Nov 1st-7th

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Name:_____________ November 1st 7th , 2013

Fa$i%y Ti&s: 7e "atient. 8hen our #hild is tr in$ to sound out an unfamiliar !ord, $ive him or her time to do so. Remind to #hild to loo4 #losel at the first letter or letters of the !ord. S&e%%in' !ords: them, !ill, made, from, as, our, ma4e, other, this, that (ha%%en'e )ord: $ravit *F+N+S, -P .S(/01 !+T, 0123+N456 +t7s the %ast )ee8 to record555 3-1 N/9. :T,555555

November Dth 9irheads 3"m/E"m November Dth and 12th -s. (re er out Cub November 10th/ 8ild#at 9ssembl

Friday/Saturday/Sunday Nov. 1st, 2nd, 3rd , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adult. You ma read a stor , ne!s"a"er arti#le or a ma$a%ine arti#le. *Project: &$$ 'hallen$e (ue Nov. 1)th Monday Nov. 4th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adult. **se ea#h s"ellin$ !ord in a senten#e. +use atta#hed lined "a"er, Tuesday Nov. th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adult. * -ath: .o"i# )/0 * -ath: .o"i# )/1 !ednesday Nov. "th , 2013 *Read for 20 minutes to an adult. *Readin$: 2en3s -ess Room Thursday Nov. #th , 2013 * Return home!or45 6arent si$nature: _______________________

*9nother $reat !ee4 at 8indsor 6re"arator 9#adem 55 seusslandin$.!eebl .#om Ne! 6i#tures *"5 0eadin': .his !ee4 in readin$ !e revie!ed all that !e have learned so far in :irst $rade55 8e s"o4e about #ontra#tions, nouns, "lural nouns, and more55 9s a #lass !e read and #om"leted a se;uen#in$ a#tivit on the boo4 <.here 8as an =ld >ad 8ho 9te a 7at.? 8e also read <>ittle @reen 8it#h? and dis#ussed !hat her "roblem !as in the stor and ho! she found a solution. 8e also dis#ussed #hara#ters and settin$ in both boo4s. Math: 8e sent this !ee4 ra""in$ u" .o"i# ): 9ddition :a#ts to 12. 8e !or4ed on usin$ a ten frame to find fa#ts !ith 0 and 105 Science: .his !ee4 !e !ra""ed u" tal4in$ about $ravit . 8e dis#ussed that no matter the mass of an obAe#t, all thin$s fall at the same s"eed. 'R9BY55 -s. :i%%le from the -a$i# C#hool 7us hel"ed us !ith our understandin$ of $ravit . .he more $ravit !e have, the harder it is to Aum"5 .hat is !h !e #an Aum" hi$her on the moon then &arth. .he moon has less $ravit 55

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