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Brochure Review/Grade

Name(s) ___________________________________________________________________ Note: Since this project is stronger on design than others, the grading is weighted to show that.

Design (30 points possible)


Does this brochure have an effective, eye-catching cover? Did the writers use the right fonts and colors? Are there enough (and correct) headers and subheads? Does the page design effectively use white space, graphics, bullets, and illustrations?

Grammar and Mechanics (50 points possible)


Does this brochure have grammar, punctuation, or syntax errors? Are the paragraphs unindented and short? Is the copy creative enough to keep the reader's interest? Is the information correctly organized? Are heads and subheads parallel?

Audience Appeal, Creativity, Completeness, and Effectiveness (20 points possible) _____
Does this brochure appeal to the right audience? Does it fulfill the original purpose? Will if effectively work for both audience and purpose? Did the writers do everything required in the assignment?

Project grade


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