Goe Newsletter 11-1-13

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Week of: October 28-31, 2013

Upcoming Events!
We hope you had a safe and Happy Halloween! o!e"ber 1- #eacher Workday-no school o!e"ber 11-$eteran%s &ay- no school o!e"ber 2'-2(- #hanks)*!*n) +reak

We pract*ced retell*n) stor*es across f*!e f*n)ers, -.*rst, e/t, #hen, 0fter #hat, .*nally1 We learned that readers th*nk about the characters *n the story, How do they act2 What are they l*ke on the *ns*de2 -fr*endly, stubborn, self*sh, car*n), s"art, cle!er1 Sight Words for the Week: what, white, who, will, with, you, after, again, an, any Tip for reading with your child: Dont immediately tell an unknown word to your child, instead ask them to: sound out the word, break the word into parts, try a different vowel sound, use picture clues and think about what would make sense.

Math: &*scussed the relat*onsh*p between s3uares and tr*an)les, 4dent*f*ed a repeat*n) un*t to create a pattern, 5ak*n) and break*n) shapes *n d*fferent ways,

7/plored character*st*cs of a pu"pk*n and d*scussed plant l*fe cycle, 6ont*nued research*n) nocturnal an*"als,

Social Studies:
4ntroduced co""un*ty workers and how they help *n our ne*)hborhoods, 6o"pared and contrasted two co""un*ty workers,

Dates to Remember: Exercise your right to vote on November 5th! eacher ip o! the "ee#: Ha!e a place *n your ho"e where you d*splay your ch*ld%s wr*t*n), 8lay board )a"es as a fa"*ly such as 6onnect .our wh*ch pro"otes proble" sol!*n) sk*lls,

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