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Explain with reasons: 1. In the preparation of hydrogen in the laboratory from granular Zinc, why the following acids cannot be used 1) Conc H2SO4 2) Conc. HCl 3) Nitric acid 2. Explain why the density of ice is less than water? Or why there is decrease in volume when ice melts? 3. Why hydrated barium peroxide is used in the preparation of hydrogen peroxide instead of the anhydrous variety. 4. Phosphoric acid is preferred to sulphuric acid in the preparation of H2O2 from barium peroxide 5. Statues coated with white lead on long exposure to atmosphere turn black and the original colour can be restored on treatment with H2O2 6. A solution of ferric chloride acidified with HCl is unaffected when hydrogen is bubbled through it, but gets reduced when zinc is added to same acidified solution 7. When fused calcium hydride is electrolysed, hydrogen is liberated at anode 8. A small amount of acid or alkali is added before electrolysis of water. 9. Hard water is softened before use in boilers 10. Soft water lathers with soap but not hard water. 11. The melting points and boiling points of D2O are higher than those of ordinary water. 12. Common salt is less soluble in heavy water than in hard water 13. Hydrogen peroxide can act both as oxidizing and reducing agents 14. In the manufacture of hydrogen by electrolysis of water small amount of acid or alkali should be added. 15. Water extinguishes most fires, but it does not extinguish petrol fire or sodium fire 16. Water is a liquid while H2S is a gas at ordinary temperature 17. Water containing Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions does not produce lathers with soap 18. Why should a bottle of hydrogen peroxide be cooled before opening 19. Presence of water is avoided in the preparation of hydrogen peroxide from sodium peroxide 20. A mixture of hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide with a copper (II) catalyst is used as rocket fuel 21. Hydrogen peroxide is a better oxidizing agent than water 22. Hydrogen peroxide reacts with bases 23. H2O2 is stored in wax lined amber coloured bottles 24. A small amount of phosphoric acid or glycerol or acetanilide is added to H2O2 during its storage What happens when: 1. Concentrated caustic potash solution is spilled on granulated zinc 2. Calcium hydride is treated with water 3. Hydrogen peroxide reacts with potassium dichromate in presence of sulphuric acid 4. An alkaline solution of potassium ferricyanide is reacted with hydrogen peroxide 5. An aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide is treated with barium hydroxide 6. Hydrogen peroxide reacts with potassium dichromate in presence of sulphuric acid 7. Silver oxide is treated with hydrogen peroxide 8. Acidic solution of potassium ferrocyanide is treated with hydrogen peroxide 9. Calculated quantity of sodium peroxide is added to ice cold solution of sodium dihydrogen phosphate 10. Sodium chromite solution reacts with H2O2 in presence of NaOH 11. Ozone reacts with hydrogen peroxide 12. Hydrogen peroxide is added to acidified ferrous sulphate solution

PROBLEMS: 1. Aqueous solution of an inorganic compound (X) shows the following reactions. (i) it decolourises an acidified KMnO4 solution accompanied by the evolution of oxygen (ii) It gives brown precipitate with alkaline KMnO4 solution with evolution oxygen. (iii) It liberates iodine from an acidified KI solution (iv) It removes black stains from old oil paintings Identify (X) and give chemical equations for the reactions at steps (i) and (iv) 2. Calculate the mass of H2O2 present in 600 ml of 10 vol hydrogen peroxide solution. 3. 10.2g of pure H2O2 is heated strongly till completely decomposed. Calculate the volume of oxygen evolved at 27oC and 740 mm pressure. 4. 25 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution were added to excess of acidified potassium iodide solution. The iodine so liberated required 20 ml of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate solution calculate the strength in terms of normality, percentage and volume. 5. Excess KI and dilute H2SO4 were mixed in 50 ml H2O2. The liberated iodine required 20 ml of 0.1 N Na2S2O3 solution find out the strength of H2O2 6. Find the degree of hardness of a sample of water containing 12 mg of MgSO4 (mol. mass 120) per kg of water. 7. One litre of a sample of hard water contain 1 mg of CaCl2 and 1 mg of MgCl2. Find the total hardness in terms of parts of CaCO3 per 106 parts of water by mass 8. A 5.0 cm3 solution of H2O2 liberates 0.508 g of iodine from acidified KI solution. Calculate the strength of H2O2 solution in terms of volume strength at STP. 9. Calculate the hardness of water sample which contains 0.001 mole of MgSO4 dissolved per litre of water 10. Calculate the degree of hardness of a sample of water containing 30 ppm of MgSO4 11. 30 ml of a 10 volume labeled solution of H2O2 after acidification with dil H2SO4 required 30 ml of N/10 KMnO4 solution for complete oxidation. Calculate the percentage of H2O2 in the solution. 12. An aqueous solution of an unknown compound (X) gives the following reaction. (i) It gives brown ppt with alkaline KMnO4 solution (ii) it forms HCl and evolves O2 when reacted with Cl2 gas (iii) it liberates I2 from an acidified KI solution (iv) it gives orange yellow colour with acidified titanic sulphate solution Identify (X) and give the chemical equations for the reactions (i), (ii), (iii) 9. 10. In Boschs process which gas is utilized for the production of hydrogen. 1) producer gas 2) water gas 3) coal gas 4) natural gas Under what conditions of temperature and pressure the formation of atomic hydrogen from molecular hydrogen will be favoured most? 1) high temperature and low pressure 2) low temperature and low pressure 3) high temperature and low pressure 4) low temperature and high pressure Given colourless liquid will be determined whether its water or not 1) by smelling 2) by tasting 3) by phenolphthalein 4) by adding a pinch of anhydrous CuSO4 The melting points of most of the solid substances increase with an increase of pressure acting on them. However ice melts at a temperature lower than its usual melting point when the pressure is increased. This is because 1) ice is less dense than water 2) it generates heat 3) chemical bonds break under pressure 4) none Consider the two reactions (X) H2O2 + H2S S + H2O (Y) H2O2 + O3 2O2 + H2O H2O2 acts as 1) oxidizing agent in both X and Y 2) oxidizing in X and reducing in Y




14. 15. 16.




20. 21.

3) reducing in Y and oxidizing in Y 4) reducing in both X and Y Free hydrogen is found in 1) acids 2) water 3) marsh gas 4) water gas The adsorption of hydrogen by platinum is known as 1) Hydrogenation 2) Reduction 3) Dehydrogenation 4) Occlusion Which of the following adsorb large volume of hydrogen gas 1) Colloidal solution of paladium 2) Finely divided nickel 3) Colloidal ferric hydroxide 4) Finely divided platinum In para-hydrogen spins of the electrons are in the 1) same direction but those of the protons in opposite directions 2) opposite directions but those of the protons in same direction 3) same direction and so also the spins of the protons 4) opposite directions and so also the spins of the protons Decomposition of H2O2 is a first order reaction. A 16 volume of H2O2 of half-life period 30 minutes is present at start. When the solution will become one volume. 1) After 60 min. 2) After 90 min 3) After 120 min 4) After 150 min o o Water boils and freezes exactly at 100 C and 0 C respectively, find the reasion for it from the following 1) water dissolves anything however sparing the dissolution may be 2) water is a polar molecule 3) boiling and freezing temperature of water were used to define temperature scales 4) liquid water is denser than ice Fentons reagent is 1) SnCl2 + HCl 2) AgNO3 + NH4OH 3) CuSO4 + NaOH 4) FeSO4 + H2O2 Phosphates are used as water softening agents because they 1) stable complexes with anionic species 2) precipitate anionic species 3) form soluble complexes with cationic species 4) precipitate cationic species 12. 1 17. 4 13. 18. 14. 19. 3 15. 4 20. 4

11. 4 16.

21. 3

I Group Alkali Metals

Assignment Explain with reason
1. 4Li + O2 2Li2O 2Na + O2 Na2O2 K + O2 KO2 Why the number of oxygen atoms combining with each metal increases Lithium resembles magnesium Lithium in solution is the strongest reducing agent among alkali metals Alkali metals have low ionization potentials in their periods Alkali metals are prepared by the electrolysis of their fused salts and not by the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of their salts. Alkali metals are good reducing agents Alkali metals are not found native in nature Sodium is less reactive than potassium Alkali metal salts impart colour to flame Sodium carbonate gives in alkaline solution when dissolved in water Standard solution of NaOH cannot be prepared by direct weighing An aqueous solution of iodine becomes on adding excess of sodium hydroxide

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14.

15. 16. powder 17. Sodium carbonate can be manufactured by solvay process but potassium carbonate cannot be manufactured by the same process 18. Chemical reactivity of alkali metals increases from Li to Cs. 19. Lithium forms normal oxide, sodium forms peroxide and other alkali metals form super oxides when burnt in excess oxygen. 20. Lithium halides are partially covalent 21. Though Li+ ion is the smallest among alkali metal ions, its conductivity in aqueous solution is less than that of Cs+ ions 22. The softness of Group IA metals decreases down the group with increasing atomic number. 23. Sodium metal can be used for drying diethyl ether but not for ethanol. 24. Sodium hydroxide cannot be stored in glass stoppered bottles. 25. Commercial common salt becomes highly damp on keeping 26. A sodium fire in the laboratory cannot be extinguished by water 27. Alkali metals blue colour to ammonia solution the solution also possesses strong reducing nature. What happens when a) NaOH is added drop wise to AlCl3 solution till excess b) Sulphur is boiled with NaOH c) White phosphorus is boiled with NaOH d) Hot concentrated caustic soda reacts with iodine e) Bromine is mixed with cold dilute caustic soda How will you prepare a) sodium cabonate from sodium chloride. b) Washing soda from ammonium chloride c) Chlorine from sodium chloride d) Caustic soda from sodium chloride e) Baking soda from washing soda. 5. The standard reduction potential of Li, Na and K are 3.045 V, -2.714 V, and 2.925 V respectively pick up the best reducing and best oxidizing agents. 6. The lattice energies of LiF, NaF, KF, RbF and CsF are 1039, 919, 817, 779 and 730 k J/mol respectively. (i) How do you account for the gradual diminishing values (ii) Which of the fluorides do you expect to be least soluble. 7. Arrange the following with proper explanation. (i) KCl, KBr and KI decreasing solubility in water (ii) LiCl, LiBr and LiI decreasing order of covalent character. (iii) Li2CO3, Na2CO3, K2CO3 increasing order of thermal stability 8. State whether the following statements are true or false. If false give the correct statement a) In group IA of alkali metals, the ionization potential decreases down the group, therefore lithium is poorer reducing agent. b) The softness of IA group elements increases down the group with increasing atomic number. c) Sodium amalgam is better reducing agent than hydrogen d) Sodium carbonate is a constituent of fusion mixture e) All alkali metals when dissolved in liquid ammonia form blue coloured solutions f) Potassium is used in photoelectric cells g) Na2CO3 cannot be converted into NaHCO3 by passing CO2 through its solution h) Lithium carbonate is thermally most stable. i) Sodium bicarbonate is more soluble in water than potassium bicarbonate j) Super oxides of alkali metals are coloured and paramagnetic in nature.

Sodium is stored under kerosene oil The addition of NaOH solution to a solution of ZnCl2 produces a white precipitate which dissolves on further addition of NaOH Calcium Chloride is added to NaCl is the electrolytic manufacture of sodium On exposure to air, sodium hydroxide becomes liquid and after some time it changes to white

k) Alkalimetals have body centred cubic lattice. l) Water glass is another name for sodium silicate. Arrange the following in the order asked against each. 1. Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+ increasing ionic radii in water 2. Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+ increasing molar conductivity in water 3. Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs increasing reactivity with water 4. Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs increasing reactivity with water 5. Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs increasing melting point 6. LiOH, NaOH, KOH, RbOH, CsOH increasing basic nature of hydroxides 7. LiOH, NaOH, KOH, RbOH, CsOH increasing thermal stability 8. LiCl, LiBr, LiI increasing covalent character. 9. LiBr, NaBr, KBr, RbBr, CsBr increasing ionic character 10. LiH, NaH, KH, CsH increasing stability of hydrides 11. LiF, NaF, KF, RbF, CsF increasing solubility in water. 12. NaF, NaCl, NaBr, NaI increasing lattice energy 13. NaF, NaCl, NaBr, BaI increasing melting point. Predict the chemical reactions. 1. White phosphorous is boiled with strong solution of sodium hydroxide in an inert atmosphere. 2. Sodium carbonate is added to zinc sulphate solution 3. Anhydrous potassium nitrate is heated with excess of metallic potassium. 4. Chromic salts are heated with sodium peroxide. PROBLEMS 1. A is a binary compound of a univalent metal. 1.422 g of A reacts completely with 0.321 g of sulphur in an evacuated and sealed tube to give 1.743 g of a white crystalline solid B that forms a hydrated double salt C with Al2(SO4)3. Identify A, B and C 2. Identify A, B, C and D give their chemical formulae. Heat a) A + NaOH + NaCl + NH3 + H2O b) NH3 + CO2 + H2O B c) B + NaCl C + NH4Cl d) C Na2CO3 + H2O + D 3. From the reactions given below identify A, B, C and D and give their formulae. A(aq) + Zn B(gas) A(aq) + NH4Cl D(gas) Heat A(aq) + C 4. Complete and balance the following equation a) P4 + NaOH + H2O Na2HPO4 b) S2O32- + I2 ____________ + ____________ c) CuSO4 + Na2CO3 + H2O ______ + Na2SO4 + __________ d) KNO3(s) + KS _______ + _______ + _________ e) KO2 + H2O _______ + O2 f) NaOH + I2 _______ + NaIO3 + H2O 5. A certain compound X imparts a golden yellow flame and shows the following reactions. (i) zinc powder when boiled with a concentrated solution of X dissolves and hydrogen is evolved (ii) When an an aqueous solution of X is added to an aqueous solution of stannous chloride, a white precipitate is obtained first which dissolves in excess of solution Y Identify the X and write equation for reactions at steps (i) and (ii) 6. When 20.02 g of a white solid x is heated, 4.4 g of an acid gas A and 1.8 of a neutral gas B are evolved leaving behind a solid residue Y of weight 13.8 g. A turns lime water milky and B condenses into liquid which changes anhydrous copper sulphate blue. The aqueous solution of Y is

alkaline to litmus and gives 19.7 g white precipitate Z with barium chloride solution. Z gives carbon dioxide with an acid. Identify A, B, X, Y and Z 7. When 16.8 g of white solid X were heated, 4.4 g of acid gas A that turned lime water milky was driven off together with 1.8 g of a gas B which condensed to a colourless liquid. The solid that remainedY dissolved in water to give a precipitate Z. The precipitate effervessed with acid giving carbon dioxide. Identify A, B, X, Y and Z write down the equation for the thermal decomposition of X. 8. a) A white solid is either Na2O or Na2O2. A piece of red litmus paper turns white when it is dipped into a freshly made aqueous solution of the white solid (i) Identify the substance and explain with balanced chemical equation (ii) Explain what would happen to the red litmus if the white solid were the other compound. b) The solvays process can be represented by the following scheme Identity A, B, C, D and E 9. An unknown solid mixture contains one or two of the following. CaCO3, BaCl2, AgNO3, Na2SO4, ZnSO4 and NaOH. The mixture is completely soluble in water and the solution gives pink colour with phenolphthalin when dilute hydrochloric acid is gradually added to the above solution, a precipitate is formed which dissolves with further addition of the acid what is/are present in the solid. Give equations to explain the appearance of the precipitate and its obssociation. 10. The compound A gives golden yellow colour to the bunsen flame. It is highly hygroscopic and when kept in an open vessel it turns to white solid B. B gives a gas C with dil. acid. C on passing into lime water gives milkiness which disappears on passing excess C. Identify A, B and C and give reactions. 11. A weak dibasic acid A which exist only in aqueous soluton forms two series of salts B and C with NaOH. The salt B is very stable to red heat. Another salt C on heating gives again B and gas D. The gas D reacts with ammonia at high pressure and temperature to give urea. Identify A to D 12. 0.347 g of a metal (A) was dissolved in dilute HNO3. This solution gave red coloration to a non luminous Bunsen burner flame and on evaporation gave 0.747 g of metal oxide (B). (A) also reacted with nitrogen forming a compound C and with hydrogen forming D. On reacting 0.1590 g of D with water a gas E was evolved and a sparingly soluble compound F is formed which gave a strongly basic solution and required 200 ml of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid to neutralize it. Identify the substances A to F and explain the reactions involved. 13. Identify A, B, C and D give their chemical formulae. Heat a) (A) + NaOH NaCl + NH3 + H2O b) NH3 + CO2 + H2O B c) B + NaCl (C) + NH4Cl d) C Na2CO3 + H2O + D II group Alkaline Earth Metals Explain with Reason: 1. Berylium chloride fumes in air 2. Berylium chloride is acidic when dissolved in water 3. Barium ion Ba2+ is poisionous yet BaSO4 is given to patients prior to taking stomach x-ray. Why it is safe to use BaSO4 internally? 4. Alkaline earth metals are weaker reducing agents than alkali metals 5. Alkaline earth metals are harder than alkali metals 6. Magnesium oxide is used as refractory material 7. Solubility of hydroxides of alkaline earth metals increases from top to bottom in the group 8. Sodium chloride is added during electrolysis of fused MgCl2 9. Alkaline earth metal salts are less soluble than the corresponding alkali metal salts 10. Beryllium oxide is insoluble but BaO is soluble

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Alkaline earth metals do not from monovalent ions The atomic radii of Mg is smaller than sodium. Salts of alkaline earth metals are diamagnetic in nature Anhydrous calcium sulphate cannot be used as plaster of paris Anhydrous magnesium chloride is prepared by heating MgCl2.6H2O in a current of dry HCl gas. Beryllium shows covalency where as other members of the family shows electrovalency Solubility of fluorides and oxalates of alkaline earth metals increased from Be to Ba. Melting points of calcium halides decreases in the order of CaF2 > CaCl2 > CaBr2 > CaI2 Ba(OH)2 is much stronger base than Be(OH)2 Be and Mg donot give flame colour whereas other alkaline earth metals do so Anhydrous calcium sulphate can be used as drying agent In the manufacture of Mg by carbon reduction of MgO the product is cooled in a stream of an inert gas 23. Lithophone is a better white pigment than white lead 24. The hydroxides of alkaline earth metals are weaker bases than those of alkali metals 25. The crystalline salts of alkaline earth metals contain more water of crystallization than the corresponding alkali metal salts 26. The reaction between marble and dilute sulphuric acid soon stops How will you prepare the following? Give chemical equations. 1. Magnesium oxide from magnesium sulphate 2. Gypsum from lime stone 3. Plaster of paris from gypsum 4. Barium chloride from barium sulphate 5. Magnesium from sea water by Dow process 6. Anhydrous MgCl2 from MgCl2. 6H2O 7. Barium Chloride from barium nitrate 8. Calcium nitrate from calcium sulphate What happens when 1. Burning magnesium is introduced into a jar of CO2 2. Water is added to calcium carbide 3. Magnesium is burnt in air and the resulting product is (a) treated with water (b) treated with HCl 4. Barium nitrate is heated strongly Give the names and formula of the compounds 1. Compound of Ca used in setting fractured bones 2. Compound of Mg used as purgative 3. Compound of Ca used for production of acetylene 4. Compound of Ca, C and N used as fertilizer. 5. Compound of Ca which liberates hydrogen on treating with water. Arrange the following in the order asked against each. 1. CaCl2, BeCl2, MgCl2, BaCl2, SrCl2 increasing ionic character 2. BeCO3, MgCO3, CaCO3, BaCO3 increasing solubility 3. BeF2, MgF2, CaF2, BaF2 increasing solubility 4. Be(OH)2, Mg(OH)2, Ca(OH)2, Ba(OH)2 increasing basic character. 5. BeSO4, MgSO4, CaSO4, SrSO4, BaSO4 increasing solubility 6. Cal-2, CaCl2, CaBr2, CaI2 increasing melting point 7. Be2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+ increasing hydration energy 8. BeCO3, MgCO3, CaCO3, SrCO3, BaCO3 increasing thermal stability State whether the following statements are true or false 1. Magnesium is more reactive than sodium

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

The hydration energy of Mg2+ is greater than Ca2+ Reaction between quick lime and water is an endothermic process Magnesium burns in an atmosphere of CO2 Burnt gypsum has no setting property Calcium bicarbonate is known in solid state Barytes is a mineral of magnesium BeH2 is an ionic hydride BeCO3 is thermally unstable compound Gypsum is used in the manufacture of ammonium sulphate Alkaline earth metal carbonates can be dissolved in water in the presence of CO2 Like Barium sulphate magnesium sulphate is also insoluble in water. Marble is another name of gypsum Beryllium and barium compounds are poisionous In the electrolysis of fused calcium hydride H2 is liberated at cathode. Mg(OH)2 is more soluble in water than Ca(OH)2 Organic compounds can be prepared from calcium carbide Lithophone a white pigment is a mixture of BaSO4 and ZnSO4 Be3N2 is volatile where as the other alkaline earth metal nitrides are non volatile. Mg(OH)2 is used as an antacid under the name milk of magnesia A mixture of MgO and MgCl2 is known as sorel cement MgCl2.6H2O on heating gives anhydrous MgCl2 IInd Group A solid X when heated a colourless gas which does not support combustion is evolved. The residue is dissolved in water to form Y which can be used during construction and white washing when excess of CO2 is bubbled through the solution of Y, Z is formed. Z is heated gently and X is reformed. Identify X 0.3 g of magnesium ribbon was placed in a crucible and heated with the lid until the magnesium began to burn fiercely. At the end of the experiment there was 0.45 g of the white powder left show that this result does not agree with the equation. 2Mg(s) + O2(g) 2MgO Two metals A and B belong to the same group of periodic table. Metal A forms an insoluble oxide MO but soluble sulphate MSO4 while metal B forms a soluble oxide and insoluble sulphate. The hydroxide of metal A is soluble in NaOH. While hydroxide of B is insoluble in NaOH. Name A and B. Metal nitrate (A) on heating decomposes leaving a residue B which goes into solution with dilute HCl and treated with potassium chromate solution to get yellow precipitate D. Identify A, B, C, D Calcium burns in nitrogen to produce a white powder which dissolves in sufficient water to produce a gas A and an alkaline solution. The solution on exposure to air produce a thin solid layer of B on the surface. Identify compounds A and B. Complete and balance the following equations. a) Mg(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 MgCO3 + ..+H2O b) MgO + CaC2 Mg + . + 2C c) Be(OH)2 + NaOH + H2O Heat Heat d) BaCO3 + H2O(steam) ......... + CO2 in air e) BeCl2 + LiAlH4 . + LiCl + . high temp High temp f) CaO + C + CO .+. N2




4. 5.



Element A burns in nitrogen to give ionic compound B. Compound B react with water to give C and D. A solution of C becomes milky on bubbling CO2. Identify A, B, C and D








A colourless and transparent crystal of a compound A burns with apple green flame. When A treated with some soluble sulphate, produced a white solid is which is extremely sparingly soluble in water. The compound B is used in the manufacture of a paint known as permanent white. When B is strongly heated with coke and CaCl2 followed with water gives the compound A. Identify A and explain reactions. Hydrogen reacts with hot calcium metal to give a hydride. Give the formula of hydride. The hydride reacts with water evolving hydrogen. What would be the other product of their reactions. Write the balanced equation for the reaction. A colourless crystalline solid X is deliquescent in nature is obtained from kieserite. It loses 6H2O at 150oC and becomes anhydrous at 200oC. On strong heating it gives white residue and a suffocating gas. X can be used as a purgative. Identify X There are two metal carbonates A and B which are insoluble in water but soluble in acetic acid with the evolution of CO2. When potassium chromate is added to their solution, A gives a yellow precipitate which gives pale green colouration to the flame test. The precipitate is filtered out. The filterate is treated with (NH4)2SO4. White precipitate is formed which gives crimson red colour in flame test. Identify A and B and also give equation for the reaction involved. On treatment with cold water, an element A reacted quietly liberating a colourless odourless gas B and a solution C. Lithium reacted with B yielding a product D which effervesced with water to give a strongly basic solution F. When carbon dioxide is bubbled through solution C a white precipitate G is formed, but this redissolves forming solution H by passing more carbon dioxide.Precipitate G effervesced with hydrochloric acid and gave deep red flame colouration. When G was heated with carbon at 1000oC a caustic white compound I was formed, Which when heated with carbon at 1000oC gave a solid J of some commercial importance. Name the substances A to J and explain the reactions with balanced chemical equations. When a white substance A was treated with dilute hydrochloric acid a colourless gas B was evolved, which turned moist litmus paper red. On bubbling B through lime water a precipitate C was formed, but passage of further gas resulted in a clear solution D. A small sample of A was moistened with concentrated hydrochloric acid and placed on a platinum wire and introduced into a Bunsen burner flame where it caused a green flame colouration. On strong heating A decomposes giving a white solid E which turned red litmus paper blue. The sample of B was dissolved in water and made upto 250 ml in a standard flask. 25 ml aliquots were titrated with acid and required 20.3 ml of 0.0985 M HCl. Name the compounds A to E inclusive and give equations for all these reactions. Calculate the gram molecular weight of A. Compound A is slightly soluble in water and its solubility decreases with increase in temperature. A is highly soluble in water in the presence of ammonium sulphate. On heating A at 120oC the weight, of the compound decreases by about 15.7% forming a compound B but on heating to 200oC the weight loss is about 21% forming a compound C. Compound B can be converted to A but not C by hydration. B is an important compound used in making statues and in plastering the fractured bones. Name A, B and C and explain the reactions.

III Group EXPLAIN WITH REASON 1. Although aluminium is above hydrogen in the electrochemical series, it is stable in air and water 2. In the electrolytic manufacture of aluminium carbon anodes are consumed.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Cryolite is added to alumina in the electrolytic manufacture of aluminium Anhydrous AlCl3 fumes in air Alum is used in setting muddy water It is necessary to purify bauxite ore before it is subjected to electrolytic reduction. Boron tribromide is stronger acid than boron trifluoride Boron and aluminium halides behave as Lewis acids Pure alumina cannot be electrolysed Aqueous AlCl3 solution behaves acidic towards litmus while that of NaCl does not Aluminium forms [AlF6]3- ion but boron does not form [BF6]3AlF3 is a high melting solid while AlCl3 is a low melting volatile solid Aluminium becomes passive in concentrated nitric acid Aluminium chloride forms a dimer while boron trichloride does not form a dimer. Aluminium metal is frequently used as reducing agent in the extraction of chromium and manganese Aluminium generally forms covalent compounds Anhydrous aluminium choride cannot be prepared by heating hydrated AlCl36H2O Aluminium vessels should not be cleaned with cleaning agent containing washing soda Duralumin is used in aircraft industry The hydroxides of aluminium and iron are insoluble in water however NaOH is used to separate one from the other. 21. Boron has high and 22. Boron does not form B3+ ion 23. Aluminium cannot be prepared by the electrolysis of aqueous solution of its salt 24. Fine aluminium powder when exposed to air becomes hazardous. 25. B(OH)3 is an acid, Al(OH)3 is amphoteric and Tl(OH)3 is basic 26. Boron never forms compounds in unipositive state but Thallium is quite stable in unipositive state 27. The pp - pp back bonding occurs in the halides of boron but not in the halides of aluminium. 28. Molten AlBr3 is a poor conductor but aqueous AlBr3 is a good conductor of electricity 29. The B-X bond distance is shorter than the sum of the covalent radii of boron and halogen (X) 30. Certain metallic oxides are reduced with aluminium rather than with carbon. 31. Boric acid can be titrated against sodium hydroxide using methyl orange as indicator only in the presence of polyhydroxy compounds like catechol 32. Aluminium sulphide gives foul odour when it becomes damp. Write balanced chemical equation for the reaction. 33. Arrange the following ions in order of their increasing radii Li+, Mg2+, K+, Al3+ Starting from boric acid how would you prepare. (1) Boric anhydride (2) Boron trichloride (3) Boron trifluoride (4) Boron hydrides (5) Ethyl borate (6) Meta and tetra boric acids How will you obtain 1) Anhydrous aluminium chloride from aluminium 2) Anhydrous aluminium chloride from alumina 3) Potash alum from aluminium sulphate 4) Anhydrous aluminium chloride from potash alum 5) Borax from colemanite 6) Boric acid from borax and colemanite 7) Boron from boric acid 8) Aluminium chloride from aluminium sulphate 9) Aluminium sulphate from potash alum. What happens when 1) Excess of caustic soda is added to a solution of aluminium chloride 2) Dry chlorine gas is passed over hot mixture of aluminium and coke 3) Water is added to aluminium nitride

4) Borax is heated strongly 5) Sodium hydroxide is added to potash alum 6) Ammonium hydroxide is added to potash alum 7) Potash alum is heated strongly 8) Anhydrous aluminium is heated strongly 9) Boric acid is heated 10) Hydrated aluminium chloride is heated 11) Alumina is heated in a stream of sulphur monochloride vapour and chlorine 12) Aluminium is heated with hot concentrated sodium hydroxide 13) Aluminium is heated with carbon and the product is hydrolysed 14) Aluminium is heated with nitrogen and the product is hydrolysed 15) Aluminium is treated with dilute nitric acid. 16) A mixture of aluminium fillings and iron oxide is ignited State whether the following statements true or false 1) Aluminium is ionic in all of its compounds 2) Aluminium is the third most abundant metal on earth 3) All the Al-Cl bonds in Al2Cl6 are equivalent 4) Potash alum is water soluble and ionizes in aqueous solution to give three types of ions 5) The basic nature of the hydroxides of group B(IIIA) decrease progressively down the group 6) Thermite is a mixture of alumina and iron 7) Ultramarine is an artificial blue pigment 8) Aluminium hydroxide is soluble in ammonium hydroxide 9) Gold Schmidt thermite process is used in the extraction of aluminium 10) Al2O3 can be converted to Al by passing H2 over it 11) Borax when heated with ammonium chloride forms ammonium .. 12) Boron dissolves in hydrochloric acid 13) Al2O3 is water soluble and gives Al(OH)3 14) H3BO3 is monobasic acid 15) Boron halides possess resonance structure. 16) Many gems contain Al2O3. 17) The maximum covalency of aluminium is 4 18) TlOH is a strong base 19) Jewellers Borax is Na2B4O7 5H2O Give the formula of the following: 1) Panderinite 2) Corundum 3) Rajorite 4) Alunite 5) Jewellers Borax 6) Turquoise 7) Felspar 8) Colemanite 9) Cryolite 10) Mica Arrange the following in the order asked against each: 1) BCl3, AlCl3, GaCl3 increasing ionic character. 2) BF3, BCl3, BBr3 increasing Lewis acid character. 3) BCl3, AlCl3, GaCl3, InCl3 increasing Lewis acid character. 4) Li2O, BeO, B2O3, CO2 increasing basic character. 5) B2O3, Al2O3, Be2O3, In2O3 increasing acidic character. 6) LiCl, BeCl2, MgCl2, AlCl3. Decreasing pH of the aqueous solution. PROBLEMS 1. Identify A and B in the following reactions Colemanite + A Na2B4O7 Na2B4O7 + B H3BO3 2. An inorganic Lewis acid X shows the following reactions. (i) It fumes in moist air (ii) the intensity of fumes increases when a rod dipped in NH4OH is brought near to it






(iii) An acidic solution of X on adding NH4Cl and NH4OH gives a precipitate which dissolves in NaOH solution (iv) An acidic solution of X does not give a precipitate with H2S Identify X and give chemical reactions in steps i to iii An inorganic compound A shows the following reactions (i) It is a white solid exists as dimer and fumes in wet air (ii) it sublimes at 180oC and forms mononer if heated to 400oC (iii) it aqueous solution turns blue litmus to red and gives a white precipitate with AgNO3 solution which is soluble in NH4OH (iv) Addition of NH4OH and NaOH separately to the solution of A gives a gelatinous precipitate which is, however soluble in excess of NaOH Identify the compound A certain salt X gives the following tests. (i) Its aqueous solution is alkaline to litmus (ii) On strongly heating it swells to give a glassy material (iii) When concentrated sulphuric aicd is added to a hot concentrated solution of X white crystals of weak acid separates out. Identify X and write down the chemical equations for reactions at steps (i) (ii) and (iii) The metallic salt XY is soluble in water When the solution is treated with NaOH solution, a white precipitate A is formed. This precipitate is soluble in excess of NaOH solution to form a compound B. When this solution is boiled with solid NH4Cl, a precipitate of a compound C is formed. An aqueous solution of XY upon treatment with BaCl2 solution gave a white precipitate D which was insoluble indilute HCl. The salt XY forms a double salt with potassium sulphate. Identify XY and give equations for reactions (i) A white precipitate B is formed when a mineral A is boiled with Na2CO3 solution. (ii) The precipitate is filtered and the filtrate contain two compounds C and D. The compound C is removed by crystallization and when CO2 is passed through the mother liquor left D changes to C (iii) The compound C on strong heating gives two compounds D and E (iv) E on heating with cobalt oxide produces blue coloured substance F Identify A to F and give chemical reactions for the reactions at the steps i to iv A white crystalline compound A swells up on heating and gives violet coloured flame on Bunsen flame. Its aqueous solution gives the following reactions a) A white precipitate with BaCl2 in presence of HCl b) When treated with excess of NH4OH, it gives white gelatinous precipitate. The white precipitate dissolves in NaOH and reappears on boiling with concentrated solution of NH4Cl c) It gives yellow precipitate with cobaltinitrite solution identify the compound (A) and explain the reactions. IV GROUP EXPLAIN WITH REASON

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Diamond is the hardest substance but graphite is soft in nature. Diamond is a bad conductor Diamond is used as precious stone Diamond (impure) is used as abrasive C-C bond length in graphite is shorter than C-C bond of diamond Graphite is a better lubricant on moon than on the surface of earth

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.

Graphite is good current of current The hydrolysis of CCl4 is not possible but SiCl4 is easily hydrolysed Alkanes are more stable and less reactive in comparison to silanes Gaseous fuels are better fuels than solid and liquid fuels CO2 is gas while silica is solid. Carbon acts as an abrasive and also as a lubricant Diamond is covalent yet is very high Carbon monoxide is poisonous Carbon never shows coordination number greater than four while other members of carbon family show coordination number as high as six. Solid CO2 is known is dry ice CO2 is sparingly soluble in water but its solubility increases with increase in pressure. CCl4 does not act as Lewis acid while SiCl4 and SnCl4 acts as Lewis acid as well as their aqueous solutions are acidic CO2 is an acidic anhydride while PbO2 is basic anhydride Silanes are few in number where as alkanes are large in number. PbBr4 and PbF4 do not exist but PbCl4 exists Germanium and tin are reducing agents while lead is an oxidant SnCl2 is solid but SnCl4 is liquid Tin vessels are not used for packing is cold countries SnCl2 gives white precipitate with HgCl2 which turns grey later on but SnCl4 does not A piece of tin foil is added to SnCl2 solution for preserving it Lead pollution is caused by car exhaust Radioactive materials are shielded by lead blocks Draw the structure of cyclic silicate (Si3O9)6- with proper lebelling Write down the structure of C3O2 SiF62- is known but SiCl62- is not why? What is the importance of ultra pure elemental silicon. How is obtained? How far do you agree with the phenomenon concept of inert pair effect? Justify your answer. The first ionization energy of carbon atom is greater than that of boron atom whereas the reverse is true for the second ionization energy. Diamond is very hard while graphite is soft. CO2 is an acidic anhydride while PbO2 is a basic anhydride Silicons are few in number and alkanes are large in number Silicon carbide is as hard as diamond. A statue coated with white lead on long exposure to atmosphere turns black although the original colour can be restored on treatment with hydrogen peroxide. When dilute solution of bismuth salt is added to sodium stannite solution, black precipitate appears. (SiH3)3N is a weaker base than (CH3)3N Predict whether the following molecules are isostructural or not explain the reason for your answer. (i) N(CH3)3 and (ii) N[Si(CH3)3]3 Carbon dioxide does not support combustion but a burning magnesium ribbon continues to burn in it. Dilute HCl is preferred to dilute H2SO4 for the preparation of carbon dioxide from marble. Sn2+ and Fe3+ cannot coexist in the same solution. CCl4 is used as fire extinguisher but not CS2 Tin is used in making solder. PbO doesnot dissolve in H2SO4 while SnO is soluble in H2SO4 Alkali cannot be stored in a Sn or Pb Vessel. Alkanes are more stable than silanes. Which among the following halides is coloured and why? Which crystalline allotropic form of carbon has the lowest energy?

53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

Sn2+(aq) may also be written as [Sn(H2O)6]2+, this ion is acidic by hydrolysis write a possible equation for this hydrolysis. If you have to dissolve lead (II) oxide PbO, which acid you will choose. Explain why the reactions with hydrochloric acid and sulphur dioxide show the oxidizing nature PbO2 Carbon and steam are heated. Silica is heated with CaF2 and conc.H2SO4

PREDICT THE RELEVENT BALANCED CHEMICAL REACTIONS 1. Tin is heated with concentrated nitric acid. 2. Pb3O4 is treated with nitric acid. 3. Carbon dioxide is passed through a suspension of lime stone in water 4. Carbon dioxide is passed through a suspension of calcium sulphate in aqueous ammonia 5. Passing SiCl4 vapour over molten aluminium 6. Stannous Chloride is added to mercuric chloride 7. Red lead is treated with concentrated sulphuric acid 8. Red lead is treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid 9. Carbon monoxide is passed through sodium hydroxide solution 10. Stannous sulphite is treated with sodium hydroxide solution. 11. Write the balanced equation for reaction of Al4C3 and CaNCN with water PROBLEMS 1. A colourless solution contains a metal nitrate. A little solution of sodium chloride is added to it when a cloudy white precipitate appears. How you will be ascertain about the metal ion? 2. An aqueous solution of a salt (A) gives a white precipitate (B) with sodium chloride solution. The filtrate gives a black precipitate (C) when H2S is passed into it. Compound (B). dissolves in hot water and the solution gives a yellow precipitate (D), on treatment with sodium iodide. The compound (A) does not give any gas with dilute HCl but liberates a reddish brown gas on heating. Identify the compounds (A) to (D). 3. Identify A and B (compound/reaction condition): Heat B PbS A + PbS Pb + SO2 in air 4. Starting from SiCl4 prepare the following in steps not exceeding the number given in parenthesis (give reactions only) (i) Silicon (I) (ii) Linear silicon containing methyl groups only (4) (iii) Na2SiO3

V Group

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1. Explain with reason Why oxygen is a gas phosphorous is solid. A bottle of liquid ammonia should be cooled before opening why? Formation of ammonia from its elements at constant pressure is accompanied by decrease in volume. Explain. Ammonia is a good complexing agent than phosphine. Why? Ammonia is a liquid with high boiling point but phosphine is a gas with least boiling point among the Vth group halides. Explain. Bond angle in ammonia is greater than phosphine why? Commercial N2 is passed through copper chips kept in ammonia solution for removing oxygen. Nitrous oxide supports combustion more vigorously than air. Burning of magnesium in NO continues while burning sulphur in NO extinguishes. Nitric acid acts only as an oxidizing agent while nitrous acid can act both as an oxidizing and reducing agent. NO becomes brown when released in air. Pure conc. HNO3 is colourless but on long standing turns yellow in sunlight. Red phosphorous is denser and chemically less reactive than white phosphorous. Red phosphorous is less volatile than white phosphorous. Though HNO3 is stronger than HNO2 the H3PO2, H3PO3 and H3PO4 are approximately have equal strength. PCl5 is ionic in solid state and conducts current in fused state. Noble metals like gold and platinum are in soluble in mineral acids but dissolves in aqua region. The experimentally determined N-F bond lengths in NF3 is greater than the sum of the single bond covalent radii of nitrogen and fluorine. Though the electronegativities of nitrogen and chlorine are equal, chlorine is more reactive than nitrogen. Nitrogen and bismuth donot form penta halides. Why quick lime rather than fused CaCl2, P4O10 or H2SO4 is used to dry ammonia. PH3 is weaker base than NH3. PCl5 is known but PI5 is unknown. Dipolemoment of NH3 is greater than NF3. NCl3 is unstable explosive substance but NF3 is stable. NF3 do not hydrolyse but NCl3 hydrolyse In the hydrolysis NCl3 liberates ammonia but PCl3 do not liberate PH3. Copper dissolves in HNO3 but not in HCl NO2 is paramagnetic and brown colour but N2O4 is diamagnetic and is colourless. 2. Give relevant equation with conditions for the following preparation NO from nitric acid Nitric acid from air White phosphorous form bone ash. Ammonium sulphate from gypsum, ammonia and CO2. State with balances equations what happens when Calcium phosphate is heated with a mixture of sand and carbon. White phosphorous is boiled with strong solution of caustic soda. Elemental phosphorous on heating with conc.HNO3 Calcium carbide is treated with nitrogen. Water is added to calcium cyanamide. Cl2 is passed through liquour ammonia Gold is treated with aquaregia A mixture of air and ammonia when passed over hot platinum gauze.

9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.

Nitrogen is obtained in the reaction of aqueous ammonia with KMnO4. Tin metal is boiled with conc.HNO3 Very dilute nitric acid on heating with zinc or magnesium. Phosphorous is treated with an acidified CuSO4 solution. 3. True or False NO is acidic oxide. N2O is diamagnetic NO2 is paramagnetic NO is the anhydride of nitrous acid. N2O5 can be prepared by the dehydration of HNO3 with P4O10 The covalency of nitrogen in N2O5 is four. Sodium Bismuthate is a reducing agent. Antimony has no oxyacid. Aluminium can reduce very dilute nitric acid to ammonium nitrate. The modern process for the manufacture of nitric acid is Birkland and Eyde method. 4.Match the following Laughing gas Nitrous anhydride Anhydride of nitric acid Anhydride of HPO3 Acid hydride of N2 Basic hydride of N2 Dibasic acid a) b) c) d) e) f) g) phosphorous acid (i) strong dehydrating agent hydrazoic acid (ii) strongest acidic oxide of N2 ammonia (iii) reducing agent nitrogen trioxide (iv) explosive nitrous oxide (v) good complexing agent nitrogen pentoxide (vi) good supporter of combustion phosphorous pentoxide (vii) least stable oxide of N2 5. PROBLEMS






A mineral popularly known as apatite is used to prepare a fertilizer which provides phosphorous element to the soil (i) The fertilizer is obtained by treating apatite with sulphuric acid (ii) When heated with silica and coke it yields white phosphorous and calcium silicate. Suggest formula for apatite and explain the reactions i and ii An aqueous solution of gas X shows the following reactions. (i) It turns red litmus to blue. (ii) When added in excess to a copper sulphate solution a deep blue colour is obtained. (iii) On addition of ferric chloride a brown precipitate soluble in dilute nitric acid is obtained. Identify X and give equations for ii and iii A compound A on heating with excess caustic soda solution liberates a gas B which gives white fumes on exposure to HCl. Heating is continued to expel the gas completely. The resultant alkaline solution again liberates the same gas B when heated with zinc powder. However the compound A when heated alone does not give nitrogen. Identify A and B. Give equations. A compound X on heating with NaOH liberates a gas A which gives brown precipitate when passed through alkaline solution of K2HgI4. The aqueous solution of gas A turns red litmus to blue and dissolves AgCl precipitate. Identify A and give equations. A colourless inorganic salt (A) decomposes completely at about 250oC to give only two products B and C leaving no residue. The oxide C is a liquid at room temperature and neutral to moist litmus paper, while gas B is a neutral oxide. White phosphorous burns in excess of B to produce a strong white dehydrating agent. Identify A, B and C. Write balanced equations for the reactions involved in the above process. An orange red solid (A) on heating gave a green residue B, a colourless gas C and water vapour. The dry gas C on passing over heated magnesium gave a white solid D. D on reaction with water gave a gas E which forms dense white fumes with HCl. Identify A to E and give the reactions.










16. 17. 18.

(i) An inorganic iodide A on heating with a solution of KOH gives a gas B and the solution of a compound C. (ii) The gas B on ignition in air gives a compound D and water. (iii) Copper sulphate is reduced to the metal on passing B through the solution. (iv) A precipitate of the compound E is formed on reaction of C with copper sulphate solution. Identify A to E and give chemical equations for the reactions at steps i to iv. Gradual addition of KI solution to Bi(NO3)3 solution initially produces a dark brown precipitate which dissolves in excess KI to give clear yellow solution. Write chemical equations for the above reaction. A colourless solid A liberates a brown gas B on acidification, a colourless alkaline gas C on treating with NaOH and a colourless non reactive gas D on heating. If heating of the solid A is continued it completely disappears. Identify A to D. An inorganic compound A when heated decomposes completely to give only two gases B and C. B is a neutral gas, fairly soluble in water and itself decomposes on heating to two different gases D and E. A when treated with NaOH gives another gas F which turns mercurous nitrate paper black. After some time the gas F ceases to evolve, however its supply is restored by treating the residual solution with zinc powder. Identify A to B and give necessary equations. A non metal X on heating with caustic soda liberates a gas B and forms a compound C in solution. The gas B on burning in air forms rings of fumes and can reduces the CuSO4 solution to copper metal. The compound C is also a reducing agent and can reduce the silver nitrate to silver metal in acid medium. Identify X, A and B. Give equations. A compound A on heating liberates two gases B and C. C is neutral oxide and is liquid at room temperature. B is a non reactive gas and when passed over heated calcium metal gives a white powder D. D when dissolved in water liberates a gas E which turns the red litmus to blue and when passed through copper sulphate solution a light blue precipitate which is formed initially dissolves on passing excess gas E and gives deep blue colour. The solution F remained after liberating gas E by dissolving D in water when exposed to air a layer of white solid G is formed on the surface of solution. Identify A to G give reactions. A colourless water soluble solid X on heating gives equimolar quantities of Y and Z. Y gives dense white fumes with HCl and Z gives dense white fumes with NH3. Y gives brown precipitate with Nesslers reagent and Z gives white precipitate with nitrates of Ag+, Hg+ and Pb2+, what is X (i) A gas X when passed over red hot cupric oxide is oxidized to a reacting gas A along with another neutral gas B by reducing cupric oxide to copper (ii) The gas X when passed over hot platinum gauze is oxidized to another gas D along with the formation B. (iii) D when exposed to air turns to brown gas E which gives an acid F when dissolved in water in the presence of oxygen. (iv) When copper turnings are added and heated the gas D is liberated with dilute solution and E is liberated with concentrated solution of F. Identify A to F. Give equations. When a mineral acid A is heated with copper turnings a brown gas B is liberated leaving behind a green residue C. The green residue on strong heating gives the same gas B again. The gas B when dissolved in water in the presence of air gives the same acid A. Identify ABC give reactions. burned in H 2O boiling P4 A B C + D limited air Identify A to D. What will be the maximum decrease in volume when 5 ml of N2 is sparkled with 15 ml of H2 An unknown inorganic compound X gave the following reactions. (i) The compound X on heating gave a residue, oxygen and oxide of nitrogen. (ii) An aqueous solution of compound X on addition to tap water gave a turbidity which did not dissolve in HNO3. (iii) The turbidity dissolved in NH4OH.





Identify the compound X and give equation for the reactions i, ii and iii A soluble compound of a poisonous element M when heated with Zn/H2SO4 gives a colourless and extremely poisionous gaseous compound N which on passing through a heated tube gives silvery mirror of the element M. Identify M and N A solution of white solid (A) gave white ppt. (B), with water. On treatment with HCl the ppt. (B) produced (A). When solution of A was treated with sodium stannite and NaOH, it produced a black ppt. (C). With conc. H2SO4 the compound (A) produced a colourless gas (D). The gas is soluble in water and its aqueous solution produced a white precipitate E with Hg2(NO3)2 but no ppt. With Hg(NO3)2. Identify A to D and explain the reactions involved. A white hygroscopic powder A reacts with cold water with a hissing sound to give a compound (B), (B) forms a white ppt. With barium chloride in acidic medium and gives a white amorphous ppt. C with neutral AgNO3. Comound B can also be obtained by heating orthophosphoric acid. Identify A, B, C and write relevant equations. A waxy crystalline solid (A) with garlic smell is obtained by burning white phosphorous in a stream of air. (A) reacts vigorously with hot water forming a gas (B) and an acid (C). Gas (B) has unpleasant odour of rosten fish and is almost neutral towards litmus. When passed through CuSO4 solution gas B produced a black ppt. D. Identify A to D and explain the reaction. 6. Multiple Choice Questions with only one answer

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10.




Sodium nitrate decomposes on heating to give 1) N2 2) O2 3) NO2 4) Na2O By heating a mixture of ammonium sulphate and sodium nitrate we get 1) ammonium nitrate 2) NaNH4SO4 3) nitrogen 4) nitrous oxide The compound which gives a mixture of two gases on heating 1) NaNO3 2) NH4NO2 3) Pb(NO3)2 4) NH4NO3 Nitrous oxide is prepared in the laboratory 1) combination of nitrogen and oxygen 2) reduction of NO 3) reduction of nitric acid 4) thermal decomposition of NH4NO3 Which of the following is used to dry ammonia 1) conc.H2SO4 2) CaO 3) P2O5 4) anhydrous CaCl2 Explosive hydride of nitrogen 1) N3H 2) N2H4 3) NH3 4) N4H4 It is recommended that ammonia bottles be opened after cooling in ice for some time. This is because 1) it brings tears to eyes 2) it has high vapour pressure 3) it is corrosive liquid 4) it is mild explosive Which one of the following is not an acid salt 1) Na.H2PO2 2) NaH2PO3 3) NaH2PO4 4) Na2HPO4 When NH4OH is added to copper sulphate solution blue colour is obtained due to the formation of 1) Cu(NH3)4SO4 2) Cu(NH4SO4)2 3) Cu(OH)2 4) CuO By adding P2O5 to HNO3 1) a precipitate of yellow colour is formed 2) phosphorous gets free 3) oxide of nitrogen is formed 4) ammonia is evolved Phosphorous is manufactured by heating in an electric furnace the mixture of 1) bone ash and coke 2) bone ash and silica 3) bone ash, silica and coke 4) bone ash, NaCl and coke Nitrolim is obtained by passing nitrogen over 1) heated mixture of Al2O3 and carbon 2) calcium carbide 3) carborundum 4) heated aluminium The gas that turns to brown when mixed with air

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

22. 23. 24. 25.

26. 27. 28.

29. 30.

31. 32. 33.

34. 35.

1) N2O 2) NO 3) N2O3 4) NO2 Which of the following is used as anaesthetic 1) NH3 2) N2O 3) NO 4) NO2 When ammonia is heated with CO2 under pressure, the product is 1) (NH4)2CO3 2) NH2CONH2 3) NH2COONH4 4) NH4HCO3 Percentage of nitrogen in urea is about 1) 70 2) 63 3) 47 4) 28 A white precipitate will be obtained by the hydrolysis of 1) PCl5 2) NCl3 3) BiCl3 4) AsCl3 When treated with nitric acid which of the following liberates hydrogen 1) Zn 2) Cu 3) Mg 4) Hg The raw material for the manufacture of nitric acid by Birkland and Eyde method is 1) Ammonia 2) Air 3) nitrogen dioxide 4) chile salt petre White phosphorous may be removed from red phosphorous by 1) sublimation 2) distillation 3) dissolving in CS2 4) heating with an alkali solution White phosphorous reacts with caustic soda. The products are PH3 and NaH2PO2. The reaction is an example of 1) oxidation 2) reduction 3) neutralization 4) both oxidation and reduction The least basic halide of nitrogen 1) NF3 2) NCl3 3) NBr3 4) NI3 The bonds present in N2O5 are 1) only ionic 2) only covalent 3) covalent and coordinate 4) covalent and ionic Concentrated nitric acid oxidizes cane sugar to 1) CO2 and H2O 2) CO and H2O 3) CO, CO2 and H2O 4) Oxalic acid and water Skin becomes yellow in conc. HNO3 because 1) proteins are converted in to xnthoproteins 2) HNO3 acts as a dehydrating agent 3) Nitrocellulose is formed 4) HNO3 acts as an oxidizing agent Nitrates of all metals 1) insoluble in water 2) soluble in water 3) unstable 4) coloured Which oxide of nitrogen forms a brown coloured complex with Fe(II) ion 1) N2O 2) NO 3) N2O3 4) NO2 Red phosphorous is made by heating white phosphorous in the presence of an inert gas at temperature 1) 60oC 2) 200oC 3) 240oC 4) 100oC When phosphine is bubbled through a solution of silver nitrate is precipitated 1) silver 2) silver phosphide 3) silver oxide 4) none PH3 produces smoky rings when it comes in contact with air. This is because. 1) it is inflammable 2) it combines with water vapour 3) it combines with nitrogen 4) it contains impurity of P2H4 Which gas is obtained when urea reacts with nitrous acid 1) N2 2) NO 3) N2O 4) NO2 Nitrogen percentage is the highest in fertilizer 1) ammonium sulphate 2) CAN 3) Urea 4) Calcium cyanamide Which of the following properties of white phosphorous are shared by red phosphorous 1) it phosphorescences in air 2) it burns when heated in air 3) it dissolves in CS2 4) it reacts with NaOH to give PH3 Arsenic is detected by 1) ring test 2) Lucas test 3) Lake test 4) Marsh test Liquid ammonia is used as refregirant because 1) it has high dipolemoment 2) it has high solubility in water 3) of its basicity 4) it has high heat of evaporation


37. 38. 39.

40. 41.


43. 44.

45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.

52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

The yellow colour often shown by nitric acid can be removed by 1) bubbling air through warm acid 2) boiling the acid 3) passing ammonia through acid 4) adding little Mg powder Which of the following nitrogen oxide is mixed anhydride of nitrous and nitric acids. 1) NO 2) N2O3 3) NO2 4) N2O5 Which of the following nitrogen oxide is a white solid 1) NO 2) NO2 3) N2O3 4) N2O5 PCl5 is kept in well stoppered bottles because 1) it is highly volatile 2) it reacts readily with moisture 3) it reacts with oxygen 4) it is explosive Anhydride of HPO3 is 1) P2O3 2) P2O4 3) P2O5 4) PO3 Phosphate + conc. HNO3 + (NH4)2Mo O4 soln. yellow precipitate. The composition of yellow precipitate is 1) (NH4)3PO4.Mo O3 2) (NH4)3PO4.12Mo O3 3) (NH4)2PO4.12Mo O3 4) NH4PO4.Mo O3 Which of the following can not be used as a phosphatic fertiliser 1) super phosphate of lime 2) phosphatic slag 3) ammonium phosphate 4) phosphorite mineral Concentrated nitric acid reacts with iodine to give 1) HI 2) HOI 3) HOIO2 4) HOIO3 Which of the following is a tetrabasic acid 1) hypophosphorous acid 2) orthophosphoric acid 3) metaphosphoric acid 4) pyrophosphoric acid Nitrous anhydride is 1) NO 2) N2O3 3) N2O4 4) N2O5 Covalency of nitrogen in nitric acid is 1) 0 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 When concentrated nitric acid is heated it decomposes to give 1) oxygen and nitrogen 2) nitric oxide 3) oxygen 4) nitrogen dioxide and oxygen In P4O10 the number oxygen atoms bonded to each phosphorous atom is 1) 2.5 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 When Bismuth chloride is poured into large volume of water, the white precipitate produced is 1) Bi(OH)3 2) Bi2O3 3) Bi2Cl8 4) BiOCl When ammonia is passed over heat CuO it is oxidized to 1) HNO2 2) N2O 3) N2 4) NO2 The CN ion and N2 are isoelectronic. But in contrast to CN-, N2 is chemically inert because of 1) low bond energy 2) absence of bond polarity 3) unsymmetrical electron distribution 4) presence of more number of electrons in bonding orbitals Which oxide does not act as reducing agent 1) NO 2) NO2 3) N2O 4) N2O5 Which of the following has three electron bond in its structure 1) nitrous oxide 2) dinitrogen trioxide 3) nitric oxide 4) nitrogen pentoxide Mixture used in Holmes signal is 1) CaC2 and CaCl2 2) CaCl2 and Ca3P2 3) CaC2 and C3N2 4) CaC2 and Ca3P2 Blasting of TNT is done by mixing 1) NH4Cl 2) NH4NO3 3) NH4NO2 4) (NH4)2SO4 The number of hydroxyl groups in pyrophosphoric acid is 1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 7 The order of the boiling points of V th group hydrides is 1) NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 2) PH3 < AsH3 < SbH3 < NH3


59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

66. 67.

68. 69. 70.

71. 72. 73. 74.


76. 77. 78. 79.

3) PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 > NH3 4) NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 < SbH3 Nitrogen can be purified from the impurities of oxides of nitrogen and ammonia by passing through 1) a solution of K2Cr2O7 acidified with H2SO4 2) concentrated HCl 3) alkaline solution of pyrogallol 4) a solution of KOH Which does not give ammonia with water 1) Mg3N2 2) AlN 3) CaCN2 4) Ca(CN)2 Sodium nitrate on heating with zinc dust and sodium hydroxide gives 1) NaNO2 2) NH3 3) NO2 4) N2O Which one of the following is used as anaesthetic 1) NH3 2) N2O 3) NO 4) NO2 The best absorbent for ammonia is 1) water 2) H2SO4 3) NaO 4) NaOH When SO2 reacts with nitrous acid the compound formed is 1) H2S 2) S 3) SO3 4) H2SO4 The Nesslers reagent contain the ion 1) Hg22+ 2) Hg2+ 3) HgI24) HgI42NH4Cl is used to clean metal surfaces because 1) it dissociates into NH3 and HCl on heating 2) NH3 forms a soluble complex with metal 3)NH4Cl forms a volatile chloride 4) none The vapour density of NH4Cl is almost half the expected value because it 1) is a salt of a strong acid 2) sublimes on heating 3) dissociates completely 4) none In smoke screens calcium phosphide is used because it 1) catches fire easily 2) burns and gives soot 3) forms phosphine which gives smoke 4) none A glass tube containing molten antimony breaks upon solidification of antimony due to 1) expansion 2) exothermic reaction 3) conversion of explosive antimony 4) none Light blue colour of nitrous acid is due dissolved 1) O2 2) N2 3) N2O 4) N2O3 Bones glow in the dark because 1) they contain a shining material 2) they contain red phosphorous 3) white phosphorous changes into red phosphorous 4) white phosphorous undergoes slow combustion with air NH3 gas can be collected by the displacement of 1) mercury 2) water 3) brine 4) conc. H2SO4 The decomposition temperature is highest for 1) AsH3 2) NH3 3) PH3 4) SbH3 Glacial phosphoric acid is 1) H3PO4 2) HPO3 3) H4P2O7 4) H3PO2 Which of the following coagulates white of an egg 1) orthophosphoric acid 2) metaphosphoric acid 3) hypophosphoric acid 4) pyrophosphoric acid Fuming nitric acid is 1) conc. HNO3 + NO2 2) conc.HNO3 + NO3 3) conc. HNO3 + N2O3 4) conc. HNO3 + NO Phosphine reacts with copper sulphate solution to form 1) copper 2) copper phosphide 3) copper phosphate 4) copper phosphite Which of the following is Schweitzers reagent 1) [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 2) [Ag(NH3)2]Cl 3) Cu(NH3)2Cl 4) K4[Fe(CN)6] Which of the following acids possesses oxidizing, reducing and complex forming properties 1) HCl 2) HNO2 3) H2SO4 4) HNO3 Pearl white is

80. 81.

82. 83. 84. 85. 86.


88. 89.

90. 91.




1) BiOCl 2) SbOCl 3) NOCl 4) AsOCl Ammonium salts are oxidized in the soil to nitrite by 1) denitrifying bacteria 2) nitrifying bacteria3) ammonifying bacteria 4) nitrosifying bacteria Rain water some times contain NH4NO3 because lightening in the sky causes the air to react and produce oxides of nitrogen and 1) H2 2) NH3 3) CO2 4) noble gases Antimony dissolves in aqua regia to yield 1) SbCl3 2) Sb2O5 3) SbCl5 4) antimony nitrate Which of the following is strongest base 1) AsH3 2) SbH3 3) PH3 4) NH3 The basic oxide is 1) N2O5 2) P2O5 3) As2O5 4) Sb2O5 When phosphorous is heated with conc.HNO3 it reduces the acid to 1) NO 2) NO2 3) N2O3 4) N2O5 Which of the following statements regarding nitrogen molecule is not correct 1) amongst the homonuclear diatomic molecules of second period thebond dissociation enthalpy is maximum for nitrogen molecule 2) amongst the homonuclear diatomic molecules of second period, the bond length is minimum for N2 molecule 3) Nitrogen molecule is paramagnetic in nature 4) Nitrogen reacts with metals and non metals at high temperatures forming ionic and covalent nitrides Which of the following statements regarding phosphorous is not true? 1) phosphorous belongs to group 15 of the periodic table 2) the element phosphorous is obtained by heating rock phosphite with coke and sand in an electric furnace at about 1700-1800k 3) the formula of phosphorous is P4 4) black phosphorous is the least stable form of all allotropes of phosphorous Semiconducting form of phosphorous is 1) white 2) red 3) black 4) yellow Which of the following statements regarding white phosphorous is not correct? 1) it is non poisonous 2) it glows in dark 3) it has low ignition temperature 4) it is powerful reducing agent Nitrosonium ion is isoelectronic with 1) NO 2) CO 3) NO2 4) CO2+ In the brown ring test of nitrate ion the compound formed is 1) [Fe(H2O)5NO]2+ 2) [Fe(H2O)5NO]3+ 2+ 3) [Fe(H2O)4(NO)2] 4) [Fe(H2O)3(NO)3]2+ Which of the following equations is not correctly formulated 1) concentrated HNO3 acquires yellow coloration due to the reaction 4HNO3 4NO2 + 2H2O + O2 2) Cu + 4HNO3(dil) Cu(NO3)2 + 2H2O + 2NO2 3) 4Zn + 10HNO3 4Zn(NO3)2 + 5H2O + N2O 4) P4 + 20HNO3 4H3PO4 + 4H2O + 20NO2 The volume of ammonia gas obtained when 6 dm3 of H2 reacts with excess of nitrogen (all volumes measured at STP) would be 1) 2 dm3 2) 3 dm3 3) 4 dm3 4) 6 dm3 Which of the following statements regarding metaphosphoric acid is not correct 1) it is also known as glacial phosphoric acid 2) it is a transparent liquid

95. 96.




3) it is a monobasic acid 4) it produces orthophosphoric acid on treating with water The anhydride of orthophosphorous acid is 1) P4O6 2) P4O8 3) P4O10 4) P2O4 Which of the following equations is not correctly formulated I2 1) P4O10 + 6H2O (cold) 4H3PO4 2) P4 + 20HNO3 4H3PO4 + 20NO2 + 4H2O 3) PCl5 + 4H2O H3PO4 + 5HCl 4) Ca3(PO4)2 + 3H2SO4 3CaSO4 + 2H3PO4 Which of the following statements regarding pyrophosphoric acid is not correct? 1) it is obtained by heating equimolar mixture of ortho and meta phosphoric acid at 100oC 2) on boiling with water it produces orthophosphoric acid 3) on strong heating it produces orthophosphoric acid 4) it forms four series of salts eg:NaH3P4O7, Na2H2P4O7, Na3HP4O7 and Na4P4O7 Phosphorous acid has 1) one hydrogen atom attached to phosphorous 2) two hydrogen atoms attached to phosphorous 3) three hydrogen atoms attached to phosphorous 4) no hydrogen atom attached to phosphorous Which of the following statements regarding N2O4 is not correct? 1) the molecules of N2O4 is planar 2) the molecule of N2O4 contains week N-N bond 3) in liquid N2O4, NOCl acts as a base 4) the dipolemoment of N2O4 is zero 7. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS WITH MORE THAN ONE ANSWER


2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12.

White phosphorous (P4) has 1) six P-P single bonds 2) four P-P single bonds 3) four lone pairs of electrons 4) PPP angle of 60o Ammonium nitrate 1) is a fertilizer 2) is an explosive 3) gives N2O on heating 4) gives N2 on heating Which of the following is/are acid salt 1) NaH2PO2 2) NaH2PO3 3) NaH2PO4 4) Na2HPO3 When concentrated nitric acid is added to phosphorous pentoxide 1) nitric anhydride will be formed 2) nitrous anhydride will be formed 3) dehydration of nitric acid takes place 4) metaphosphoric acid will be formed Oxygen gas will be liberated along with an oxide of nitrogen, on heating 1) NaNO3 2) (NH4)2Cr2O7 3) Pb(NO3)2 4) AgNO3 The compounds which does not leave any residue on heating 1) NaNO3 2) NH4NO2 3) Hg(NO3)2 4) NH4NO3 The oxyacids of phosphorous that can be prepared by dissolving P4O10 in water 1) H3PO3 2) H3PO4 3) HPO3 4) H4P2O7 The oxyacids of phosphorous that can be prepared by heating orthophosphoric acid 1) H3PO3 2) HPO3 3) H3PO2 4) H4P2O7 Ammonia cannot be dried by 1) H2SO4 2) P2O5 3) CaO(anhydrous) 4) CuSO4 Which are correct for N2O 1) laughing gas 2) nitrous oxide 3) not a linear molecule 4) good supporter of combustion than air (NH4)2Cr2O7 on heating gives 1) Cr2O3 2) N2 3) H2CrO4 4) NH3 Which are correct statements 1) NO is heavier than air 2) the formula of nitrous anhydride is N2O5 3) N2 diffuses faster than NO 4) NH3 can be used as refrigerent



Nitrogen (1) oxide can be produced by the 1) thermal decomposition of NH4NO3 2) disproportionate of N2O4 3) thermal decomposition of NH4NO2 4) interaction of hydroxyl amine and HNO3 NO2 can be obtained by heating 1) KNO3 2) Pb(NO3)2 3) Cu(NO3)2 4) AgNO3

VI Group Assignment 1. Explain with Reason 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Oxygen is a gas, sulphur is a solid. Explain. Oxygen exhibit an oxidation state of 2 but other elements exhibit 2, +2, +4 and +6 oxidation states. The O O bond energy in O2 is much larger than S-S bond energy in S8. Ozone is more reactive than oxygen. Sulphur melts to clear mobile liquid at 119oC but on further heating above 160oC it becomes viscous. Water is a liquid where as other hydrides of VI group elements are gases. Water is thermally more stable than H2S H2S is better reducing agent than water. Bond angle in water is greater than in H2S. SO2 will act both as oxidizing and reducing agent while SO3 will act only as oxidizing agent and H2S will act only as reducing agent. Sulphuric acid is highly viscous and has high B.P. conc. H2SO4 gas cannot be used to dry H2 gas. For the dilution of H2SO4 water should not be added to conc.H2SO4 Bleaching action of SO2 is temporary while the bleaching action of Cl2 is permanent. AgNO3 gives black precipitate with dil.hypo solution but donot form any precipitate with conc.hypo. Hypo gives white precipitate with barium chloride but not with calcium chloride. When few drops of FeCl3 is added to hypo a violet colour appears which disappears quickly. KMnO4 should not be dissolved in conc. H2SO4 SF6 is known but SCl6 is not known. The tendency to show 2 oxidation state diminishes from sulphur to polonium SO2 acts as a bleaching agent. H2S cannot be dried over conc.H2SO4 Conc.H2SO4 is a good dehydrating agent. Oxygen is paramagnetic while ozone is diamagnetic. Ozone layer acts as an umbrella for the earth against the harmful radiations from sun. Wooden shelf under the reagent bottle containing conc.H2SO4 blackens after some time. Ozone destroys the mercury menocus. Ozone is used as sterilising agent. A white turbidity is obtained by passing H2S in to aqueous solution of SO2 H2SO4 is used as pickling agent. 2. Explain giving equations. Sulphur is boiled with caustic soda solution. SO2 is passed through acidified K2Cr2O7, KMnO4 solutions. H2S is bubbled through an aqueous solution of SO2 H2S is passed through an acidified solution of FeCl3. Sulphur is precipitated in the reaction of H2S with sodium bisulphite solution. Aqueous solution of potassium permanganate and sulphuric acid are mixed. Aqueous solution of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid are mixed.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

SO2 is bubbled through copper sulphate solution in the presence of potassium thiocyanate. SO2 gas, water vapour and air are passed over heated sodium chloride. Ozone is treated with potassium ferrocyanide. What happens when SO2 is strongly heated. What happens when potassium ferrocyanide is strongly heated with conc.H2SO4. How does oil of vitriol react with Zn and Al. How does hypo react with I2 in iodometric titrations. What is the valency and covalency of sulphur in sulphur molecule. SO2 dissolves in water to give acidic solution. Why it is not possible to get conc.H2SO4 by the action of conc.HCl on (NH4)2SO4. SO2 is more powerful reducing agent in alkaline medium than in acid medium. Give the electronic structures of the following compounds or ions 1) SO3 2) H2SO4 3) SO4-2 4) SO2 5) O3 Sulphuric acid acts as an acid, an oxidizing agent and as a dehydrating agent. In which way does it behave when it acts on 1) glucose 2) S 3) CaCO3 4) Cu 5) HCOH 6) HS 7) NaOH 8) C 3. Fill in the blanks Ozone is ____ of oxygen. On strong heating SO2 decomposes into ______ and ______ Maximum covalency of sulphur is ______ The lead chambers process involves the oxidation of ______ by atmospheric oxygen under the influence of _____ as catalysts. Pure H2S is obtained by heating pure ____ pure conc. _____ acid. SO2 reacts with Br2 in the presence of moisture to form _____ Sulphur acts as _____ agent in Vulcanization of rubber. _____ chalcogen element is used as rocket fuel. The colour of liquid oxygen is Oxygen is absorbed by ______ Ozone is absorbed in ____ The colour of solid ozone is _____ Ozone oxidizes moist sulphur to ______ Pure sulphuric acid is manufactured by ______ process. SO2 is absorbed in The oxide that liberates chlorine with conc.HCl and oxygen with conc.H2SO4 is _____ Ozone oxidises iodide to ________ and iodine to _______ Ozone bleaches colouring matter by _______ and SO2 bleaches by ________ ______ is used for pickiling of metals. _______ is evolved when non metals are heated with conc.H2SO4 The more stable allotropic form of sulphur at room temperature ___ Dry bleaching is done by _____ Hydrogen peroxide is ______ powerful reducing agent in alkaline medium as compared to acidic medium. Hydrogen peroxide acts as an oxidising agent due to the conversion of O22- into ___ Dithionic acid has molecular formula _____ The structure of sulphurous acid is _____ including the lone pair of electrons Sulphuric acid with water forms an azerotropic mixture containing approximately _____ of the acid. Hot concentrated sulphuric acid is _______ oxidizing agent. Copper reduces H2SO4 to _____

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

30. 31. 32.

Violet colouration obtained by mixing S-2 and sodium nitroprusside is due to the formation of ____ species. 4. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Oxygen molecule is paramagnetic. Sulphur shows maximum covalency four. Ozone can be easily detected by mercury. The conversion of oxygen to ozone is exothermic process. Contact process produces 98% H2SO4 Both sulphurous and sulphuric acids are dibasic in nature. SO2 does not help in combustion but burning magnesium continues burning in its atmosphere. SO2 is an acid anhydride sulphurous acid. If hydrogen sulphide is bubbled through an acidified solution of potassium dichromate the solution turns yellow with bright green precipitate. H2SO4 is used in lead accumulators. Bleaching action of SO2 is due to reduction and temporary. The maximum volatility amongst hydrides of VI group elements is for H2S. Potassium iodide is not oxidized by ozone in the presence of ferrous sulphate. All electrons in O2 molecule are paired. Mercury in presence of ozone is oxidized to mercuric oxide. Peroxy disulphuric acid molecule consists of S-S bond. Low volatility and viscous nature of conc. H2SO4 is due to hydrogen bonding. Sulphur does not form basic oxides. Liquid SO2 is a good solvent. O3 is a pale blue gas. Sulphur is used as medicine for skin disease. Oxide ion is not easily polarized, so it is called a hard ion. Ozone is not poisionous in nature. Ozone molecule is linear. Sulphurous acid is a white crystalline solid. The S-O bond in SO2 is smaller than the expected value. Solid SO2 exists in three polmorphic forms. In alkaline medium the reducing properties of sulphurous acid is due to SO3-2 while in acidic medium it is due to SO2 Redox potential of SO4-2 ions in acid medium. (SO42- + 4H+ + 2e- SO2 + 2H2O) is smaller than in the alkaline medium. (SO42- + H2O + 2e- SO32- + 2OH-) Mg reduces H2SO4 to H2S. Sodium thiosulphate is an oxidizing agent. Sodium thiosulphate reacts with Cl2 as per the reaction 2Na2S2O3 + Cl2 Na2S4O6 + 2NaCl 5. Match the following. Oleum Chamber crystals Sulphur dioxide Oxygen Ozone Hydrogen sulphide Sulphur Marshalls acid (i) paramagnetic (ii) peroxy disulphuric acid (iii) Detection of double bonds in organic compounds (iv) Vulcanizing rubber (v) Laboratory reagent for mixture analysis (vi) NOHSO4 (vii) Antichlor (viii) Fuming sulphuric acid 6. PROBLEMS

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)










A scarlet compound A is treated with conc.HNO3 to give a chacolate brown precipitate B. The precipitate is filtered and the filtrate is neutralized with NaOH. Addition of KI to the resulting solution gives a yellow ppt. C. The ppt. B on warming with conc.HNO3 in the presence of Mn(NO3)2 produces a pink-coloured solution due to the formation of D. Identify A, B, C and D and write reaction sequence. In the following reaction identify A, B, C and D PCl5 + SO2 A + B A + CH3COOH C + SO2 + HCl 2C + (CH3)2Cd 2D + CdCl2 An inorganic compound X loses water of crystallization, on heating. Its aqueous solution gives the following reactions. (i) It gives a white turbidity with dil. Hydrochloric acid solution. (ii) It decolourise a solution of iodine in potassium iodide. (iii) It gives white precipitate with AgNO3 solution which turns black on long standing. Identify X and give reactions. A certain inorganic compound A on heating loses water of crystallization. On further heating a blackish brown powder B and two oxides of sulphur C & D are formed. The powder on boiling with HCl gives yellow solution E. When H2S is passed in B a white turbidity F and an apple green solution G are obtained. Identify A to G and give reactions. A certain metal A is boiled with nitric acid to give a salt B and an oxide of nitrogen C. An aqueous solution of B with brine gives a ppt. of D. Which is soluble in NH4OH. On adding an aqueous solution of B to hypo a white ppt. E is obtained E turns black on standing. Identify A to E and give equations. A compound (A) is greenish crystalline salt which gives the following tests. (i) Addition of BaCl2 solution to the solution of A gives a white ppt. B which is insoluble in dil.HCl. (ii) On heating A, water vapour and two oxides of sulphur C and D are liberated leaving a red brown residue E (iii) E dissolves in warm conc.HCl to give a yellow solution F. (iv) When H2S is passed through F gives a pale yellow precipitate G which when filtered leaves a greenish filtrate H. Identify A to H and give equations. Compound A on strong heating gives two oxides of sulphur. On adding aqueous NaOH to the solution of A, a dirty green precipitate is obtained which starts turning brown on exposure to air. Identify A and give reactions. Compound A is light green crystalline solid. It gives the following tests. (i) It dissolves in dil.H2SO4. No gas is evolved. (ii) A drop of KMnO4 is added to the above solution. The pink colour disappears. (iii) On heating A gases B and C with pungent smell came out. A brown residue D left behind. (iv) The gas mixture B and C is passed into a dichromate solution. The solution turns green. (v) The green solution in step IV gives a white ppt. E. with a solution of Ba(NO3)2 (vi) Residue D from step III is treated on charcoal in a reducing flame. It gives a magnetic substance. Identify A, B, C, D and E. Give reactions. An aqueous solution of gas X give the following reactions. (i) It decolourises an acidified K2Cr2O7 solution. (ii) On boiling with H2O2 cooling it and then adding an aqueous solution of BaCl2 a ppt. insoluble in dil.HCl is obtained. (iii) On passing H2S in the solution white turbidity is obtained. Identify X and give equations for steps i, ii and iii.









A hydrated metallic salt A, light green in colour on careful heating gives a white anhydrous salt B. B is soluble in water and its aqueous solution reacts with NO to give dark brown compound C. B on strong heating gives a brown residue D and a mixture of two gases E and F. The gaseous mixture when passed through acidified permanganate discharges the pink colour and when passed through BaCl2 solution a white precipitate is formed. Identify A to F and give reactions. A compound X gives a pungent smelling colourless gas A with dilute H2SO4 leaving behind a white precipitate B insoluble in any acid. The gas A when passed through lime water, it turns milky which gives the same gas A with dil.acid. The compound X gives green colour to the flame. Gas A when passed through acidified potassium dichromate turns to green and when passed through acidified potassium permanganate its colour will be discharged. Identify A & B and give reactions. Identify the unknown species and complete the following reactions. A + H2SO4 + K2Cr2O7 B (green residue) A + H2SO4 (dil) + C MnSO4 H 2O A + O2 D D + BaCl2 white ppt. A white compound B when heated with dil.HCl gives an offensive smelling gas B and a solution C. The residual solution C did not gave any precipitate with NH4OH but a definite ppt.D is obtained with NaOH which however dissolved in addition of excess reagent. A when heated strongly in air gave another offensive smelling gas E and a solid F. F dissolved completely in HCl and gave white ppt. with BaCl2. Identify A to F and give reactions. A mixture of three gases A, B and C is passed first into an acidified K2Cr2O7 solution. When A is absorbed turning the solution green. The reminder of the gas is passed through an excess of lime water which turns milky resulting in the absorption of B. The residual gas C is absorbed by an alkaline pyrogallol solution. However the original gaseous mixture does not turn lead acetate paper black. Identify A, B and C (i) A black mineral A on heating in presence of air gives a gas B (ii) The mineral A on reaction with dil.H2SO4 gives a gas C and solution of compound D. (iii) On passing gas C into an aqueous solution of B a white turbidity is obtained. (iv) The aqueous solution of compound D on reaction with potassium ferricyanide gives a blue compound E. Identify A to E and give chemical equations to steps i to iv. When gas A is passed through dry KOH at low temperature a deep red coloured compound B and a gas C are obtained. The gas A on reaction with but-2-ene followed by treatment with Zn/H2O yields acetaldehyde. Identify A, B and C give reactions. An inorganic compound A is formed by passing gas B through a concentrated liquor containing sodium sulphide and sodium sulphite. (ii) On adding A into a dilute solution of silver nitrate a white precipitate appears which quickly changes into black coloured compound C. (iii) On adding two or three droops of ferric chloride into the excess of solution of A, a violet coloured compound D is formed. This colour disappears quickly. (iv) On adding a solution of A into the solution of cupric chloride a white ppt. is first formed. Which dissolved on adding excess of A forming a compound E. Identify A to E. Give reactions for i to iv.




The action of dil. Acid on an iron salt produces a gas A with strong odur, leaving behind a brownish black residue B. The gas burns with blue flame to produce moisture, a yellow residue C and traces of another gas D. The residue is soluble in dil.HCl giving an yellow solution E. When gas A is passed through E a light yellow ppt. F is formed. After separating F a green solution G is left behind. Identify A to G and give reactions. A yellow solid A is unaffected by acids and bases and is insoluble in water. It dissolves slowly in hot conc.HNO3 and a brown gas B is evolved. Solid A gets dissolved in boiling Na2SO3 solution to form a clear solution C. On acidification of this solution of C a colourless gas D with burning sulphur smell comes out along with white turbidity in solution of E. Identify A to E. PCl5 on reaction with an acid A produces a compound B whose vapour density is 67.5. It reacts with water to form two acids C and D. B also reacts with aq.KOH to form two salts E and F. The salts E and F give white ppt. with AgNO3 and BaCl2 solutions respectively. What are A to F. 7. Multiple Choice (Only one Answer correct)




4. 5.


7. 8. 9.


Which of the following statements regarding ozone is not correct? 1. Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen 2. The ozone layer protects the earths surface from an excessive concentration of harmful U.V.radiation. 3. The conversion of oxygen to ozone is exothermic process. 4. Ozone is much more powerful oxidizing agent than molecular oxygen. Which of the following statements regarding ozone is not correct? 1) the ozone molecule is angular in shape 2) the ozone molecule is a resonance hybrid of the two structures. 3) The O-O bond length in ozone is identical with that of molecular oxygen. 4) Ozone is used as germicide and disintectent for the purification of air Ozone is not 1) a fast oxidizing agent 2) a powerful oxidizing agent 3) a bent molecule 4) a stable allotrope On heating the volume of ozone will 1) decrease 2) increase 3) remain unchanged 4) become double Which of the following characteristics regarding sulphur is not correct? 1) Rhombic sulphur is stable at room temperature 2) Monoclinic sulphur is stable at room temperature 3) both rhombic and monoclinic sulphurs are soluble in CS2 4) both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur has the molecular formula S8 Which of the following statements regarding sulphur is true 1) both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur are soluble in water 2) both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur are soluble in CS2 3) both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur are insoluble in CS2 4) rhombic sulphur can be converted into monoclinic sulphur but the reverse is not possible Passing H2S gas through nitric acid produces 1) Rhombic sulphur 2) monoclinic sulphur 3) amorphous sulphur 4) plastic sulphur The treatment of S with concentrated HNO3 produces 1) SO2 + NO2 + H2O 2) SO2 + NO + H2O 3) H2SO4 + NO + H2O 4) H2SO4 + NO2 + H2O Which of the following statements regarding SO2 is not correct? 1) SO2 is an angular molecule 2) SO2 is an anhydride of sulphuric acid 3) SO2 is an acidic oxide 4) The S-O bond length is smaller than the expected value Which of the following statements regarding sulphur trioxide is not correct? 1) it exists in three polymorphic forms 2) it is an anhydride of sulphuric acid

11. 12.



15. 16.

17. 18. 19.


21. 22.

23. 24. 25. 26.

3) its geometry is square planer 4) V2O5 is used as a catalyst in the conversion of SO2 into SO3 Which of the following compounds produce SO3 on heating? 1) Na2SO4 2) CaSO4 3) CuSO4 4) Fe2(SO4)3 Which of the following statements regarding sulphurous acid is not correct? 1) sulphurous acid can be isolated in the crystalline form 2) in alkaline solution, reducing action of sulphurous acid is due to sulphite ion 3) in acid medium the reducing action of sulphurous acid is due to SO2 4) The structure of sulphurous acid is tetrahedral including the lone pair of electrons on sulphur Which of the following statements regarding sulphuric acid is not correct? 1) the absorption of SO2 in sulphuric acid produces oleum 2) sulphuric acid with water forms an azeotropic mixture 3) concentrated sulphuric acid is a weak oxidizing agent 4) lesser electropositive elements reduce sulphuric acid to sulphur dioxide Which of the following statements regarding sodium thiosulphate is not correct? 1) sodium thiosulphate is used in photography for fixing films and prints 2) sodium thiosulphate has five molecules of water of crystallisation 3) the reaction of Cl2 and I2 with sodium thiosulphate is 2Na2S2O3 + X2 Na2S4O6 + 2NaX 4) the equivalent mass of sodium thiosulphate when it reacts with iodine is equal to its molar mass. The dissolution of AgBr in S2O32- produces 1) Ag(S2O3)2) Ag(S2O3)233) Ag(S2O3)354) Ag(S2O3)47Which of the following statements regarding sodium thiosulphate is not correct 1) the structure of S2O32- is tetrahedral 2) sodium thiosulphate is used as antichlor in the textile industries 3) sodium thiosulphate acts as an oxidizing agent in its reaction with iodine 4) the reaction of sodium thiosulphate and Cl2 is Na2S2O3 + 4Cl2 + 5H2O 2NaHSO4 + 8HCl Most stable allotropic form of sulphur is 1) Rhombic 2) Monoclinic 3) plastic 4) milk of sulphur The percentage of ozone is ozonized oxygen is about 1) 40 2) 80 3) 10 4) 100 The product A in the following equation 2KMnO4 A + MnO2 + O2 is 1) K2Mn2O7 2) K2MnO4 3) K2O 4) K2O2 When MnO2 is added to KClO3 in the preparation of oxygen the decomposition temperature of KClO3 is reduced from 350oC to ____ 1) 300oC 2) 150oC 3) 250oC 4) room temperature Non metals combine with oxygen to form usually 1) basic oxides 2) neutral oxides 3) acidic oxides 4) amphoteric oxides In the upper layers of atmosphere ozone is formed 1) by the action of electric discharge on oxygen molecules 2) by the action of U.V.rays on oxygen molecules 3) due to sudden drop of pressure 4) by the action of I.R.rays on oxygen molecules A black sulphide when treated with ozone becomes white. The white compound is 1) ZnSO4 2) CaSO4 3) BaSO4 4) PbSO4 In the reaction 2KI + H2O + O2 2KOH + O2 + A, the compound A is 1) KIO3 2) I2O5 3) HIO3 4) I2 Ozone readily dissolves in 1) H2O 2) CS2 3) Turpentine oil 4) ammonia Which one of the metal sticks to glass plate on treatment with ozone 1) silver 2) mercury 3) copper 4) lead

27. 28.

29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

45. 46.



Moist iodine reacts with ozone to form 1) HI 2) I2O5 3) HIO3 4) HIO4 In the laboratory H2S is prepared by the action of 1) dilute H2SO4 on FeS 2) dilute H2SO4 on FeSO4 3) hydrogen on sulphur 4) hydrogen on Sb2S3 When H2S is passed through acidified K2Cr2O7 solution, the solution turns 1) yellow 2) blue 3) white 4) green Which one of the following will act only as reducing agent 1) H2S 2) H2O2 3) SO2 4) O3 SO2 is obtained by the action of dilute H2SO4 on 1) copper turnings 2) sodium sulphate 3) sodium sulphite 4) sodium sulphide Which one of the following pairs donot react with H2SO4 at all 1) Zn, Fe 2) Pb, Cu 3) Sn, Mg 4) Au, Pt The element which evolves two gases with conc. H2SO4 is 1) Si 2) C 3) S 4) P Which one of the following on heating will give mixture of SO2 and SO3 1) ZnSO3 2) CuSO4 3) Na2SO4 4) FeSO4 Sulphuric acid is used 1) in lead storage batteries 2) as a dehydrating agent 3) in making fertilizers 4) in all of these Oxygen does not react with 1) Cl 2) S 3) Na 4) F In sulphate ion the oxidation number of sulphur is +6 and the hybridization state of sulphur is 1) sp2 2) sp3d2 3) dsp3 4) sp3 Sulphur on oxidation with hot sulphuric acid gives 1) SO3 2) SO2 3) H2SO3 4) none The gas that cannot be collected over water 1) N2 2) O2 3) SO2 4) PH3 Which is the most basic oxide 1) Na2O 2) B2O3 3) ZnO 4) P2O3 Oxygen is passed through Na2SO3 solution we get 1) Na2S 2) Na2SO4 3) NaHSO4 4) NaH H2S is passed through potassium permanganate solution we get 1) potassium sulphide 2) sulphur 3) potassium sulphite 4) manganese sulphide The gases respectively absorbed by alkaline pyrogallol and oil of cinnamon is 1) O3, CH4 2) SO2, CH4 3) O2, O3 4) N2O, O3 Ordinary oxygen contains 1) a mixture of O16, O17 and O18 2) a mixture of O16 and O17 16 3) only O 4) only O18 Anhydride of sulphuric acid is 1) SO2 2) SO3 3) H2S2O3 4) H2SO3 Conc.H2SO4 displaces HCl from chlorides because 1) it is stronger than hydrochloric acid 2) HCl is a gas while H2SO4 is a liquid 3) sulphates are more soluble than chlorides 4) sulphates are less soluble than chlorides Which of the following reactions depicts the oxidizing behaviour of H2SO4 1) 2PCl5 + H2SO4 2POCl3 + 2HCl + SO2Cl2 2) 2NaOH + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + 2H2O 3) NaCl + H2SO4 NaHSO4 + HCl 4) 2HI + H2SO4 I2 + SO2 + 2H2O H2SO4 has very corrosive action on skin because 1) it reacts with proteins 2) it acts as an oxidizing agent 3) it acts as a dehydrating agent

49. 50.

51. 52. 53.

54. 55. 56.

57. 58.

59. 60. 61. 62.

63. 64. 65. 66.


4) it acts as a dehydrating agent and absorption of water is highly exothermic Which of the following turns lead acetate paper to black 1) SO2 2) SO3 3) H2SO4 4) H2S Mark the wrong statement when Na2S is added to sodium nitroprusside solution 1) beautiful violet colour is produced 2) a complex [Fe(CN)5NOS]4- is formed 23) a complex [Fe(CN)5NOS] is formed 4) the complex Na4[Fe(CN)5NOS] is formed Mark the compound which gives carbon with conc. H2SO4 1) formic acid 2) oxalic acid 3) sugar 4) succinic acid Ozone turns benzidine paper to 1) violet 2) brown 3) blue 4) red Which one of the following is wrong? 1) oxygen and sulphur belong to the same group of periodic table 2) oxygen is a gas while sulphur is solid 3) both show +2, +4 and +6 oxidation states 4) H2S has not hydrogen bonding Which one of the following is not true peroxide 1) rePbO2 2) BaO2 3) Na2O2 4) H2O2 The x is with no S-S bond in 1) S2O422) S2O523) S2O324) S2O82When SO2 is passed through cupric chloride solution 1) the solution becomes colourless and a white ppt. of Cu2Cl2 is obtained 2) a white ppt. is obtained 3) the solution becomes colourless 4) no visible change takes place The acid used in lead storage cells is 1) phosphoric acid 2) nitric acid 3) hydrochloric acid 4) sulphuric acid Hydrolysis of one mole of peroxy di-sulphuric acid produces 1) two moles of sulphuric acid 2) two moles of peroxomonosulphuric acid 3) one mole of sulphuric acid one mole of peroxomonosulphuric acid and one mole of H2O2 4) one mole of sulphuric acid and one mole of peroxy monosulphuric acid Which of the following molecule does not possess permanent dipolemoment 1) H2S 2) SO2 3) SO3 4) CS2 Which of the following is the most powerful oxidizing agent 1) H2SO4 2) H3BO3 3) HPO3 4) H3PO4 The gas which is blue coloured 1) F2 2) O3 3) NO 4) Cl2 The crystals of ferrous sulphate on heating give 1) FeO + SO2 + H2O 2) Fe2O3 + H2SO4 + H2O 3) Fe2O3 + SO2 + H2SO4 + H2O 4) FeO + SO3 + H2SO4 + H2O The chamber acid contains ____% H2SO4 1) 10-20% 2) 35-45% 3) 67-80% 4) 82-90% Fuming sulphuric acid gives fumes of 1) H2SO4 2) H2O + SO2 3) SO2 4) SO3 Poisson for platinum catalyst is 1) S 2) P 3) As 4) C Oxygen is a gas but sulphur is solid because 1) oxygen is composed of dicrete molecules while sulphur is polymeric 2) molecular weight of sulphur is much higher than that of oxygen 3) oxygen is stronger oxidizing agent than sulphur 4) boiling point of sulphur is much higher than that of oxygen A salt X gives white precipitate with lead acetate solution insoluble in hot water and nitric acid. The salt X most probably contains 1) Cl2) Ba2+ 3) SO424) CO32-


Structure of SF4 is 1) octahedral 2) trigonal pyramid 3) square planar 4) tetrahedral 69. SF6 involves the hybridization of 1) sp3d3 2) sp3d2 3) d2sp3 4) sp3d 70. Which has the lowest boiling point 1) H2O 2) H2S 3) H2Se 4) H2Te 71. Which has the highest bond energy 1) O O 2) S S 3) Se Se 4) Te Te 72. Oxygen is more electronegative than sulphur. Yet H2S is acidic while H2O is neutral. This is because 1) Water is highly associated compound 2) H-S bond is weaker than H-O bond 3) H2S is a gas while H2O is liquid 4) the molecular weight of H2S is more than that of H2O 73. O3 gives violet colour with 1) litmus paper 2) benzidine paper 3) turmeric paper 4) tetraethyl base paper 74. Which of the following oxide is of a different type than others 1) MnO2 2) PbO2 3) TiO2 4) Na2O2 75. A solution of SO2 in water reacts with H2S precipitating sulphur. Here SO2 acts as 1) an oxidizing agent 2) a reducing agent 3) an acid 4) a catalyst 76. A depolariser used in dry batteries is 1) KOH 2) NH4OH 3) MnO2 4) Na3PO4 77. Ozone oxidizes moist sulphur to 1) SO2 2) SO3 3) H2SO4 4) None 78. When H2S is passed through nitric acid solution, the product formed is 1) milk of sulphur 2) colloidal sulphur 3) y-sulphur 4) beta sulphur 79. In contact process impurities of arsenic are removed by 1) Al(OH)3 2) Fe(OH)3 3) Cr(OH)3 4) Fe2O3 80. Best absorbent for SO2 is 1) H2SO4 2) KOH 3) Water 4) CaCl2 (anhydrous) 81. In the reaction 2Ag + 2H2SO4 Ag2SO4 + 2H2O + 2SO2 ; H2SO4 is 1) reducing agent 2) oxidant 3) catalyst 4) dehydrating agent 82. Which first melts, then resolidifies and liberates a gas 1) KClO3 2) KMnO4 3) Al2O3 4) MnO2 83. In the presence of moisture SO2 can 1) lose electrons 2) gain electrons 3) act as oxidant 4) not act as reductant 84. HI cannot be prepared by heating KI with conc.H2SO4 because 1) H2SO4 is stronger acid than HI 2) HI is stronger acid than H2SO4 3) H2SO4 is an oxidizing agent 4) HI is more volatile than H2SO4 85. Which of the following is used in the preservation of milk 1) O3 2) H2O2 3) formalin 4) few drops of dil.H2SO4 86. Which does not react with H2SO4 to form H2 1) Al 2) Pb 3) Zn 4) Mg 87. Which of the following reagents can distinguish H2O2 & O3 1) PbS 2) starch-iodide 3) KMnO4 4) bleaching powder 88. Which of the following is used to improve the atmosphere of crowded places 1) bleaching powder 2) O2 3) O3 4) N2O 89. When a lead storage battery is discharged 1) SO2 is evolved 2) Lead sulphate is consumed 3) Lead is formed 4) H2SO4 is consumed 90. H2SO4 can be distinguished from H2SO3 by the addition of 1) litmus solution 2) FeCl3 solution 3) NaHSO3 solution 4) Magnesium powder

91. 92.

93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.

Anhydride of pyrosulphuric acid is 1) SO2 2) S2O3 3) SO3 4) S2O7 Sodium thiosulphate is used in photography because of its 1) oxidizing behaviour 2) reducing behaviour 3) reaction with light 4) complex forming behaviour Formation of ozonide is 1) addition reaction 2) substitution reaction 3) decomposition 4) none H2SO4 reacts with PCl5 giving SO2Cl2 because H2SO4 is 1) dibasic 2) contains two OH groups 3) reduced to SO2 4) hygroscopic Six volumes of O2 on complete ozonisation form how many volumes of ozone 1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 3 When water is added to conc.H2SO4 the reaction is exothermic. It is because 1) H2SO4 is viscous 2) H2SO4 is corrosive 3) hydrates of H2SO4 are formed 4) none Liquid oxygen is 1) colourless 2) pale yellow 3) pale blue 4) dark blue Dry bleach is done by 1) SO2 2) H2O2 3) O3 4) Cl2 Mixture of O2 and N2O is used as 1) Rocket fuel 2) Anaesthatic 3) In welding 4) oxidizing agent Which of the following will lose weight on exposure to the atmosphere 1) conc.H2SO4 2) NaOH 3) Only AlCl3 4) saturated aqueous solution of CO2 8. Multiple Choice Questions (More than one correct answers)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11.


The catalyst used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process are. 1) platinised asbestos 2) Fe2O3 3) Oxides of nitrogen 4) V2O5 SO2 acts as 1) reducing agent 2) a bleaching agent 3) an oxidizing agent 4) none Which metals do not react with H2SO4 at all 1) Fe 2) Au 3) Pt 4) Zn Ozone act as 1) an oxidizing agent 2) a reducing agent 3) a bleaching agent 4) none The compound which give carbon with conc.H2SO4 1) formic acid 2) sugar 3) oxalic acid 4) wood Which burns to form an oxide which is gaseous at room temperature 1) hydrogen 2) sodium 3) carbon 4) sulphur Which occurs free in nature 1) I2 2) S 3) O 4) N2 SO2 is a 1) basic oxide 2) bleaching agent 3) disinfectant 4) reducing agent Sulphuric acid is used 1) in lead storage batteries 2) as a dehydrating agent 3) in making fertilizer 4) explosive Sulphuric acid is a dibasic acid in nature, hence it forms 1) normal salt 2) acidic and basic salt 3) acidic salt 4) double salt Which of the following statements are correct? 1) H2S is a dibasic acid 2) H2S acts only as reducing agent 3) the bond angle in H2S is 109o281 4) H2S has rotten smell Which of the following statements are correct? 1) SO2 dissolves in water and forms sulphurous acid 2) SO2 acts as bleaching agent



3) SO2 has pungent smell 4) SO2 acts only as oxidizing agent About H2SO4 which of the following statements are correct? 1) It acts as a reducing agent 2) It acts as an oxidising agent 3) It acts as dehydrating agent 4) It is highly viscous Anamalous behavious of oxygen is due to 1) high electronegativity 2) small atomic size 3) non availability of d-orbitals 4) presence of eight electrons in the penultimate shell

VII GROUP I. Explain the following with reason 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. F-F bond in fluorine is weaker than Cl Cl bond in chlorine Different halogens exhibit different colours Halogens are strong oxidising agents The electron affinity of fluorine is less than that of chlorine Fluorine cannot be isolated by a chemical method Fluorine gives fumes with moist air Fluorine is a non-metal but iodine has some metallic character. Fluorine exhibits only one oxidation state of 1, but other halogens exhibit negative as well as positive oxidation states. Fluorine brings about the highest coordination number of elements Fluorine is the strongest and iodine is the weakest oxidizing agent Fluorine does not form oxyacids.

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. HX 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Iodine dissolves more in KI solution than in pure water Iodine forms cation Iodine is liberated in the reaction between KI and Cu2+ but chlorine is not liberated when KCl is added to Cu2+ Boiling point of hydrogen chloride is lower than that of hydrogen fluoride HF is liquid where as HCI, HBr and HI are gases Although fluorine is the most electronegative element hydrofluoric acid is the weakest acid among Hydrogen halides are covalent compounds but their aqueous solutions conduct electricity. Compounds like KHF2 are known but KHCl2 of KHBr2 does not exist. Hydrofluoric acid is stored in wax coated glass bottles In the preparation of HBr and HI from their salts phosphoric acid is preferred to sulphuric acid When blue litmus paper is dipped into a solution of hypochlorous acid, it first turns red and is decolourised Bleaching action of chlorine takes place only in the presence of moisture Bleaching action of chlorine is permanent but the bleaching action of SO2 is temporary. Bleaching powder loses its bleaching property when kept in an open bottle for a long time. The brown colour of an acidified dilute solution of iodine in aqueous potassium iodide is intensified by the addition of a nitrite but discharged by the addition of sulphite HF exists as dimeric molecule Colour of KI solution containing starch turns blue when chlorine water is added to it VII group elements are called halogens Chlorine is a gas while iodine is solid under ordinary conditions II. Write the balanced chemical equations of the following

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A mixture of potassium chlorate, oxalic acid and sulphuric acid is heated. Chlorine gas is bubbled through solution of ferrous bromide Sodium iodate is treated with sodium bisulphite solution Sodium bromate reacts with fluorine in the presence of an alkali Sodium chlorate reacts with sulphur dioxide in dilute sulphuric acid Iodine is treated with cold caustic soda Iodine is treated with hot caustic soda Chlorine is passed through hot milk of lime Chlorine is passed into liquor ammonia Chlorine is passed through sodium thiosulphate solution III. Fill in the blanks Halogen having maximum metallic nature is _____ Hypo dissolves AgBr by forming _____ ion Iodine displaces chlorine from potassium chlorate due to its _____nature than chlorine Highest oxidation state exhibited by bromine is ______ ClO2 is paramagnetic in nature because it is _____ molecule. Anhydride of hypochlorous acid is _____ _____ reacts differently with NaOH from the other three halogens. Bleaching powder is chemically known as _____ Chlorine reacts with _____ sulphur dioxide to form sulphuryl chloride _____ is liberated when iodine reacts with potassium chlorate Iodine reacts quantitatively with hypo to give NaI and _____ Decons process is used for the manufacture of _____ The halogen that can form polyhalide ion is _____

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. 15.

In the oxides of chlorine _____ and _____ are mixed acidic anhydrides CN- is also known as _____ IV. True/False

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

The HI has the maximum dipolemoment among all the halogen acids HCl can be dried by passing it through P2O5 Chlorine gas disproportionates when passed through water Iodine forms an explosive compound with ammonia Pure chlorine is obtained by heating PtCl4 Bleaching powder forms a clear solution when dissolved in distilled water The commercial sample of bleaching powder contains 50% available chlorine In aqueous solution, chlorine is a stronger oxidising agent than fluorine Of the halogens chlorine has maximum bond enthalpy Iron combines with chlorine forming FeCl2 Delicate articles like silk, wool, ivory are not bleached by chlorine as it damages these articles Inter halogen compounds involve ionic bonding Chlorine is collected by downward displacement of air. Cotton wool soaked in turpentine will catch fire spontaneously if dipped into a gas jar of chlorine Electrolysis of IC1 in pyridine gives iodine at cathode Bleaching action of bleaching powder is due to OCl- ion. Solution of hydrogen chloride gas in benzene evolves hydrogen gas on reaction with metallic zinc Inter halogen compounds are characterized by the presence of even number of atoms and even number of electrons Inter halogen compounds of type AB3 posses T shaped structure Hybridisation of chlorine in ClO2- ion is sp3 V. Arrange the following in the order asked against each

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Increasing electron affinity F, Cl, Br, I Increasing reducing power HF, HCl, HBr, HI Increasing affinity for hydrogen F2, Cl2, Br2, I2 Increasing acidity HF, HCl, HBr, HI Increasing melting point HF, HCl, HBr, HI Increasing boiling point HF, HCl, HBr, HI Increasing stability HClO3, HBrO3, HIO3 Increasing oxidation power HOCl, HClO2HClO3HClO4 Increasing acidic character HClO, HClO2 HClO3HClO4 Increasing stability HClO, HClO2 HClO3HClO4 Increasing thermal stability HF, HCl, HBr, HI Increasing oxidising power F, Cl, Br, I Increasing acidic character HOCl, HOBr, HOI VI. PROBLEMS


An inorganic compound X gives brick red flame on performing the flame test. This also gives the following tests (i) Smell of chlorine when placed in moist air (ii) If KI and CH3COOH are added to its suspension in water a brown colour is obtained Identify X and write equations for reactions (i) and (ii)







A pale yellow inorganic compound A is insoluble in mineral acid but is soluble in aqueous ammonia forming B. It also dissolves in Na2S2O3 solution and forms C. On boiling an aqueous solution of C a black precipitate D is obtained. When D is dissolved in HNO3 and HCl is added a white precipitate E is obtained. A on heating with conc H2SO4 and MnO2 yield brown fumes Identify A to E and give reactions A certain compound (A) shows the following reactions (i) When KI is added to an aqueous suspension of X containing acetic acid iodine is liberated (ii) When CO2 is passed through an aqueous suspension of X the turbidity transforms to a precipitate (iii) When a paste of X in water is heated with ethyl alcohol a product of anaesthatic use is obtained. Identify X and give equations. 0.5 g of bleaching powder were treated with acetic acid and excess KI solution. The liberated iodine was titrated with N/10 hypo using starch as indicator, 50 ml of hypo was rised. Caculate the percentage of available chlorine in this sample of bleaching power. A black powder when heated with NaCl and Conc H2SO4 gives off a greenish yellow gas. The gas on passing through liquor ammonia liberates N2 and on passing through boiling KOH yields compounds one of which when heated with the black powder evolves oxygen. Name the gas and black powder. A colourless inorganic compound imparts a green colour to flame. Its solution does not give any precipitate with H2S. Its solution does not give any precipitate with H2S. Its solution gives white precipitate with H2SO4. When it is heated with K2Cr2O7 and conc H2SO4, a red gas is evolved. The gas when passed through aqueous NaOH solution turns it yellow. Identify the compound and give chemical reactions. A liquid A is treated with Na2CO3 solution. A mixture of two salts B and C are produced in the solution. The mixture on acidification with sulphuric acid and distillation produces the liquid A again. Identify A, B and C and write the equations involved. VII. Give the relevant chemical equations for the preparation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Chlorine from sodium chloride Iodine from KIO3 Hydrobromic acid from potassium bromide Bleaching powder from slaked lime KClO3 from sodium chloride Chlorine from potassium chlorate VIII. What happens when (give equations also)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Chlorine is passed through suspension of iodine Chlorine is passed through suspension of CaCO3 Sodium Chloride and manganese dioxide mixture is heated with conc H2SO4 Chlorine reacts with sodium sulphite Chlorine gas passed over slaked lime Chlorine is passed through hot concentrated lime water Hydrochloric acid is added to potassium permanganate Bromine is added to sodium carbonate solution Sodium bisulphate reacts with sodium iodate. Iodine is added to potassium permanganate. IX. Complete and balance the following equations

1. 2.

heat KI + H2SO4(conc) K2SO4 + 2H2O + SO2 + I2 KMnO4 + KCl + H2SO4 K2SO4 + MnSO4 + H2O + Cl2

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

KOH +Br2 KBr + KBrO3 + H2O MnO2 + HCl MnCl2 + H2O + Cl2 CuSO4 + KI Cu2I2 + I2 + K2SO4 2Na2S2O3 + I2 Na2S4O6 + NaI 3Na2CO3 + 3Br2 NaBr + NaBrO3 + CO2 5NaBr + NaBrO3 + 3H2SO4 Na2SO4 + 3Br2 + H2O H2O + F2 HF + O2 + O3 KClO3 + I2 KIO3 + Cl2 X. Multiple Choice Questions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



10. 11.

Which of the following has the highest bond dissociation energy 1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2 Which of the following absorbs yellow colour to undergo excitation of electrons 1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2 Clich is 1) NaNO3.NaIO3 2) NaIO 3) NaNO2 NaIO3 4) NaNO3 I2 Which of the following is least soluble in water 1) Cl2 2) Br2 3) I2 4) NaOH Which of the following gives orange yellow colour with starch solution 1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2 Which of the following combines with all non metals directly except with N2 and O2 1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2 The BP of hydrogen halides follows the order 1) HF > HCl > HBr > HI 2) HF < HI < HBr > HCl 3) HF > HBr > HCl > HI 4) HF > HI > HBr > HCl Oxidising strength of oxyacids of chlorine is 1) HClO4 > HClO3 > HClO2 > HClO 2) HClO4 > HClO2 > HClO3 > HClO 3) HClO > HClO2 > HClO3 > HClO4 4) HClO > HClO3 > HClO2 > HClO4 The thermal stability of oxyacids of chlorine is 1) HClO4 > HClO3 > HClO2 > HClO 2) HClO4 > HClO2 > HClO3 > HClO 3) HClO > HClO2 > HClO3 > HClO4 4) HClO > HClO3 > HClO2 > HClO4 Sea weeds are important source of 1) iron 2) chlorine 3) iodine 4) bromine The solubility of iodine in water is increased by 1) boiling the solution 2) cooling the solution 3) adding acid 4) adding potassium

iodide 12. Which among the following reactions cannot be used for the respective preparation 1) 2KBr + H2SO4 (conc) K2SO4 + 2HBr 2) NaCl + H2SO4(conc) NaHSO4 + HCl 3) NaHSO4 + NaCl Na2SO4 + HCl 4) CaF2 + H2SO4 CaSO4 + 2HF 13. In the preparation of chlorine from HCl, MnO2 acts as 1) oxidising agent 2) reducing agent 3) catalytic agent 4) dehydrating agent 14. Which of the following will displace the halogen from the solution of halide 1) Cl2 added to NaF 2) Cl2 added to KCl 3) Br2 added to NaCl 4) Br2 added to NaI 15. Bromine (molecular mass 160 amu) boils at 59oC, whereas iodine monochloride (molecular mass 162 amu) boils at 92oC. The best explanation for this difference boiling point is 1) the difference in molecular masses 2) the I-Cl bond is stronger than Br-Br bond


3) Br2 is a non-polar molecule, ICl is polar 4) The vander waals forces in ICl are stronger than in Br2 Although KBr can react with H2SO4 to produce HBr syrupy H3PO4 is recommended for the preparation of HBr from KBr. Why? 1) H2SO4 is more volatile than H3PO4 2) H3PO4 is stronger than H2SO4 3) H2SO4 is less reactive than H3PO4 4) H2SO4 oxidises HBr to Br2 itself being reduced to In etching of the glass, the soluble product obtained is 1) H2SiO3 2) H2SiF4 3) H2SiF6 4) SiF4 Which of the following species are present in chlorine water 1) only HCl 2) only HClO 3) HCl and HClO2 4) HCl and HClO HF cannot be stored in 1) glass vessel 2) wax vessel 3) copper vessel 4) PVC vessel Which liberates Cl2 gas when ConcHCl is heated with 1) KMnO4 2) K2Cr2O7 3) MnO2 4) KI The deep colour produced when iodine is dissolved in a solution of potassium iodide is caused by the presence of 1) I2 2) I3) I34) I2Chlorine type laundry bleaches are in reality aqueous solution of 1) HOCl 2) HClO3 3) NaClO3 4) NaOCl Chlorine can be used in the preparation of all but not in 1) bleaching powder 2) PVC 3) Chlorophyll 4) lindanc Which of an following sequences of electron affinity regarding halogens is correct. 1) F2 < Cl2 < Br2 2) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 3) Br2 > Cl2 > F2 4) Cl2 > F2 > Br2 Which of the following characterstics regarding halogens is not correct. 1) Ionisation energy decreases with increase in atomic number 2) Electronegativity decreases with increase in atomic number 3) Electron affinity decreases with increase in atomic number 4) Enthalpy of fusion increases with increase in atomic number Which of the following reactions is not correct 1) 2F2 + 2OH-(dilute) 2F- + H2O + OF2 2) 2F2 + 4OH- (conc) 2F- + 2H2O + O2 light 3) X2 + 2OH- H2O + X- + XO4) Xe + F2 XeF2 (F2, Cl2, I2) (conc) I2 reacts with NH3 giving 1) NI3 2) NI3.NH3 3) N2 4) NH4I Which of the following statements regarding hypochlorous acid is not correct 1) It is known only in aqueous solution 2) The whole chlorine dissolved in water exists as HCl and HOCl 3) Salts of hypochlorous acid are known 4) Hypochlorous ions disproportion in aqueous solution Which of the following statements regarding chlorous acid is not correct 1) the molecular formula of chlorous acid is HClO2 2) It exists only in solution 3) in alkaline medium, chlorites are unstable whereas in acidic medium they are stable 4) Chlorous acid is weak. The halogens absorb visible light, leading to excitation of their outer electrons, therefore they 1) are photosensitive 2) emit photo-electrons 3) are coloured 4) are highly volatile Which of the following is not true of the halogens 1) all of them have seven electrons in their valency shell 2) they either gain an electron by forming an ionic bond or form a covalent compound by electron

SO2 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

22. 23. 24. 25.


27. 28.


30. 31.


33. 34.


36. 37.



40. 41.

42. water 43.

sharing 3) all exhibitvariable valency 4) all form diatomic molecules Which of the following about the reactivity of the halogens is false? 1) the reactivity decreases with increasing atomic number 2) I2 is least reactive 3) Cl2 but not I2 reacts with sulphur 4) Iodine readily combines with metals There is no possibily of multiple bonding in 1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2 There is no way to convert F ions to F2 by chemical means because 1) F- ions are very small 2) F- ions readily form salts with cations 3) fluorine is the strongest oxidizing agent 4) fluorine attacks glass The small size of the F- ion results in 1) greater stability 2) low coordination number 3) high coordination number 4) high coordination number and hence a high lattice energy in the crystal. I2 is stabilized by forming a complex with 1) Lewis acid 2) metal ion 3) Lewis base 4) Organic acids In F2 repulsion between non-bonding electron exists, a consequence of this is 1) high reactivity of F2 molecule 2) abnormal low F-F bond energy 3) abnormal low reactivity of F2 molecule 4) formation of highly ionic fluorides Chlorine is produced when a metal oxide is heated with concentrated hydrochloric acid. If the resulting solution is cooled and aqueous potassium iodide is added, a yellow precipitate is formed. The metal oxide could be 1) PbO 2) MnO2 3) PbO2 4) SnO2 The boiling points (oC) of HF, HCl, HBr and HI are 67, -35, +20 and 85 but not respectively, the correct order is (HF, HCl, HBr and HI in order) 1) +20, -85, -67, -35 2) -35, -67, -85, +20 3) +20, -35, -85, -67 4) -85, -67, -35, +20 Which of the following has a zig-zag chain molecular structure 1) I2 2) H2S 3) HF 4) NH3 The increasing acidity of HX acids from HF to HI is almost entirely due to 1) the decreasing electronegativity of the X atom 2) the X atoms increasing size 3) the decreasing strength of H-X bond 4) the decreasing stability of the H-X molecule HCl is a covalent molecule, however it forms ions on dissolution in water, this is due to 1) the large polarity of water 2) the excellent solvent property of 3) the high heat of solvation for HCl(1090 KJ mol-1) 4) the stability of H3O+1 2H+ + 2I- + 1 O2, DG = +1.5KJ mol-1, this implies that For the reaction I2 + H2O 2 1) iodine can be readily reduced 2) O2 can oxidize I- to iodine but I2 cannot oxidize H2O 3) I2 can oxidize H2O, but O2 cannot oxidize I4) H2O is a good reducing agent Which of the following is used to remove iodine stain from clothing 1) Sodium carbonate 2) Silver chloride 3) Sodium thiosulphate 4) Sodium Carbonate Which of the following compounds would give a mixture of white and coloured fumes on warming with concentrated sulphuric acid 1) Sodium bromide 2) Sodium chloride 3) Sodium sulphide 4) Sodium peroxide I2O5 is the anhydride of 1) HIO3 2) HIO2 3) HIO 4) H5IO6 Which of the following about halic acids HXO3 is false 1) except HIO3 others are known only in solution 2) the stability of these acids increases with increasing atomic numbers of X 3) they are strong acids 4) they are strong reducing agents getting themselves oxidized to perhalic acids

44. 45.

46. 47.


49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.


ClO41) does not exist in solution 2) has only a very slight tendency to form complexes with metal ions 3) readily decomposes into O2 and Cl2 4) is square pyramidal Mn2+(aq) can be oxidized to MnO4-(aq) with an acidic solution containing the ion. 1) NO32) IO33) IO44) ClHypohalites tend to disintegrate into 1) O2 + Cl2 2) Cl- + ClO33) Cl- + ClO24) Cl- + ClO4Which of the following can behave as an acid in HF liquid. 1) HNO3 2) H2SO4 3) HClO4 4) H2SO3 The composition of the powerful desicant anhydron is 1) NaClO4 2) NaClO3 3) Mg(ClO4)2 4) MgCl2 Molten ICl dissociates as I+ + Cl- 2) ICl I- + Cl+ 3) 2ICl I+ + ICl2 I2+ + Cl21) ICl 4) 2ICl Among the following which is the least basic 1) NI3 2) NBr3 3) NCl3 4) NF3 Which of the following is a pseudohalide 1) CN2) ICl 3) IF5 4) I3Which of the following interhalogens is not known 1) ClF3 2) IF7 3) IBr 4) ClF7 The interhalogens are generally more reactive than the halogens (except F) because 1) the A-X bond is weaker than X-X bond in halogens 2) the inter halogens are unstable 3) the A-X molecules readily form free radicals 4) the interhalogens unlike halogens dissolve in organic solvents Which of the following is most ionic 1) BrCl 2) FBr 3) ICl 4) IBr On boiling an aqueous solution of KClO3 with iodine, the following product is obtained 1) KCl 2) KIO3 3) KIPO4 4) KClO4 Water dissolves 1) AgCl 2) AgF 3) AgBr 4) AgI Eu chlorine is a mixture of 1) Cl2 and SO2 2) Cl2 and ClO2 3) Cl2 and CO 4) None By the action of concentrated hydrochloric acid on potassium chlorate, we get this mixture of gases 1) CO2 + Cl2 2) O2 + ClO2 3) Cl2 + ClO2 4) O2 + Cl2 + ClO2 Bleaching powder is a mixed calcium salt of 1) HCl and HClO3 2) HClO and HCl 3) HClO2 and HCl 4) HClO and HClO2 Which of the following statements is wrong about the electrolysis of molten ICl 1) I2 is liberated at the cathode 2) only Cl2 is liberated at the anode 3) only I2 is liberated at the anode 4) Both Cl2 and I2 are obtained at anode Mark the incorrect statement halogens are coloured because 1) the excitation energy required by small fluorine atom is smaller than required by the large iodine atom 2) Large iodine molecules absorbs low energy (yellow and green radiations) and appear violet in 3) The small fluorine molecules absorb high energy (violet radiations) and appear yellow. 4) of absorption of visible light by their molecules resulting in the exitation of outer electrons to higher energy level



Mark the incorrect statement strong oxidizing character is favoured by 1) low ionization energy of the halogen atom 2) a high hydration energy of the gaseous halide ion 3) a high electron affinity of the halogen atom 4) low heat dissociation of the molecular halogen 67. Which of the following statements is correct for CsBr3 1) it is a covalent compound 2) it contains Cs3+ and HO- ions 3) It contains Cs+ and Br3- ions 4) It contains Cs+7, Br- and lattice Br2 molecule 68. Bleaching powder is a mixture of 1) Calcium chloro hypochlorite and calcium chloride 2) Calcium chlorate and calcium hypochloride 3) Calcium hypochlorite and basic calcium chloride 4) Calcium chlorate and calcium hydroxide 69. Antichlor is a compound 1) which absorbs chlorine 2) which removes Cl2 from material 3) which liberates Cl2 from bleaching powder 4) which acts as a catalysis in the manufacture of Cl2 70. Weldon mud is 1) MnO2 2) Mn(OH)2 3) 2CaO MnO2 4) Mn2O3 71. The compounds X and Y are obtained by the reaction of Cl2 with cold and dilute solution of NaOH and compounds X and Z are formed with hot and concentrated solution of NaOH. The formula of Y and Z respectively are 1) NaCl, NaClO 2) NaClO, NaClO3 3) NaCl, NaClO3 4) NaClO, HCl 72. Which oxy chloride has maximum pH 1) NaClO 2) NaClO2 3) NaClO3 4) NaClO4


1)2 16)4 31)3 46)1 61)2 2)4 17)3 32)4 47)4 62) 3)1 18)4 33)1 48)2 63)2 4)3 19)1 34)3 49)3 64)1 5)3 20)3 35)4 50)2 65)1 6)1 21)3 36)3 51)3 66)1 7)4 22)1 37)2 52)3 67)3 8)3 23)3 38)3 53)1 68)3 9)1 24)4 39)1 54)4 69)2 10)3 25)3 40)3 55)1 70)3 11)4 26)3 41)3 56)4 71)2 12)1 27)2 42)3 57)1 72)1 13)1 28)2 43)2 58)2 14)4 29)3 44)3 59)2 15)3 30)3 45)1 60)2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

12. 13.

(d Block Elements & Coordination Compounds) Reasoning Questions : How does an inner orbital complex differ from an outer orbital complex. Give the number of unpaired electrons in a strong and weak octahedral field for i) Cr2+ ii) Fe2+ iii) Co2+ What is the effective atomic number rule ? Give two examples in which this rule is obeyed and not obeyed. How do you account for the fact that [Ni (CN)4]2- is diamagnetic while [Ni Cl4]2- is paramagnetic. Answer the following questions concerning the complex ion [Pt (NH3) 4 Cl2]2+ . i) What is the coordination number of Pt in this complex ii) What is the oxidation state of Pt iii) What is the effective atomic number iv) How would you name the complex Give an example each for d2 sp3 and sp3 d2 type of hybridization. Distinguish between double salt and complex salt. Which of the complex ions [Fe F6]2- and [Fe (CN)6 ]4- is paramagnetic and why. Which of the complex ions K3 [CO (NO2)6] and [CO (NH3)4] Cl2 has more number of primary valencies and what are those. Give valence bond inter pretation for the observed magnetic moment of the following complexes. a) [Fe (CN)6]3- = 1.86 BM : [Fe F6]3- = 5.89 BM : [Ni (CN)4]2- is diamagnetic. The complex [Ni (CN)4]2- is diamagnetic but [Ni (Cl)4]2- is paramagnetic with two unpaired electrons. Like wise [Fe (CN)6]3- has only one unpaired electron where as [Fe (H2 O)6]3+ has five. Explain on the basis of valence bond theory. The chemical behaviour of zirconium and hafnium is extremely similar. What type of isomers are the following : i) [(CO)5 Mn SCN] and [(CO)5 Mn NCS]

14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.


34. 35. 36. 37.

ii) [CO (en)3] [Cr (CN)6] and [CO (CN)6] [Cr(en)3] iii) [CO (NH3)5 NO3] SO4 and [CO (NH3) 5 SO4] NO3 iv) [CO Cl3 (Py)2 (H2O)2 Cl2 and [COCl3 (Py)2 (H2O) ] H2O v) [Pt Br2 (NH3)4] Cl2 and [Pt Cl2 (NH3)4] Br2 The blue copper sulphate CuSO4 . 5H2O becomes white on heating Transition metals are very good catalysts. Identify the complexes which are expected to be coloured. Explain i) Ti (NO3) 4 ii) [Cu (NC Cl3)4]+ BF-4 iii) [Cr (NH3) 6]3+ 3 Cl iv) K3 [VF6] Zn (OH)2 is soluble in NaOH but not in NH4 OH while Cu (OH)2 is soluble in NH4 OH but not in NaOH. Give reason. The molar conductivity of CoCl3 solution changes by the addition of ammonia. Explain. Zinc salts are repelled by the external magnetic field while cobalt salts are attracted into the external magnetic field. Addition of I2 to KI solution brings no change in the freezing point but addition of Hg I2 to KI solution shows an increase in freezing point. MnO is basic but Mn2 O7 is acidic. Give the geometry and hybridization of the following complexes. i) [Mn Cl4] 2ii) (Cu (NH3)4]2+ iii) (Ag (CN)2] iv) (Cr (NH3)6]3+ Fe3+ is more stable than CO3+ Se3+ is colourless while Cr3+ ion is coloured. Mn (11) shows maximum paramagnetic character among the divalent ions of first transition series. Transition elements. Show large number of oxidation states. Transition elements give coloured ions or coloured compounds. Zinc, Cadmium and mercury are normally not considered as transition metals. Transition metals have high melting points. Transition metals form a number of interstitial compounds. Most of the transition elements do not displace hydrogen from dilute acids. What is the coordination number of the central metal ion in the following complexes. i) [Cu (NH3)4]2+ ii) (Fe (C2O4)3]3iii) (Pt (en)2) Cl2] iv) [Mo (CN)8]4v) [Fe (EDTA)]vi) [Pd (H2O)2 (ONC) 2 I2] Calculate the oxidation state of the central metal atom in the following : i) [CO (NH3)5 Cl ]2+ ii) K4 [Fe (CN)6] iii) Ni (CO)4 iv) [CO (NO2)2 (Py)2 (NH3)2] NO3 v) [Fe (EDTA)] SCN shows linkage isomerism while toludine shows ligan isomerism. Explain. The complex [Al (NH3)6]3+ does not exist in aqueous solution. The [Al (H2 O)6] 3+ is a stronger acid than [Mg (H2 O)6] 2+ Copper is regarded as transition metal though it has completely filled d orbital. Give the IUPAC names of the following coordination compounds. 1) K2 Pt Cl6 aa 2) (Cr (H2O)6] (ClO4)2 3) [Ni (NH3)6] (NO3)3 4) [Cr(NH3)6 (NH3)3 5) [Pt (NH3)4 NO2 Cl] SO4 6) NH4 [Cr (NH3)2 (NCS)4] 7) K2 [Al (C2O4)3 ] 8) CO (CH2 NH2) Cl2]2 SO4 9) [Fe (CN)2] (CH3 NC)4] 10) [(NH3)5 Cr. OH . Cr (NH3)5] NH2 11) [ (CO)3 Fe (CO) Fe (CO)3] 12) [(En)2 CO CO OH 13) (en)2 14) [ (H2 O)4 (H2 O)4] SO4

15) 17) 19) 21)

[Pt (NH3)4] [CuCl4] [Pt (NH3) 4] [CuCl4] [Pt (Py)4] [PtCl4] [Ni (OMG)2]

16) 18) 20) 22)

[(NH3) 6] [CO (CN)6 ] [Cr (NH3)6] [CO (C2O4)3] Cu (Gly)2 K [Au (CN)4 ]

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Write the formulae of the following complexes. Chloroni trodianmine (ethylene diamine) platinum (iv) chloride. Tetraamine cobalt (iii) - m - nitro tetramine cobalt (iii) nitrate. Dichlorobis (othylene diamine) cobalt (iii) sulphate. Sodium tetrahydroxo aluminate (111) Potassium othyleno diamine tetra acetate ferrate (i1) Hexammina chromium (111) hexacyano cobaltate (111) Di - m - carbonyl bis (carbonyl cyclo penta dienyl iron) Lithium tetra hydro aluminate (111) Potassium tetra fluro borate (111) amine isothiocyanato chromium (11) tetra chloro zimcate. m - amido m - superoxo octammine dicobalt (111) ion. Penta carbonyl triphenyl phosphine chromium (O) State wheter the following statements are True or False. Coordination compounds are mainly known for transition metals. Coordination number and oxidation state of a metal means the same thing. Ambidentate ligands can show linkage isomerism. Valence bond theory explains the colour of the coordination compounds. Valence bond theory explains the geometry and magnetic nature of the coordination compounds. The pair [Cr (H2 O)6 ]Cl3 and [Cr (H2 O)4 ]Cl H2O shows ionization isomerism. K4 [Fe (CN)6 follows the effective atomic number, Double salts retain their identity in solution state too [K2 Al2 (SO4)4]. 2 4H2O (is a complex compound. The solubility of AgCN is water increases on addition of KCN. All complexes are paramagnetic in nature. [Ag (CN)2] is a linear complex. [CO (NH3)6]3+ has d2 sp3 hybridisation. K2 [Ni F6] is diamagnetic where as K3 [Co F6] is paramagnetic.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

PROBLEM : A, B and C are three complexes of chromium (111) with the empricial formula H12 O6 Cl3 Cr. All the three complexes have water and chloride ion as ligands complex A does not react with concentrated H2 SO4, where as complexes B and C lose 6.7% and 13.5% of their original weight respectively on treatment with concentrated H2 SO4. Identify A, B and C.

1. Which of the following ores is concentrated by electromagnetic separation ? 1) Haematite 2) tin stone 3) Argentite 4) Galena 2. Zone refining is used for 1) The conversion of an oxide ore to the corresponding metal 2) The purification of certain elements

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19.




3) The purification of an oxide ore 4) The separation of a metal from organic impurities Hydrogen gas does not reduce heated. 1) CuO 2) Fe2 O3 3) Al2 O3 4) SnO2 The Goldsmith process of metallurgy involves the reduction of metal oxides with 1) Cl 2) C 3) Al 4) Mg Heating pyrites in air to remove sulphur is known as 1) Calcination 2) Fluxing 3) smelting 4) roasting Froath flotation process is used in the metallurgy of 1) Oxide ores 2) Sulphide ores 3) Chloride ores 4) amalgams The commonest method of extraction of metals from oxide ores involves. 1) reduction with carbon 2) reduction with aluminium 3) reduction with hydrogen 4) alectrolytic method For preparing pure metals from their ores the type of reaction commonly involved is 1) Oxidation 2) decomposition 3) reduction 4) amalgamation Most metals are found in the earth as 1) free metals 2) negative ions 3) alloys 4) positive ions The ore red haematite contains 1) Fe3 O4 2) FeO 3) Fe2 O3 4) FeCO3 Which of the following minerals does not contain iron 1) Chalcopyrites 2) magnetite 3) apatite 4) lemonite In the extraction of iron from Fe2 O3 using a blast furnace the main reaction involved is 1) Fe2 O3 + C Fe + CO 2) Fe2 O3 + C Fe + CO2 3) Fe2 O3 + CO Fe + CO2 4) Fe2 O3 + C Fe + CO + O2 Calcium silicate involved in the production of iron is used as 1) flux 2) fuel 3) gangue 4) slag Siderite an ore of iron has the composition. 1) FeS2 2) FeCO3 3) Fe2 O3 4) FeO. Fe (OH)2 Jewellers rouge, red ochre and venitian red are pigments and all are different forms of 1) FeO 2) Fe2 O3 3) Fe3 O4 4) Fe (OH)3 The composition of Mohrs salt is 1) Fe SO4 . 6 H2 O 2) Fe SO4 . (NH4)2 SO4 . 7 H2 O 3) Fe SO4 . (NH4)2 SO4 . 6 H2 O 4) Fe SO4 . (NH4)2 SO4 . 24 H2 O The composition of green vitriol is 1) Fe SO4 2) Fe SO4 . 7 H2 O 3) Fe SO4 . 5 H2 O 4) (NH4)2 SO4 Fe SO4 . 6 H2 O Which of the following is suitable for the volumetric determinationof Fe(IO) 1) Oxalic acid 2) Potassium dichromate 3) Iodine 4) titanius chloride FeCl3 can be made by 1) heating FeCl2 2) heating FeCl2 with heated Fe 3) dissolving Fe in concentrated HCl 4) reacting Fe(NO3)2 with HCl Iron tablets are used as diet supplement for some patients, they contain iron (II) sulphate. The iron content of these tablets can be determined using the reagent. 1) Iodine in potassium iodide 2) acidified oxalic acid 3) Sodium thiosulphate 4) Potassium manganate (VII) An aqueous solution containing a mixture of copper (II) iron (II) and lead (II) ions was treated with excess of aqueous ammonia. What precipitate was left by this action 1) Iron (II) hydroxide only 2) Lead (II) hydroxide only 3) Copper (II) hydroxide and iron (II) hydroxide 4) Iron (II) hydroxide and lead (II) hydroxide Which of the following reagents can be used to distinguish between iron (II) chloride and iron (III) chloride

23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

28. 29. 30.

31. 32.


1) aqueous hydrochloric acid 2) phenol 3) aqueous silver nitrate 4) aqueous sodium hydroxide The element which can exist in zero valent, divalent hydroxide trivalent states in its compounds. 1) Mg 2) Fe 3) Pb 4) Bi The formula of fools gold is 1) FeS2 2) PbI2 3) HgI2 4) BaCO3 Aqueous ferric chloride solution becomes turbid due to the formation of 1) FeCl2 2) Fe 3) Fe(OH)3 4) FeCl3 . 6H2O FeCl3 is soluble in 1) Benzene 2) Carbon tetrachloride 3) ethe 4) chloroform The oxide of a metal is insoluble in water but dissolves in aqueous ammonia to form a complex cation [M(NH3)2]+, On treating with dilute sulphuric acid the metal oxide gives a blue solution and a deposit of the metal M. The formula of the metal oxide is 1) CuO 2) Cu2O 3) Ag2O 4) Fe2O3 0 When CuSO4 . 5H2O is heated at 1000 C the product formed is 1) CuSO4 . H2O 2) CuSO4 3) CuO 4) Cu2O which of the following is an elgicide (used for killing algae in lakes) 1) alum 2) copper sulphate 3) sulphur 4) Zinc chloride When a certain metal is left exposed to atmosphere it acquires a green coating of its basic carbonate, this metal must be 1) iron 2) lead 3) copper 4) magnesium The metal oxide which can oxidise CO to CO2 under hot condition is 1) Al2 O3 2) MgO 3) CuO 4) BaO Which of the following is not true of CuSO4 . 5 H2O 1) at 1000 C it loses four molecules of water 2) It is a constituent of the fungicide, Bordeaux mixture 3) it is a mordant 4) it is a hygroscopic In the cyanide process of extraction of silver the complex soluble ion formed is 21) Ag (CN)3 2) Ag (CN)3 3) Ag (CN) 4) Ag (CNS) 4 2 2

34. From sodium argentocyanide Na [Ag (CN)2] silver is precipitated by adding to it a powder of 1) tin 2) zinc 3) mercury 4) calcium 35. The iron obtained from blast furnace is called as 1) pig iron 2) cast iron 3) rough iron 4) white cast iron 36. Which of the following crystals acquire brownish yellow color due to atmospheric oxidation. 1) Mg SO4 2) Ca SO4 3) Fe SO4 4) CuSO4 37. Fe SO4 on strong heating produces 1) SO3 2) SO2 and SO3 3) SO2 4) SO2 and O2 38. Which of the following is highly deliquescent. 1) Fe Cl3 2) Fe SO4 3) CuSO4 4) All 39. Schwitzers reagent has the composition of 1) [Ag (NH3)2] Cl 2) Fe4 [Fe (CN)6]3 3) Cu (NH3)4] SO4 4) K2[HgI4] 40. Bordeaux mixture is 1) CuSO4 2) Fe SO4 3) CuSO4 and lime 4) Ni SO4 41.Green coloured ore among the following is 1) Cu2 O 2) Cu Fe S2 3) CuCO3 . Cu (OH)2 4) 2 CuCO3 . Cu (OH)2 42. Cerussite is 1) PbS 2) PbCO3 3) PbSO4 4) SnO2 43. Which one of the following pairs of substances could be used for the preparation of copper (II) sulphate in the laboratory

44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

50. 51. 52. 53. 54.


1) Copper and dilute sulphuric acid 2) Copper (II) carbonate and sodium sulphate 3) Copper (II) chloride an dilute sulphuric acid 4) Copper (II) Oxide and dilute sulphuric acid Acidified potassium permanganate is decolourised by 1) White vitriol 2) bleaching powder 3) laughing gas 4) Mohrs salt Calcination is used in metallurgy to remove 1) H2 O and H2 S 2) H2O and CO2 3) CO2 and H2 S 4) H2 S and SO2 Mac Arthur Forest process is used for the extraction of 1) Zn 2) Cu 3) Fe 4) Ag During Hoopes process is used for electrolytic refining of Al the middle laer is of 1) pure aluminium 2) impure aluminium 3) Cryolite and BaF2 4) Alloys of Al, Ca, Si Which of the followiong metals cannot be extracted by carbon reduction process ? 1) Pb 2) Al 3) Hg 4) Zn Which method of purification is represented by the following equation. K K Ti + 2I2 773 TiI4 1675 Ti + 2I2 1) Cupellation 2) Zone refining 3) Van Arkel 4) Poling The compound which gives off oxygen on moderate heating is 1) Cupric oxide 2) mercuric oxide 3) Zinc oxide 4) aluminium oxide Cupellation process is involved in the metallurgy of 1) Copper 2) Silver 3) Gold 4) Lead Thomas slag is 1) Ca3 (PO4)2 2) Mn SiO3 3) Ca SiO3 4) Fe SiO3 Cinnabar is the ore of 1) lead 2) mercury 3) tin 4) silver The following equation depict a method of purification of nickel by K K Ni + 4CO 320 Ni (CO)4 420 Ni + 4CO impure. 1) Cupellation 2) Monds process 3) Van Arkel method 4) Zone refining Match the following using the codes given below : Ore Metal i) Dolamite I) Copper ii) Chalcopyrite II) Lead iii) Pyrolusite III) Magnesium iv) Galena IV) Manganese


ii a b c d





56.Match the following using the codes given below : Metal i) Zinc I) ii) Tin II) iii) Copper III) iv) Magnesium IV)

Ore Azurite Carnamite Calamine Casslterite



58. 59.

60. 61. 62. 63. 64.

65. 66. 67. 68. 69.

iii iv a III IV II I b III IV I II c IV I III II d IV III II I When copper sulphate solution is treated with potassium iodide and excess of hypo solution is added in resulting solution a white precipitate is formed. The white ppt is due to 1) Na2 S4 O6 2) CuI2 3) CuI 4) NaI Of the following substances the one which does not contain oxygen is 1) Bauxite 2) Epsom salt 3) Cryolite 4) Dolomite Bessemer process is used for 1) Converting wrought iron into steel 2) Conerting pig iron into steel 3) For purification of iron ore from silica as impurily 4) Extraction of Hg The anode mud obtained during electrolytic refining of copper contains. 1) Fe 2) Ni 3) Ag 4) Zn The method of refining that can yield very pure metal is 1) normal refining 2) Oxidation refining 3) Dressing refining 4) Zone refining In the metallurgy of Iron, when it added to blast furnace calcium iron appears as 1) CaCO3 2) Metallic Ca 3) Gangue 4) Slag In alkaline medium which will change colour without change in oxidation number. 1) KMnO4 2) K2 Cr2 O7 3) Cl2 4) I2 Four metals and their methods of refinement are given i) Ni, Cu, Zr, Ca ii) Electrolysis, Van Arkel process, Zone refining, Monds process Choose the right method for each : 1) Ni : Electrolysis, Cu : Van Arkel process, Zr : Zone refining, Ca : Monds process 2) Ni : Monds process, Cu : Electrolysis, Zr : Van Arke process, Ca : Zone refining 3) Ni : Monds process, Cu : Van Arkel process Zr : Zone refining, Ca : Electrolysis. 4) Ni : Electrolysis, Cu : Zone refining, Zr : Van Arkel process, Ca : Monds process Which of the following is not an ore ? 1) malachite 2) calamine 3) stellite 4) carussite Which among the following is called philosophers wool 1) Cellulose 2) While lead 3) asbestos 4) Zinc Oxide Which of the following is not an oxide ore 1) Cassiterite 2) Siderite 3) Pyrolusite 4) Bauxite In which of the following processes is carbon monoxide not involved. 1) Mond process 2) Solvay process 3) Bosch process 4) Fischer Tropsch process 22CrO 4 (yellow) changes to Cr2O 7 (Orange in H x vice versa in PH = y ; x and y can be


1) 6, 5 2) 6, 8 3) 8, 9 4) 7, 7 70. Fe Cl3 forms blood red colour with KCNS. Blood red colour is due to 1) Fe (CNS)3 2) [Fe (CNS)]2+ 3) [Fe (CNS)2] + 4) none is true 71. The principal reducing agent in the metallurgy of tin is 1) Carbon 2) Carbon monoxide 3) Carbon dioxide 4) aluminium 72. Copper is mainly extracted by 1) Carbon reduction method 2) Self-reduction method 3) the method of electrolysis 4) leaching with aqueous solution of NaCN, followed by reduction 73. Lead is mainly extracted from 1) Carbon reduction method


75. 76. 77.


2) Self reduction method 3) the method of electrolysis 4) Leaching with aqueous solution of NaCN followed by reduction Specific gravity of slag is 1) Always higher than molten metal 2) Always less than molten metal 3) Same as that of moltan metal 4) None Non fusible impurities of ores are removed by adding 1) Flux 2) Slag 3) gangue 4) None Smelting is the reaction of Oxide to metal by 1) C 2) Al 3) H 4) Electric current In froath floatation process many chemicals (frother, collector activator and or depressent) are used. Which is called a frother. 1) CuSO4 2) NaCN + alkali 3) Pine oil 4) Potassium xanthate Iron ores are dressed by 1) Froath floatation process 2) Magnetic separation 3) hand picking 4) All of these EXPLAIN WITH REASON :

1. What properties are made use of in the concentration of ores by a) gravity separation b) Froath floatation 2. Distinguish between the following : a) Roasting and smelting b) Flux and slag c) Alloy and amalgam 3. Four general methods of extracting metals from their ores are a) thermal decomposition b) displacement c) chemical reduction d) electrolytic reduction How are Ia and IIA group metals obtained and why the other methods unsuitable. 4. Two metals x and y have the following characteristics. x : Low m pt form only one chloride and occurs only as chloride, the oxide reacts with water to form hydroxide. y : High m pt form chlorides but occurs only as oxides which are stable. Briefly outline a method by which the elements x and y can be obtained from their ores, in two sentences each. 5. Write chemical equations for a) extraction of magnesium from magnesite b) extraction of silver from silver glance (Ag2 S) by the cyanide process. 6. State briefly how would you extract copper oxide from an intimate mixture of zinc oxide and copper oxide. 7. i) What is the actual reducing agent of haematite in blast furnace. ii) Why sodium chloride is added during electrolysis of fused anhydrous magnesium chloride. iii) Zinc but not copper is used for the recovery of metallic silver from complex [Ag (CN)2]Explain. 8. Why generally graphite anodes are used in electrolytic extraction of metals ? 9. Explain why cocke and flux are used in smelting. 10. Explain why air is passed through the solution obtained by treating with NaCN to the concentration silver glance. 11. Partial roasting of sulphide ore is done in the metal surgical operation of copper Explain. 12. Why the sulphide ores are generally roasted to oxide for the extraction of metals instead of being directly reduced. 13. In the metallurgy of iron lime stone is added to the ore.

14. Why SiO2 is used to remove impurities of CaO in an ore. 15. Aluminium metal is frequently used as reducing agent for the extraction of metals such as Cr or Mn from their oxides. 16. Why is chalcocite roasted and hot calcinated during recovery of copper. 17. Give an account of the extraction of any metal based on the use of electricity. 18. Among Na, Ag and Fe which is extracted by which of the following process given below i) Complex formation ii) reduction with carbon iii) electrolysis of fused salt Give one reaction pertinent to each of these processes. EXPLAIN WITH BALANCED CHEMICAL EQUATIONS : 1. The reaction between argentite and KCN and name the products in solution. 2. Silver chloride is treated with aqueous sodium cyanide and the product thus formed is allowed to react with zinc in alkaline medium. 3. Give the equation for recovery of lead from galena by air reduction. TRUE / FALSE 1. High purify metals can be obtained by one refining method if the impurify has lower melting point. 2. In reverberatory furnace both oxidation and reduction process can be carried out. 3. Horn silver is the name given to metallic silver obtained from horn. 4. Liquation process is used for removing Pb from Zn Pb mixture. 5. Metals with low boiling point can be purified by distillation method. 6. In the Blast furnace, temperature, cases as one moves from bottom to top. 7. In the blast furnace involving the reduction of ferric oxide the main reaction occurring in the zone of fusion is CO2 + C 2CO 8. The zone of reduction in the blast furnace involving the metallurgy of iron lies in the middle portion of the furnace. 9. The composition of ruby copper is Cu2 S 10. Zinc silver alloy solidifies earlier than molten lead 11. The composition of limonite is Fe2 O3. 12. Metals can be recovered from their ores by chemical methods. 13. In calcinations the ore is heated with calcium. 14. Copper is found both in free and combined state in nature. 15. Silver is purified by distillation process. 16. Silver is extracted by hydrometallurgy. 17. Substances which convert infusible impurities of ores into fusible substances during smelting are termed slags. 18. Leaching is a process by which a particular ore can be dissolved selectively by using certain acids, bases or other reagents. FILL IN THE BLANKS : 1. .. and .. process can remove volatile impurities from the ores. 2. In extractive metallurgy of Zinc partial fusion of ZnO with coke is called .. and reduction of the ore to molten metal is called (Smelting, Calcination, Roasting, Sintening) 3. For the removal of basic impurify FeO, the flux used is .. 4. Air is blown in blast furnace through water jacketed pipes called .. 5. The impurify silica present in the principal ore of iron is removed as .. in the blast furnace by the addition of .. 6. In the extraction of tin, stannic oxide is reduced by ..

7. 8. 9. 10.

Copper is mainly extracted from the ore .. whose composition is .. Copper is extracted by using .. method. Silver is .. soluble in molten Zinc than in molten lead. In the cyanide process the concentrated ore is leached with a dilute solution of .. not agitated by a current of ..

CHEMISTRY NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 1. On treatment with cold water, an element (A) reacted quietly, liberating a colourless, colourless gas (B), and a solution (C) Lithium reacted with (B) yielding a sold product (D) which effervesced with water to give a strongly basic solution (F). When carbon dioxide was bubbled through solution (C) and initial white precipitate (G) was formed, but this re-dissolved, forming solution (H) when more carbon dioxide was added. Precipitate (G) effervesced when moistened with concentrated hydrochloric acid, and gave a deep red coloration to a Bunsen burned flame. When (G) was heated with carbon at 10000 C a caustic white compound (I) was formed, which when heated with carbon at 10000 C gave a solid (J) of some commercial importance. Name the substances (A) to (J) and give balanced chemical equations for each of the reactions. 2. When a white substance (A) was treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, a colourless gas (B) was evolved, which turned moist litmus paper red. On bubbling (B) through lime water a precipitate (C) was formed, but passage of further gas resulted in a clear solution (D). A small sample of (A) was moistened with concentrated hydrochloric acid and placed on a platinum wire, and introduced into a Bunsen burner flame. Where it caused a green flame coloration. On strong heating (A) decomposed, giving a white solid (E) which turned red litmus paper blue, 1.9785 g of (A) was heated stringly and gave 1. 5334 g of (E). The sample of (E) was dissolved in water and made upto 250 ml in a standard flask. 25 ml aliguots were titrated with acids and required (0.30 ml of 0.0985 M hydrochloric acid. Name the compounds (A) to (E) inclusive, and give equations for all there actions. Calculate the gram molecular weight of (A). 3. 11.347 g of a metal (A) was dissolved in dilute HNO3. This solution gave a red coloration to a nonluminous unseen burner flame, and so evaporation gave 0.747 g of metal oxide (B). (A) also reacted with nitrogen, forming a compound (C), and with hydrogen, forming(D). Do reacting 0.1590 g of (D) with water, a gas (E) was evolved and a separingly soluble compound (F) formed, which gave a strongly basic reaction and required 200 ml of 0.1000 M hydrochloric acid to neutralize it. Identify the substances (A) to (F) and explains the reactions involved. 4. substance (A) is a yellowish white deliguesoent solid which sublimes and has a vapour density of 133. (A) reacted violently with water, forming solution (B). A sample of (B) gave a curdy white precipitate (C) on addition of dilute HNO3 and AgNO3 solution, but this reality dissolved on the addition of dilute NH4 OH, though gelatinous white dissolved in excess NaOH, forming a clear solution (E), When CO2 was passed into (E), compound (D) was reprecipitated. Substance (A) dissolved unchanged in dry ether, and when this solution was reacted with LiH one of two produces (F) or (g) was formed, depending on whether the Li H was in excess or not. 5. Substance (A) is a gas of vapour density 8.5. On oxidation at high temperature with a platinum catalyst it gave a colourless gas (B), which rapidly turned brown in air, forming a gas (C). (B) and (C) were condensed together to give substance (D) which reacted with water, forming an acid (E). On treatment of (E) with an acidified solution of KD gas (B) was evolved, but when (E) was treated with a solution of NH4 Cl, a stable colourless gas (E) was evolved. (F) did not support combustion, but magnesium continued to burn in it. However, (F) reacted with calcium carbide in an electric furnace. Forming a solid (G) which was slowly hydrolysed by water, forming a solution of substance (A), which turned Nesslers reagent yellow. Identify substances (A) to (G) and explain the reactions involved.

6. Gradual addition of KI solution to Bi (NO3)3 solution initially produces a dark brown precipitate which dissolved in excess of KI to give a clear yellow solution. Write chemical equations for the above reactions. 7. A colourless inorganic salt (A) decomposes completely at about 2500 C to give only two produces, (B) and (C), leaving no residue. The oxide (C) is a liquid at room temperature and neutral to moist litmus paper while the gas (B) is a neutral oxide. White phosphorus burns in excess of (B) to produce a strong white dehydrating agent. Write balanced equations for the reactions involved in the above process. 8. When gas A is passed through dry KOH at low temperature, a deep red coloured compound, B and a gas C are obtained. The gas A, on reaction with but 2-one, followed by treatment with Zn / H2 O yields acetaldehyde. Identify A, S and C. 9. A scarlet compound A is treated with conc. HNO3 to give calculate brown precivitate B. The precipitate is filtered and the filtrate is neutralized with NaOH. Addition of KI to the resulting solution gives a yellow precipitate C. The precipitate B on warming with conc. HNO3 in the presence of Hi (NO3)2 produces a pink coloured solution fue to the formation of D. Identify A, B, C and D. Write the reaction sequence. 10. An unknown inorganic compound (X) gave the following reactions : i) The compound (x) on heating gave a residue, oxygen and oxide of nitrogen (ii) An aqueous solution of compound (X) on additional to tap water gave a turbidity which did not dissolve in HNO3. (iii) The turbinity dissolved in NH4 OH. Identify the compound (X) and give equation for the reactions (i), (ii), (iii). 11. An unknown inorganic compound (x) loses its water. It gives a white turbidity with gil. Hydrochloric acid solution. (ii) It decolourises a solution of iodine in potassium iodide. (iii) It gives a white ppt. With AgNO3 solution, which turns black on standing identify compound (X) and give chemical equations for the reactions at step i), ii) and iii). 12. In certain inorganic compound (A) on heating loses water of crystallization. On further heating a blackish brown powder, (B) and two oxides of sulphur (C and D) are obtained. The powder (B) on boiling with hydrochloric acid gives a yellow solution (E). When H2 S is passed and (E) a white turbidity (F) and an apple green solution (G) is obtained. The solution (E) on treatment with thiocyanate ion gives blood red compound (H). Identify (a) to I(H) H2 SO4 gives a gas. 13. A black coloured compound (A) on reaction with dil. H2 SO4 gives a gas (B) which on passing in a solution of an acid (C) gives a white turbidity (D). Gas (B) when passed in an acidified solution of a compound (E) gives a ppt (F) soluble in dil HNO3. After boiling this solution when an excess of NH4 OH is added, a blue coloured compound (G) is formed. To this solution an addition of acetic acid and aq. K4 Fe (CN)6, a chocolate precipitate (H) is obtained. On addition of an aqueous solution of BaCl2 to an aqueous solution of (E), a white ppt. Insoluble in HNO3 is obtained. Identify from (A) to (H). 14. On the basis of following reaction, identify (A), (B) ; (C) and (D), write down their chemical formulae. i) (A) + Zn heat (B) + gas, ii) (A) aq. + (C) heat PH3 heat iii) (A) aq. + NH4 Cl (D) gas. 15. An aqueous solution of an unknown compound (x) gives the following reactions. i) It gives brown ppt with alkaline KMnO4 solution. ii) It forms HCl and evolves O2 when reacts with Cl2 gas. iii) It liberates I2 from an acidified KI solution iv) It gives orange yellow colour with acidified titanic sulphate solution. Identify (X) and give the chemical equations for the reactions i), ii), iii). 16. An aqueous solution of inorganic compound (X) gives following reactions : 1) with an aqueous solution of barium chloride a precipitate insoluble in dil HCl is obtained. Ii) Addition of excess of KI gives a brown ppt which turns white on addition of excess of hypo iii) with an aqueous solution of K4 Fe (CN)6 a chocolate coloured precipitate is obtained. Identify (X) and give equations for the reaction for i), ii) and iii) observations.

17. An inorganic compound (X) gives brick red flame on performing the flame test. This also give the following tests : i) Smell of chlorine when placed in moist air. ii) If KI and CH3 COOH are added to its suspension in water, a brown colour is obtained. Identify (x) and write down equations for reactions at step i) and ii). 18. A compound (x) imparts a golden yellow flame and shows the following reactions : 1) Zinc powder, when boiled with a concentrated aqueous solution of (x) dissolves and hydrogen in evolved. 2) When an aqueous a white precipitate is obtained first which dissolves in access of solution of (x). Identify (x) and write equation at step i) and ii). 19. A certain metal (A) is boiled in dilute nitric acid to give a salt (s) and an oxide of nitrogen (C). A aqueous solution of (D) with brine gives a precipitate (D) which is soluble in NH4 OH. On adding aqueous solution of (B) to hypo solution, a white precipitate (E) is, obtained. E turns black on standing. Identify (A) to (E). 20. A metal chloride (X) shows the following reactions : i) When H2 S is passed in an acidified aqueous solution of (x) a black precipitate is obtained ii) the precipitate obtained in sep (i) is not soluble in yellow ammonium sulphide. Iii) When a solution of stannous chloride is added to an aqueous solution of (X), a white precipitate is obtained which turns grey on addition of more of stannous chloride. iv) When an aqueous solution of KI is added to an aqueous solution of (x), a red precipitate is obtained which dissolves on addition of excess of KI. Identify (x) and write down the equations for the reactions at step I, iii and iv. 21. A certain compound (x) is used in laboratory, for analysis. Its aqueous solution gave the following reactions : a) On addition to copper sulphate solution, a brown precipitate is obtained which turns white on addition of excess of Na2 S2 O3 solution. B) On addition to Ag+ ion solution yellow curdy precipitate is obtained which is insoluble in NH4 OH. Identify x, giving reactions. 22. An aqueous solution of a gas (x) shows the following reactions : 1) It turns red litmus blue ii) When added in excess to a copper sulphate solution, a deep blue colour is obtained iii) On adding of FeCl3 solution a brown precipitate solution inodilute nitric acid, is obtained. Identify (x) and give equations for the reactions at step ii) and iii). NH3. 23. A certain salt (x) gives the following tests : I) Its aqueous solution is alkaline to litmus. Ii) On strongly heating it swells to give glassy material. Iii) When concentrated H2 SO4 is added to a hot concentrated solution of (x), white crystals of weak acid separate out. Identify (x) and write down the chemical equations for reaction at steps i), ii and iii). 24. A certain compound (x) shows the following reactions : i) When KI is added to an aqueous suspension of (x) containing acetic acid, iodine is liberated, ii) When CO2 is passed through an aqueous suspension of (x) the turbidity transforms to a ppt. Iii) When a paute of (x) in water is heated with ethyl alcohol, a product of anusthetic use is obtained. Identify (x) and write down chemical equations for reactions at step i), ii) and iii). 25. An aqueous solution of an inorganic compound (x) shows the following reactions : I) It decelerizes and acidified KMnO4 solution accompanied with evolution of oxygen. Ii) If liberates I2 from amidized KI solution. ii) It gives down precipitates with alkaline ZnO4 solution with evolution of O2. iv) It removes black stains from old oil painting. Identify X and give chemical reactions for the steps i) to iv). 26. To solid laboratory reagents (A) and (B) give following reactions : Compound (A) : i) On strongly heating it gives two oxides of sulphur. ii) On adding aqueous NaOH solution to its aqueous solution, a dirty green precipitate is obtained which starting turning brown on exposure to air. Compound (B) : I) It imparts green colour to flame. ii) Its solution does not give precipitate on passing H2 S. iii) When it is heated with H2 Cr2 O7 and conc. H2 SO4, a red gas is evolved. The gas when passed in aqueous NaOH solution turns it yellow. Identify (A) and (B) and give chemical reactions. 27. A compound on heating with an excess of caustic soda solution liberates a gas B, which gives white fumes an exposure to HCl. Heating is continued to expel the gas completely. The resultant alkaline












solution again liberates the same gas B, when heated with zinc powder. However the compound A, when heated alone, does not give nitrogen. Identify A and B. The gas liberated on heating a mixture of two salts with NaOH, give a reddish brown precipitate with an alkaline solution of K2 Hgl4. The aqueous solution of the mixture on treatment with BaCl2 gives a white precipitate which is sparingly soluble in conc. HCl. On heating the mixture with K2 Cr2 O7 and donc. H2 SO4, red vapours (A) are produced. The aqueous solution of the mixture gives a deep. Blue colouration (B) with potassium ferricyanide solution. Identify the radicals in the give mixture and write the balanced equations for the formation of (A) and (B). A light bluish green crystalline solid responds the following tests : 1) Its aqueous solution gives precipitate or colour with alkaline F2 HgI4 solution. 2) Its aqueous solution gives blue colour with K3 Fe (CN) solution. 3) Its solution in HCl gives white ppt. With BaCl2 solution. Identify the ions present and suggest formula of compound. In orange solid (A) on heating gives a green residue (B), a colourless gas (C) and water vapour. The dry gas (C) on passing over heated Mg gave a white solid (D). (D) on reaction with water gave a gas (E). Which formed dense white furmes with HCl. Identify (A) to (E) giving reactions. In inorganic compound (A) shows the following reactions. i) It is white solid and exist as dimmer : gives fumes of (B) much wet air. ii) It sublines on 1800 C and forms monomer if heated to 4000 C. iii) Its aqueous solution turns blue litmus to red. Iv) Addition of NH4 OH and NaOH separately to a solution of (A) gives white precipitate which is however soluble in excess of NaOH. An inorganic compound (A), transparent like glass is a strong reducing agent. Its hydrolysis in water gives a white turbidity (B) Aqueous solution of (A) gives white ppt (C) with NaOHaq which is soluble in excess NaOH. (A) reduces auric chloride to produce purple of cassius, (A) reduces auric chloride to produce purple of cassius, (A) also reduces I2 and gives chromyl chloride best. What are A to C ? A pole yellow inorganic compound (A) is insoluble in mineral acid but is soluble in aq. NH3 forming (B). It also dissolves in Na2 S2 O3 solution and forms (C). On boiling an aqueous solutions of (C), a black ppt. (D) is obtained. When (D) dissolved in HNO3 and HCl is added, a white ppt (E) is obtained. (A) on heating with conc. H2 SO4 and MnO2 yields brown fumes of (F). Identify (A) and (F). A metallic chloride (A) does not respond Ag NO3 and chromyl chloride tests. However (A) gives a white ppt with limited amount of another metal chloride (B) and grey ppt with excess amount of (B). (A) when treated with KI gives a scarle ppt which dissolves in excess of KI forming an important regent (C) used in qualitative analysis. Identify A, B and C. Write all reactions. Seasons mixture containing (X), (Y) and (Z) gases, when passed into acidified K2 Cr2 O7 solution, gas (X) was absorbed and the solution was turned green. The remainder gas mixture was then passed through lime water, which turns milky by absorbing gas (Y). The residual gas when passed through alkaline pyrogallol solution, it turned black. Identify gas (X), (Y) and (2) and explain the reaction involved. To a solution containing Ca2+, Ag2+, Cu2+, and K+, 2M HCl is added when a white precipitate (A) is obtained. After filtration F2 S is passed through the filtrate, a black ppt. (B) is formed. On removing (B) by filtration, it gave white ppt. (C) with conc. Na2 CO3 solution. Identify (A), (B) and (C). An aqueous solution of a salt (A) gives a white arystalline precipitate (B) with NaCl solution. The filtrate gives a blacki precipitate (C) when H2 S is passed into it. Compound (B) dissolves in hot water and the solution gives yellow precipitate (D) In treatment with sodium iodide and cooling. The compound (A) goes not give any gas with dilute HCl but liberates a reddish brown goes on heating. Identify the compound (A) to (D) and give an equation for the liberation of the reddish brown gas. A compound (A), on heating with an excess of dil. HCl gave an offensive smelling gas (B) and a solution (C). Solution (C) on treatment with aqueous NH3 did nt give, Cl2 and ppt but on treatment with NaOH solution gave a ppt. Which dissolved in excess of NaOH (A). On strong heating in air gave a strong smelling gas (E) and solid residue (F). (F) dissolves completely in dil. HCl and the solution gave a ppt with BaCl2 in acid solution. Identify (A) to (F).

39. A compound (A) is greenish crystalline salt, which gave the following results : i) Addition of BaCl2 solution to the solution of (A) results in the formation of a white ppt. (B), which is insoluble in dil. HCl. ii) On heating (A), water vapours and two oxides of sulphur (C) and (D) are liberated leaving a red brown residue (E). iii) (E) dissolved. 40. When 20.02 g of a white solid (X) is heating, 4.4 g of an acid gas (A) and 1.8 g of a neutral gas (B) are evolved leaving behind a solid residue (Y) of weight 13.8 g (A) turns lime water milky and (B) condenses into a liquide which changes anhydrous copper solphate blue. The aqueous solution of (Y) is alkaline to litmus and give 19.7 g of white precipitate (Z) with barium chloride solution. (Z) gives carbon dioxide with an acid. Identify (A), (B), (X), (Y) and (Z). 41. A well known orange crystalline compound (A), when burnt impart violet colour to flame. (A) on treating (B) and conc. H2 SO4 gives red gas (C) which gives yellow solution (D) with alkaline water (D) on treating with acetic acid and lead acetate B gives white fumus with HCl. What are A to F. 42. A white crystalline compound (A) swells up on heating and gives violet colour flame on burning. Its aqueous solution gives : a) White ppt. With BaCl2, b) White gelatinous ppt. With excess of NH4 OH which dissolves in NaOH but reappears on boiling with conc. NH4 Cl solution. 43. Identify (A) to (D) in following stops giving chemical equations. I) A white amorphous powder (A) on strongly heating gives a colourless non combustible gas (B) and solid (C). ii) The gas (B) turns lime water milky and turbidity disappears with the passage of excess of gas. iii) The solution of (A) in dilute HCl gives a white precipitate (D) on passing H2 S in presence of excess of NH4 OH. 44. An aqueous solution of a gas (X) gives the following reactions 1) It decolourises an acidified K2 Cr2 O7 solution. 2) On boiling with H2 O2, cooling it and then adding an aqueous solution of BaCr2, a precipitate insoluble in dilute HCl is obtained. 3) On passing H2 S in the solution, white turbidity is obtained. Identify (X) and give equations for steps (i), (ii) and (iii). 45. Five bottles without label contain one of the following acids. How would you distinguish and identify, them i) HCl ii) H2 SO4 iii) HNO3 iv) CH3 COOH v) H3 PO4 46. A compound X does not give N2 on heating. Its aqueous solution on heating with NaOH gives Y which turns red litmus blue. Heating of alkalino solution of X is continued to expel Y gas completely. However residual solution again liberates Y gas when heated with Zinc powder. What are X and Y ? 47. Crystalline inorganic compound. (A), when it coems in con acid with skin leaves a black stain. (A) is freely soluble in water and when to this solution NaCl is added, a white ppt is formed which is insoluble in HNO3 but soluble in NH4 OH. When H2 S is passed through solution of (A), a black ppt appears. When potassium chromate is added to the solution of (A), a brick red precipitate results. To another portion of solution of (A) mixed with Fe SO4 in a test tube, concentrated H2 SO4 is added through the sides of test tube, a brown ring results. Identify the compound and give all reaction in warm conc. HCl to give a yellow solution (F). iv) With H2 S, the solution (F) yields a pale yellow ppt (C) which when filtered, leaves a greenish filtrate (H), v) solution (F) with treatment of thiocyanate ion gives blood red coloured compound (I) Identify the substances from (A) to (I). 48. Compound (A) is a light green crystalline solid. It gies the following tests. A) It dissolves in dilute sulphuric acid. No gas in produced. a) A dissolves in dilute sulphuric acid. No gas in produced. b) A drop of KMnO4 is added to the above solution. The pink colour disappears. c) compound (A) is heated strongly. Gases (B) and (C) with pungent smell come out. A brown residue (D) is left behind. d) the gas mixture (B) and (C) is passed into a dichromate solution. The solution turns green. e) The green solution from step d) gives a white precipitate (E) with a solution of barium nitrate. f) Residue, (D) from step (C) is heated on charcoal in a reducing flame. It gives a magnetic substance. Name the compounds A, B, C, D and E. 49. An unknown solid mixture contains one or two of the following : Ca CO3, BaCl3,Na2 SO4, ZnSO4 and NaOH. The mixture is completely soluble in water and the solution gives pink colour with phenolphthalein. When dilute hydrochloric acid is gradually added to the above solution, a








precipitate is formed. Which dissolves with further addition of the acid. What is / are present in the solid ? Give equations to explain the appearance of he precipitate and its dissolution. When 16.8 g of white solid (X) were heated 4.4 g of a gas A) that turned lime water milky was driven off together with 1.8 g of a gas (B) which condensed to a colourless liquid. The solid that remained (Y), dissolved in water to give on alkaline solution which with excess BaCl2 solution gave a white ppt. (Z). The precipitate effervessed with acid giving off CO2. Identify (A), (B) and (Y) and write down the equation for thermal decomposition (X). A mixture of two alts was treated as follows : i) The mixture was heated with manganese of dioxide and concentrated sulphuric acid, when yellowish green gas was liberated. ii) The mixture on heating with sodium hydroxide solution gave a gas which turned red litmus blue. iii) Its solution in water gave blue precipitate with potassium ferricyandie and red colouration with ammonium thiocyanate, iv) The mixture was boiled with potassium hydroxide and the liberated gas was bubbled through an alkaline solution of K2 HgI3, to give brown precipitate. Identify the two salts. Give ionic equations for reactions involved in the tests (i), (ii), (iii). A hydrated metallic salt (A), light green in colour, on careful heating gives white anhydrous (B) soluble in water and its equeous solution reacts with No to give a dark brown compound (C). (B) on strong heating gives a brown residue (D) and a mixture of two gases (E) and (F). The gaseous mixture when passed through acidified permanganate, discharges the pink colour and when passed through BaCl2 solution gives a white precipitate. Identify (A) to (B). A mixture of three gases A, B and C is passed into acidified dichromate solution when A is absorbed turning the solution green. The remainder of the gas is passed through excess of lime water which turns milky resulting in the absorption of B. The residual gas C is absorbed in alkaline pyrogallol solution. However, the original mixture does not turn lead acetate paper black. Identify A, B and C. A black compound (X) is insoluble in water and Con. HCl. In a mixture of con HCl + Con .HNO3 it goes into solution on boiling. On evaporation of this solution and twice treating it with Con. HCl followed by evaporation leaves a white compound. This is soluble in water and on treatment with SnCl2 solution in Dil. HCl gives a white or grey white ppt. Na2 CO3 extract of x responds positively to the nitroprusside test giving a violet colour. Identify x and write the reactions. A (colourless solid) . B (solid) + O2 ; B dil HCl brown gas B + NH Cl . Colourless gas + residue (C) A + NH4 Cl colourless gas + residue (C), C gave a yellow colour in Bunsen flame. Explain. Pale green solid (A) . B (black solid) + C + D (mix. Or 2 ages) solution of A with CH NH 4 OH . Green ppt ; solun of A + MnO4- + H . Solution Red brown ppt y NH 4 C l

. Z (dark brown powder) 2. B on heating in air also forms z. Solution of A Ca white. Identify the explain. H 2O I2 H+ 57. B (colourless crystal) solun. Of B colourless solution (W+l) B solution

Gas G Z + yellow solid (X). x + O3 acidic gas G. G oxide (H). X + H2 gas + I2 Ba 2 + yellow solid (X) solution X colourless solution Y white ppt. Ba2+, H+. 2


No ppt, explain. 258. Suggest a simple qualitative test to distinguish a) Fe2+, Fe3+, b) SO 2 , SO 3 c) PbCO3, MnSO4 d) 4 Na2 SO3, e) Na2 CO3, Na2 SO3 f) CO, CO2 g) NaCl, KCl h) CaCl2, MgCl2, I) KNO2, KBV. 59. An element (A) yellow in colour when boiled with a solution of (B) gave a crystalline white solid (C). C reacts with HCl solution forming a ppt. (A) along with a gas (B) and an equ. Solution of a salt (X). X shows yellow colour, in the flame test. C is used as antichlor and when C is treated with I2,

the resulting solution (E + F) is colourless. G reacts with conc. HNO3 forming a red brown gas (G) along with an aq. Solution of acid (II). H reacts with BaCl2 (aq) giving a white precipitate insoluble in one. HCl D is responsible for acid rain. D turns acidified K2 Cr2 O7 A paper green X when heated with K2 Cr2 O7 + Con. H2 SO4 gives orange red vapours (I) I when passed into NaOH solution forms yellow solution (J). J when traced with lead nitrate solution gives a yellow ppt (K). B decolourises acidified KMnO4 forming Na2 SO4 as one of the products. Identify A to K. 60. A metal (M) reacts with Cl2 on heating to gie a liquid compound (A) which can be converced to a solidly (B) when treated with an excess of the metal a solution of B in aq. HCl reduces Hg (II) salts to Hg (I) and then to Hg. It also reduces nitrobenzene to aniline. The compound a reacts with C6 H5 Mg B to gave a product C which contains only C, H and MnO. If H2 SO as passed through solution of B in HCl a precipitate E is obtained which dissolves in ammonium sulphide solution as a compound (F). B reacts with excess NaOH forming a solution (G). Identify and explain.

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