Ansel Adams Artist Research 2

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Internet Artist Research Worksheet

Name: Harsh Singh Hour: 2

Artists Full Name: Ansel Adams Date of Birth: February, 20, 1902 Place of birth: San Francisco California Date of and age at death: April, 22, 1984 82 years old Place of death: Monterey California Cause of death: Cardiovascular disease Education: Private school Harvard University Primary type of artwork (ex: painting? drawing? sculpture? printmaking? Ceramics): Photography and printing photos Style or period of art? Nature Black and White Short definition of that style or period (see Artlex or Artcyclopedia): He Takes pictures of nature in natural environment and then puts black and white filter Interesting/Personal information on the artist: He had 2 children _____________________________________________________________

Art Criticism:
Title of the art: Moonrise Date of art: 1941 _____________________________________________________________ Location of the art: (museum or collection) Hernandez, New Mexico

What is the subject matter (Describe the objects in the art)? The moon rising its night time and a lot of houses but also there is clear sky. Genre: Is it a still life (group of things), a portrait (of a person) or a Landscape, seascape or a cityscape or other (explain)? Its a landscape because it has the sky line and it shows the sky and the ground making it a landscape Style/form: Is this artwork realistic (as real as possible) or abstract (Distorted reality)? Reality How was the photo taken? With a black and white filter inside the camera

What do you think the artist was trying to say in the artwork? That the moon was rising meaning theres a new day Why do you think he or she chose this subject? Because it look nice because it has good brightness and it matches the surrounding objects by it What feeling does this artwork give you and why? Calmness because it night time and the moon time making you want to relax What part of the artwork is your favorite and why? The moon, because it stand out the most and it is the focal point in the picture.

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