagers of Advisors of Deaf Children - he 1ishes for us to for1ard them dire"t to him at his email (rian+"offey8minedu+govt+n9 S C,/D D. Jill C"##IED

%,- D.Alan 'resident-s #eport -

6elay Advisory Board - Che"7 to see if Kate 1ould li7e to attend the meeting 1ith Alan :they *ay for all; Tiara Time - Andrea and Kate 1ill attend A**li"ation to 3u( Charity - ready to a**ly+ %otion. A**li"ation to (e sent to 3u( Charity for funding to *ur"hase t1o la*to*s for /52DC use+ S C,/D D. Lena C"##IED

%,- D.Alan

. /2D A<% %eeting - Alan and Lena 1ill attend - D C=s - >t 1as noted that there has (een no "ommuni"ation from the ne1 Board of (oth s"hools+ -mailed letter to <lenn Dillon :Chair of Board;, Bernie %ul"ahy and David 2oster 1ith CC to Brian Coffey to as7 1hat is ha**ening, 1hat they are *lanning et"+ Also advised date of /52DC A<% to see7 u*dates 1hen they attend - /52DC A<% ?)@ July - /eed to organise >nter*reters, A guest s*ea7ers - Brian Coffey from %in of d+ 6e* from D C Board *refera(ly <lenn Dillon and)or S"hool 3rin"i*al=s+ Also invite our 3atron=s <overnor <eneral and his 1ife and Deaf %3 %oBo %athers - Honorariums - to (e dis"ussed in <eneral Business M*+I*N, %,- D. "ctions from 'resident-s report Secretary-s #eport /See 6e*ort; That the 3resident=s re*ort (e re"eived)a""e*ted Alan S C,/D D. Kelly C"##IED

- Alan Send in a**li"ation to 3u( Charity - Alan Who=s Who list to (e "om*leted (y '$ June - Alan)Jill)Lena to *rovide u*date on /2D A<% at ne!t meeting - 2amily Boo7 - Jill to get more and 1ill ta7e to A<% for 3arent <rou*s - /2D A<% - Alan and Lena Coun"il 6e*=sC Dis"ussion on another *erson to go and (e involved 1ith Alan ste**ing do1n at our A<%, Jill 7een to go+ Andrea to (oo7 flights+ Jill and Alan flights 1ill (e *aid for (y /2D+ M*+I*N, That Jill Taylor to attend the /2D A<% in Au"7land as /52DC -oting Delegate+ %,- D. Alan S C,/D D. Lena C"##IED - Humming(ird 3rint - Still have >nvoi"es sent to /52DC 1hi"h a"tually (elong to Au"7land 3arents <rou*+ They have a Develo*ment Co-ordinator 1ho Lena 1ill "onta"t to sort out+ - /5SL Di"tionary - DE0+0$ ea"h - too e!*ensive for us to *ut in Kits - Tauranga <rou* Fmas Time <athering - Kelly s*o7e to Brad a(out "oming do1n to the A<% so they "an learn from other grou*s+ We still hold funds for Tauranga so "ould *ay for the "ost+ M*+I*N, That /52DC should su**ort u* to & adults to attend the &$#' A<% in Dunedin in"luding a""ommodation and travel and that the funds "ome from Tauranga funds holding+ %,- D. Alan S C,/D D. Kelly C"##IED - Alan to get minutes to see if 1ounding u* of D A/5 minutes lets funds 1e re"eived (e used to hel* Asso"iate <rou* %em(ers attend A<%=s, meetings et"+ M*+I*N, That D A/5 minutes (e sought to "onfirm 1hether /52DC "an use funds for Asso"iate <rou* %em(ers attend A<%=s, meetings et"+ %,- D. Kelly S C,/D D. Alan C"##IED M*+I*N, %,- D. That the Se"retary=s re*ort (e re"eived)a""e*ted Kelly S C,/D D. Alan C"##IED

"ctions from Secretary-s report

Jill to ta7e "o*ies of 2amily Boo7 to A<% in July for 2amily <rou*s Andrea to (oo7 flights for Alan and Jill to attend /2D A<% Lena to s*ea7 to Au"7land 3arents Develo*ment Co-ordinator to sort out Humming(ird 3rint issues Andrea to (oo7 flights for those to attend /52DC A<% from Tauranga Kelly to (oo7 a""ommodation for those to attend /52DC A<% from

+reasurer-s #eport /See report0

Tauranga Alan to sour"e D A/5 1inding u* minutes to "larify funds use and advise via email to !e"utive Committee - Dis"ussion over 6einvestment of 2unds due off investment+ Committee thought ne1 in"oming mem(ers 1ould 1ant to vie1 and de"ide de*ending on 1hat ideas they have+ M*+I*N, 6einvestments as *er re*ort to (e left to rollover as *er letters re"eived+ %,- D . Jill S C,/D D. Andrea C"##IED - Auditor is "urrently lo"ated in >nver"argill+ After dis"ussion it 1as agreed that having one lo"al to our Treasurer 1ould (e more (enefi"ial for "onvenien"e+ M*+I*N, Jill 1ill loo7 into se"uring a ne1 Auditor for "onvenien"e at Timaru in time for this year=s A<% in early July+ %,- D . Jill S C,/D D. Kelly C"##IED M*+I*N, That the A"ting TreasurerGs re*ort (e re"eived)a""e*ted and the a""ounts *resented for *ayment, (e ratified+ %,- D. Jill S C,/D D. Alan C"##IED

"ctions from +reasurer-s report 'ortfolio #eports

Jill to sear"h for ne1 Auditor in Timaru and advise via email to Committee 1ith offers

Services :See re*ort;

Alan *resented Kate=s re*ort as she 1as una(le to attend Jill C"##IED

M*+I*N, That SeBin Boe to (e *aid+ %,- D .Alan S C,/D D.

M*+I*N, <a(riel Callaghan and Am(er Tio*ira-Waa7a ea"h re"eive Tertiary S"holarshi* for D#,$$$ ea"h+ %,- D .Alan S C,/D D. Jill C"##IED M*+I*N, That the Servi"es re*ort (e re"eived)a""e*ted and that the reim(ursements for assistive devi"es A tutor fees (e *aid as *er the re*ort+ %,- D. Alan S C,/D D. Andrea C"##IED "ctions from Services #eport Family 1its :See 6e*ort; Jill to organise *ayments to (e made to re"i*ients of S"holarshi*s and Tutor 2ees

M*+I*N, That the A""ount of D#$'+?H to (e *aid for Kit %aterials+ %,- D . Jill S C,/D D. Alan C"##IED M*+I*N, That the 2amily >nformation Kit re*ort (e re"eived) a""e*ted and *ur"hases verified+ %,- D . Jill S C,/D D. Andrea C"##IED

"ctions from Family 1its Family 2iaison

M*+I*N, That the 2amily Liaison re*ort (e re"eived) a""e*ted

:See re*ort; "ctions from Family 2iaison report Communications3 Newsletter :See re*orts;

%,- D .Kelly

S C,/D D.



Dis"ussed ho1 Lena=s family have s*ent some hours stuffing envelo*es and folding ne1sletters and she 1ishes to re"ognise her "hildren=s efforts+ Alan *aid s*e"ial mention of ho1 1ell Lena is doing her role and 1ith the Data(ase also+ M*+I*N, That a *ayment of DH$ to (e *aid to Lena for her to distri(ute as she sees fit, for time s*ent (y her family on organising ne1sletters distri(ution+ %,- D. Lena S C,/D D. Kelly C"##IED M*+I*N, That the Communi"ations re*ort (e re"eived)a""e*ted+ %,- D. Lena S C,/D D. Kelly C"##IED

"ctions from Communications 4e5site and +echnolo$y :/o 1ritten re*ort; "ctions from 4e5site and +echnolo$y (eneral )usiness

- Jill to organise *ayment of DH$ to Lena

M*+I*N, %,- D. -

That the We(site)Te"hnology re*ort (e re"eived)a""e*ted+ Andrea S C,/D D. Lena C"##IED

&$#' - &$#E D>AS Contra"t - # July - '$ June Has rolled over as is 1hi"h is fantasti"+ Bea"on),tago Con"ern - Julie 3atterson and Judith Sosi"h are the last & Dire"tors+ /eed to 1rite an identi"al letter to (oth as7ing 1hat is ha**ening to further Bea"on=s 1or7+ We are re"eiving 6e4uest and referrals and these need to (e ans1ered+ Co-ordinator is re4uired and as yet not found+ 3arent <rou*s are to (e "onta"ts for any en4uiries until further noti"e, 1hether Bea"on or normal en4uiries, as 1ith Bea"on not o*erating as felt 1e "an not let families and "ommunity do1n+ -olunteer A1areness Wee7 6e"e*tion <overnment House &$ June &$#' - Andrea and Kate to attend on (ehalf of /52DC+ 3hoto to (e ta7en and u*loaded on 2a"e(oo7 *age Annual 6e*orts - All 3ortfolio holders to su**ly re*ort to Alan for year end to *resent at A<%+ Honorarium for &$#' - Dis"ussion 1ith Alan stating he felt everyone had done a lot this year and deserved re"ognition+

M*+I*N, That the Se"retary, and A"ting Treasurer re"eive D#,H$$ ea"h and the remaining E Committee mem(ers re"eive DH$$ ea"h - %,- D . Alan S C,/D D. Andrea C"##IED - 3ortfolios - Loo7 at ho1 1e ma7e u* the 3ortfolios for the Committee+ Suggested that 1e ma7e them more family friendly and not so heavy on Bust a fe1 roles+ Something to thin7 a(out for the ne!t meeting+

"ctions from (eneral )usiness

Jill to *ay out Honorariums to Committee Kelly to 1rite letters to Julie 3atterson and Judith Sosi"h Andrea to u*load *hoto after <overnment House 6e"e*tion onto our 2a"e(oo7 *age All to thin7 on 3ortfolio Strategy

Meetin$ Closed Next Meetin$

&+HH*m Saturday ?th July 0am Kingsgate Hotel, Dunedin

66666666666666666666666666666666 Chairperson-s si$nature

66666666666666666666666666666666666 Date

+o Do 2ist from May Meetin$ and 'rep for "(M

Alan Send in a**li"ation to 3u( Charity Alan to "he"7 1ith Kate to see if she is availa(le to attend the /5 6elay Advisory Board meeting in July Alan Who=s Who list to (e "om*leted (y '$ June Alan)Jill)Lena to *rovide u*date on /2D A<% at ne!t meeting Alan to sour"e D A/5 1inding u* minutes to "larify funds use and advise via email to !e"utive Committee Send S*onsorshi* re4uest to /5 6elay for /52DC A<% Conta"t Christ"hur"h >nter*reters to see availa(ility for /52DC A<% Last 2e(ruary &$#' /52DC %inutes to (e s"anned and u*loaded to 1e(site Che"7 1hat Bea"on %oney is availa(le >deas for /52DC 3ortfolio Strategy &$#')&$#E year Write Annual 6e*ort for A<% due to Alan (y &Hth June Kelly to (oo7 a""ommodation for those to attend /52DC A<% from Tauranga Kelly to 1rite letters to Julie 3atterson and Judith Sosi"h re. Bea"on),tago 3arent <rou* "on"ern 1ith Kate=s hel* Letter to Deaf S"hool=s Board Chairman, and t1o 3rin"i*al=s for o*ening "ommuni"ation again >nvitation to Brian Coffey, <lenn Dillon, Bernie and David 2, %oBo %athers%3 and <overnor <eneral to our A<% in July -mail Lena "onta"t details 8 Deaf Aotearoa >deas for /52DC 3ortfolio Strategy &$#')&$#E year Write Annual 6e*ort for A<% due to Alan (y &Hth June Alan)Jill)Lena to *rovide u*date on /2D A<% at ne!t meeting Jill to ta7e "o*ies of 2amily Boo7 to A<% in July for 2amily <rou*s Jill to sear"h for ne1 Auditor in Timaru and advise via email to Committee 1ith offers Jill to organise *ayments to (e made to re"i*ients of S"holarshi*s and Tutor 2ees Jill to *ay out Honorariums to Committee >deas for /52DC 3ortfolio Strategy &$#')&$#E year Write Annual 6e*ort for A<% due to Alan (y &Hth June Lena to (eg) (ri(e Au"7land *arents to nominate someone for /52DC Committee Lena to s*ea7 to Au"7land 3arents Develo*ment Co-ordinator to sort out




Humming(ird 3rint issues Alan)Jill)Lena to *rovide u*date on /2D A<% at ne!t meeting Jill to organise *ayment of DH$ to Lena to "over family "ontri(ution >deas for /52DC 3ortfolio Strategy &$#')&$#E year Write Annual 6e*ort for A<% due to Alan (y &Hth June >deas for /52DC 3ortfolio Strategy &$#')&$#E year Kate to attend the /5 6elay Advisory Board %eeting in July on (ehalf of /52DCI Hel* Kelly "om*ose letters to Julie 3atterson and Judith Sosi"h a(out Bea"on Write Annual 6e*ort for A<% due to Alan (y &Hth June Andrea to (oo7 flights for Alan and Jill to attend /2D A<% Andrea to "hange !"ellen"e A1ards name on the 1e(site and do"uments Andrea to (oo7 flights for those to attend /52DC A<% from Tauranga Andrea to u*load *hoto after <overnment House 6e"e*tion onto our 2a"e(oo7 *age >deas for /52DC 3ortfolio Strategy &$#')&$#E year Write Annual 6e*ort for A<% due to Alan (y &Hth June



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