Task 2

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HOW TO WRITE AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY At some point in your education or your career you will be required to make a presentation about

yourself or to write an autobiography as an assignment. Some people will welcome the opportunity to share their own personal experiences, while others will dread it. Whether you love this assignment or you hate it, you should start with the knowledge that your story is much more interesting than you probably realize. You may as well make the story enjoyable to your audience! An interesting story will get a better response from your audience and a better grade from a professor.

You will create a PowerPoint presentation about your autobiography. It must include graphics, text. Be create and explorative to use the menus of PowerPoint to make your presentation appealing. Your PowerPoint presentation must include: 4 or more slides, graphic categories, text must be complete and creative in using transition and animations. Your outline of vivid description of your autobiography. You must be aware of not using or presenting sensitive issues. Use academic language. Avoid obscure, unpleasant and repulsive language.

The following statements and questions may be used as to what you shall include in your autobiography:
TITLE (Slide 1) YOUR CHILDHOOD LIFE (Slide 2) Description of oneself (when and where was born, weight at birth, describe oneself when he/she was a little child, etc.) DESCRIPTION OF YOU (Slide 3) Description of yourself, personality and likes.

What are your interests and hobbies Are you involve in an after school program? (Slide 4) What do you like? What do you dislike? What makes you upset? How do you handle this in a responsible way? What makes you happy? (Slide 5) What are your strengths? Who do you admire and why?

YOUR FAMILY BACKGROUND (Slide 6) Introduce your parents Describe the size of your family Your parents philosophy and belief FUTURE PLAN (Slide 7) What is important to you? How do you picture yourself 10 or 12 years from now?

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