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NAME: _______________________________________________________________

Semester 1 & 2

PTV402 Video Communications II

Video Communications II prepares students for careers in the Audio/Video Technology industry. The course sequence focuses on duties and tasks performed by professionals in communications as well as pre-employment and employment skills.

Instructor: Ms. Vickie Lewis E-Mail: Phone: 320-4350 Office: Bldg. 220 Room 232 Office Hours: 7:30 AM 3:00 PM and by Appointment

1. All students need to have a three ring binder with dividers (5) and notebook paper. 2. Students need a good supply of pens and should have them with them daily. 3.Planners need to be with students on a daily basis. Students will not be allowed to go out of the classroom without a planner.

The Video Communication II course expands on the students application of skills developed in the first course. Students will use the project-oriented approach to refine their video production techniques while exploring concepts related to, but not limited to, studio production, on-site editing, video switching, lighting, scriptwriting, computer graphics, interview techniques, and computer based digital video processing.

Class Rules
Late Work
Late work will not be accepted for credit of any kind. Students work will be considered late if it is not handed in by the first five minutes of class on the day it is due. If the assignment is due by the end of the day, this is considered to be 2:35 unless students are attending Cyber Cafe. Students need to be clear about when an assignment is due ahead of time.

Major Instructional Activities:

A variety of instructional activities will be used to build on the skills mastered in Video Communications I. These activities include directing, studio lighting design, advanced special effects, animation, and studio/live production. Students will work with Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Tricaster Studio Pro, IDVD, IMovie, Itunes, and Garage Band.

Major Evaluative Techniques:

Students projects will be critiqued by their peers as well as the instructor. Students will also be expected to complete a capstone project that demonstrates mastery of skills acquired throughout the course.

Video Communications II

Aspen Grade Book

Aspen Grade Book provides real-time access to your students grades. I encourage you to monitor their progress by checking Aspen Grade Book regularly. You can also contact me at anytime via email during my office hours for additional help or to answer questions about how your student is doing. I also suggest that all students have an account so that they too can be proactive about their grades and their work.

Students are given one day for each day they are absent to make up work. Not one class day one calendar day. Therefore if a student is out on Monday, they should make time to find their instructor on Tuesday, and should be ready to turn it in their work on Wednesday during class. If work is not made up in time it is late and will be given a zero. Students may always email the teacher to find work they are missing to stay up to date.

Evaluation for the course is based on unit tests, class work, bell work (work started the moment the bell rings and ends between 2 and 5 minutes later), participation grade, and the semester exam (worth 20% of the semester grade), and projects that go along with each unit.

Bell Work
This year bell work will have a direct impact on a students grade. A student should be in their chair with their materials ready to go when the bell rings, as this is when we will begin. Test questions, notes, information, etc. will take place during the bell work time period. Also, the schools writing and math goals will be reviewed as it relates to our content area during this time

Classroom Management
Class Rules: Students are expected to be on-task and working on classroom lessons and assignments during their class period at all times. Students will lose 20 points off of their weekly participation grade each time they are found on a website that does not directly pertain to the assignments in class, or on websites that they were not specifically told to be on. Students are never authorized to be playing games whether on the computer or on any other device. Students should not have iPods or similar device music devices with them and they may never be connected to the computers for any reason. There is never to be any food or drink in the classroom that is out or open (it must be put away in a students locker or backpack), this includes candy and gum.

Behavioral Plan: In the event that a student is behaving in a way that prevents
others from learning in the classroom, the following steps will be taken to help stop those behaviors: 1. The student will be given a warning and the incident will be logged. 2. If the behavior continues, the parent will be contacted via phone or email. The incident will be logged. 3. If the unwanted behaviors are still occurring, the student will be given a detention and the Administration will be informed about what is going on. 4. If the unwanted behaviors continue, the student will be referred to the Administration. After this point, each time the behavior exists the student will be referred to the administration.

Each student is expected to:

Stay on-task and focus on work Participate in class discussions Have an up to date notebook with all notes, assignments, tests, and projects Treat classmates, teachers and administrators, computers, and facilitators with respect Read completely and follow ALL directions from the first time given Try New things Try to work through problems at least 2 times before asking for help Request help when needed...communication is

As always, any severe disruption will result in an automatic referral to the administration for disciplinary action and steps 1-3 will be eliminated, though the parent will be contacted.

Emails: During the school week, I will respond to emails within 24 hours. On
weekends, it may take longer....please do not expect a response until Monday. If you do not receive a reply from me by the next day, please try contacting me again and make sure I received the message.


If you dont understand something ask for help in a professional manner.

Video Communications II

Grading Policy
All work should be high quality and is expected by the due date to be graded. Any late work will receive a grade of zero but must be turned in for zero credit to move forward. You may always turn work in early or ask for a review and suggestions before the due date. This will ensure the best chance for success. If you will be out of school for any length of time you need to let me know before you leave. This includes school-sponsored trips, sporting events, and family vacations. The earlier you get the work prior to a trip the better opportunity you will have for success.
If you miss class time for trips/absences, you will need to schedule at least equal amount of time to make up the work and to get with the teacher for instructions (either in class, after school, seminar, or in cyber caf). Please see the student handbook for all the school rules and regulations regarding absences, prearranged absences, due dates, etc. The guidelines given in the student handbook will be upheld.


Naming Assignments:
Just like it is important to write your name on your paper in a traditional class, it is important that you save your assignments in a certain file format for me. If your name and assignment is not saved properly the assignment will not be graded on time or be guaranteed that it will be graded for the proper assignment. The following saving format is required: module#_assignment_lastna Where IN= Your

Assignments /Homework
NOTE: Homework for this class includes any work not completed within the time
frame of the school period devoted to your class and other outside projects. Assignments are generally considered to be work given out during class which should have been completed during class if time is used properly. If you are absent, you will need to schedule at least that amount of time to make up the work prior to the due date or a 0 for that assignment will be assigned.

Essential Software:
The focus of this course will be the use of Premiere Pro and/or Final Cut to produce a variety of short video productions. Fireworks, After Effects, Final Cut Pro and Garageband will be used in productions.

initials for example my completed Project: Word assignment from project 6 about flyers for a house would be named: Word6_ProjectFlyer_Lewi sVG.doc When saving your files, please save your files as .doc, .pdf, .jpg, .gif, .tif, .bmp, .ppt, .rtf, or.xls files. I will NOT accept files saved in any other format!

Naming Assignments:
Just like it is important to write your name on your paper in a traditional class, it is important that you save your assignments in a certain file format for me. If your name and assignment is not saved properly the assignment will not beExtra graded on time or be Tutoring/ Help guaranteed that it will be graded for the proper assignment.

Parent Signature

Student Signature

Sigonella Middle School/High School Vision Statement The Vision of Sigonella MS/HS is to prepare life-long learners, leaders, and global citizens.

Video Communications II

Tutoring or extra help is available The following saving format is through Cyber Caf, the after school required: program on Tuesdays and Thursdays module#_assignment_lastna or by appointment withIN= Ms. Lewis. Where Your initials for example my completed Project: Please see Ms. Lewis as soon as you are Word assignment from having problems or if you have any project 6 about flyers questions. Do not wait for them to get for a house out of hand before you say something would be named: as this may be too late. Word6_ProjectFlyer_Lewi sVG.doc When saving your files, please save your files as .doc, .pdf, .jpg, 3 .gif, .tif, .bmp, .ppt, .rtf, or.xls files. I will

Video Communications II

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