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Definition Type of writing literature style met!od

(related words)

Example "emoir (nonfi#tion) fi#tion$ s#ien#e fi#tion% &oetry$ ode$ epi#


'()R)'TERS Voice Narrator* Who is telling the story, the main Tone st character or a narrator? + &erson rd , person

Setting Exposition &lot 'onfli#t Rising a#tion 'limax Resolution

W!ere t!e story ta-es pla#e$ t!e town$ #ommunity and year (era). T!e /eginning parts of t!e story. Elements of t!e story t!at set t!e stage for t!e plot0#onfli#t% Elements of t!e story t!at lead up to #onfli#t and #limax &ro/lems$ o/sta#les t!e #!ara#ters fa#e* natural0so#ietal0family0friends0 internal W!at leads up to t!e main e1ent (s) T!e ma2or e1ent at w!i#! point t!e story0plot ta-es a turn W!at !appens after t!e #limax3


Ending 4las!/a#-

T!is may or may not /e a part of t!e resolution%final moments T!e story starts in t!e present or some time ot!er t!an t!e period of time t!e story goes /a#- in time to 6T!e '!ara#ter7s spo-en words to ea#! ot!er or to t!emsel1es in t!e story.8 (you -now it w!en you see 688 9uotations) Gi1ing !ints or #lues of w!at7s to #ome in t!e story The author uses words and Onomatopoeia special descriptions to help Words that sound like you create a Movie or what they mean image in your mind of As if you could: what they are describing Taste it Touch it SEE It Smell it ear it "ymbols commonly identified "omething that represents something other than itself A story, poem or picture that on the surface appears one way but in actuality there is a hidden or other meaning or reference(

5n t!e mo1ie T!e Titani#$ it starts out in present day and flas!es /a#- in time



Imagery/ Sensory details

Archetype Sym!ol


An e ample! The !lustery winds sent the children whisking through the air down the street as they tried to get home" A dog is an archetype # it represents man$s best friend %n the boo& The 'iving Tree, the tree is a symbol for the parent giving everything it has to the boy( Animal )arm is a boo& that tells a story of politics using animals in the place of humans(

Word 4igurati1e language0

4igures of Spee#!

words t!at !a1e different meaning from literal meaning

Example idioms

The early bird catches the worm A penny saved is a penny earned The connotation of calling her s&inny is an insult( *all her delicate instead
T!e denotati1e meaning of lo9ua#ious is someone w!o tal-s a lot: 6;ou are t!e apple of my eye8 6T!e #ar is a refrigerator ;our smile is as /rig!t as t!e sun

'onnotati1e Denotati1e "etap!or Simile (yper/ole


se#ondary 0 more emotional meaning of a word di#tionary meaning of words 'omparing two unli-e t!ings 'omparing two unli-e t!ings using 6li-e8 or 6as8 an exaggeration< ex* s!e was as tall as a s-ys#raper gi1es life to non li1ing t!ings a dis#repan#y /etween expe#ted = unexpe#ted o##urren#es Words or p!rases t!at sound moroni# or idioti# Words t!at sound li-e w!at t!ey mean


57m so !ungry 5 #ould eat a !orse: T!e /oo- spo-e to me.

T!e firefig!ter w!o does not !a1e smo-e alarms installed in !is !ouse. %cy +ot # pretty ugly , civil war # -iving dead # .iggie "malls
Sensory details

5rony >xymoron

T!is is often used to !elp #reate imagery: SN)& 'R)'?@E &>& A)" &>W ?)B)"

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