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Warm-ups: Groups You & your group will be responsible for leading the class in a warm-up routine 2/3

/3 times a semester Preparation: Includes walking into the classroom and sitting in an assigned seat/floor spot IMM !I"# $Y% &'# walking in and wondering around the room or sitting/standing in an area that is not your assigned seat% (ailure to follow this procedure ) or more times will greatly affect your o*erall grade% If you are unprepared +minimum of sneakers, 5 times = Research Paper 10 times = Failure Blogs:

!uring the course of the semester you will be re-uired to respond & complete a blog reflection each week% "ll blog -uestions will be posted on www%.alphsGym%com

/ince the semester is 02 weeks in total there will be a total of 02 blog -uestions% You will ha*e the option of completing any 1 of the 02 blogs%

Bathroom Policy: ach time you use the bathroom or lea*e the room you are re-uired to2 a, "sk me b, /ign the bathroom book +when you lea*e & return, c, #ake the pass d, .eturn to the room in a timely manner (ailure to do so will result in a points reduction to your final grade & the loss of using the pass%


igh !chool

Ralph "a#ianca$ P%&%' ealth (eacher

(eacher Page on Face#oo+: Ralphs Gym


,01- - ,01. Physical &/ucation *ra/ing Policy

34Y/I5"$ !65"#I'& is a re-uired credit bearing course% /tudents must take and pass 7 total credits% 0, Participation222222%500 #his includes warm-ups8 indi*idual/group skill practice8 games8 discussions and written work% You are e9pected to acti*ely participate in class daily% In order to participate you must be prepared% If you are not prepared you do not gi*e yourself an opportunity to achie*e a passing grade% 2, Atten/ance2%222222100 Your attendance and punctuality are re-uired% *ery absence affects your o*erall grade%

:hen you are late to class you are e9pected to ha*e a pass% $ateness is defined as any time after the bell rings% You need to be present in ;)< of total classes to potentially pass the class% =eing present less than ;)< will result in failure% 3, Beha1ior'2ooperation 222222222%%100 :hen the whistle is blown8 you are to stop what you are doing8 drop to a knee8 hold the e-uipment8 be silent and listen to instructions% .eturn e-uipment in a timely manner% (ollow "$$ class rules including> using a pass to lea*e the room & no foul language% 7, Assessments 2222%2222 ,00 /kill tests8 (itnessGram8 nd of unit tests8 :orksheets8 =log responses8 Independent reading/responses8 Media presentations8 leading warm-ups% ), Preparation 222%%22222%100 /tudents must dress in appropriate attire in order to participate in class acti*ity% "t the minimum students MU!( wear sneakers to participate% 34 &52&P(643!??? /weatpants8 shorts8 stretch pants & cargo pants are acceptable + 9tra 5redit for those that wear a full uniform,% =oots8 dress shoes8 and flip flops are 34( acceptable% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Cut Off, Sign, and Return the Bottom Portion- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 ha1e rea/ the *ra/ing Policy an/ 6 un/erstan/ the policies$ proce/ures$ re7uirements an/ e8pectations o9 this course%

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ !tu/ent:s 3ame ;print< @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Parent'*uar/ian:s !ignature

@@@@@@@@@@ *ra/e "e1el

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ !tu/ent:s !ignature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Parent'*uar/ian:s Phone 3um#er

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