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Our reference: SCDflsm

7 October 2013

Dr Naureen Baker CBE
Royal College of General Practitioners
30 Euston Square
London NW1 2FB

Dear Naureen

! ran a science policy workshop recently on the subject of Dermatology and was horrified to hear
of the unmet patient need we have out in the community, yet alone the hospital part. Dr Clare
Gerada was invited to the event but unable to attend, so a GP was not present at the Workshop.

! understand that in the UK, skin conditions are the sixth biggest disease burden accounting for
13 million GP consultations each year and a significant part of your colleagues' workload. This can
only go up because of our demographics and the on-going consequences of chronic photodamage
i.e. alarming increases in skin cancers. !n addition, ! am now persuaded of the increased
psychological needs of patients with skin conditions because they and the community cannot
escape from the visibility of the conditions all the time.

! just wanted to raise these issues with you and say that ! have written to the Chief Executive of
Health Education England, !an Cumming, pressing the case for dermatology to be included along
with psychiatry and paediatrics as an option for extra training when eventually we achieve our goal
of extending GP specialist training by a year. ! hope you can join me in pressing this case.

Neanwhile, if you want any further information, do contact the British Association of
Dermatologists, whose President is Professor Chris Bunker (! know he's already spoken with
Clare). The Association's contact details are: British Association of Dermatologists, Willan House,
+ Fitzroy Square, London W1T 5HQ, e-mail: admin@bad.org.uk, Tel: +++ (0)207 383 0266. Chris
is based at University College Hospital London and his personal email address is

Looking forward to working with you in your new role.

Best wishes

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