Frederick Douglass Scholarship Tips

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Th e F r ede ri c k Douglass M emorial and H istori c al A ssoc ia t ion Sc holarship E ssay Con t est Wri t ing Tips

i. Familiarize yourself with the life of Frederick Douglass beyond what you have learned during "Black History Month" celebrations, in school, church or community gatherings. Your school librarians and teachers can give you pointers on research within books, newspaper articles and the internet. ii. Document all resources and include them in your bibliography. iii. Your work should be scholarly, but include your own words in this paper. The Judges look for creativity in the way you approach your subject.

D raft O utlin e
iv. Even if you don't like to, draft an outline before you begin writing. Your thoughts will be more organized. Ask yourself if the paper will flow easily from your outline. If not, change it, so that it does. v. Back up your positions or arguments through concrete examples.

F ir st D raft
vi. Have a teacher, librarian, parent, older sibling or other adult review your first draft. vii. Ask them to pay special attention to the organization of the paper, the supporting details and elements that don't make sense to them. Adjust your writing in keeping with this advice, if you trust that it is correct. viii. Update your bibliography.

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E dit
ix. Have a teacher, librarian, parent, school mate or other adult review your paper for mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation).

F inal D raft
x. Read the paper out loud. Does it flow easily from point to point? Is it what you wanted to convey? xi. Make sure that the paper correlates with the question(s) of the essay; and is supported by research. Make sure that your own voice is heard in the paper.

F inish e d Produ c t
xii. You are ready to submit. Know that you have done your best and that the Frederick Douglass Memorial and Historical Association appreciates that you have chosen to participate in its annual Scholarship Competition. Thank you. Now relax.

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