The Journey Allocation Form

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AIESEC In Local Committee Les Ambassadeurs The Journey Allocation Form


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Hello dear Applicant, First I would like to thank you for your interest in our rgani!ation.

AI"#"C is the international platform for young people to e$plore and de%elop their leadership potential to ha%e a positi%e impact on society.

&his application is the second step of your leadership 'ourney. (ow you ha%e a better idea about the organi!ation, how it works and the main areas where you can de%elop yourself, now it is up to you to choose where you want to perform. &he ne$t step will be)

Individual Interviews

&hose who get selected in the final round of #election will be officially +embers and will attend the ,Acti!ate- #eminar. .lease (ame your application .ackage as followed) "ame#1sdchoice#2sdchoice E$% &inebEloulladi#T'#i(C)* +our ,orm should be sent under *)F Format
Deadline submit it: Thursday October 31st at midnight To: LCVP TM Email contact or recruitment email address

.ersonal Information)
First "ame LC Logo /our LC Adress0phone0Fa$ Laila

Last "ame


.lease rate Initiate)

How was the deli%ery of Initiate2 o 3ood 456 o A%erage o Lame &he information were) o 7ery clear 456 o 8nderstandable o (ot clear at all Add your suggestions here:

:hich department ha%e you decided to go for2 :hy I was attracted by the &alent +anagement and I would like to be part of that department. I think it would be a good fit for me since I;m a person who lo%es sociali!ing and interacting with other people, plus I like to try the e$perience of organi!ing meetings, campaigns<.

=eing member of this department, what skills are you willing to de%elop2 :hat would be your added %alue2 &hrough &+, I;m willing to de%elop many skills such as) leadership, public speaking and also impro%e my self confidence. I don;t really know what would my added %alue be, but the only thing I;m sure of is that I;m willing to be in%ol%ed in AI"#"C as much as possible and work as hard as I can.

:hat is your alternati%e option or second priority in choosing department and why2 +y second option is the department of ut 3oing "$change. +aybe be because I belie%e I ha%e good communication skills, I know how to con%ince people and let them be interested in what I;m saying.

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