Nagios Talk

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HPSS/Nagios Services

Pete Siemsen September 26 (NCAB meeting)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Pings vs. Services

The NOC monitors 489 things with ping The NOC monitors services on 315 things Services includes BGP, DNS, SMTP, NTP,
HTTP, CPU, disk and custom things

HPSS monitors custom things

Monday, September 26, 2011

Services futures
NOC responds to HPSS services, but takes
no action for other services

Future: NOC will handle more services New Nagios centralization will allow
divisional Nagios servers to screen complex services

Monday, September 26, 2011

HPSS staff UCAR NOC staff at Mesa Lab HPSS Nagios server HPSS devices

NETS Nagios server at Mesa Lab

NETS devices

divisional devices NETS staff

Monday, September 26, 2011

UCAR NOC staff at NWSC HPSS Nagios server HPSS staff HPSS devices

NETS staff Central Nagios server at NWSC NETS Nagios server NETS devices

divisional staff divisional Nagios server divisional devices



Monday, September 26, 2011

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