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Europass Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
Surname / First name
Address !elephone *ationalit# +ate o, birth /ender $omanian 24, -anuar#, 195. %ale

149th Fagetului Street, bl.2, ap.5, 305500 Lugo , !imis "ount#, $omania %obile& '40()44(5223)9

Desired employment !ana"ement #ec$nical %ield Occupational field &or' e(perience

+ates 011upation or position held %ain a1ti2ities and responsibilities *ame and address o, emplo#er !#pe o, business or se1tor -anuar# 19.)( present "hie, Leader ( Lugo +i2ision o, the S*!/* !$A*S/A3 45ploiting %agisterial 6ipes o, high pressure +i2ision Administrator %anagement a1ti2ities ( maintenan1e and e5ploiting o, pipes and installations )N#GN #RAN)GA* !EDIA) 1th /.4nes1u Street, %edias "it#, Sibiu "ount#, $omania %aintenan1e o, /as !ransporting under 6ipes

Education and trainin"

+ates 19.2 ( 19.7 !he 0il and /ases 8nstitute ( 6loiesti ( Spe1ialt#& +rilling 4ngineering +ualification Classes 1990 ( !he "athodes 6rote1tion 200. ( %aintenan1e o, /as !ransporting under 6ipes S1hool +iploma ; +rilling 4ngineering S1hool +iploma ; "onstru1tion Superintendent +i2ision Administration +rilling 4ngineering / %aintenan1e o, /a= !ransporting under 6ipes !he 0il and /ases 8nstitute ( 6loiesti

!itle o, 9uali,i1ation a:arded 6rin1ipal sub e1ts/o11upational s<ills 1o2ered *ame and t#pe o, organisation pro2iding edu1ation and training

Personal s'ills and competences

%other tongue>s? Romanian ton"ue

European level (*)

Listening %edium %edium $eading

Spo<en intera1tion %edium Spo<en produ1tion %edium %edium


4nglish 4nglish 4nglish 4nglish 4nglish

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

So1ial s<ills and 1ompeten1es 0rgani=ational s<ills and 1ompeten1es "omputer s<ills and 1ompeten1es +ri2ing li1ense

/ood abilit# to adapt to multi1ultural en2ironments, gained though m# :or< e5perien1e abroad@ good 1ommuni1ation s<ills gained through m# e5perien1e as +i2ision Administrator. Leadership >1urrentl# responsible ,or a team o, .0 people?@ sense o, organi=ation >e5perien1e in logisti1s?@ good e5perien1e in pro e1t or team management. /ood abilit# and <no:ledge dri2ing "omputers, :ell;earned b# sel,;per,e1tion.

"ategor# A@A

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