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Student Registration Instructions

Your instructor chose MyHealthLab to help you succeed in this course. With rich media, your eText, and much more, your course provides you with the resources you need to master even the most difficult concepts. What You Need to Enroll in your Instructors Online Course

A Course ID:

(Your instructor will ive you this.!

A valid email address that you chec regularly

This address will be used to confirm your re istration and for other communication about the course. Your instructor will also use this email address to communicate with you.

A student access code ("r, you can pay with a credit card or a #ay#al account.!
This pre$paid code is printed inside the %tudent &ccess 'ode 'ard. The code card may be pac(a ed with your new textboo( or it may be available for purchase separately from your school)s boo(store.

!o Register and Sign in to Your Instructors Course the "irst !ime *o to 'lic( Student under +e ister. ,nter your 'ourse -. and clic( Continue. 'hoose your enrollment options +ead and accept the licensin a reement You have a #earson account if you have used other #earson online products. ,nter your username and password, and clic( Ne#t$ -f you don)t have a #earson account, clic( /0o1 or /0ot sure1 to search for possible accounts. 'omplete your account set up by enterin your name, email address, a username and password, and any other re2uired information. 'omplete the re istration process. #ayin for your course access. -f usin a credit card or #ay#al, you will be prompted to enter your payment
information before your re istration process is complete.

#rint the 'onfirmation 3 %ummary

You no% have access to your instructors online course$ 'lic( &o !o Your Course, and then in the left panel, clic( the course name to start your wor(. !o Sign in to Your Course Again 'ater +eturn to or 'lic( Sign In$ ,nter your #earson account username and password and clic( Sign In. -n the left panel, clic( the course name to continue your wor(.

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