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ASHTECH XII GPPS GPS POST-PROCESSING SYSTEM Ashtech, Inc. 390 Potrero Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 737-2400 GPS Post-Processing System Manual Ashtech Part Number 101434 First Edition June 1990 Copyright © 1990 by Ashtech, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in « retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, eleciconic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prio: written permission of Ashtech, Inc. Printed in :he United States of America. Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 - Introduction ee 1 CHAPTER 2 - GPPS Tutorial : : 5 STATIC Project Tutorial... cece OS PSEUDO-KINEMATIC Tutorial 23 KINEMATIC Tutorial Co CHAPTER 3 - Program Reference Guide . 43 CONVENTIONS ..............0.... 47 ACD eee nn ce A ADJUSTIN .. : 53 ANTSWAP . ee cece 7 ASHTOALM ... - eee 81 ASHTORIN 2... 00050 e eee eee eee 83 COMNAV 89 rt CONVERT 002 oa DATALOGR 95 FILETOOL .............. connec eee 39 GENLOG .....- . eee ve 115; GPPS ..... nee ee cee e eee 124 GPSMAP ...... cee erences 129 GRIDCOOR wee eee. 182 le of Contents HOSE.........- 143 KINSRVY 155 LINECOMP 161 MAKEINP ©... ee eee 170 MAKEUFIL 189 MENUINST 195 PLOT . 199 PPDIFF 00... 20... 199 PPLOT 20000 215 PROCESS ..... 00... 219 READROV 237 SORTROV 242 TIMESYS 245 APPENDIX A - GPPS Programs .............. 247 APPENDIX B - Recommended Filenames ....... 239 APPENDIX C - Ashtech Data File Structure 243 APPENDIX D - GPS Surveying Methods .... 247 INDEX . 02. eee ee 253 i Table of Contents ASHTECH XI! GPPS GPS Post Processing System WHO THIS MANUAL IS FOR ‘This manual is for the post processing person who is an important team member for every survey project. It provides an introduction into the procedures required to process field survey data Basically, your job will consist of transferring the Ashtech Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver measurement data into the computer, directing the computer to process the data, and combining the results into your survey network. Each day, when the survey erew returns from the field, you will transfer the data trom the receivers into your computer. Transferring the data from the receiver into the computer is a step called "HOSING* and is described in detail in the next chapter. You just connect each receiver to the computer using the cable provided by Ashtech and select the downloading option from the "GPPS" program. The measurement data is transferred automatically from each receiver into your computer. Next, the computer will follow your directions and process the receiver data using the appropriate processing method: "STATIC", “PSEUDO- KINEMATIC", or "KINEMATIC". The next chapter is a tutorial which will show you how easily this is done. After the baseline results have been processed, you will combine the results into a survey network and perform a network adjustment. The network adjustment gives you a quality check of the data results and will indicate if there were any measurement problems. ‘We recommend that you perform these steps daily. Processing on a daily basis provides you with a means of detecting and resolving errors or problems in field measurements. While we have made every attempt to provide the answers to any question which may arise, the Ashtech customer support team can be reached with INTRODUCTION 11 4 phone call to the: COMPUTER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The GPPS programs are designed to run on an industry standard computer, an IBM Personal Compute/AT, or compatible, using the industry standard operating system, DOS. Like ail computer programs, GPPS will achieve faster results if a more powerful computer is used, GPPS can run on the minimum computer system shown in the table below. However, if you want to significantly reduce your processing time, you should use the recommended system. it has been our experience that purchasing the recommended system is a cost effective investment and will better utilize the time for the post processing person. If you need to buy a computer, use the following table for your purchase requirements: Equipment |winiom operating [00s Syston a Processor [60286 5086/25 corprocessor [20287 wenery eco x ware Oise (20 Graphic Card [CA/Hercules orineer [teen 00 fw owe ne | GPPS PROGRAM INSTALLATION The GPPS program is simple to install. Tum on your computer, and after the computer has started, insert the computer diskette marked “Ashtech XII GPPS Disk 1* into your floppy disk drive. To load the GPPS programs and sample tutorial data into yout computer type: A:INSTALL the notation is for the “Enter” key on your keyboard. Sometimes the Enver key is labeled "Return", sometimes it has a figure on it that looks ike: V2 INTRODUCTION <— ‘The computer will read the Ashtech INSTALL program from the diskette and automatica..’ .-ansfer the GPPS pro..sms from the diskette -< your computer's har sk. Just follow the ~~ cuctions displayed. Appendix A describes the GPPS progranis and the DOS environment. After all the programs have been transferred onto your hard disk you are ready to begin the post processing tutorial and discover how easy it can be to process the field survey raw data into your final survey report! INTRODUCTION 13 GPS Post Processing System Tutorial STATIC SURVEY PROCESSING You have now loaded the GPPS programs into your computer and are ready to perform post processing. This section of the manual is designed to lead you through the automatic processing steps of the Ashtech GPPS program We begin the tutorial at the point where the field survey crew has completed data collection. The field survey crew will bring the GPS receivers to you so that you can transfer the data which has been recorded in the receiver memory into the computer. © saning Grps To start the GPPS program, type: GPPS (Note that the notation means for you to press the "Enter" key on your keyboard. Additional conventions used in this manual can be found in Chapter 3.). ‘The computer will begin to run the GPPS program and will display the following message: Program: GPS Versions 3.0.00 Released: 06/15/90 by ASHTECH, Inc. 300 Potrers Avenue Sennyvate, CA S088 Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990. ALI rights reserved This is the standard Ashtech program version screen provided for each GPPS program module. ‘The first menu displayed will be as follows: TUTORIAL-STATIC 2-5 asec Geode ic Post Processing Softuare Ay Auto Procestiti 8) Download Recesver ©) Eoveing/Planning 0) Manual Precesting © Post Mission “Flo = 005 SHELL “EO” OUT If you have a single color display (¢.g. black & white), you may not be able to clearly view, Option A shown above. To correct this condition, exit the program by pressing . Enter the following DOS commands, CD CAGPPS MENUINST Follow the instructions provided to install all GPPS programs and select a monochrome display. Refer to the MENUINST program in Chapter 3 for additional instructions. ® Select Directory The next step is to select the Setect Directory option so that the computer will know where to find the data files on the hard disk, Select this option by pressing . You will then see the following display: WateneUA iow.0oT —Tutox.o02 _Tov0r.00s ~ Absolute Path “OR - Accept - QUIT In the above menu TUTOR.0O1, TUTOR.002, and TUTOR.003 are the projects that we have included with the GPPS programs to provide data for you to evaluste during this post-pr-cessing tutorial. If you have created other pro‘ects, those project nats will also be shown. The tutorial data is organized as follows: 2-6 TUTORIAL-STATIC TUTOR.001 Sample STATIC baseline project TUTOR,002 Sample PSEUDO-KINEMATIC project TUTOR.003. Sample KINEMATIC project You select the existing provet to be analyzed by moving the highlighted bar (o the desired project name by pressing the rightleft down/up arrows and pressing Move the cursor one name to the right using the right arrow key, so that TUTOR.0O! is highlighted. Press to select this project. The computer wiil select the TUTOR.001 project file storage area and display the following: [carrer Directory: EHNGPPS\TUTOR COT [eext Level: Parent 01> “arent OF “Fin bOs SHELL - Abeolute Path “GHD = Accept <€50> - WIT Press the (called the "Escape" key), to return to the main menu. Since you will use the data already provided for the STATIC project, skip steps 3 and 4 and proceed to step 5 to process the data. Ifa project has not been stored on the computer before, you can create a new project by pressing . You can then enter a project name. ‘The computer allows you to enter up to 8 characters followed by a period and completed with 3 characters, when you name the project. The field log sheets provided by the survey team will usually contain the project name. This name may have to be abbreviated to comply with the computer name restrictions. For example, if the project name is "Ashtech Static Site Baseline Project for GPPS manual Tutorial” you could name the project TUTOR, TUTOR.001, ASHTECH. 001, or PROJOOI.009, or any other combination of characters which would remind you of the project name When the computer creates or selects the project name, the project name acts like a "file drawer" in a file cabinet which can separately store the data for each project. Using this option, allows you to open the file drawer so that the GPPS program will use the correct project data. TUTORIAL-STATIC 2-7 © sant HOSE Program t Download Receiver Data If the data for the project is nol in the computer, your need to download the datz from the GPS receiver, Connect the receiver to the computer using the Ashtech supplied "HOSE" cable, (Note that this cable is called a “full handshake null modem cable” and the wiring for this cable is shown in the HOSE reference section. The cable has a large 25 pin connector al one end and a smaller 9 pin connector at the other end. Remove the dust cap cover on Port | of the receiver and connect the large (25 pin) connector of the HOSE cable to the GPS receiver. The other end of the cable is connected to your computer serial port (sometimes called COM!). After you have the receiver connected to your computer, enter the option, Download Receiver, on the GPPS menu. The HOSE program will automatically start and test the connection between your computer and the receiver. If everything is connected properly, the computer will display the options as shown below: Main options: ‘Ay Digplay receiver. dir £) Reset for new receiver F) Read shotogeammetry dois, G) Read Bimanas care. GPS\TUTOR. OOF Receiver type: Fives: Gens closed, EPWH © closed Disk space: 970 xa StTe= closed BAUD; 58660 FORT: COME 5-282 Driver installed PotLing Receiver Communication Rate: Testing 38400 BALD Testing 9600 BAUD Testing 32400 sau Testing 112000 BAO Testing 1200 BAUD “ ~ eUIT - 008 shett “ERS or > Accept If the GPS receiver is not powered on, or the cable is not correctly connected to the receiver, you will receive the following error message: ERROR Can /HFNELaLELE Comerpgirts ‘You should check the cable connections ax! receiver power and re:r.. 2-8 TUTORIAL-STATIC ® download Receiver Files After you have a good connection with the GPS receiver, you are ready to download the dats om the receiver into yn" computer. Select op to download ©» receiver data. The cr -uter will display ane similar to the follow: DOUNLOND TEMPLATE BEN file EDM file SITE file ¥ RICKAGO:co7 BRICKAGO.009 ERICKASH.aO SRICKAIE.009 x WEXTB9O;025 BHEXTB9OLO2S ENEXTBOD.OZS SNExXTEO.025 Receiver Files: Wane WORDS) WEEK TIME SES RCR ANT MOD OPR CODE Ric “11180 522) 384G79 RRS ASHTECH STATIC NOT 2643 524 380026 > uF Tesi Bastin <€20> ABORT OPERATION - OOS Shett ~ Accept/Stort Oosetoad ‘This display shows that there are two files in the receiver which can be downloaded to your computer. The menu has automatically selected both files (the DOWNLOAD column shows Y). If you do not want to download any file you can change the DOWNLOAD option to N. For instance, in the example above if you wanted to change the DOWNLOAD option for the second receiver file to N, just press the down arrow key once to move down the screen. When the cursor is over the Y, just press the key on the keyboard. The Y will change 10 N and when you start the download process, the second receiver file will not be transferred into your computer. You can also change the file names, which will be used by the computer to name each file, by changing the TEMPLATE field. To change the template, move the cursor (the flashing bar on the computer display) using the TAB and arrow keys. These keys move the cursor from entry field to entry field on the computer display and will not change any information. If the field survey operator has incorrectly entered the site name, you can also change the file name following a similar procedure. Just press the key to move the cursor over the TEMPLATE name. Then you can type over the template characters to create the correct name. For instance, ifthe "NEXT" filename above should be tabeled *POS2* instead, just type in POS2 and this name will replace the NEXT characters. When HOSE downloads the files from this receiver then the BEN file, EPHM file, and SITE files will be named BP052A90.025, EP052A90.025, and ‘SP052A90.025. TUTORIAL-STATIC 2-9 When you are satisfied with the file selections and file names, press the computer will start the download process. As the files are being downloaded, the status of the downtoading procedure will be displayed as shown below: Wain opticns 2) bisplay receiver directory. £) Reset far new receiver 5) owsiond receiver #7te5. F) Reod photogrammetry aaa. ©) Change comunicatien parameters. 6) Read slimnac cate when path \GPYS\TUTOR, C1 BR(cxA90.009 ZPm SITES eloged Icanaterting SITEDATA tHe tor seasion 0. Transferring SEN/EDIM data for Session 0 = ‘ow | __ stock Errore Read Meo | Total | Recovered s[o ° ao out When the download is successfully completed, a summary screen will then be displayed: owntcad Summary -—- r | Dountanp suMART: Fei sun 15 12:60:00 1990 ELE ICKASD: 008 loownson> StrE-riLe _EHK-FILE We SRICKRIO.009 ERIEKADD. 009 Session 0 Down Leoded to directory C\GPPS FLLEWAME TOT ERRORS RECOV_ERR EPOCHS UAVS ERROR MSG JSRICKASO.009 0000 0G” N/A N/A. NORMAL DOWNLOAD [ERTCKASO. 0097 [GRICKASO.009 0900 0000-03000 NORMAL OOWNLORD <00p = Page Up ~ Page Daun - Done If the download transferred many files, the summary screen could be longer than can be displayed on one computer screen. Press the < PgDn> key to read the display below, or press the key rad the information above. When you press <"SC>, the computer wil! conclude the summary display and return to the HOSE menu. 2-10 TUTORIAL-STATIC If you have more than one receiver to download data from in the current project, you can press E to reset the computer for the second receiver Follow the instructions on the comonter dispiay t disconnect the first receiver t= the power supply. - ove the cable from ste receiver, connect th. --w receiver to the pes supply, and connec: "+> computer to the new ceiver. After you have downloaded all the receiver files, you can exit the HOSE, program by pressing the key from the HOSE main menu, Turn off the receiver and disconnect it from the computer. You are now ready to process the data which has been loaded into your computer! © Processing Project Data The next step is to process the data for the selected project using the GPPS main menu; AswrEci Geodetic Post Processing Software A> auto Processing 8) Downtoad Receiver ©) eat ing/Ptanning 2B) Manual Processing > Post Mission Fy select Directory 005 SHELL “ESC ~ wT Select option to process the project data. ‘The computer will display the following: wen 1.0 Processing Options: Ay static 8) Poeude ©) Kinematic <> = 005 SHELL + autT TUTORIAL-STATIC 2-11 @® Process Static Project Data Select the option that corresponds to the type of survey that has been performed in the field, As mentioned before, TUTOR.001 contains data for a STATIC survey, TUTOR.002 data for a PSEUDO-KINEMATIC survey, and TUTOR.003 data for a KINEMATIC survey. For this tutorial, select option to process static project data. The computer will next display Editing options: Ay eait Project Fite 8) Edit Run-Time Paraneters ©) Process Project “Fis. B08 SHELL “Esc OUT @ Edit Project Fite Next select option , edit project file. When you enter this option, you will be able to examine and modify the project station information which was recorded by the field survey crew. Sometimes errors are made by the survey crew when entering the site information into the receiver. When you use this option to edit the project file you can compare the receiver data with the field logs. Selecting this option will give you a display similar to the following for the STATIC project: Werw 1.1 Project Station Information SIE s¥8pom gon saat TINE | umcrne sta TT sities tie es THE £5 Row bo 8 gam b 3 8 Bi em sr ne oma ts nor ws ame ca) ty AecEPT. 80 AOR While the static example above shows only three sites (5555, REZ2, and RICK), if more than 20 sites eve been recorded in the computer, then the above menu would allow es to scroll through the display using the and sys. 2-12 TUTORIAL-STATIC If you do not want to process a site, use the (or keys) key to move the cursor to the Y entry for the site and change the first entry to N. Press the key now and note that the cursor moves from tv ¥ for site 5555 to the» OWN column, ‘The fe name and the sessiow. lentifier cannot be ct:-rved in the project file ‘The KNOWN column is an indicator of the accuracy to which this site is known. A 9 is used to indicate that the site is completely unknown. A 0 indicates that the site is to be used as a fixed control site using the coordinates entered. For this sample STATIC project, sites 5555 and REZ2 are to be considered unknown sites and site RICK is a fixed contro) site. Press the key again and move to the SLANT column. This column is used to correct the difference between the antenna and the mark. Since it is difficult to directly measure from the mark to the center of the antenna, the field survey crew may measure from the mark to the edge of the antenna platform using the Ashtech “HI RODS*. The field survey crew may have entered the slant height measurement into the receiver at the lime of measurement and on the field log sheets. Hint: You should always check this number to make sure that the number has been correctly entered Press to view a pop up menu which displays the numbers for the HI (height) calculation in meters, The computer will display the folowing: Meow 11+ Preject Staten Information STE SESSCON ROL SLANT” LATTTUOE Lover cue xt 1555 AB Tes KD 0 0.00000 & 9-0 0.00000 0.0000 ae k= 4.000 KO 0 G.NOQ00 © a 0.00000 0.0000, WRK ky e000 0.0000 sunt 1,680 saDIUS 0.0005 AvoeD oFFseT 0.0000 conpuiee wT 4.6300 Test mon <#> SITE ORTA — POP UP . ROD ENTRY — ACCEPT. ABORT In this case, the slant measurement data was entered by the field survey person. When you check the field data log, you also check the method of HI measurement. If the field surveyor used the Ashtech "HI RODS" to TUTORIAL-STATIC 2-13 t make this measurement, then the measurement was probably made between the survey mark and the top of the antenna platform, through an opening in the antenna ground plane. Whenever the HI RODS are used to make the measurement in this manner, the radius is 0.1150 to the outside diameter of the holes and 0.1430 for the outside edge of the ground plane. For this example, the measurement was made to the ‘outside edge of the ground plane, to arrive at the correct computed height, you should enter 0.1430 in the radius field. Press the TAB key to move From the “stant” number to the “radius” number and enter If you press again, the cursor will move to the added offset position, The computed height will change to 1.6237. The added offset number is used to add any offset which was not already accounted for Pressing again will move to the slant position. You can not move the cursor to the computed height position, as this is calculated from the information entered in the slant, radius, and added offset fields. After you have entered the slant, radius, and any added offset numbers, press to accept the numbers. The computer display should now look tike the following: Mery 1.3 + Project Station Information SETE SESSION KNOW SLANT” LATITUDE voter rue cua ysss a 8” Lest M0 6 9.00000 F 0 0.00000 d.0000 Yue & —F 01600 WO 0 9-000 F 0 6 9.0Ne00 0.0600, TRI A 9 2.0% #9 0 9.00000 £ 6 0 9.00000 0,000 SFT» SIHE DATA. <4 OP UP 45> ADD ENTRY FTO» ACCEPT ABORT You next check the antenna height measurements for the other receiver sites. The REZ2 site has the antenna directly mounted on the mark to be measured, so the slant, radius, and added offset values should remain 0.0000. Press to accept these values. To help you verify this special case, the computer reminds you with the question: ‘Are you sure the slant is correct C1/#) Press <¥>, 12 you are sure of this measurement. Site RICK is our fixed control site. Position the cursor to the KNOWN column for site RICK. Enter a <0> to indicate the site is known accurately in the World Geodetic Coordinate System (WGS-84). Press to check the antenns height measurement. The slant should be 2.0800, the radius is again C. +30, and the added offset is 0.0000. After you have checked these nun:cvis press to accept them. Press the key to move to the LATITUDE column. RICK has 2-14 TUTORIAL-STATIC a known WGS-8¢ location of N 37 degrees 31 minutes 46,70651 seconds Tatitude, W 122 degrees 3 minutes 51.1806! seconds longitude, and an ellipsoidal height of -13.629. Enter N 3° ©) 46.70651 W 122 02 5+ 18061 -13.6290 followed by TAB>. ‘The RICK ation information wil, ve entered on the display and the cursor will retum to the first column. Your display should now look like the following: ers 1.1 = Project Station information HUE seep eign Lan cane ower cue 15385 3 S63 O'S" o.onona £89 0. 909 thee © 3 gion no -8 oom ¢ 3 0 samme 0008 YR A D200 N37 31 ogs70051 W Izz 5 SI-TBOE c1B8eID SE SITE DATA. BOB UP ABORT You now have the correct information in the computer ready for processing the STATIC survey project. Press to accept this information, The computer will return to the static processing command ‘menu. Option allows you to edit processing runtime parameters for special circumstances. ‘The initial values for the run-time parameters provide acceptable results for most static surveys, so you do not need to make any changes at this time. © process static project You are now ready to begin processing for the STATIC project. Select option , process project. The computer will display the following menu: Processing Opt ions Ay Péocess ALL combiter la a) Process Radiatty €) View Baseline Suamary “Fis B05 SHELL ese out TUTORIAL-STATIC 2-15 Select option t0 process all combinations. Processing all combinations will compute the lines between the known site and all unknown sites along with the lines between each unknown site. For our static tutorial project, the computer will compute the lines between RICK and 5555, fine RICK to REZ2, and line 5555 to REZ2. The computer wilt automatically begin preparing all the data files necessary for the STATIC project. The following steps are performed automatically by the computer and are discussed here for your information. ‘The first step the computer performs is t sun a program called COMNAY. COMNAY will read each of the recorded satellite orbit ephemeris files and produce a common ephemeris file which is used by the other processing programs. You will see the following display while the COMNAY program is running: ow UNITING COM? Reading wav file: ER1CKABD.007 Reading NAY file: EREZZAGD.OD? Reading WA ile! ESE5SA00-007 The next program which will run automatically is the MAKBUFIL program, MAKEUFIL will read a raw measureniemt data File and produce U-files for each site, You will sev the following display while these Hles are being created: Waking U-FiLe for 9R1CKA90.009 Making U-File for 8R€22490-009 Making U-file for 85555490.009 The computer has now prepared all the files it needs to process baselines. ‘The tine, or vector calculation, between each of the sites is computed automatically by the program LINECOMP. Processing is performed in several different stages to arrive at a more accurate solution for the baseline. These methods used are called “triple difference”. "float double difference: . and "fixed double divierence", Since many > RETURN TO HAIN ~ DONE Just press any key to continue, The computer will re-display Menu 1.3 © Display STATIC project results, TUTORIAL-STATIC 2-17 You can view the results for your project by selecting option , This option will display the baseline results created for the STATIC project which have been saved as a file named SUMMARY.OUT in the computer For our STATIC project example, the SUMMARY_OUT file contains the following information: PROCESS ram om 08/15/1990 at 12:08 COMAY wo Fup using the fol lowing fi Les: ‘arcxAyO.o0P Bpezzn00 noe S5585A70. 606 MANEUFIL results were gs fol Lows: or BRICL90.008 Position is Estimated to be Within 2.305636 Far 6R¢22400,009 Position ig Eettmated to be within 2.571417 For 65555400/009 Position 15 Estimated fo Be Within 2.795609 LINECOMP Results are AS Follows: From To SESSION LENGT RS RATION SOL RICK 5555 a 22.084 0.07853 85.61 Fixed Flex e228 ya70s-4g0 105082 S0'S7 Fined S855 AEIZ A 18702.368 9.03592 79.68 Fixed This display indicates that acceptable results were obtained for each of the three baselines using the fixed double difference solution method. As you gain experience in reviewing this summary file, you with establish a feeling for the results. For now, you can have confidence an accurate sohution was reached when a fixed value for the ambiguity has been resolved. Also compare the vector length and the ratio value. We find that when the ratio is greater than 3, the correct solution has been obtained. Longer baselines will have smaller ratios and shorter baselines will typically have larger ratios. If there are problems with the solution, you will find an increase in the rms errors. Sometimes there will be a poor solution if the satellite geometry was poor, the satellites were malfunctioning, there were significant multipath effects, or there were strong ionospheric influences. ‘When you have completed your review of the baseline results, press . You can now return to the GPPS main menu by pressing the key. The computer will display the following question: Save prcj+ite on disk? (VM) when you enter <¥>. “he project file (PROJ! 'LE) will be saved for future use. 2-18 TUTORIAL-STATIC © Perform Network Adjustment ‘To prepare your results for the network adjustment program, execute the E> ADJUSTIN prog i module. From the C™PS main menu, pres: {0 perform post cssion processing. Ye will then see the fe. display: news 3.6 POSt-MISSLON OPTIONS: sowustta Poor eapRov ar ~ 005 SHELL

to execute the program, ADJUSTIN will begin execution and provide the following menu: wa 15, 1990 ponsTIN (0) Copyelahe 1989-00 a) rel. Ve vers 5.00 ASHTECH, Ine For ASHTECH XIT GPPS Solutions 1) ReaD 'steaen Ze 2 ADJUSTMENT INPUTS 3) wos Fownars 4) EDIT FUNCTIONS 5) uriurries ©) CREATE PLOTFILE wT Groote aeiect lon vs The first option will read and summarize the output files from the GPPS program. Press <1> and to execute this function and the following menu will be displayed: TUTORIAL-STATIC 2-19 yun 15, 1990 ows iw (C) Copyright 1989-90 12201 6 ret Pavers 3.00 AEKTECH, Tne or AMTECH Kil GPPS Solutions Enver the mast for your solution fies. This mask mast yewure Uhat only your dolutton {les are read MULL surmry sed vector List fFLenames ‘nuse ne files to be created (default) Fite mene mask 1 ott Hinevotre cin ia Sumary file name Vector Uist file If you press four times ADJUSTIN will read in all the baseline O-files and display the main menu, no output files will be created To prepare the adjustment input for the network adjustment program, press <2> and . The following menu will be displayed Yon, 15, 1990 ‘sowusttw CO Copyright 1989-90 208 6h fet vers 3,00 ASHTECH, ine. 1) euueyer 3 neotas 3) covunsus 8) INTERGRACH cha | Ghoore selection 1 Press to create an input file for FILLNET or press <2> to create an input file for GEOLAB. ff you press the following entry screen will be displayed: on, 15, 1990 sows (©) Copyright 1989-90 em Ret. Ts Vers 3.00 ASHTECH, Tae. For ASHTEGH KIT GPS solutions FLLLNET Filename: Adjustment Titte 2 een, Standard webahts ¢ T0)S20 1520 floge we # zosodoso4 Triple weights | 3005604560 Ifyou. press , the curse will move to the se:end line, Type in the second line and press four more times. The FILLNET.IN input file will be created. You can 2-20 TUTORIAL-STATIC then choose the desired coordinate system and the ADJUSITN main menu. will be redisplayed For this example, the FILLNET.IN file contains the following data for the “TATIC project “37.000 290,2572021 a 2th static prover 37.8 122.0 oo fer nice 373) 46.7068) 122 3 51.1808 18.409 1 8 3555 SPM Gelasees 122 3 Szl0aseD 131405 205 Ree? 3722 8120288 122 © 1.99200 10.242 303 + a 6 a8 191520 1520 20 Ste 5555 0080k 20,124 6.059.973 “serick Reed EQOA BRE. AB? ~12197.511 -t4y4s. 504 LS 555555 REP? 090K “946304 -42204.872 “14138830 2S Press <7> and to exit from ADJUSTIN. You will be returned to the Post Mission menu, Press to exit to the GPPS main menu. Your next step would be to exit GPPS using the key and perform the network adjustment using FILLNET, GEOLAB, or some other neiwork adjustment program. Please refer to your appropriate manual for instructions on using the network adjustment program. When you perform the nenvork adjustment, the results of the network adjustment will tell you if the results obtained from this survey are accurate enough lo be useable in your network. The network adjustment may tcli you that some baseline result was too far out f0 be acceptable. You should then identity the baseline that has the problem and further analyze the GPS measurements using the utilities provided with the GPPS programs which are described in Chapter 3. ‘The GPPS executive program provides an easy way to access each of the GPPS utilities available to review or reprocess the resulis. Refer to the next chapter for help in using these utilities. Again, if you have any problems, the Ashtech customer support team can be reached with a phone call to the: Ashtech Hot Line: 1-800-229-2400 TUTORIAL-STATIC 2-21 PSEUDO-KINEMATIC SURVEY PROCESSING ‘This section of the manual describes the procedure for automatic processing of PSEUDO-KINEMATIC surveys. It is assumed that you understand the basic procedures of static survey processing as described in the previous section of the GPPS tutorial ‘The steps involved in processing PSEUDO-KINEMATIC surveys are very similar to those required for static surveys. ‘The major difference is the method by which the field survey was conducted to collect the field measurements, © Siaring GPPs To start the GPPS program, type: GPPS ‘The computer will begin to run the GPPS program and will display the program identification and the first menu as described in the last section. @ select Directory Select the Select Directory option so that the computer will know where to find the data files for the project. For this tutorial, the PSEUDO-KINEMATIC data is stored in the TUTOR.002 project file. 8,0 ‘Start HOSE Program to Download Receiver Data Normally, the next step is to download the data from the GPS receiver as described in the last section. Since the tutorial data is already stored in the project file, you can skip forward to step 5. © Processing Project Data ‘When you complete the downloading process, the HOSE program returns you to the GPPS main menu: TUTORIAL - PSEUDO KINEMATIC 2-23 ASHTEGM: ——_Geedet ie Post eracessing software A ito Proceséiog 8) Doantoad Receiver ©) Esl ingsPlaraing Dy Meruat Processing ) Post Mission fy select virectory “Fie > 008 SHELL Ese > ait Select option to process the project data. The computer will display the following: er 2.0 Processing Opt ions: 2) static 5) Parade ©) Kinematic ~ 808 SHELL Test UIT @ Process PSEUDO-KINEMATIC Data Select option to process PSEUDO-KINEMATIC project dala. The computer will automatically begin preparing all the data files for the PSEUDO-KINEMATIC project. The following steps are performed by the computer and are discussed here for your information. ‘The first step the computer performs is to run a program called COMNAV. COMNAV will read each of the site ephemeris files and produce a common ‘ephemeris file which is used by the other processing programs. You will see the following display while the COMNAY program is ronning: 2-24 TUTORIAL - PSEUDO KINEMATIC Now RUNING comNAS siding MAY f8ker ERICKAGO. cading MA Le: EMIKEAGD, GENLOG will then execute to produce the LOGTIMES file. The computer will next display Editing options: Ay Edit Project File 8) Edie Run-Tine Parameters ©) Edit Logtines Fite bY Process Project Tip BOS SHELL es NT @ edit Project File Next select option . edit project file, When you enter this option, you will be able to examine and modify the project station information which was recorded by the field survey crew. Sometimes errors are made by the survey crew when entering the site information into the receiver When you use this option to edit the project file, you can compare the receiver data with the field log sheets. Selecting this option will give you a display similar to the following for the PEUDO-KINEMATIC project: Meru 1.1 - Project station Information [SITE SESSION KNOWN SLANT LATITUDE PRESSE" ae Ne jae sb Ete im: fie ibes Paice £8 Boas 0 S731 setae SETE OATA. POP UP ADD ENIRY — ACCEPT. cESC> ABORT While the PSEUDO-KINEMATIC example above shows only five sites, if more than 20 sites have been recorded in the computer, then the above menu would allow you to scroll through the display using the and keys. ‘The above example shows that GPPS has calculated and estimated TUTORIAL - PSEUDO KINEMATIC 2-25 position for each of the rover sites: CRIK, GONE, and HYRD. The site HYRO is a site name entry error made by the field survey person, You will correct it later. If you do not want to process a site, you can use the key to move the cursor to the site Y entry and change the first column to N Since the site HYRO is an error, change the Y to an N for this site as shown above. If the site is a fixed site that is known and stationary, change the first column to . For this PSEUDO-KINEMATIC project, RICK is the fixed site and the other sites are the rovers with approximately five minutes of data at each site. ‘The KNOWN column is an indicatot of the accuracy to which this site is known. A 9 is used to indicate that the site is completely unknown. A 8 says the position uncertainty is greater than 20 meters. A 0 says that the site is to be used as a fixed control site. For this sample PSEUDO-KINEMATIC project, sites CRIK, GONE, and HYRD are to be considered unknown sites and site RICK is a fixed control site. RICK has a known location of N 37 degrees 31 minutes 46.70651 seconds latitude, W 122 degrees 3 minutes 51.18061 seconds longitude, and an ellipsoidal height of -13.629. Enter a in the known column and the fatitude and longitude vatues for site RICK Press the key again and move to the SLANT column. This column is used to correct the difference between the antenna and the mark. Since it is difficult to directly measure from the mark to the center of the antenna, the field survey crew may measure from the mark to the edge of the antenna platform using the Ashtech "HI RODS". The field survey crew may have entered the slant height measurement into the receiver at the time of measurement and on the field log sheets. Hint: ‘You should always check this number to make sure that the number has been correctly entered. Press to view a pop up menu which displays the numbers for the HI (height) calcutation in meters. The computer will display the following: 2-26 TUTORIAL - PSEUDO KINEMATIC Menu 1.1 + Project Station Information SHE SESSION RNOLN SLANT LATITUOE: Lows ue cue WT Pete BV e08 N57 Se 12.969 W'1ze $ 56.a7095 “HTL Iai0 Yee AB 1606 N37 $2 srlomes Wze e “olt00N “128550, Ta ok 1901 5210, hime 8g fovea neo rea kg sunt _ 0700 react an raDius 9.1880 nove oFFser 9.0000 computes mE 2.0854 “ES = ARORT #0 ACEH 4eFt> SITE ORTA POP UP ADD ENTRY ACCEPT SC» AZORT In this case, the slant measurement data was entered by the field survey person, When you check the field data log, you also check the method of HI measurement, If the field surveyor used the Ashtech "HI RODS" to make this measurement, then the measurement was probably made between the survey mark and the top of the antenna platform, through an ‘opening in the antenna ground plane. Whenever the HI RODS are used fo make the measurement in this manner, the radius is 0.1150 to the outside diameter of the holes and 0.1430 for the outside edge of the ground plane. For this example, the measurement was made to the outside edge of the ground plane, to arrive at the correct computed height, you should enter 0.1430 in the radius field. Press the TAB key to move from the “slant” number to the “radius” number and enter €0:14302 If you press again, the cursor will move to the added offset position. The computed height will change to 1.6237. The added offset number is used to add any offset which was not already accounted for. Pressing again will move to the stant position. You can not move the cursor to the computed height position, as this is calculated from the information entered in the slant, radius, and added offset fields. After you have entered the stant, radius, and any added offset numbers, press to accept the numbers. The pop-up will disappear and the display will show all the project station information. ‘You should check the slant range of each site for the correct slant, radius, and added offset measurements. For this PSEUDO-KINEMATIC project, each of the slant measurements were made from the outside edge of the antenna, so the radius should be 0.1430 for each of the sites. You now have the correct information in the computer ready for processing the PSEUDO-KINEMATIC survey project. Press to TUTORIAL - PSEUDO KINEMATIC 2-27 accept this information. The computer will return to the pseudo-kinematic processing command menu Option allows you to edit processing run-time parameters for scientific evaluation and other special circumstances. The initial values for the run-time parameters provide accepiable results for most pscudo-kinematic surveys, so you do not need to make any changes at this time © Edit logtimes file Select option to edit the logtimes file. When you enter this option you will be able to examine and modify the known and unknown site names and the measurement intervals used in the processing, Sometimes errors are made by the survey crew when entering the site information into the receiver. When you use this option to edit the logtimes file, you can correct some of these entries. Selecting this option will give you the following display for the PSEUDO-KINEMATIC project: Boe ime ce BE Ba whe By vis ole lh WY, CK CRC ek HO A ERK AH HEL AR COR ar380 8 BUCK 9997 fawn ON Haak oo Roe ROMA OAK eR Grose Sik Boex cous Dias neon wor heae Tost Sue wean ok Gio 3 LCL 2927 woes ax Haak eee ma OBE SLE ee 4700 9:2! RICK WYRO xan 20x Ara OR Ok AME AR 47900 9:30e80,00 [9:59:20:00 RIC 722 sur anax XtaK Haak SATE ALE TR MOE $2900 9:86:20°00 10:°5:° 0100 RICK CRIK Rxax SHR OG OK HME RE IO OL Erp00 10!°S:-B-00 402 9:20:00 RISK 2972 xix song soak Kan BARR Soe RK Sen $7900 40: 3220/00 10:15: 0100 RICK OME wax axAK sen Joe 2x OIA OO MA 0D RICK 2292 oven 20K HE LOK HD OK HR RO 00 BEEK ARO Avex oo Hoe SHA COO Ee 2 DOO esc IT Fl DELETE LIKE AOD LINE MRITE Note that the time interval 9:25 to 9:30:40 shows a measurement from RICK to HYRO. The field survey crew incorrectly named the site HYRO, not HYRD. Position the cursor to this site name and change the name to HYRD. te the. The sites named with the question mark (7272) are used 10 i lime periods thal the rover was moving to a new site, After you have made the corrections to the logtimes file, press to write the changes to the disk. © Process pse:ido-kinematic project You are now ready to begin processing for the PSEUDO-KINEMATIC 2-28 TUTORIAL - PSEUDO KINEMATIC project. Select option , process project. The computer will display: Processing Opeions: Aa Proeac ACL Caabinat fobs 5) Process Only with Fixed ©) View Bavel ine sunmary, » 005 SHELL — RETURN TO HATW ESD DONE Select option to process only with the fixed site. Processing only with the fixed site will compute the Lines between the fixed site and ail rover sites. For our pseudo-kinematic tutorial project, the computer will compute the line between RICK and CRIK, line RICK to GONE, and line RICK to HYRD. The next program which will run automatically is the MAKEUFIL program, MAKEUFIL will read a raw measurement data file and produce U-files for each site. You will see the following display while these files are being created: daning Ustive tor ‘RCA. 008 Waking Utite far QMUKEAIO O08 ‘The computer has now prepared all the files it needs to process baselines. The tine, or vector calculations, between each of the sites is computed automatically by the program LINECOMP. Processing is performed in several different stages to arrive at a more accurate solution for the baseline. These methods used are called "triple ference”, "float double difference", and "fixed double difference". Since many calculations are performed by the computer on these measurements, the computer will take some time to complete the processing. The following is an example of the display presented by LINECOMP while it is performing the calculations for tine RICK to CRIK. TUTORIAL - PSEUDO KINEMATIC 2-29 Nou RUNING LINCOM 201 of ons Conenting cine aecucen RIOK anc CRIK for Session & Sut of Triple-differaee iteration: 1 Start of rigle-difference iterations 2 Completed Triple bifterence Processing, Start of Fleat 90 iteration: 1 Start of Float OD tteration: 2 Store af Float Ob Iteration: 3 Start of Haat 80 fterat lant Start of Float 00 iteration: & completed Float Double Difference Processing. Scart of Fixed 09 iteration: 1 Start ot Fixed 09 iteration: 2 Completed Floet Dauble Difference Processing. A similar display will be shown for lines RICK to GONE and RICK to HYRD. When the computer has completed processing of the PSEUDO-KINEMATIC project. the computer will re-display the following menu: “Ftp ~ 00S SHELL “ — RETURN TO MATH . This option will disp»: the results created ‘cz the PSEUDO-KINE'MATIC project which hr.-2 aeen saved as a file cumed SUMMARY.OU’ For our PSEUDO-KINEMATIC project example, the SUMMARY.OUT 2-30 TUTORIAL - PSEUDO KINEMATIC file contains the following information: PROCESS Fun on 06/15/1990 at) 12:01, i Jwaxcuri results ve tottons TeerantaooGoS" SSCs to be 2aseor0 |anecow Results ar slows: | tron to. session upycie ome taro ak Het cat SN Ms tlle Hoag (ESSE 2 RESR Qe sate feed [acca sien. Siar «Paap = Page Up Peon Page Down ese Gone This display indicates that acceptable results were obtained for each of the Usree baselines using the fixed double difference solution method. As you gain experience in reviewing this summary file, you will establish a feeling for the results. For now, you can have confidence an accurate solution was reached when a fixed value for the ambiguity has becn resolved. Also compare the vector length and the ratio value. We find that when the ratio is greater than 3. the correct solution has been obtained. Longer baselines will have smailer ratios and shorter baselines will typically have larger ratios, If there are problems with the solution, we will find an increase in the rms errors. Sometimes there will be a poor solution if the satellite geometry was poor, the satellites were malfunctioning, there were significant multipath effects, or there were strong ionaspheric influences Refer to the STATIC project tutorial for instructions for preparing your results for the network adjustment program. After you have obtained the results of the network adjustment, you can identify if any baseline has s problem and further analyze the GPS measurments using the utilities provided with the GPPS programs which are described in Chapter 3 The GPPS executive program provides an easy way to access each of the GPPS utitities available (0 review or reprocess the results, Refer to the next chapter for help in using these utitities. Again, if you have any problems, the Ashtech customer support team can be reached with a phone call to the: Ashtech Hot Line: 1-800-229-2400 TUTORIAL - PSEUDO KINEMATIC 2-31 KINEMATIC SURVEY PROCESSING This section of th anual describes th: rocedure for auton 5 processing of kineni..:. surveys. It is assumes that you understand 2 basic procedures of static survey processing as described in a previous section of the GPPS tutorial Starting GPPS To stant the GPPS program, type: GPPS ‘The computer will begin to run the GPPS program and will display the program identification and the first menu as described in the STATIC Project tutorial section. @ select dire Select the Seleet Directory option so that the computer will know where to find the data files for the project, For this tutorial, the kinematic data is stored in the TUTOR. 003 project file 8,o 2 a vs Normally, the next step is to dawnload the data from the GPS receiver as described in the STATIC tutorial project section, Since the tutorial data is already stored in the project file, you can skip forward to step 5. @ Processing Project Data ‘When you complete the downloading process, the HOSE program returns you to the GPPS main menu: TUTORIAL - KINEMATIC 2-33 ASHTECH: Gaadet be Post Processing Software 1) Auto’ Preédasing 9) Dowtcad Receiver ©) Editing/Plarning 1D) Mansel Processing ©) Poet Mission Hy Solace Directory Select option 0 process the project data. The computer will display the following: mer 2.0 Processing options: wy start: 8) Pseudo 0) Kinematic Wiebe Ben wo ar @ nematic Dy Select option to process kinematic project data. The computer will automatically run the GPPS program modules, COMNAV and GENLOG, to produce the common navigation file and LOGTIMES file similar to the pseudo-kinematic project. The computer will then display the following menu: 2-34 TUTORIAL - KINEMATIC Mera 2.9 Esiting ns: sit Project File Sit Rae Tone Para €) Edie Logeines File 0) Process Project @ Fait Project File Next select option , edit project file. When you enter this option, you will be able to examine and modity the project station information which was recorded by the field survey crew. Sometimes ertors are made by the survey crew when entering the site information into the receiver. When you use this option to edit the project file, you can compare the receiver data with the field uata log sheets. Selecting this option will give you the following display for the KINEMATIC project: mens 1.9 Projact Station Information SITE SESSION KWOK SLANT LATUTUDE Loner nse cup 5355 ks uy wie 88, Tour 2B wa wie TOME A 8 war wie ving A 8 a7 Wn Yweee 4 ute Vite «8 4 Wize Tee A 4 yee via OA 8 4 wae GF SITE OATA.<£3> POP UP «45> ADO ENTRY ACCEPT. ABORT While the kinematic example above shows eight sites, if more than 20 sites were available, then the above menu would allow you to scroll through the display using the and keys. The above example shows that GPPS has calculated and estimated a position for each of the rover sites CRIK, GONE, HYRD, and IIE, Site RICK is the fixed known mark and site MIKE is the antenna swap site. ‘The sites named HYRO, 5555, and IIIB are site name entry errors made by the field survey person. You will correct them later. If you do not want to process a site, you can use the key to move the cursor to the site Y entry and change the first column to N. Since we do not want (9 process site 5555, HYRO, or IIE kinematically, change the Y to an N for each of these sites. TUTORIAL - KINEMATIC 2-35 Site RICK is the fixed known site, enter an instead of the Y for site RICK. Site MIKE is the antenna swap site, enter an <$> instead of the Y for site MIKE If an antenna swap was not performed, the initial starting coordinates should be entered with a knowness less than 4. The KNOWN coiumn is an indicator of the accuracy to which this site is known. A 9 is used to indicate that the site is completely unknown. A 0 says that the site is to be used as a fixed contsol site. For this sampie KINEMATIC project, site RICK is a fixed control site. Enter a <0> in the known column for site RICK. RICK has a known location of N 37 degrees 31 minutes 46.70651 seconds latitude, W 122 degrees 3 minutes 51,18061 seconds longitude, and an ellipsoidal height of -13.629, the slant antenna height is 2.090 with a radius of 0.1430 MIKE is the antenna swap location and has an antenna height of 1,606 with a radius of 0.1430. The rover locations of GONE, CRIK, and HYRD were measured with a bi-pod which has a antenna height of 2.125 and a radius of 0.1430 Enter the appropriate antenna height and radius measurements for each project station in the slant column using the pop-up. Hint: You should always check this number to make sure that the number has been correctly entered Afier you have entered the slant, radius, and any added offset numbers, press to accept the numbers. The computer display should now look like the following: Menu 1.1 = reject Station Information SITE Session xnow stamr Lari Ty.E get Soom igs a if anise A Fam & 1 SITE OMTA. ef POP SAB AD ENTRY. IT. ACCEPT. ART You now have the correct information in the computer ready for 2-36 TUTORIAL - KINEMATIC processing the KINEMATIC survey project. Press to accept this information. The computer will return to the kinematic processing command menu. ion allows sto edit processing * time parameters fo ‘nlific evaluation anc. ver special citcumsta’ .s. The initial value the run-time paramet. provide acceptable re. ts for most kinematic surveys, S you do not need to make any changes at this time. © ca Locries fite Select option to edit the LOGTIMES file. When you enter t option, the following entry menu will be displayed: fun persnantog patew—) m0 a) 2 em eS Ren nw SB GSMS Gabe A le he el ee oe foa0stosog cd: Siu ian Sead peat Soe Kone Beat Biagiso.00 HTX — Than boot ba an RE nek WE ole 3'63'50-00 Ge UGE Soot ou Yue Reg SOUR nan and Sa sarocen foo hice BO IB BR GS Se iiasve-e0 Trt TIME boxe wan Sak Roan ween Ar Re fisa:t0.00 Frm dive Sa Wax 0 oo Seer oan tear Be 3'$0:40:00, rr Riek ooo a AO OM one A OE OK #5t2e0:00 IEE Alot Moot wom Spot Boor Sek ad Mine nae 8:38:20:09 IKE Toor tae RO xOm OO Xhet saan ROG RO eiss0-00 Sane Sant nook waa sos Koen Sete aol Rowe Sua 5:38:50:00 fet nied tone hook nx OO Shed sea AOOe Seifos00 Rige "09) Mok ag Sole om Meee ua ae ak 5. esn0.0 Eto Erik Moot sao wy JOM oer ae St a Sisbsi0.00 Hex 177 oe far aim Row Bone aR Mop aD Siieinosen ek tone Moe Sao Wala ae Khel anes We Gea Sani olen le vy Sct Shur ters Sen noe sont Lens nox 3:25: 0.00 Ack he soca Sone Soa Saal Maia AiR 99MM OR Stisecen ee tiny oe me a Seok Renn fay oak Seas Bit Gk Mos Goat tank RaGt nova bone Sue oe 0 RIG 2227 Suck Mook MeSH Deke Sk Meas NN IGE GONE sa NK TAR AN JODO BA ats¢> outt tb OELETE LINE 555 00 LINE. wate Note that you can delete a line using the key, add a tine with the key, or change values on a line. It was mentioned earlier that the entries for sites $555, HYRO, and IIE were made in error. To correct these entries, position the cursor over the incorrect site name IIIE and enter instead. The entry for HYRO should be changed to , Press to view the next page and change the entry for 5555 to <2222>. Press to write the changes and return (0 Menu 2.0. © Process kinematic project TUTORIAL - KINEMATIC 2-37 You are now ready tw begin processing for the KINEMATIC project Select option , process project. The computer witl display: Processing opt fons: Ay Peccess stutle betwicen alt Flaed first 5) Process Only betueen Fixed and Rover ©) lew Basetine Semary =F» bos SRELL > RETURN TO MATH “Esc - BOWE Select option to process only between fixed and rover sites (there is only one fixed site), Processing between fixed and rover will compute the lines between the fixed site and all rover sites. For our kinematic tutorial project, the computer will compute the line between RICK and CRIK, line RICK to GONE, and fine RICK to HYRD. ‘The computer will automatically begin preparing all the data files necessary for the KINEMATIC project. The following steps are performed automatically hy the computer and are discussed here for your information. The first program which will run automatically is the MAKEUFIL program. MAKEUFIL will read raw measurement data and produce another file called the U-fite. You will see the following display while MAKEUFIL is running: aking U-fite for 9RiCKAGO.009 Haking U-f ite for BRIKEASD.009 ‘The computer has now prepared all the files it needs to begin the calculations. The first calculation is to determine the location of the rover using the antenna swap procedure. The program ANTSWAP is automatically executed and produces status information during execution A typical display for this project is shown below: 2-38 TUTORIAL - KINEMATIC WOH RUNNING ANTSUAP 01 oF ont noun pont Rie ewe ze D8 2 a7 vumewoun 66 mie Mur tes (vais: 30 wErERENCE LITE WF POSITION AT MIKE: 37,52963306 237.93576532-13.2078, Sim? a.ga5e Mev AveRAGE SOLUTION: —37,52903807 237.93576582 -15.2501 AS (m= 0.doss NUMBER’ OF SOLUTEONS AVERAGED OVER: 9 “i Te wit After the location of the rover antenna is known, then the program KINSRVY is executed to determine the locations of the rover points. Typical displays during these calculations are shown below Ww ROWING KINSEY ‘aor oF 00" Fuga. nice force: Mice SerERENCE Sv: 9 se aveeace ameraurtY POINTS #uzR8GEO OVER ‘ 167235..008 1g oF 38 " Lr ong Fo 12 60057/ 983 13 oF 36 u $2689 575, 1 OF 78 “SO To wir WO RUN TNE TMS 001 of OO Fixe: wacK Rover: 777 REFERENCE sy: 9 EPOCH AT CURRENT HARK: 0 Time: 09211;30.00 wv resin ay aesio (2) ReSIO (3) oe 0.00 0.009 0.000, n 0.015, 003 ‘a005 2 9.007 0/001 0.001 % 0.054 001 9:00 cuRREMT posit 10% Br ssepere? Bs7-9uyszis-13.0137 AVERAGE POSITION: ceie 37183695762 BB7_9SAI9OIE 14.1452 You may occasionally observe the notation "{slip}” next to the RESID() entries. When lock has been lost on any satellite, this is termed a cycie TUTORIAL - KINEMATIC 2- 39 slip. Somctimes, you will notice some satellites which may experience these slips. The slips may be due to marginal reception by the GPS receiver of satellite signals which are near the horizon or obscured by lees. KINSRVY will detcet these siips and attempt to fix the slips during the caiculations. You are notified of the slip by the notation {slip] as the program continues processing When KINSRVY bas completed the calculations. the tollowing message will be displayed: Mer 1.3 Processing options: Besetine Processing Complete: Kt is recomended to cn a Metwork Adjustinent termine the quatlty of the dats. Ges FILUMET oF GEGLAS) be CHT ANY KEN-TO CONTE, = 06s SHELL ” RETRY TO WADE cee Done If any key is pressed, menu 1.3 will be redisplayed as shown: mem 18 Processing Options: A) Process static between all Fired first 8) Process only between Fixed ond Rover ©) View Baseline Sunmary “Fp = 008 SHELL > RETURN TO HADW “Esc - BOE @® Display KINEMATIC project results, You can view the results for your project by selecting option . This option will display summary results for the KINEMATIC project. For this examole the following displ=y will be shown: 2-40 TUTORIAL - KINEMATIC Processing Sumo [Process run on 06/15/1990 ox 12:01 7 Jeo wan cu using the folowing es [om ested [ Bneese: 8s pseurg cog yore ae flows PSEC GOBTESTE SE Eieee a pe win ss Ferner pes are As foto From To SESSION LEWGTN RMS RATIO. So aiee wire 1.838 0.05033 N/A SUM kick celk 22.019 0.09360 WA Fined Rice GoM sole.277 0.0077) WA Fined Rite wed 25121974 9101015 WA Fined Rice cei 22/009 0.01267 WA Fixed Riek Gwe wie? Clonseo WA Fla Rick wD 2sizi97t 0.01225 WA Fined Rice Mie Tmse 0100758 wk Fixed KINEMATIC LEG COMPLETE wPaup> ~ Page Up © Done This display indicates that acceptable results were obiained for each of the baselines. As you gain experience reviewing this summary file, you will establish a feeling for the results. For now, you can have confidence a solution was reached using a fixed value. Also, compare the vector length and the RMS value. If there are problems with the solution, we will usually find an increase in the rms errors, If the RMS vatue exceeds (,09000, then that solution may be questionable. Sometimes there will be 4 poor sohution if the satellite geometry was poor or less than five satellite measurement were obtained. We strongly recommend that the baseline results be processed with your network adjustment software to verify the baseline results. Refer to the STATIC project tutorial for instructions for preparing your results for the network adjustment program. After you have obtained the results of the network adjustment, you can identify if any baseline has a problem and further analyze the GPS measurments using the utilities provided with the GPPS programs which are described in Chapter 3. ‘The GPPS executive program provides an easy way to access each of the GPPS uiilities available 10 review or reprocess the results. Refer to the next chapter for help in using these utilities, Again, if you have any problems, the Ashtech customer support team can be reached with a phone: call to the: Ashtech Hot Line: 1-800-229-2400 TUTORIAL - KINEMATIC 2-41 Program Reference Guide PROGRAM REFERENCE GUIDE ‘This section of the manual provides you with specific, detailed instructions on each of the Ashtech GPPS program modules. ‘As noted in the tutorial, Chapter 2, GPPS automatically processes typical survey data to a point where it is ready for integration into your network. The GPPS program, an all-in-one executive program, guides you through the normal steps to execute the appropriate GPPS program module for each of the post-processing steps. GPPS uses pre-stored (default) conditions for processing parameters. If you need to evaluate unusual situations, you can modify these default conditions and re-run the procedures by cither using the GPPS executive or executing the individual program modules. This chapter provides you with a detailed description of each ef the GPPS program modules atong with some examples which might be used for unusual situations. The program modules are discussed in alphabetical order. Manual Processing The following paragraphs provide the procedures required to process data manually. Bach of the GPPS program modules expects the input data files to be in the current directory, Before executing the program module, change the directory to the directory where the project measurement data is located. For example, if the STATIC project is to be manually executed, the following commands should be executed to change the directory: c Basically, the steps consist of extracting the recorded data from the GPS receivers, producing a common navigation file, combined raw data files for the post-processing analysis program, preparing analysis execution instructions, and finally computing the vectors for each of the measured REFERENCE GUIDE 3-43 4 sites. After the veetors have been computed, the data is converted for the network adjustment program and reviewed for a consistent solution. It there are problems with the computed vectors, various utilities can be used, to analyze the problem and remedy most of the problems. Utilities are also available for other special applications: HOSE, extracts (or downloads) the measurement, satellite, and site data from the Ashtech GPS receivers. Each of the receivers which were used on 4 project, on the same observation day, should be downloaded into the same project directory. COMNAY seads each of the satellite data files (called ephemeris data files) in the project directory and produces one common navigation file. The output data file is called COMMON.NAV which is used by subsequent programs during post-processing MAKEUFIL organizes the data for the processing programs (LINECOMP, ANTSWAP, and KINSRVY} which evaluates the measurment data and prodces the results. MAKEUFIL reads the common navigation fite and a receiver measurement file ("B-file") and produces an undifferenced data file called "U-file” MAKEINP creates and edits the BASELINE.INP file. The BASELINE. INP file is used by the LINECOMP program LINECOMP uses the BASELINE. INP file, which contains constants and variables which control the analysis, and the U-fites. Output from LINECOMP includes BASELINE.OUT (contains a copy of the BASELINE.INP file and the detailed vector results and solution information) and PLOTFILE (data for plotting the computed residuals). CONVERSION UTILITIES ADIUSTIN uses detailed vector results file and prepares the input file for a network least squares adjustment program. GRIDCOOR reads the output file from the network adjustment program and converts the latitude and longitude results into State Plane Coordinates. TROUBLES:OOTING UTILITIES FILETOOL ;:ovides a set of utili: vhich allows the raw nicasurement data files and the satellite ephemeris files to be viewed and edited. 3-44 REFERENCE GUIDE FILETOOL. also provides the capability to correct for field errors due to incorrect GPS receiver settings or eliminate malfunctioning satellites, PLOT can * used to display ro “ual plots for each of ve vector baselines, ese plots are usefu' » identify “cycle-slips” .nd other Measureme; — roblems. SPECIAL APPLICATION UTILITIES PPDIFF reads in raw measurement files and a common navigation file and produces differentially corrected navigation solutions for the receiver lich was located at unknown locations. This technique produces solutions which are accurate to about | to 10 meters for each measurement epoch READROV reads the file ROVER.TRI produced during kinematic post- processing and produces a listing and plotfile to disptay the trajectory followed by the receiver RINEX reads the Ashtech B-files, E-files, and $-files and converts the files into a standard ASCH common Receiver Independent Exchange Format (RINEX) so that data can be processed with data from other GPS receiver manufacturers, TIMESYS is a utility program which will convert time between the various time reference systems used. The systems include GPS time, Gregorian time, Julian time, and Year/date. MENUINST is a utility program which will modify the colors used to display the menus and data entry screens for each of the menu driven Ashtech programs. REFERENCE GUIDE 3-45 CONVENTIONS Introduction The purpose of this section is to describe the conventions used in this ‘manual and how (o use the menus and data entry screens in ASHTECH’s menu driven software. Documentation Conventions Items enclosed in "<" and ">" characters indicate that the user should press the corresponding computer key. Some examples: means press the "Enter" key (or carriage return) <6> means press the number "6" key means press the function key labeled *FIO" (the function keys usually are along the top of the keyboard or along the feft hand side) means press the “Esc” or escape key Some entries require more than one key to be pressed at one time. Keys required in combination use the notation °+" between the two keys. The plus symbol indicates that both keys should be pressed simultaneously. ‘The first key indicated should be pressed and held while the second key is momentarily pressed. Some examples: + means press and hold the shift key followed by the *PriSc" key + means press and fold the shift key followed by any arrow key (up, down, left, or right arrow) Sometimes you will be required to type in a line of text, as in a DOS command. The input will be presented in BOLD CAPITAL levers usually followed by a ("Entet" key). This will usually be noted CONVENTIONS 3-47 bn a separate line as shown in the following example: GPPS Description of Menu Types and Terms There are two types of menus in the menu driven software. These types are termed “selection type” and “prompt type". Selection type menus provide the operator with a list of options from which to choose, The promgt type Menus request information from the operator. AC ihe bottom of every ASHTECH menu, there are key labels along with short descriptions of the functions performed when these keys are pressed To execute the labeled function, just press the key associated with that function Selection Type Menus In selection type menus, the operator is given list of options from which tw choose. An example selection type menu is shown below: Processing Opt ens: A static 8) Peeudo ©) Kinematic > 008 SHELL esto DONE ‘The operator selects a choice via one of the following methods: » Moves the highlighted cursor over the desired option using the keys and presses either or . 2 Presses the letter key corresponding to the option selection fin the example shown above, the operator would push C> to execute the K-NEMATIC processing process. 3-48 CONVENTIONS Prompt Type Menus Prompt type menus are those menus which request information fron the opera through a set of promt fields. These promp: ields are areas into v ch the operator types information, Below is. example of a Promp iype menu. Meow 1.1.6 ~ Run-Tine Parseeters } cepoch) First epoch to process st Capoer) Last epoch to process (-1 = last evaitabley foproxtmete seconds for tlsq processing {eqn prtort bad-residual ertterton (res cutoff) Elevation eutort angle, Process aata ¢ 10) Egit data with residials greater than thistrms_cutott leq convergence erieerion (meters) Satellites to omit during processing (up to 7). Display residuals (2 = bad, W- bad low, 1 ~ afl) Moximam number of dlsg ond tsq iterations Forbidden reference s¥'2 (up £0 Apply tropospheric delay corrse Denand fixed couble difference processing MORE «F105» Oone/accept Eee> ABORT A prompt field is termed “active when the cursor rests on that field and the operator is permitted to enter data into or modify the data in that field Various keys provide different functions which are listed bello Key Eunction Performed Toggles insert mode (ON/OFF). Delete character on which cursor rests. Delete character in front of cursor. Move one prompt to the Right + Move one prompt to the Left ‘Move one Prompt Down + Delete to end of active prompt field Up and down arrow keys move to next prompt field up and down, respectively. CONVENTIONS 3-49 Right and Left arrow keys move within active prompt until boundary of prompt is reached. At such time, using the right and left arrow keys will cause the next prompt right or left to become active. Filenaming Conventions Filenaming conventions are discussed in Appendix B. 3-50 CONVENTIONS ~ co ACD ACD isi GPPS program modu: + which provides the - lity to change directorie.. using menu commands. (Ashtech change direciory). Input Data Files None. ACD uses directory names only. Output Data Files None. Program Execution To begin ACD execution, type the following at the DOS prompt: ACD Once the program has begun execution, you will see a display similar to the following cHoRS REDIF TurOPoo1 TUTOR.002 —_ruroe, 008 “Fy ~ 005 SHELL «FS ~ Absolute Path - Accapt SC - QUIT ‘The cursor is highlighting the entry. A will change the selected directory to one level higher. Which will result in a change directory selection of: cA If the cursor is moved to the TUTOR.001 directory name and pressed, the selected directory will be TUTOR.OO! which is one level lower. Which will result in a change directory selection of: CAGPPS\TUTOR.OOL ACD 3-51 If you desire to specify the absolute path address, you can press ‘The following display will appear Enter opsolute peti cn Gres a1 + nas shed Accept Path — ABORT Operation ‘Yo enter the absolute path, you can add to the suggesied entry or modify iL to your directory name, You should be careful to use normal DOS naming conventions When you have entered the path name, press to accept the entry, or to abort the entry. If the directory does not exist you will receive the following message: aN Enter absotote path: CENGHPS\ashtech Tt that directory does not exist, create 5 C¥/AD? GF = 005 shel «GRD AecepE PAIN ~ ABORT operation When you enier Y, the new directory name will be created, the new directory will be made the current directory, and will be returned to the main display [corrent Directory: Neat Level: ~ Absolute Path “GRD ~ Accept - QUIT _N If this is your final desired directory, press to exit. 3-52 ACD ADJUSTIN ADJUSTIN. is the GPPS program module which uses the BASELINE. OUT detailed vector results file and prepares the input file for a 3-dimensional network least squares adjustment program. Supported programs include FILLNET, GEOLAB; Columbus, Intergraph GNA, and NGS G-file format. Input Data Files ADJUSTIN uses the O-files or BASELINE.OUT file as input data. Output Daia Files ADJUSTIN creates the output file in the format for your selected adjustment program as well as various summary files. Program Execution To begin execution of ADJUSTIN, type the following at the DOS prompt: ADJUSTIN or ADJUSTIN BW The command option, BW, will execute the program in the black & white mode. This mode may be required for some laptop liquid crystal displays (LCD) or monochrome displays. After ADJUSTIN begins execution, the ADJUSTIN main menu will be displayed. Note that field editing routines in ADJUSTIN are somewhat different than those in the other processing programs. To accept a default value, simply press the key while the cursor is in the first column of the field. If you have edited the field, only data to the left of the current cursor position will be entered. If your cursor is in the middle of the field, and you want to enter the whole field, press the key to move the cursor to the end of the field before pressing the key. ADJUSTIN 3-53 Some fields require you to enter a value, and if you try to pass the field, and message will display at the bottom of the screen requesting that you enter a required value If you are in the middie of a field, the key will take you to the first column, aid if you are in the first column, the key will take you up a level to the previous screen, of to the main menu Editing keys available are , , , , the cursor arrow keys, , , and . QUICK START TUTORIAL NOTE: Responses for file and path names are descriptive only, and you should supply your own valid responses. 1) change to the subdirectory where you baset ine solution Fikes reside: ‘> \crrs\tuton.oot 2) Stare the program: AUSTIN 5) enter the kinematic option: a 6) Enver the sumary file none: SATIC.SIM 7) Enter the veetor edit (le none: STATIC.vEC When the program finishes reading the solution files and crcaling the summary and vector files, it will return to the main menu. 8) Select he EDIT FUNCTIONS option: 4 9) Select tne MRITE snapsher option: 10) Enter the name for snapshot starie ‘The station and vector information in memory will be written to two files, STATIC.SRY and STATIC.VRY. You can now read this information back into memory without having to read the solution files again. You can save different versions this way, by writing a new snapshot after editing memory data. If you change all vectors to fixed, you can save this version by writing snapshot files with the name STATIC_FX. Exit the adit function: <€ae> 5 Select the AOJUSTMEAT °5 options: 2 Dy Select the FILLMET ope. 14) Enter the Fillnet input File name: STATIC.IN <8> 3-54 ADJUSTIN 1S) Enter a citte (default is no eitley: 16) Accept the default weight stcings: «cm AT) Select the WaS8K ELC ipsoid: or keys, Once the selection is highlighted, press the key to actually make the selection The default option is number 1) READ & SUMMARIZE, and it is the first thing that we do after having processed our baselines. Option 1; READ & SUMMARIZE Selecting this option will produce the following screen: ADJUSTIN 3-55 sun 15, 1990 ast ON (© Copyright 1989-90 weioh Sie Ret. 1 > vor” 3.00 ASMTECM, Ine For BSHTEGH 331 6995 Solutions Enter the mask for your setution fites Pais mack must igure that only your i Sotucton files are read Mult Sumaty ane sector List fLtenanes Cause 'no tiles to be created (default i Five nate mask Oh Kinenaete? ey Enter the filename mask that will select all the solution files you want to include, and will only select the fites you want. For example, O*.* (the default) will select all files beginning with O, while *.OUT will select all files with the .OUT extension. Be careful to use BASELINE.OUT files only, Otherwise, you may get End-of-File errors, and the program witl terminate. ‘The kinematic output files have a different structure than ordinary O-files, 80 if you intend to read kinematic fites, change the N to Y ‘The summary and vector fist files are optional, but highly recommended The summary file contains one page summaries of each vector. The file contains form-feed characters (chr$ 12) and can simply be copied to the printer. The vector list file contains information on all three solutions (triple, float and fixed) and is used for some of the vector editing routines discussed later on, To setect alt four defaults, simply hit the key four times. ‘As the program runs, it reads each baseline solution file, and extracts certain information to keep in memory lists. It keeps only one of the three possible solutions for each baseline in memory, however it will keep all three possible solutions in the vector list file if you specified a filename. This vector list file is used primarily for changing vector solutions from float to fixed, and vice versa, without manual editing, ‘The logic used in choosing the fixed or float solutions uses the ratio of the sum-of-squares (the second case divided by the first case in the Top Twe:'y Cases of the inte::~ search routine), the knowness of the amt: ties, and the amot > of component shift: :: deciding which solu=- is best. The algorit™.: snot perfect, and you may find that a fix solution is indeed better in the network adjustment, or possibly the 3-56 ADJUSTIN reverse. Option 2: ADJUSTMENT INPUTS f you choose this s. tion, you will be as: to choose one of : ormats 1) FILLNET 2) GEOLAB. 3) COLUMBUS. 4) INTERGRAPH GNA, To select the FILLNET format, simply hit the key. To select the GEOLAB format, press the <2> key followed by the key. Sub Option 1: FILLNET Input File: ‘The following screen is the first of two screens you will be shown if you choose the FILLNET input file option. tan, 15,1990 ‘aoaustew (CO) Copyright 1989-90, elon bs ret To vers 3.00 ASHTECH, tne For AGNTEEH X11 GPPS solute Adjuetnent ticle = Standard wotghts —: TOS@0 18ég Enter the filename for the created Fillnet input file. For daily free adjustments, the day number is recommended, c.g. 165.IN. For a complete project adjustment, you may wish to use the project number or name, e.g. STATIC.IN. | FSUUMEE Filename FLLLRET INL, Enter a tile or comment for this adjustment. The default is no title if you simply press the key. If you wish to use the default Standard Error model and the default deweighting for Float and Triple solutions, simply press the key three (3) times. ‘The standard errors are used for all vectors except those that have been specifically deweighted. The default values are 10 millimeters in latitude. and 15 millimeters in longitude plus 2.0 parts per million, and 15 ADJUSTIN 3-57 millimeters in height plus 2.0 parts per million. The default deweighting for Float solutions is twice the standard errors, and for Triple solutions it is three times the standard errors. Refer to the FILLNET manual for the weight and meaning of exch of these values NOTE: ‘The weight entries are string values. The standard error weight string must be the full LI characters tong, including the space in column 7. The Float and Triple weight strings may be less than the full 10 characters, but they are column keyed and if you want to remove weights from the front or the middte, replace the appropriate values with spaces When you have pressed the key in the last field, you will be shown the foliowing screen: an 15, 1990 ‘aowvstin (© Copyright 1909-90 w2iot ba ret. vers 3.60 ASMIEEH, tne, Tor ASHTECH X11 GPPS Solutions SELECT ADJUSTMENT ELLIPSOID 1) ons 20 cues 8) 2) Seam 1a6e: B asT7 2 kat 90 : 5) INTE@MArrowat : 3) Besse : Ty eaassovsny 8) EVEREST 3) Clap. Taso 10) AUSTRAL A KoRTH 1) ues 72 ‘choose selection Select the ellipsoid which you wish to use for your adjustment. In the United States, you would use the first option (GRS 80) for free adjustments and adjustments on the NAD 83 datum, and the second option (CLARK 1866) for adjustments on the NAD 27 datum. Your choice of datum is determined by the datum of your control stations. When you have entered your cllipsoid selection, the Fillnet input file will be created, and you will be returned to the main menu. GEO: ~B Input Fil Sub Option When you choose to create a GeoLab input file, you will be shown five screens. The first one will simply ask for the filename of the GeoLab 3-58 ADJUSTIN input file to be created. GEOLAB filename: GEOLAB.IOB_ JeoLab uses OB as 1 2xtension to denote ir. files. The second screen win ve a repeat of the enipsoid selection screen discussed above. ‘The third screen will be as follows: 1990 (Copyright 1989-90, ASHTECH, inc or ASHTECH KIT PPS Solutions laciustment cite: “ s lope ions: lee wr2 5 FPS 0004 95,00 Enter a tide or comment (default is a blank title field). You may also, at this time. set the options for GeoLab, or accept the default options as shown, See your GeoLab manual for details as to the meaning and effects of the options. NOTE: If you do edit the options, make sure that you press the key to take you to end of the field before pressing the key (0 accept the changes. ‘When you have entered the options, you will shown the following screen: 15, 1990 nowstin (OD Copyright 1989-90 seiot bw ret. 4 Vers 3.00 ASHTECH, re. or ASHTECH XIV GPPS Solutions Enter scale factors for stones triple solution + 0. lost solution’ = GOTT Figea folutton } 402 ‘This screen asks for the scale factors to apply to the vector uncertainties (sigmas). Unlike Fillnet, GeoLab uses the correlation matrix and the ADJUSTIN 3-59 component sigmas for weighting the vectors. The sigmas as reported by the processing software are mathematical in nature and do not take into account things like orbit error or troposphere error. In order to make them more in tune with the real world, we must scale them by some factor ‘The scale factor is an empirical number and should be determined over the course of several adjustments. Until you have a feeling for the true scale factor in your particular situation, use the defaults To select the defaults. simply press the key three (3) times. Once the scale factors have been entered, the following screen is displayed: Jon. 18, 1950 auUsTIW (Copyright 1989-90 12:01 om kel. To vers 3.00 ASHTECH, Ine. For ASWIEGH XII GPPS Solutions newer yes only if you have enough cantrot fo solve for SCA ROTK ROW and ROT? Solve tor gcate and rotations? Simply press the key to accept the default answer of no and the Geolab input file will be created, and you will be returned to the main menu ‘The only time to answer yes to this question is when you have edited stations and fixed enough control stations to solve for the scale and rotations, See your GeoLab manual for details. If you answer yes to this question, ADJUSTIN will insert 943DDWGSxx records in the proper places in the .IOB fil. NOTE: GeoLab only allows stations to be fixed in all three components (latitude, longitude and height). If you have edited control stations and fixed some stations in only the horizontal components and other stations in height only, ADJUSTIN will created the proper horizontal or vertical observation records with the values constrained, in effect holding them fixed. Sub Option 3: COLUMBUS input file This option will create a v Eksp After entering the name for the files, the user will be prompted for the scale factor to use on the sigmas as in the GeoLab and Columbus routines. Example files are shown below: ADJUSTIN 3-61 cuaoata.owr » ' 2 e308 Rick -2688530.0%0 -c271836.211 sN6c 6s 206 I92, 5555 -2408590,505 -<271820.228 $462159.405 BI9e chix “2eBEsA7 267 -<201842 089 SBEAE0. 10m 0192 Gone -2588.001306 -250709-033 3865396. 782 192 wRD “2agraze tak -<2F08RT. 56 See RES S18, 192 MIKE -2asa531 875 -<20%836.072 3884164.772 ox by 02 Sign Corny Sigh coraz Cort2 Sia? foe y985 20407 yes Sugar Live SOLES gigs “ba? Copyright 1989-00 1201 Pm Rel. 1 > er. 3.00 ASHTECH, Unc. For ASHTECH XIT GPPS Solution Mane of processing program + Ue Processing program version: 3, Dutpur Geformet file nose Six character agency 1D Tyo character project code Starting project date eed Ending project date Bs) Scurce of orbit Estimated orbit accuracy (0.1m); 0406 Press the key to accept the de“ault program name. Enter the versicn number of LINECC..“P you used, e.g. 3.0. Enter the filename for the created G-file. 3-62 ADJUSTIN Enter your company’s agency ID code, Many codes are listed in Annex C of the blue book, however you should check with NGS before using a code to make sure you do not use one already in use. This field is a required entry. If you try to bypass it, you will get a message in the bottom portion of the screen reques' you to enter a value. When you press the key, you will be rocumed to the field. Enter the two-character project code you have chosen for this project. This code should appear in all the bluebook files associated with your project. Enter the year, month and day of the first date of the project observations, e.g. 19890607. Enter the year, month and day of the last date of observations. Press the key to accept the default broadcast orbit. If you have used a precise ephemeris in processing you data, enter the code for the source agency here. Press the key to accept the default broadcast orbit accuracy (40 meters). If you have used a precise ephemeris enter the nominal accuracy of this ephemeris information. This sigma scaling screen will then be displayed, and when you have selected your scale factors, you will be returned to the main menu. Option 4: EDIT FUNCTIONS Selecting this option from the main menu will display the following screen: ADJUSTIN 3-63 an 15, 1990 AOWUSTIN CO Copyright 1969 Yair em Fel. 1 Vers 3.00 ASHTECH, inc. For ASHTECK XIT OPPS Sotations 1) URETE dete escahok 2) READ "aata sm >not 3) ADD data snccovot 4) Ust stations 3) EDIT stations 6) Ust vectors 7) EDIT vectors 8) DELETE vectors Ghoose selection vo. ‘The editing options allow us to change station and vector information. For example, we can fix control stations, supplying the known position values for them. We can also change the vector solutions from float to fixed, fixed to float, etc. We can also save the information in snapshot files, allowing us to recall the information without rereading the vector solution files, Pressing the key in the edit menu will return you to the main menu Sub Option 1: WRITE DATA SNAPSHOT Selecting this edit option gives you the following screen: an. 15, 1990, aowsriN 12:08 Pa Bel. Tn Vers 3.00 For ASHTECH XI GPS Solut tons Enter SKAPSHOT name (no extension) Snaps are stored in two files. (SRY LVR) SWAP File(s) nome + LIST Enter the name (up to eight characters) which will be used for two (2) snapshot files. Example names might be 165_FIX, 165_FL'T, or any other descriptive name. The extensions .SRY and .VRY will be added to the ame you enter. ‘The station information that is in memory will be written to the SRY file 3-64 ADJUSTIN and the vector information in memory will be written to the .VRY file. Whenever you read and summarize new data, and any time that you edit data, and create adjustment inputs, you should write the edited information to a new snapshot file, so that it can be recalled ir the same state at a later cone Sub Option 2: READ DATA SNAPSHOT This option shows you the exact same screen as the WRITE data snapshot option above. Enter the name of the snapshot that you want to read. The information in the snapshot to be read will replace the information currently in memory. Station information will be read from the .SRY file and vector information will be read from the .VRY file, Sub Option 3: ADD DATA SNAPSHOT This option will also display the same filename screen as the WRITE or READ options. Enter the name of the snapshot that you want to ADD to the list information currently in memory ‘The information in the snapshot files will be added to the information in memory. The 4-character station names will be checked, and only new stations will be added. The FROM and TO station pointers in the vectors will be changed to point to the correct stations in the new combined list. You may add as many snapshots as you like (one at a time), as long as the total number of stations does not exceed the current station maximum, and the total number of vectors does not exceed the current vector maximum (see the utilities option section on redimensioning arrays). When you have added your lists, you should write a new snapshot file, e.g. TOTAL. Sub Option 4: LIST STATIONS This option will display a list of the stations currently in memory. Bach page of stations will display with a prompt to press the key to continue. When there are no more stations to display, you will be returned to the editing menu, The display screen will look similar to the one below: ADJUSTIN 3-65 nowstin (©) Copyright 1989-90, Pe vers 3.00 RSMIECK, tne. Far ASHTECH ¥11 GPPS Solutions Station LIsT ‘enter (22) to contin Sub Option 5: EDIT STATIONS ~ Selecting this option will prompt you for the 4-character name of the station which you want to edit, as shown below, Tan. 15, 1999 ToNsTIN {© ceprriehe 1989-90 i) net Pern 3.00 TBhreen, Ines Tor ASRTEOH HIT Gers Solutlone ait station (a0 station by e-enaracter short sane.) ait whieh station + MAME Enter the 4-character station identifier, €.g. 7233, and the edit fields will be added to the screen as follows: an. 15, 199 Maausin ©) copyright 1969-90 fet = Vers 3.00 ASHTECH, toe, t2i01 For ASHTECH XIT OPPS Solutions Edit station : (ID atetion by A-eharaeter short name.) Edie uhich station ¢ 7255 Fined etenents Station rember Brehsracter neae Lorie Longttade weight eer ECF Y : Ee? : ayATiOW shiz ra ery In the first field, place an in the column corresponding the position 3-66 ADJUSTIN component that you wish to fix, if any. The first column corresponds to latitude, the second column corresponds to longitude and the third column corresponds to height (elevation). FF_ would fix the horizontal compe mts of the station, whil: __F would fix only key in the last field, you will be retumed to the edit menu. ‘Sub Option 6: LIST VECTORS Selecting this option displays a paged list of the vectors currently in memory. The display will be similar to that below: an. 15,1950 aouustin ©) copyr 0 weit Ret "ASHTECH, Tne For ASHTECH X11 GPPS Solut tone vector UIST fam 10 sess ox ov pz sou RB 76 18250 695.0779 534.1489 388.0972 rs 737162 51.0305 37.9347 602.3190 F 3 Tee 162 saia’Sose — s38519258 197410996 F 753 74518290 147513558 2088-9641 266015017 F 736133714290 246.2557 3719) “2 bao 7236723816250 194319416 951.7051 1586.05 F 728 7eus 146250 zeae W354 rary are LzeS rr 723814250 Horst = 'gaploris 3371-7608 F 737 7258350 14223650 1551.0726 2257-9729 F 78 73250 226.9118 702.9726 886.2188 x Wit enter G2) to continue ADJUSTIN 3-67 Vectors are identified by the FROM station, the TO station and the SESSion. These three items will be needed to select a vector for editing. ‘The final column in each vector denotes the type of solution. An X signifies a fixed solution, an F signifies a float solion, and a T signifies a -riple solution. Pressing the key will either show more vectors, or return you to the editing menu, Sub Option 7: EDIT VECTORS If you select this option, you will be asked to choose if you want to change all vectors or edit a selected vector. 1) Edit selected 2) Change All Option 1 asks you to identify the vector to edit, whereas option 2 asks you to pick the type of solution, e.g. fixed, that it will change all vectors to. Edit selected vector If you select Edit selected, you will be asked to select the vector to edit as shown below: For ASHTECH X11 OPPS Solutions: Edit vector Identify vector by 4-char short names, ‘and S-char session code Enter a vector List filename if you ent to Select # solution vector WML "Fite Tndteates hand editing. From station To station Session vector List # Enter the 4-character name of the vector FROM station. Enter the 4-character name of the vector TO station. Enter the 5-character vector session identifier, 3-68 ADJUSTIN If you do not enter a vector list file name, i.e. you press the key while the cursor is in the first column of the filename field, you will be shown the following screen for manual editing of the vector information: Don. 15, 1990 nowstiw (©) copyelahe 1989-90 S200 bw Ret. overs 3.00 ASMTEGH, Ine For ASHTECH XI1 PPS SolutTone betta x: Dette delta 2 Stone x ees Corr xz: 28 fore 12 Solution: x Press the key to exit this screen without making any changes, It, on the other hand, you enter a vector list filename, and the vector you identified is in it, you will be shown the following screen: Tn. 15, 1990 aouST IW (©) copyright 1989-90, 7 Ret vers 5.00 ‘ASHTECH, Ine. Tor ASHTECH X11 GPPS Solutions 70 7505 yon Prleting vector esr 302 SESS" tsn.rise mee = 0.082079 Seleccione gos.ame “SG 'SEis—ss9.03 ame = 0.01603 Souaae EEE HIRSSE AS Sees Sosiisie —3asehes Tasco = ame © Scoaars » teres Be 33 Feed hoose selection Using either the number keys or the arrow keys, select the solution you wish to change the vector to and press the key. Pressing the key will simply exit without making any changes. Change All Vectors If you select this vector editing option, you will be shown the following ADJUSTIN 3-69 we (Copyright +389-90 Rel even. $.00 ASHTERR, Se Tor ASHTECH X11 © solutions 1 TouBED 2) To Four 33 to tate Choose selection Select the type of solution that you want to change all vectors to. When you have made your selection, you will be asked for the name of the file which contains all three solutions for each vector, i.e. the vector list created in the READ & SUMMARIZE option of the main menu: Vector edit file: After entering the filename, you will be shown the results of the changes as in the following screen: 1990 (© Copyright 1989-90 ASHTECH, 1 ot om For ASHTECH X11 OPPS solutions Vectors have been changed as fotlows: 7001 to 7101 16294 already fixed. 7001 to 7102 16294 alreooy Fixed. 7001 co 7103 1629 changed to fixed. 7001 to 7104 16294 changed to fixed. THON to 7102 T629A Fined not computed. 7101 to 7103 16294 changed to fixed. 7101 to 7104 1629A changed to fixed. ‘Toz to 7103 1629A already fixed. 7h02 to 7104 1629A already fixed 7103 to 7106 16294 charged to fixed. Wie enter (<1) to continue Pressing the key either displays more changes or returns you to the editing menu. Sub Option 8: DELETE VECTORS ~ Selecting the eighth edit option lets you delete vectors from the memory list. This option "physically" deletes the vector, so if you might want to 3-70 ADJUSTIN use the vector again, write a version of the list containing the vector prior to deleting il, The only way to recover the vector is to read a list containing the vector, or start again by reading and summarize the solution files. When you select this option, the following screen appears: Wp. 15, 1990 aowstin (Copyright 1989-90 Te:01 2M Ret Ts ver 3.00 ASKTECH, Ine Tor AGHTECH HIF GPS solutions Delete vector vector by cehar short names, fond 5-char’ session code From seation = MANE To station = MAME Session DOOIS Enier the 4-character name of the FROM station. Enter the 4-character name of the TO station. Enter the S-character session identifier. Before the station is deleted, you will be asked to confirm the deletion as shown below: ‘aowusrin v For ASHTECH XLT GPP5 solutlons 7001 co 701 16290 Existing Vector Ineory vector : 134.0208" 'FBri8683 —t190.0571 Raw = 0.027760, Delee? Simply press the key to accept the default answer of Yes, or press the key followed by the key to cancel the deletion. ‘You will then be returned to the edit menu, Option 5: UTILITIES Selecting this option (5) from the main menu presents you with the ADJUSTIN 3-71 following choices: 1) Reset Paths 2) Redim Arrays 3) Directory Pressing the key returns you to the main menu. Sub Option 1: Reset Paths Selecting the reset paths option results in the following screen: an. 15, 1990 ‘osustiw (E> Copyright 1969-90 "Biot bw get. Pavers 3.00 ASHTECH, Ine For ASHTECH KIT GPPS solutions Enter the path for SYSTEW files, the path for reading trout fil ted the path for uniting output, files The default DATA puthe are *mutl! for "the Current Directory". Path co SYSTEM files Path for input files Path for cutput files en The system file path should be the path to where ADJUSTIN resides in your computer. The default is C\GPPS. At this time, this path is not necessary for the program operation as ADJUSTIN does not look for any auxiliary or configuration files. However, the path to ADJUSTIN should bbe in the PATH statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that it may be run from within your data subdirectories. The input and output paths tell ADJUSTIN where to read files from and where to write files to. The default paths for both reading and writing are the currently togged directory. You may specify different paths for reading and writing, however it is not recommended and should be used with caution. ADJUSTIN reads files only from th. input path, and writes ‘les only to the output peth. If they are different paths, you must be careful that you do not try te read a file that was written to.a different path, or you will get a File Not Found error and the program will terminate. 3-72 ADJUSTIN It is recommended that both the input and output paths be the same path. Pressing the key will simply exit this screen with no action Sub Opvon 2: Redim Arrays ADIUSTIN allows you to re-dimension the arrays allocated for storing station and vector information. Selecting this option will show you the following scree 1390 jowsTiw (OD copyright 1969 t2s0t ASHE For ASHTECH X11 GPPS solutions Set Array Sizes Hoxima stations + Std Maximm Vectors” : 309 NOTE: Do not re-dimension arrays if you have information in smemory that you want ¢o save. Pressing the key exits this screen with no action. Redimensioning arrays erases any information currently in the arrays. 100, The maximum allowable number ‘The default array size for station: of stations is approximately 660. The default limit for the number of vectors is 300, The maximum allowable number of vectors is only about 420. ‘The limiting factor is obviously the number of vectors. Each array is limited to 64K bytes, and the amount of information stored for each vector is more than the amount stored for each station. Sub Option 3: Directory This option will present you with the following screen: ADJUSTIN 3-73 on, 15,1990 aOWST IW (©) Copyright 1989-90 Teiot eM Ret. 1 vers 3.00 ASHTECH, Ine For ASHTECH XII OPPS soluti=we Include path if necessary Directory of wot files + GADATAGA ANS Tests A noneuinns a Simply enter the path (for other than the current directory) and the mask for the files you want to list. Pressing the key will exit this screen with no action. When you have entered your filename mask, you will be shown a list of the matching files similar to the one below: 3, 1990 2oUsTIN (©) copyright 1969-90 ~ on Ret ers 3.00 MINE. For ASHTECH XII GPPS eoluttons ee eee ee Directory of oF.* Volume in drive ¢ has no Label Directory of _C:\ASHTECM\DAYIS2 o001s01e 16211483 6-26-89 (00011028 16211380 6-25-89 Dovttose 16211390 6: 25-89 O001 Tok 142 ceS 6-25-89 Otorioze 16211390 6-25-89 ror tose te 11392 «6-26-89 Wit enter (<2) to continue Your mask is redisplayed along with a paged list of matching files. Pressing the will either display additional files, or return you to the main menu. ~ Option 6: CREATE PLOTFILE Selecting this option will cause a prompt for the name of the plotfile and a comment line, When these items are entered, the plotfle will be created from the stations and vectors currently in memory, i.e. those in the current array state. The created plotfile can be viewed with the program PLOT. A file called LABELS.LBL will also be created. This file contains the 4- character station idemtifiers for the plotfile, Currently, this filename is hardwired into PLOT, so if you want more than one plot in a directory, you will have to rename the .LBL file prior to creating a new one, and copy the correct label file for the plot to be displayed to LABELS. LBL. 3-74 ADJUSTIN prior to calling PLOT. Option 7: QUIT This is the projic. way to exit the prog-am, Select this option either by pressing the <7~ key followed by the key, or by highlighting the option using ine or keys and then pressing the key. ADJUSTIN 3-75 ANTSWAP ANTSWAP is the GPPS program module which processes the measurements made between the fixed site and the antenna swap location to provide coordinates for the antenna swap location to initialize the kinematic survey. Input Data Files ANTSWAP uses the COMMON.NAV, LOGTIMES, MARKPOS.ASC, FILENAME. OBS, and U-files to determine the antenna swap location. Output Data Files ANTSWAP records the antenna swap location in the MARKPOS.ASC file. Program Execution ANTSWAP requires a number of files before execution, You should run the programs COMNAV, GENLOG, and MAKEUFIL before executing ANTSWAP. In batch mode, ANTSWAP is executed automatically when KINSRVY is executed. To begin ANTSWAP execution, type the following at the DOS prompt: ANTSWAP ‘Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard version screen as follows: Program: ANISUAP Version: 3.0.00 Released: 06/15/90 C7 ASHTECH, Inc. 1390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 96088 Copyrtaht (e) 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL rights reserved. ANTSURP.EXE requires the following files te be present Tn the current directory: FILENAME.OBS, LOGTIMES, ANTSWAP 3-77 ARKZOS.ASC ond the UT Les for the fixed and roving ‘Once the program has begun execution, ANTSWAP will present a display for the user to identify the fix= 1 and rover U-file namcs as shown in the follow ig example for the TU OR.003 project: Enter the Ufite number for the Feve et the KOM Mal Enter the Ufile number for the evr at the SUP MARK! Enter the techaracter name Of the KNOWN marks RIOR’ Of the UMENOWB oF SUAP mark: MIKE A The hightighted responses are the user input to identify the U-file for the known mark, U-file for the rover, site name of the known, and site name. of the swap mark. After the entries have been made, ANTSWAP provide information about the U-files similar to the following display: Grier the Uiile nawer for the reve ae the KAO RAKE © Enter the Ufile number for the reve at the Sate Mane 1 UFiLe commen information “ Stare tine: 1990/01/09 08:40:20 Fed time: 1990/01/09 10:46:40 Poess any key to continue... Press any key to continue. ANTSWAP will next provide information on the intervals where the fixed antenna is at the known location (home eg), ‘and where the fixed antenna is at the swap (away leg) location. You can enter the home/away pair as shown below. If you enter <-I -1>, all home/away pairs will be used to determine the swap location. Displayed below is the entry screen for the TUTOR.003 project where the 3-78 ANTSWAP first antenna swap pair is used BLAMING ANTENNA SOAP WOME Ube TnTEAVALS: THAT LEG INTERVALS a so 3s as Enter the HOME/AWAY pair to protets or -1-7 for all combinations 33 ANTSWAP will then ask you if you want to enter a reference satellite: Would you Like to aet the ref. sat? Enter a if you want to specify the reference satellite or if you want ANTSWAP to select the reference satellite. if you enter <¥> the following will be displayed: select the reference satelt Ste: Enter the satellite number which you would like to use as the reference satellite. ANTSWAP will then display status of the calculations during execution. Below is shown a typical display: WOME LEG INTERVALS "AWAY 166 IWTERVALS Wa 0 eB 3 38 Encer the HOME/AUAY pair to process or <1 -1 for sll combinations: 33 REFERENCE SATELLITE: 11 PositioW AT IKE: —37.52963806 237.95576532 -13.7535 Ras Ca)? 0.0056 MVE AVERAGE SOLUTION: 37.52963307 257.93576532 -13.7356 Bas cn) 0.6065 NUMBER OF SOLUTIONS AVERAGED OVER: 9 Another antenna swapi fY' oF 187 J After ANTSWAP has completed the caiculations, the results are displayed and MARKPOS. ASC file updated. For this example, the following results ANTSWAP 3-79 would be displayed: PLNMING ANTEWHA SUA wwe MAME NT LarrTu9e 10x61 10 ear © RICK 0 0,000 37 31 66.70851 W122 5 S1.10087-14.529 1 MIKE 2 01000 3731 Ssle7o0e W122 3 5124403 “15.729 2 MIE F 1000 uw 37 $1 Go-65c20 Te FSi ieIS 91520 3 cwix 9 0.050 37 32 2.90ree W122 3 Sela7Ieg 171008 & Gone 9 1000 37 32 37.09m50 W122 4 "9.10438 212.706. 5 wo 9 0.000 W373 0.275 W122 33.0992 <7 868 & WARD 9 01000 K 3733 0.42719 WIZ SBi3zI07 -t6l472 7 5853 9 01000 M3731 48.5725 W Ye 382.1852 “131869 Finisned Processing © Press any key to terminate Press any key to finish executing ANTSWAP. A After the rover location has been initialized for the kinematic survey, the user would then execute the KINSRVY program module to determine the location of each of the rover points. 3-80 ANTSWAP ASHTOALM AS an alternative (o the receiver almanac files, ASHTOALM is the GPPS program module which reads the satellite ephemeris files saved by the receiver and produces an almanac file which is compatible with the GPSMAP and Mission Planning satellite planning programs. Input Data Files ASHTOALM uses the COMMON. NAV as input data. Output Data Files ASHTOALM creates the almanac file specified Program Execution To begin ASHTOALM execution, type the following at the DOS prompt: ASHTOALM ‘Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard version screen followed by the following informati Program: ASHIONM Version: 3.0.00 by ASWIECH, tne. 390 Potrers Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 9608S Copyright (c) 1988, 1969, 1960. ALL rights reserved. This program generates sn ASCII atmanse File for SATAAP.EKE. Enter the Ashtech ¢Tlenane. Coen aAV Enver the output SATHMP Alnonce filenome (e.g-, almyyddd) ‘ALwS0.009 ‘The boldfaced letters are operator responses for the almanac data in the TUTOR.OOI static project. The ALM90.009 file is used by the GPSMAP and Mission Planning programs for survey planning. ASHTOALM 3-81 ASHTORIN ASHTORIN is the GPPS program module which will convert Ashtech B-files, E-files, and optionally S-files into a standard ASCII common exchange format for GPPS data. Converting data into the format RINEX (Receiver Independent EXchange format) allows users to combine data collected through several receivers regardless of the manufacturing ‘company. NOTE: ASHTORIN will only work with data measured using receiver software Version SA and later. ASHTORIN also will not work properly with data which was created using under 1 second intervals. input Data Files ASHTORIN uses the Ashtech B-files, E-files, and S-files as input data. Output Data Files ASHTORIN generates three. different files, an Observation file, a Navigation file, and a Meteorological file. One Observation and Meteorological file must be generated for each site per session. Only one Navigation file must be generated per session, as long as the converted E-file spans the entire session. Program Execution To begin ASHTORIN execution, type the following at the DOS prompt: ASHTORIN Once the program has begun execution, ASHTORIN will present the Ashtech standard version screen followed by the file input/output menu screen (Menu 1.1) as shown in the following display: ASHTORIN 3-83 mera Te "ASHTECH source Files Source o13k Drive: © cess Source Directory: \GPPS\TUTOR. 001, IRLARL eiteaet ossurement Fite Mane + Ext (G-Fited: — BRIEEAGO O08 Navigation File Wane * Ext (E-File): GRICKASO Stee File Name * Ext CS-FILES>OPT SONAL}: SRIERAGO 008 TRINEX Target Flee Target disk orive: ¢ Target Directory: \GpPEYTUTOR.0O1\, Seeigntton” fits some + Exts ARtes0: OR Heteorotopical Fete Wane Ext: WEIGEAOD, 0 608 Shot “FiO> Sone/Accept “Ese> ABORT Edie The display shows two separate sections, Ashtech Source files and Rinex Target files. In each section, the first and second lines allow for the entry for source and destination directories. ‘The next 3 input lines in the Ashtech Source Files section are for the entry of the B-file, E-file, and (OPTIONAL) S-file. (The examples shown in bold have been entered from the TUTOR.0O1 static project file.) While the last 3 input lines in the Rinex Target Files section are for the entry of the Observation, Navigation and Meteorological files to be created. When you enter a measurement fite name the program will suggest the E- file and S-file name in their appropriate entry fields. Similarly, the observation, navigation, and meteorological file names will contain a suggested filename. Ashtech recommends naming the RINEX output files with the D-file as the observation filename, N-file as the navigation filename, and M-file as the meteorological filename, After the source files and the target files have been entered and the correct drive and directory established, press . The MAIN MENU sereen will be displayed: 3-84 ASHTORIN mena 10 Peagram Options: Ay eter Heguesoutpur Files 6) Create RINE cbseevation Fite ©) Create RINEX Navigation File Dp Creare RINEX Meteorological File © eit sft ~ pos shett <#10> + accept ‘The MAIN MENU screen provides the options of: A) Retum to the inpuvoutput file menu screen, B) Create Observation File, C) Create Navigation File, or D) Create Meteorological file. To choose the desired option, the user can either use the arrow keys followed by a or the key, or simply press the letter for the desired action. To create an Observation file a valid B-file and E-file must be found. To create a Navigation file a valid E-file must be found. To create a Meteorological file no input files are required. ASHTORIN will create an output file using the name you specify on Menu 1.1. Note that if the output file already exists, it will be overwritten and the original file data will be destroyed. In addition, a valid output filename must be entered to access the appropriate option. If the above input file requirements are not met for a particular output file, ASHTORIN will not allow you to enter that menu screen. Option A: Enter Input/Output Files Selecting this option will re-display Menu 1.1, Option B: Create RINEX Observation File Option B will provide you with the following menu/display: ASHTORIN 3-85 ‘Station Nae Obcervers Mane: Observing Agency: eeney crenting Current File ge Recoiver Type (ler OXI, XIE, weeds Receiver seriat unber (last 4 digits): © dnterna Type CierSensor Microstrip): Pog nterea Seriat Nunber {Last 4 aigite): Typeet eae Oth, Tsui 1 antenna Offsets: Korth 0.0001 (m) stant Distance Fast" 0.0901 (m) Radius Delta vertical <#1> 005 Shell Accept «F10> Process ABORT Edit ‘The observation menu screen consist of three sections: 1) Agency Information 2) Equipment and Data Information 3) Anienna Offsets Information The information in the first two sections is optional. The data entered in the antenna offset section is required to achieve valid results. When all data is properly entered, the user simply presses the key to create the Observation file. During processing the user may hit the key to discontinue processing at any time, The user will then be prompted to continue or quit. If the user chooses to continue, the program will continue to process as if there no interruption occurred. If the user chooses to quit, the program will stop processing and the Observation file will be incomplete. Option C: Create RINEX Navigation File Option C will provide you with the following menu/display: 3-86 ASHTORIN Weng 104” Rinex Navigation File Agency Ceenting Current Fite: conments: 00S shell Accept — , the Navigation File will be created, Option D: Create RINEX Meteorological File Option D will provide you with the following menu/display: Meru 1.3 - RINEK Heteorological File ‘Station name PRESS ~ Pressure: RMD - Relative Hamidity DTEMP © Dry Teoperature -PYET - ket Zenith bath Delay (for WR data) READING DATE TIME. PRESS TEN ze tine) cures a om, e's f oa ef 38 8 4 38 1 2 3 t 5 & 7 a 9 0 DOS Shell <#5> Accept Process. Esc> ange edit The Meteorological File Menu Screen consists of two sections. They are the Agency Information and the Meteorological Dala sections. Once all data is properly entered, press , the Meteorological file will be created. NOTES ASHTORIN will cisly convert files generated by Ashtech distribution software. ASHTORIN 3-87 Ic is up to the user to make sure there is enough room to create a file on the specified drive. If this occurs, ASHTORIN will terminate appropriate error message. WARNING MESSAGES ‘The “File seems to be Truncated" waming message means that the input file does not contain complete records (e.g. a file with incorrect format) The "File Cannot be opened for reading” warming message means that the filename does not exist in the path declared ‘The “File Cannot be opened for writing” warning message means that the file could not be written to. ERROR MESSAGES The “Invalid Drive\Dir" error message simply means that the directory path could not be found on the Drive specified. ASHTORIN will not tet the user continue until a valid drive/dir is specified. The "Slant distance and\or radius out of range" error message means that, the radius input is larger that the slant distance to the antenna and the program can not calculate the correct antenna height. ASHTORIN will not let the user continue until a smaller radius or a larger slant distance is entered. The "Bendata file of incorrect format” error message means the B-file was created before receiver software version SA. While ASHTORIN will create a Rinex compatible output file for evaluation purposes, data processing will not be accurate. Refer to the discussion on the CONVERT program module for the difference in receiver time measurement 3-88 ASHTORIN COMNAV COMNAY is the GPPS program module which consolidates all of the satellite ephemeris files (E-files) located in the project directory from ONE DAY of observations for different receivers and different sessions. COMNAY produces a common navigation file consisting of one-hour blocks of navigation data which is used by subsequent programs for post- processing the field measurements. Input Data Files COMNAV reads the satellite ephemeris files ("E-files"). Output Data Files Upon completion, COMNAV will create an output file called COMMON.NAV. Program Execution To begin execution of COMNAV, type the following at the DOS prompt COMNAV The program will read all of the E-files (or N-files if there are no E-fites) in the current directory to form the COMMON.NAV file. If the user has renamed the E-files or used a naming convention different than the normal Ashtech naming convention (see Appendix B) then the program should be executed with the following command: COMNAV elist In this case, the program will read only the E-files (or N-files) listed in the file “elist". When the program begins execution, you will see the Ashiech standard program vers.on screen followed by the status information: COMNAV 3-89 Program: COMNAY Versions 3.0.00 Released; 06/15/90 4390 Potrera Avenue Sunnyvale, 6h 96086 Copye isnt Cc) 1988, 1969, 1990. ALL rights reserved. fing MAN fe: ERTCKAGO.008 Nav fe: €8€22480-000 ing NAV Fite ESSSEASO.009 During the execution of the program, all E-files (or N-files if no E-files exist), either in the current working directory or listed in ’etist’, will be read. During the read process, each file will be checked for validity. Files not found to be valid (i.e., those not containing raw navigation data) will not be used and an error message will be displayed. ‘Upon completion, COMNAV will create a file by the name of COMMON.NAV, Error Messages If COMNAY does not find any E-files or N-files which can be used then the following error message will be displayed: Ok: Ho nav files oppear to be in current directory. Program terminating. You should check that you have selected the proper directory or that you have named the E-files using the Ashtech naming convention. Either change the project directory, or use the alternate command format shown above to execute COMNAV, If COMNAV finds an error in the format of the files specified the following error message will be displayed: Reading Way filer enon: opening file ERROR: Ho \sedble nev date found. 3-90 COMNAV CONVERT CONVERT is the GPPS program module which will modify the old Ashtech B-files into the new format. B-files which were created before receiver software version 5.A must be converted before processing. Input Data Files CONVERT uses the common navigation file (COMMON.NAV) and specified B-files as input data Output Data Files CONVERT creates B-file(s) in the new format and renames the ofd B-file(s) to X-file(s). Program Execution To begin CONVERT execution, type the following at the DOS prompt: CONVERT ‘Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard version screen followed by status information as follows: Program: COMVERT Version: 3.0.00 Released: 06/15/90 oy ASHTECH, tne. 390 Potrers Avenue Sunnyate, ch 94088 Copyright (<) 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL rights reserved. The program will then read all of the B-file filenames in a directory and display the following menu: CONVERT 3-91 SELECT S-FILE To comveRT; — eOANERY ALE comveRT ALL acAIxace.145 - apoHAgD. 145 ~ 905 SHELL “CR or ~ 10 SELECT “E50 TO nT The arrow keys position the highlighted bar over the B-file t be converted, and the or keys accept the highlighted selection, The CONVERT ALL option will convert all of the B-files. {only one file is selected, the CONVERT program module will be called for that B-file. During conversion, the following information will be displayed: sever BCRIKAGOSTAS > DONEADO. 165, oven TG FILE at ABO 145 Fb 0s SHELL “the or ~ TO SELECT ie To wT If the CONVERT ALL option is selected, the status line will inform you of the status of each B-file being converted. After each file has been displayed an X will appear in the selection box. The and will insert and remove the X to select and deselect files to be converted using the CONVERT ALL selection. (An X in the selection ‘box means that the file will not be converted.) If you want to convert another file move the highlighting bar over the Befile name and press or to begin conversion. After you have finished converting alt of the B-files you want to process, you can exit the program using the key. Troubleshooting CONV! &T is a utility which converts data collectec using previous versions of the receiver softwace 10 maintain compatibility with the upgraded software. One feature of the new data formats aiiows the ability to utilize the transmit and receive time for each of the measurement 3-92 CONVERT epochs for special applications. The old data format did not save the receive time and therefore, CONVERT creates a pseudo-receive time to allow the old format data to process with the new format programs. Users who are dependent on true receive time may have a problem with the converted B-liles. Error Messages A common navigation file is required to convert the old B-files, If you attempt to convert without this fite, the following error message will be displayed: [EOF Cannot oper COMHOM AV Press ony key to continue Refer to the COMNAV program description to create the COMMON.NAV file and re-execute CONVERT. CONVERT 3-93 DATALOGR DATALOGR is the GPPS program module whieh will log data from the Ashtech receiver in real-time. This program will only work with those receivers which contain the real-time output option. Input Data Files None. Output Data Files DATALOGR will generate two output files on the target drive of the data logging computer. ‘These files, a B-file and E-file, are directly useable by the Ashtech GPPS distribution software. It should be noted that the program does not produce a S-file (or site file) which is used to expedite batch processing, Batch processing can be performed without the S-file, since the antenna height and meteorological data can be entered when the project file is edited, Program Execution In order to receive the data, the GPS receiver must be connected to the computer to which the data will be transferred. This connection is made using the Ashtech provided full handshake null modem eable provided with the receiver. One end of the cable plugs into the GPS receiver via the RS-232 port and the other end of the cable plugs into the computer RS-232 port labeled COMI or COM2. To begin execution of DATALOGR, type the following at the DOS prompt: DATALOGR After the’ program begins execution a display similar to the following will be displayed: DATALOGR 3-95 PC Comm Bort t Communication Raver B60 GAWD Target Disk Drive: ¢ Target Directory: | \GFPSIOAN Templace: ABO 18 wise Ve Exit “F008 Shei “Fide ~ Start The display shows three sections each in a separate box. From the top they are as follows 1) Communications 2) Target System 3) Status Information ‘The communications section allows for the selection of communications parameters: i.e., communication port 1 or 2 (for COM1 and COM?, respectively) and communication speed. To select the communication speed, press the or keys until the desired speed appears. The target system section allows for the selection of target disk drive, target directory path, and target file names. As in program HOSE, the template prompt allows for the entry of the "base file name. Specifically, the information entered here will be used to generated the target B-file and E-file names according to the Ashtech file naming convention. At program start-up, the clock of the target computer is used to generate the session, year, and day fields of the template; i.c., only the 4-character site name is not supplied. “The status information section is used to provide status information during communication with the receiver. After the target file names have been entered, data logging can begin. Press to begin the procedure. At this time, DATALOGR will ensure that the named files do not exist and request permission to overwrite them if they do exist. The display below shows an example of this: 3-96 DATALOGR ‘pe tonm Pores Communication Rater T9800 BAD Target Disk Drives © ree Disk Space: B6R2 Koytes Target Directory: \GRPSYDAYSS OF ee Temptoce: OS10090.165 H-FTCbr UOBTHASO, 165 C-Fie: EOST4ANO.IES File 80510A00.165 already exists on disk Do you wish to (Alppend, [Olverurite, oF aiBlort epening: & Fite EOS16A90.165 already exists on disk De'you wish to (Alppend, fOlverwrite, oF a(Blore epening: o wese> To Eni ~ Stop Soantoad If either tke record number or the number of navigation messages do not increase, one of the following conditions exists: 1) Not encugh Satellites are being tracked by the receiver, 2) An epoch interval has not transpired since the time the connection was established. DATALOGR 3-97 3) The communication cable is not properly connected. To end a data logging session press . The output files will then be closed and the data link will be terminated. 3-98 DATALOGR FILETOOL FILETOOL is the GPPS program module which provides utilities which allow the raw measurement data files and the satellite ephemeris files to be viewed and edited. FILETOOL also provides the capability to correct for field errors due to incorrect GPS receiver settings or eliminate malfunctioning satellites. Additionally, FILETOOL provides the capability to split/join any large data file for transferring to/from floppy diskettes, Input Data Files Depending on the option selected, FILETOOL will use the B-files, Uefiles, and E-files. Output Data Files Depending on the option selected, FILETOOL will create backup files and modify the B-files and E-files. FILETOOL wilt also split or join files and produce output files Program Execution To execute FILETOOL, type the fotlowing command at the DOS prompt: FILETOOL ‘The following warning message will then appear on the screen: Sa [Atuaye backup original Osta prior to running tis proseam, Original files will automaccelty be renoned FILOWNE She in €ertain options of this progran. Consult the user's manual for more Tofermatton. generated using receiver softuore versions of 5A and Righer or converted Befites (see program CONVERT). Press any key £2 continue. -. NOTE: This message is tc remind users to back up all data before entering this program. Opvcas "C*, "D", "EB", and “I” all rename the original file from FILENAME.DAY to FILENAME.BAK. For more FILETOOL 3-99 information on the renaming of files please read the instructions on each specific option. After an understanding of the renaming procedure, the user is then ready to move on by simply pressing any key and the main menu shown below will be displayed Fre ornuiTiEs BENOATA FILES Leck ats bindats (ste FULL precision Leck af the bendata dain two or more bendata files Thin a benoata tite vo selected epoch interval Pick Selected epochs {ron » Bendata File Print’ the berdate steucture format usrnes: 'G) Display the u-file header WAV/EPHH FILES: W) Reed @ navdate file 1) Remove 6 satellite tron e novdats file CEMERAL FILES: 5) SPLIT any Fite, oF Join previously sptit fites #1 = 006 Shell —_ = Qube orcrtO> — Aecept Setection ‘The selections are displayed according to the type of file that they pertain to. A selection may be made by either pressing the key associated with the selection, or by highlighting the selection using the arrow keys and then pressing either the key or the key. Pressing the key will exit the program. Pressing the key will shell to DOS. Once in DOS, any DOS command may be executed. To retum control to FILETOOL from the DOS shell, type EXIT at the prompt (The key functions exactly the same throughout the program so will not be mentioned from here on.) Option A: Look at a BENDATA file Selecting this option brings up the menu: ‘BeIgKASM! 00g ——sREZZAN0.009 _85555A80.009 “SFI> = BOS SHEL = OUTPUT MERI - TO COMTIWME TO OUIT A selection is made by highlighting the file desired by using the arrow 3-100 FILETOOL keys and then pressing the key to only view records or to press the key which will show the following output file menu: CuTPUT FICE: GRTOEAGO.tST PROAT 10 OUTPUT FILE OUTS VIEW AND" PRINT TO OUTPUT FILE 08 REQUEST: W - p08 SHELL «10> ~ £0 comriMue esc - 19 ult In this menu sereen, the user types in the output filename, (LST by default) and then enters a to either print only to the output file or to view the records and print desired records 10 the output file. After entering the filename and the desired action the user should press the key to continue or to return to the previous menu. NOTE: entering <¥> to both questions will result in printing only to an output file. Following either path will now result in showing the user the following file information and prompt the user for the first record number desired to either print to the output file of to view. neve aoe pene To BE SHER er beaten cor Or or <0 Yor Pressing the key will retum to the previous menu, entering a after “PRINT TO OUTPUT FILE ONLY" in the output file menus will additionally prompt the user for the last record number: scare Nate tet Inter ending record misters 2 After all records have been printed to the output file, the user will then be returned to the previous menu. Entering a <¥> after "OPTION TO PRINT TO OUTPUT FILE ALS@” or not entering the "B-FILE CHOSEN" menu will display a screen similar to the one below (if the user presses <0> or ) using the information in the heacxr of the file specified. econo 0S B-Fite-> BRICKAPD.008 FILETOOL 3-108 VeRSIOk RY ROVR TYPE CHAN VER MAV_VER CAPABILITY version: “1 Get! 16 of aw P to printfile, @ restart at new epach, @ or ESC to quit, other to continue... Or if the user entered a number greater than 0 a record of the file specified: Recon «1 SVC LOSTLCK ui PG TAMTTEME COPHSE __DOPPL_ —ENID CARY CAR? EL AZ S/M 62 TO7S "05 22 2unK40 “egus SOMME 18577 452 368 40 “eb GO 8 3 Gtez 05 22 acoudo —Zap680 -15473620 “81538 B41 706 28 TS SS 3% GIB 0S 22 DuoKo —1408BD S77ONBS —_B4408 S50 247 AS S09 144 12 6 37rG6 05 22 deaceo E5180 -veetanez 109212 $1 GRO 41 253 TOT 8 98 Dnt 8 ° ° Do 8 0 00 98 Boro oo 4 ° oo 90 0 0 9 99 Dore oo 3 0 © 4 0 0 0 0 0 9 oo10 0 ° 0 oo 9 0 0 oO 2 Qe10 0 ° o © 9 0 0 0 aed Oo o10 0 ° 2 oo 0 0 0 0 99 2 o10 ° 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 we cero 4 ° ° oo 6 0 0 8 sue nave nave anv wav Doce -3268993.607052 $8038. 184402 $458270.51037% _149896.234575 Poor navbar navroor avzoar navipo7 ° ‘0.000 0.000 ‘02000 ‘0.000000 P to printtile, B restart at pew epoch, @ oF ESC to quit, other to continue... Pressing the

key (not available unless the user entered the OUTPUT FILE MENU screen) will cause the displayed information to be added to the output file, and the next record to be displayed. Pressing will allow the user to restart and specify a different beginning record number. Pressing the key or the key will terminate this routine and return to the "LOOK AT B-FILE” menu screen. Pressing any other key will display the next record. ion look at the bendata Option B: Full preci This option performs exactly as option A, however some of the fields are not displayed so that others may be displayed with full precision. The displayed screens will be simiar to the one below: econ = 1 Svar TaNTTe imo cant can s/n 605 22 260439.6227 18537B.000 0.453 0.369 89 8 05 *B1338.062 0.862 0.706 53 305 a8 ‘331 0.358 0.257 116 2 05 28 ‘947 0.082 0.891 107 040 ‘53000 01000 0:00 "0 san 0 ©5000 0000 0:000 0. B O10 5000 0000 01000 of ‘01000 0/000 0:00 0 3-102 FILETOOL 9 01 0 0.0000 9.000 ° 0.000 9.000 0.000 9 01 0 Altona od ° 9.000 9:000 0:000 0 010 o.0p00 9.000 ° 0.000 91000 0.0008 % O10 dlaoao brace a Leo0 o:200 0000 sie nave nave nav wav ocg -szssv63.co7032 sacs 182402 S459270.510376 4089. 280375, voor wavnoor navyoor navzoor avt0or © 0000 ‘0-000 9.000 0.000800 P to printtile, # restart at new epoch, @ oF ESC to quit, other to continue. Option C: Join two or more bendata files There may be occasions where events cause an observation file (0 be interrupted resulting in two or more BENDATA measurement files for a single station during a single session. This routine atlows these files to be rejoined inta a single file for correct processing. Note: The file chosen from this screen will be renamed to “FILENAME.BAK"! It is up to the user to make backups of all data before entering this option. This option will NOT let the user choose a B- FILE with a “FILENAME. BAK" file already in the directory the user is working in. Choosing this option displays the following menu screen: ‘Working \ HARMING BCFELE CNOSEN WILL GE RENAMED FILEWANE BACT ‘CHOOSE B-FILE TO START 01M OPT IO: ‘BOSETAGD. 129) BOSEIAIU;TE9 —oS1890.149 BOS6IE9O.149 —_BS1090.149. > DOS SHELL __ or » TO SELECT 0 1 OF A selection is made by highlighting the file desired (using the arrow keys) and then pressing the key or the key. While the program is running, the word "WORKING \* will be displayed in the top left comer. This shows the program is working while the spinner ("\") is spinning. When the whole file has been copied, the user will see the next memr screen: Working \ OIWING TO B-FILE: BOS6TADO, 149 [HOUSE B=FILE To CONTINUE JOIN’ CPTIOM: ‘0561690, 149 9 BOSEICO.149 CSE 1090.148 BUBB TAMD.1:0 “Fis ~ Dos SrElL or - Te SELECT ED 70 aT FILETOOL 3-103 This screen prompts the user to highlight the next file (with the arrow keys) to join to the first one selected (top right). This file will remain exactly the same but the first file chosen will have this file added to the end of it, thus changing it. The program will continue to prompt the user for more continuation file names until the user presses the key to terminate the joining to the first file, The program will then return to the first menu screen of this option to see if the user wishes to join another file. Option D: Thin a bendata file to selected epoch interval This option allows the processing person to increase the epoch interval of a measurement file. This is generally done to place files on a common epoch time. For example, if one receiver collected data on a 20 second epoch cycle and another receiver collected data on a 30 second epoch cycle, this utility would be used to place both on a common epoch cycle (e.g. 60 seconds). In fact, this utility can be used simply to reduce the dala stored and processed. For short baselines closely spaced epochs are ‘of marginal valuc. No improvement other than data size and speed of Processing is accomplished by thinning files for these baselines, The first menu screen in this option is shown below: ‘SELECT @oFILEGS) 10 THIN pasetaso. 100 - OESELECT ans» = RESELECT THM ALL FES BOS IBO.147 x BOSEICHO.149 x OSEIOFA. 169 BOSEIARG. 129 “Fi OS SHELL «GRD or - TO SELECT ~ 10 outr In this option the user can thin one file or select which files to be thinned. To select one file to be thinned, the user highlights that file (with the arrow keys) and presses either the key or the key. To thin more than one file, the user should deselect files he does not want to thin by highlighting that file and presses the key. To reselect a file the user need only to highlight that file and then press the key. After all files have been deselected that should not be thinned (note that an "X" will appear next to each filename to be excluded), the user need only to highlight the prompt "THIN ALL FLS" in the top left hand bottom box. Once the user has chosen the file or files to be thinned and presses the << CR> key or the key, the user will be shown one more screen: 3-104 FILETOOL working 7 waawinsh ‘ORIGINAL B-FILEGS) CHOSEN WILL BE RENAMED 10 FILENAME. BAK File Thinning: 60561890. 149 TEM To aNteRvaL: 60.0, <> 008 SHELL - To comriMue = to wt This will be both an interval and a time-of-week epoch. In this example, data is available every 60 seconds starting at the first epoch of © seconds. The program will then select the appropriate epochs from the input file. Giving the name of the original file to the new thinned file and renaming all original files picked to .BAK. If some of the files already had BAK extensions THEY WILL NOT BE THINNED. If the “THIN ALL FLS* prompt was chosen then all deselected files and files already with .BAK will be shown as not being thinned in the next screen: FILES NOT THINNED OURING “THK ALL sL8'2 wossicna.1ee —woss1090.149 OOS SHELL ER or EGC” YO CONTINUE If the “THIN ALL FLS" prompt was not chosen, then the next screen to appear is the "SELECT B-FILE(S) TO THIN". If "THIN ALL FLS* was chosen the user will then go back to the main menu. Option E: Pick selected epochs from a bendata file ‘This option is primarily used to edit bad data from a BENDATA file. the original file will be renamed .BAK and the selected epochs will be read back into the original file. If a .BAK file already exist the user will not be allowed to pick epochs from the file. ‘The first screen the user sees after choosing this option is: FILETOOL 3-105 PICK SELECTED EPOCHS FROM B-FILE: AOS6ID90- 167 BOSGIAGO. 16 BOSE1E00.149 SHIEH. 169 _—FUSKTBVD. 14 “iv 605 SMELL «ERD er «Fils Fo SELECT est = 10 @UIT The user will then highlight the desired file to pick epochs from (with the arrow keys), and then presses the key or the key. The key will exit the user back to the main menu. If the user chooses to continue the next menu shown will be the one below: WORKING 7 L BE RENAMED: x THERE ABE 1520 _EPOGHS IW THIS FILE oureur_ Five Dangeval epocHs: mosete90. 169 cia 1528 Ft ~ 00s SHELL FU + To cour To utr ‘The user should now enter on the left side the starting epoch and on the right side the ending epoch (on the top interval line) that the first desired interval will consist of. The user is allowed to enter up to five intervals per file and MUST enter both the beginning and ending epoch of each interval. If more intervals are desired, the user should enter the first four intervals and the beginning of the fifth interval and then the last interval in the file (found in the top line bottom box). Then run through this option again, making sure the FILENAME.BAK file is renamed and stored away safely. After selecting all the intervals desired, the user will then press the key and the word “WORKING * with the spinner will come up in the top left corner. When the intervals have been placed into the output file, the "PICK SELECTED EPOCHS FROM B-FILE* screen will be redisplayed. In the above example the first 20 epochs will be deleted from the file. The original file will be renzmed with the extensicn .BAK and the new file crcated will retain the o-'zinal name. 3- 106 FILETOOL Option F: Print the bendata structure format This option displays the format of the data in the BENDATA file. 11 is available for those users who wish to write their own programs to manipulate the data. This option first asks if a file is wanted. Ucite co 8 printtite - ENSTRET.AST? OF if this question is answered , the structure will be only written to the file BENSTRCT.LST in the current drive/directory. If the question is answered , the structure will be displayed to the screen as shown below: The size of a benstruct hesder = 90 bytes struct benbeader char versiont10); SRS oped char raw version: co chor reve typetiOl chat charcver{i0h; char Rew ver (101; int capability: Vang Feserved: char Sparel Press any key to continue... The $126 of a benstruct epoch = 333 words ‘soting TOTCHAN 12 stevet benstret ¢ Unsigned (ong Less. (ock_etr LTOTCHAN Unsigned char syprh (rorcnan); Unsigned char bring orcwany; thar: polarity. known (rorcwans psigned char” goodbod —ITOTCHANI Soubte codetxat (TOTCHAN) ong " doppler (ToTcHaNy netgned char teeg(TOTCHAR) | Unsigned char rest [MOTCHAN Uncigned char res2 [NOTCMAN | double Intoppler (TOTEHAN; Hoat carphase! (TOTCKAN; a float carphase2 — ITOTCHAN; Float uninep2_ (TOTcun): Float int (2ditY (TOTCKAN Unsigned Thar elevation {TOTCHAR) insigned char szimith — CLOTCHAN): ‘reigned char warning [TOTCHANI Press any key to continue... FILETOOL 3-107 Continuation of benetret char sitenana (ea: double rev. tine; dowle navi; double nave: double navtidoc; 3, Dntaes ne ep: “press any key to continue... Option G: Display the U-file header When the user chooses this option the screen below will appear: LOOK AT U- FILE HEADER: ™ udserA90- 169 Wiis 808 SHELL “GRD or - TO SELECT ——~ key or the key. The key will return the user back to the main menu, This option is the only U-file option, and it simply displays the header of the U-file as shown below: Ufie header for VOSEIAPD.169 start mjd = 68062, tnje = 78900. 001000 Bay of year = 154 1990, Tine = 2405920.00 end mjd = 48063, tid = 1740,001000 tay of year + 152 1990, Time = 022920.00 ~ epoch delta time = 20.000000, total epochs = 465 feproximate North Latitude : 37 33 3.663346 Approximate East Longitude + 237 54 7.062895 Aoprexinote West Longitixe + 122 5 42.937105 depronimate Eltipsotcal NE: 72.312105 Nakeufil Version + 3.0.00 Press any Key to continue... Option H: Read a navdata file ‘This o-:.0n simply creates an ASCII text file of the information in the binary <;%emeris file. When ic user chooses this option, the screen below «i!' appear. 3-108 FILETOOL HOUSE E-FILE 10 CONVERT To AseIT: eosetas0. 160 EO561090.16 —EOSBICRO.14P ——EDSEI09D.149 _EOSTAIO. IE = OOS SHELL «FIO? or “Ch = To nTime “E00 TO QUIT ‘The user will then highlight the desired E-FILE to convert to ASCII and press the key or the key and the following menu screen will appear: #1 ~ 00S SHELL 10> = 10 COMTI <€50> - 10 oUIT The user can now enter the desired output filename (FILENAME + .ASC extension by default) and then press the key to create the ASCII file. Pressing the key will return the user back in the “CHOOSE E-FILE TO CONVERT TO ASCII" menu. If the filename. already exists, the user will have the option to OVERWRITE, APPEND OR ENTER a new filename, After creating the new file the user will then be put back to the "CHOOSE E-FILE TO CONVERT TO ASCII menu screen. A portion of an ASCII ephemeris file is shown below: Week munber Seconds of week —T group delay Age of data clock Toe ae att ao ‘Age of data phen crs Selta wou 0 eccentricity es Sart sna ele onege sub 0 ‘cis fre smatlomeger(perigee) onege dot eceuracy eaten ie ‘spore ‘spare spare spare spare spare Units are either seconds, meter ‘S¥= 6 WIDS47732 FHI0H0.78229166666667 1989: 7:25: 000000 ‘oaoocaoogc0ddae~02 2-40390000000000%+05 @,00000000000000e+00 2. 1t000000000000e%02 14800000000000e+05 0. o0000000000000e+00 -1 -<93983B8Z05208e-11 -3.277747EP184332"- 06 2: toocoo0.0000d«+02 -5.2687S000000000e+01 12357657605 }BL5e-09 6. 20875355920394e-01 FILETOOL Svs 8 MID=477%2 FMAD=0.78229166666667 1989: 7:25:18:46:50.000000 -seneeco00n0000e+02 2. 40390000000000%+05 0, 00000000000000e00 1 .4S00c000000N0e+02 2,4¢8000000000000+05 -2.7753575615620%e-17 6. 7oAS6soAcURENSe- 41 7 2243T5777421006- 05 YsSoo000000000ce+02 -2'42187500000000e+0% $1 72605764a8sNa?e-09 2.049027 756447a0e~00 ¥07288340595705e-06 5 35015974 142132e-03 8. 01B687S67430270-06 5153620962 14204e+03 2 44goug00000000e405 "14156103134 15S30-07 2.772795 6634556e%00 1.11 75870095305 7e-08 ‘iovas4set2stexe+o0 2.96363750000000e+ 02 -6. 39882782072 175e- 01-6. ZEneEDeOUzCLLve-OF 4 -aa9364413897200- 10 7.000000000c000de+00 6.00000000000900+0) 0 cD0000000000006+00, .2acooageng00000e+00 9-09000900000000e+00 0. cDgcEc9000000e+00 9.000000000000Ne 0) ‘8_ecoonde0ce0008e+20 00000000C00000e+00 O andereaeGoNGGe-0d .co0ea00D000000—=00 ‘ecpee80u0e00%0¢+00 0-0090000000000%~00 0 o090UcoC0N0UNe-00 0.c00000000000008=00 Option |: Remove a satellite from a navdata file ‘This option allows you to remove a satellite from an ephemeris file (either an E or COMMON.NAY file). This option would be used if a satellite was broadcasting old (previous week) or erroneous navigation data. The newly created file is renamed to the original file name and the old file is given the DOS extension .BAK. Ifa DOS extension .BAK already exists, the user will not be allowed to delete a satellite. When the user chooses this option, the following menu screen will appear: MOOSE MAVE-FILE To DELETE sy: TEOS61A90, 168 EOSBIAROLIG? ——EOSEINP. 147 EUSEIEH.49—_EOS6I090.169 “FD 005 SHELL «GR or «F10> ~ TO SELECT esc - To our To choose an E-FILE to delete a satellite from, the user highlights that {ile (with the arrow keys), and then presses either the key or the key. To exit back to the main menu, the user presses the key. Afler the user chooses the desired file, the following menu screen appears: ORIGINAL WAV/E=FILE WILL BE RENANED: 'E0561A90. OAK OUTPUT FILE: €056190.169 00 sv 10 DELETE: 5 <1» = Dos SHELL ~ to conrmwe esc - 10 quit ‘hen this screen appears. the should enter the :=tellite which should be sed from the file and :nen press the sy. To exit back to the “CHOOSE NAV/E-FIL!: TO DELETE SV" meni. screen without deleting a satellite, the user should press the key. After the satellite has 3-110 FILETOOL been deleted, the "CHOOSE NAWE-FILE TO DELETE SV" will reappear on the screen, Option J: Split any file, or Join previously split files This option allows the user to split files too large to fit on a floppy disk ‘The files will be split into parts that will fit on the media selected. The split files can then be rejoined using this same routine. The created file parts will be named PARTnnOF.xx, where nn is the part number and xx is the total number of parts. On selecting this option the following menu will be displayed: Select Made: ‘splis File. 2) doin Fates Enter Selgetion: Enter the appropriate number to continue. Entering a 3 returns to the main menu. ‘Sub Option 1: Split a file Prior to selecting this option, make sure that there are sufficient formatted and blank diskettes available. Selecting the split option will prompt for the name of the large file, Enter the.nane of the file to be broken into severat pieces: Enter the appropriate filename. Next will be a prompt for the destination disk drive. Enter the destination disk drive: { Enter the letter of the drive to which the file parts are to be written. The program will then prompt the user to place the first formatted blank diskette into the selected drive, Place formatted and EXPTY disk + in drive A. Press amy key to continue... The programy will examine the disk juserted and determine the maximum size of a part and the number of required parts. It will then display the FILETOOL 3-111 number of required disks and begin placing the first part on the diskette. aunber of disks required = 2 OPE at bytes to be mritien e0 current disk. ‘As each diskette is filled, the program will prompt the operator for the next diskette. For example, Place formatted and EMPTY disk 2 in drive AL Press any Key to continue. When ail parts have been written, the program will return to the main menu: Sub Option 2: join files. To rejoin the files on the same, or another, computer choose this option Have the diskettes containing the file parts ready, and in sequential order. ‘The first prompt is for the source drive, i.e. the drive from which the. parts will be read. Enter the source disk driver Enter the drive letter either alone or with a colon. Next the program requests the name of the combined file to create. If this file is to be created in other than the current directory, include the full path Enter the target file none: Ji-rfaih “The program then prompts the operator to enter the first diskette, i.e. the one with PARTOLOF.nn. Place disk 1 In drive A. Press any Key to continue... If the wrong diskette is placed in the drive, the prompt will be repeated. The program will determine the number of diskettes to read from the .nn extension of the filename, and will loop until all diskettes have been read. As each diskette is read, a status line replaces the continue line as shown below. Place disk 2 in crive a. Bx of dish ocad. 3-112 FILETOOL When all parts have been read, the program will return to the main menu. FILETOOL 3-113 GENLOG GENLOG is the GPPS program module which creates the "LOGTIMES" file used in pseudo-kinematic and kinematic processing. The LOGTIMES file contains information on the time intervals each site was measured for a set of GPS receivers. An example LOGTIMES file is shown below. Input Files GENLOG requires a the common navigation data file (COMMON.NAV) and the B-files for the measurement session Output Files GENLOG creates three ASCH output files: LOGTIMES, FILENAME. OBS, and MARKPOS.ASC. These files are used during Kinematic and Pseudo-Kinematic processing both for manual processing and batch processing Program Execution To begin execution of GENLOG, type the following at the DOS prompt: GENLOG Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard version screen followed by the entry lines as follows: Program: GENO ersten: 3.0.00 Released: 06/15/90 by ASHTECH, Ine. 390'Potrers Avenue Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL rights reserved. Enter the ASIDECH NAVigation fie mane: COMMONMAY ‘Enter the ASKTEGH bendata file nane for receiver 0 oF Milan Uine tevend file nace entry sequence! BRICKAGO.(I9 GENLOG 3-115 Enter the ASHTECH bendata file nine for receiver 2 96 a blank Line to end file name entry sequence: During execution of GENLOG, you will be asked for the file name of the navigation file. If you have executed the program COMNAY, then the normal response would be COMMON. NAY as shown in boldface above. You will also be asked for the B-file name for the first receiver (numbered receiver 0). For this example, we have entered the file from the TUTOR .003 kinematic project, BRICKA90.009. GENLOG will continue to request the B-file names of all receivers to process. A maximum of ten (10) receivers can be entered in this manner. After you have entered all of the B-file names, press ENTER to begin processing. During processing, GENLOG will create three output files: FILENAME.OBS, MARKPOS.ASC, AND LOGTIMES. FILENAME.OBS jis an ASCII file which contains the names of the undifferenced files (U-files) that correspond with the receiver raw data files (B-files). For this example the FILENAME.OBS file would contain the following: arceavo.009 ‘URIKEAGD 008 The file MARKPOS.ASC, contains information related to each site. The example shown below is from the TUTOR.003 kinematic project: oR WANE KANT car. tow, eet fue ans 1000 tex $ 0.000 x 37 $1 .46.70575 w 122 55117902 -15372 vRICAASO. 009 4.000000 0001 MIKE 9 0.000 4 37 $1 6.77558 W122 3 51.26396 -12.789 unIKEAGO.009 4.000000 ooe TI1e 9 0.000 m 37 31 4e.65c02 W122 3 51.1867 _-9.497 UMIKEAPO.009 4.000000 005 cRix 9 0.000 & 37 32 12.9488 W122 3 56,87079 -17.098 UMIKEASD.009 4.000000 (0005 GOME 9 0.000 m 37 52 37.09623 W122 4 9.10011 -12.658 UMIKEASO:009 4.060000 005 MIRO 9 0.000 m 37 35 0.27320 W 122 3 33.09080 -7,718 UMIKEASD.009 3.600000 0006 WrRD 9 0.000 n 37 33 0.42609 w 122 3 33.31991 -16.521 UMIKEAGO.009 2.000000 ‘Where: woe Number identifier used in processing. rd Grcharacter site identifier, « Knowess factor. For manual processing, see the section describing Kinenst ie processing. ua Latitude of site. toH, Longitude of site. en Eltipsoidat eign ern Used onty in automsr's processing (i.e., 6°52 as Ras of position in meters. 3-116 GENLOG Note that this file is created without antenna height measurements. When processing using the manual mode, you must make sure that you enter the true vertical antenna height (not the slant measurement) ‘The positions shown in this file are approximate, For any known site the knowness factor should be changed to show the degree of knowness to teflect the known position. The knowness values are discussed in the PROCESS program module section These changes can be made using any word processing text editor. After making the changes, make sure that the file is saved in the same ASCII format The final output file is the LOGTIMES file. The LOGTIMES file contains the occupation times at each site for the set of receivers. Part of the LOGTIMES file from the kinematic project TUTOR, 003 is shown below. Contained in the LOGTIMES file are the following: ele Bescription nie Incerval runber used in manual Kinematic date processing. m0 Modified Julian Oay. staat Start Time of Occupation (ute). 160 End Time of occupation (ut. wow Site Manes corresponding to receivers 0 to 9. These are the ore entered vie aon 9 during Kinewat i and seudo-Kinenatic site sccupations. (Also see description of FILENAME.09S above). itd uo TstaRT ewok RE RZ SRG RS RG RT RB RO 260:20.00 7797 xan HAR HK XH XK ORK RRR ‘9:00 Ji 00 KERIO ER RK AE 100 RTE —— fxn san xe 00K RR 2000. I IR 100. R1GK IKE sexx Jo 0 20K FON 3900 HOO IO 100 297? HIKE xxax xexx Xxx 28K (ORK 2000 RAO 28 1002772 TIVE eax 348K KARR 200K HOEK 10000 IDOE AO 100.2272 2272 Sex XO HL OE 0 HD HOO 10 $000 977? RLCK xxx YexK EK DORK AK HOHE 2X 220.00 HIKE RICK 20x XK OK IIE. AN ARIA, HOOD. IH 00 40.00 00 00 00 88888232882338882233 23277-2297 son RAK OOH RR J FAO OR ARTOX MIKE sxx 208K OKO. ADOC 90 KIO. KOA II RICK 729? Joe 200 JOH DL NOH AIK 0 RICK CRI xe 208K 2000 XR ARKO. HOH IK. HR RICK 2772 JupK eI 0 HOEK SE SIDA OO NO 19260-00 RICK GONE Kx OK 200K 2 HON OE NI IK BRECK 2999 dex eno SO 200 NODE HA A RICK HYRO WAX RRR HX0K ARK JODO HAA KAI [00 RUCK 2972 sxx wn JOO Mia AAR HAO AI HOR ECE CRIK Rx AK OK 200 SRK HDD EAI IDOL {OD EGE 2772 aoc SA8R KIRN OD 200 RAIDS RICK GONE ax 500 O00. IDO DRE HARD I SRSSSERERER SSS3S3S33 2 38) 3 GENLOG will deermine the common occupation times for each interval with the set of receiver measurement data specified. ‘The site names are GENLOG 3-117 extracted from the raw B-files as entered by the field survey crew. If there are any errors entered by the crew then they should be corrected with any word processing text editor, The LOGTIMES editor can be used to correct these discrepancies when processing in the automatic mode There are some discrepancies in the example above, in interval number 16, the crew have incorrectly entered the site name “HYRO", instead of the proper name “HYRD". You also can delete the kinematic processing of undesired sites by replacing the site name with question marks. In the example above, in interval number 5, the site name INE should be changed to 777? to eliminate the site from processing. Alter you have made all of the desired changes, make sure the file is saved in the same ASCII format. LINECOMP, ANTSWAP, AND KINSRVY will use this information to properly process the project measurements. ADVANCED PROGRAM OPTIONS If desired. you can execute GENT.OG specifying the following command line parameters: -b Batch mode -e Executive Overlay The batch mode argument must be followed by an argument which specifies the name of a file containing the list of B-files to be read. In this mode of operation, GENLOG will automatically attempt to open the file COMMON.NAV. The executive overlay option is designed for those who wish to execute Ashtech programs from their own software. In general, however, most programs can directly call GENLOG without the need of this option, This option should only be used if the calling program is utilizing too much memory to allow GENLOG to be loaded at a higher memory address. This option informs GENLOG that it was loaded over the space occupied by the calling program and must therefore ensure that the calling program is restarted in the same address space. When using this option, it is VERY IMPORTANT that the calling program be able to save and restore its state. It is recommended that users who are unfamiliar with this type uf calling sequence NOT utilize this option. Misuse of this option can cas undesirable effects. 3-118 GENLOG To invoke the executive overlay option simply you must follow the -e option with the name of the calling program, For example: GENLOG -e MYPROG GENLOG 3-119 GPPS GPPS is the all-in-one executive program which allows the user to step through all of the processing steps with easy-to-understand menus. If unusual conditions occur, the user can easily modify the run time parameters for their specific project or application. Chapter 2 provides detailed examples for using the GPPS executive program with tutorials for STATIC, PSEUDO-KINEMATIC, and KINEMATIC projects. Some of those examples are used below in this reference section, Input Data Files GPPS provides the ability to download GPS receiver data into the computer. GPPS will save the input data files into the current directory. If the data has been previously downloaded, the GPPS program should be either executed from the directory where the data resides, or the “select directory” command executed to move to that directory Output Data Files Various output files are created by the GPPS program modules during the processing steps. You should refer to the individual programs modules for format or function of the data files. When GPPS has completed automatic processing, the SUMMARY OUT, O-files, P-files, and R-files {for kinematic surveys) will contain the results of the processing. The PROJFILE will contain the project file information. Program Execution To begin execution of GPPS, type the following command at the DOS prompt: GPPS Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard ‘version screen: GPPS 3-121 Program: cPPS Version: 5.0.00 Released: 06/15/90 by asec, Ine Copyright ce) 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL rights reserved. The GPPS main menu will then be displayed as follows ASHTECH: Gaowetic Post Processing Softwa fo iueo Pioeneeing 8) Doanload Receiver © Eatting/#tarning 2) Manual Processing ) Post Mission 1) Select Directory Fis 808 SELL 650) OPTION SELECTION ‘The GPPS program executive is organized into five major processing categories: A) Automatic Processing B) Download Receiver C) Bditing/Planning D) Manual Processing E) Post Mission F) Select Directory To select a particular option you can either press the letter for the desired action or use the arrow keys to highlight the option desired and hit . To terminate the program, press . If you need to execute DOS commands, you can press to go to DOS. If you have evecuted DOS SHEL! you can return to GPPS by entering at the DOS prompi 3-122 GPPS Option A: Automatic Processing When you select this option, you will execute the PROCESS program module which will perform all of the processing steps for STATIC, PSEUDO-KINEMATIC, and KINEMATIC surveys. Please refer to the PROCESS program documentation in this chapter for detailed instructions on PROCESS program execution. Option B: Download Receiver Selecting this option will execute the HOSE program module to allow you to download data from the GPS receiver. It is recommended that each days observations be stored in separate directories, Please refer to the HOSE program documentation in this chapter for detailed insteuctions on HOSE program execution Option C: Editing/Planning Selecting this option will display the following menu: ven 53 EOTTING OPTIONS: ouvert Lero0t coour wewurnst Temests ~ 00S SHELL ~ SET AROS ‘este ~ UIT When you select any of these options, you will execute the named program module, Please refer 10 the program documentation in this chapter for detailed instructions on the program execution. CONVERT is the GPPS program module which will modify Ashtech B-files created with recciver software prior to version 5A into the new format. FILETOOL is si GPPS program moduie that provides a set ¢° wilities wich allows the raw me:surement data files and satellite epheme:'s files tw be viewed anc editeu. FILETOOL also provides the capa: ity to correct some for field procedure errors due to incorrect GPS receiver GPPs 3-123 settings or to eliminate malfunctioning satellites. GPSMAP is the GPPS program module which reads the satellite almanac data and produces azimuth and elevation visibility information for planning satellite measurements at selected locations. MENUINST is the GPPS program module which will modify Ashtech program module display colors for color monitors and shades for monochrome monitors. MENUINST can also change the delay time for the error messages. TIMESYS is the GPPS program module which will convert between the four time systems used in GPS operations and processing. If the program module has command line parameters options which you would like to invoke, press to set the parameters, This will display the following entry screen: MGMENT LIST FOR “FILETOOL® ancument 1 ARGUMENT 2 ARAUMENT 3 ARGUMENT & ARGUMENT 5 — ACERT Enter your desired command line parameters (refer to the specific program instructions) and press to accept the parameter(s). Pressing will exit back to the menu without saving the parameter(s). Option D: Manual Processing Selecting this option will display the following menu to allow you to run the processing modules manually: 3-124 GPPS wen 3.2 PROCESSING OPTIONS: anisuer Linccom comay sarsuele cextos ace Ine kosevy proter 00S SHELL » SET ARGS UIT The program names are listed alphabetically and are not in the order which you would use to execute the manual processing steps. ANTSWAP is the GPPS program module which will initialize the rover receiver in a KINEMATIC survey. This program can be executed after you have created the COMMON.NAV file and LOGTIMES file. COMNAV is the GPPS program module which reads each of the satellite data files and produces the common satellite ephemeris file. GENLOG is the GPPS program module which reads the B-files for PSEUDO-KINEMATIC or KINEMATIC projects and creates the LOGTIMES file. KINSRVY is the GPPS program module which performs the KINEMATIC survey processing. LINECOMP is the GPPS program module which processes the data collected at two receiver slations and computes the baseline vector between these two stations. Note that LINECOMP uses the BASELINE.INP file created by MAKEINP and the U-files created by MAKEBUFIL. MAKEUFIL is the GPPS program module which reads the COMMON.NAV file and B-files and creates the raw undifferenced U-files. MAKEINP is the GPPS program module which creates and edits a LINECOMP input file (e.g. BASELINE.INP). The input establishes the known and unknown site parameters and the run-time processing parame’-ts, PPDIFF is the GPPS program which will differentially post-process the GPPS 3-128 navigation sotutions to an accuracy of | to 10 meters. Uf the program module has command line parameters options which you would like to invoke, press to set the parameters. This will display the following entry screen: |AROUNENT LIST FoR MLINECOMPH™ aecuneny 1 ee aecunew) 2 SRN ARGUMENT 3) amounent & Stash samen Ss EESERBNEY - ACCEPT ™~ Enter your desired command line parameters (refer to the specific program instructions) and press to accept the parameter(s). Pressing will exit back to the menu without saving the parameter(s) Option E: Post Mission Selecting this option will display the following menu to allow you to perform post mission functions: “~ TF ~ 508 SHELL > SET ARGS Esc - aUtT When you select any of these options, you will execute the named program module. Please refer to the program documentation in this chapter for detailed instructions on the program execution, ADJUSTIN is the GPPS program module whic :eads the LINECOMP o: KINSRVY output files and prepares an input file for a network adjustment 3-126 GPPS program. PPLOT is the GPPS program module which reads in the PLOTFILE (P-files) datafiles and displays the residual plots of each of the vector baselines, READROV is the GPPS program module which reads the ROVER.TRJ file produced during kinematic processing and produces a listing and plotfile to display the trajectory followed by the receiver. SORTROV is the GPPS program module which sorts a ROVER.TRI file in time ascending order. If the program module has command line parameters options which you would like to invoke, press to set the parameters. This will display the following entry screen: ARGUMENT LIST Foe “PPLOTH ARGUMENT 1: AROMENT 20 fe arcment 59 ARGUMENT & ARGUMENT 5. “ESC — ABORT __ — ACCEPT Enter your desired command line parameters (refer to the specific program instructions) and press to accept the parameter(s). Pressing will exit back to the menu without saving the parameter(s). Option F: Select Directory Selecting this option will allow you to change or create a directory. When you select this option, ACD program module will be executed. Please refer to the program documentation in this chapter for detailed instructions ‘on the program execution. QUIT OPTION Pressing from the main r'snu will exit the GPi” executive program anu return you to DOS. GPPS 3-127 ADVANCED PROGRAM OPTIONS if desired, you can execute GPPS specifying the following command line parameters which will be passed to PROCESS during execution: -y Verbose mode -e East coordinates -w West coordinates -x Use cartesian coordinates -P Use precise orbits ‘The -v option executes PROCESS in the verbose mode. Normally the display output from programs MAKEUFIL and LINECOMP is suppressed. The verbose option will display the information provided by MAKEUFIL and LINECOMP. The -e or -w options will display positions using either the eastern or westem hemisphere coordinates. For example, W 122 degrees can be displayed instead of E 238 degrees. The -x option will display the "Edit project file” menu using cartesian coordinates. The -p option will use the NGS precise orbit files instead of the ephemeris, files. The precise orbit file must be named using the naming convention: ECFYYWW where "YY" is the last two digits of the year and WW" is the week of the year 3-128 GPPS GPSMAP GPSMAP is the GPPS program module which reads the satellite almanac data and produces azimuth and elevation visibility information for planning satellite measurements at selected locations. GPSMAP is a modified version of the National Geodetic Survey program SATMAP. Input Data Files GPSMAP uses an almanac file which provides satellite orbit information for all existing satellites. Output Data Fites GPSMAP will produce printer files or plot files for the printer which will show satellite azimuth and elevation visibility information. Program Execution To begin GPSMAP execution, type the following at the DOS prompt: GPSMAP Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard version screen followed by a prompt as follows Progran: GPSHAP -09 Released: 06/15/90 wy ASWTECH, 10e. 390 Potrerd Avenue Sunnyvale, CR 96086 Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, ALL rights reserved. GPSMIP is a modified version of SATUAP (Version 3.20: dune 6, 1968) SATHAD wae weltten by the Mational Geodetic Survey (W/CGI2). ny 8: AE The bold’»:ed levers are sample «erator responses for th: almanac data in the TUTOR.UOI static project. Enter ASHTECH olmicac file name (format GPSMAP. 3-129 ‘The program will then read in the data for each satellite and provide the following status: Reading dete for satel tite 5 Reading date tor satellite & data for satellite 9, Reading date for satel tite 17 Reading dats for satellite 12 Reading data for satelite 13 Reading data for satellite 1¢ Reading data fer satel (ite 19 GPSMAP will then read the PLACES. DAT file and display previously entered positions: ©. Wone of these Locations 1. SHIEH Enter che number corresponding to the desired Location, or 0 (zero) for Hone of these Locat ions(O-1). Select the desired location from the list displayed, or enter a 0 to add or compute satellite visibility from another location, GPSMAP will then display the location data screen: station/tocation information. Sige’ Up arrou and On arrow to move the cursor to desired option. * MER shen all changes ere complete. Latte Minutes. Usetede Secongs == Leet tae Direction (475) angi tase Degrees. Leng! tase Minctes Long tune Seconds Keon itue ofreceion Gi. ater ease meters) 0.000000 ‘After you have entered the station location information, press . GPSMAP will ask if you want to change the information and if you want to add the location to the places database. GPSMAP will then display the date menu: 3-130 GPSMAP Use Up arom and On aero to move the cursor to desired option. ie After you have viewed the visibility table or plot, the option menu is again displayed: + Type Wunber of desired option follaued by Enter 1) Azimuth and elevation visibility table, 2) Azimuth and elevation vieibility polar mp. 3) Restart with new location. 4G) Restart with same Location. 5) Exit Program. rich Option? § ©» can restart with a new location, to allow yor: :0 change the locatic: cf -ne satellite visibility, © you can restart with -he same location, 1 3-132 GPsmaP allow you to change the date, time, or cutoff angle. When you have completed your planning using GPSMAP, select option 5 to feium to DOS. G@PsmaP 3-133 GRIDCOOR GRIDCOOR is the GPPS program module which allows the user in the United States to convert from latitude and longitude to State Plane Coordinates, either on the NAD 83 or NAD 27 datums. Latitude and longitude positions can either be entered manually or read from an adjustment output file. GRIDCOOR will read the adjusted positions from either a FillNet™ or a GeoLab™ output file, and will create the appropriate state plane grid coordinates. Input Data Files : GPDAT and GPINX which should GRIDCOOR requires two factor fil be located in the C:\GPPS directory. Output Data Files State plane coordinate files as named by the user. Program Execution To begin execution of GRIDCOOR, type the following at the DOS prompt: GRIDCOOR After GRIDCOOR begins execution, the GRIDCOOR main menu will be displayed. Note that the field editing routines in GRIDCOOR are somewhat different than those in the other processing programs. To accept a default value, simply press the key while the cursor is in the first column of the field. If you have edited the field, only data to the left of the current cursor position will be entered. If your cursor is in the middle of the field, and you want to enter the whole field, press the key to move the cursor to the end of the field before pressing the key. Some fields require you fo enter a value, and if you try to pass the field, and message will display at the bottom of the screen requesting that you enter a required value, If you are in the middle of a field, the key will take you to the GRIDCOOR 3-135 first column, and if you are in the first column, the key will take you up a level to the previous screen, oF to the main menu. Editing keys available are , , , , the cursor arrow keys, , , and . MAIN MENU on, 15, 1990 “ser0co0R © Comyrighe 1989-90 12:05 bm Rei. 1s Vers 3.00 ASHTECH, INC. (PS to Stave Plane Coordinates 1) LetyLang to spe 2) SPC to Lat/Long ( MA0I7 only 1 $9 Reser porns Choose selection 1 Option 1: Lat/Long to SPC In normal operation, the user will select the first option. Selecting this option will display the following screen Rocoom (2) Copyrighe 1989-90 Ret. 1 Ver. 3.00 ASHTECH, IME Letivode & Longitude => state Plane Heading Zone Code Input Fite type Input File Name output Fite Name Display Factors? Use Printer? Adjustment dotun This is the default entry screen. Heading information is strictly optional. Pressing the key, or the key, will move to the next entry field - Zone Code. A valid four-digit zone code must be centered in this field, or the following message is displayed at the bottom of the screen. 3-136 GRIDCOOR un. 15, 1990 ‘rocooR (O) Copyright 1989-90 "2:01 fH Rel. 1 Vee, 3.00 ASHTEEH, INC Latitude & Longitude => state Plane Heading Tone Cade Input Fite Type rpot File kane Corpor Fite None Display Faeors? bse Printer? Adjustment dates Pleace enter a value of 101 or more Wit enter C=) co contin Zone codes must be entered as 4-digits, i.e, 0403. A complete list of valid zone codes can be found in the two text files ZONE27.TXT and ZONE83.TXT which come with the GPPS distribution programs, Pressing the key after entering a valid zone code, will move the Cursor into the input file type field. The valid entries in this field are: FILLNET Reads positions from FILLNET .OUT file. GEOLAB Reads positions from GEOLAB .LST file. MANUAL — Computes from manually input positions. If either of the first two types are selected, one must enter the name of the adjustment output (o be read in the next (Input File Name) entry field. If the user wants output to a file for later viewing, editing or printing, enter the name of the file to be created in the Output File Name field. ‘The next two fields are only valid for a NAD 27 conversions. Display Factors? will display the factors, elevation, scale, grid, and convergence, ‘on the screen in manual entry mode, or in the output file if one has been named. ‘The Use Printer? will cause the results to be printed to a printer <¥> is selected. If the display factors option has been also selected, the printer will be set to compressed mode, for the wider line. This may only work for Epson, or compatible printers. If it does not work with the installed printer, do not request printing along with factor display. The final fic'd is the datum entry. The default is NAD27. The NAD27 selection wili cause the program to compute the 1927 SPC values iaternally. If the user changes the selection to NAD83, the program will GRIDCOOR 3-137 create an answer file and shell out to the NGS program SPCSR3. Pressing the key in this final field causes the program to compute the values, display them, and then ask if there is another operation to perform as shown below Jun, 15, 1980 “czroco0e XC) Copyright 1989-90 2:01 Pm ket 1 vers 3,00 ASHIEGH, HC, CALIFORNIA, ZOME IE ‘Another oparation «Y or >? Pressing the key will return the user to the main menu. Pressing the key will exit to DOS. MANUAL ENTRIES “ Manual entries within this program are only valid for the NAD27 datum. If the user wishes to make manual entries for NAD83, SPCS83 should be run directly in the interactive mode. (See NGS documentation file - SPCS$83.DOC), Do not enter an input file name for manual entry. The user may, however, enter the name of an output file as shown below. on. 15, 1990 aiocone (©) Copyright 1969-60 Biot Pier 3.00 sehen, Tatitude & Longitude > State Plane eadiog Zone Cade inpu Fite Type a input ‘tite Nae compe Fe None Bisplay Factors? Sse’ rlnters Sajuctnent catom Having selected the MANUAL input type, the following screen is displayed. 3-138 GRIDCOOR Bn. 15, 1990, 12:01 PM ( Copyriane 1909-98 ASHTECH, INC stotion tatteude ¢ Northing Longitude: Easting shears: MOH Elev/teet Elev Factor Seale Factor Combined Factor: Convergence + if). If the user did not select factor display, the information in the lower right part of the screen will not be displayed. A filled in screen would appear as shown below. Jan. 15, 1990) ‘GRIDCOOR <€) Copye ight 1909-90, ‘eiot bw Rel. 1 Ver. 3 00 ‘ASHTECH, INC. ‘CALIFORNTA, ZONE THT station Cathode . Northing = 319074. s186353352 ong Eacting 2 1568745. 4a86c0566 Nghtomers: 21.72 EleviFeet — ? 71QA30S0535555551 Eley Focter : .999996se52716927 Seale Factor + “eppesizvrias4a2 Combined Factor: [99904 7ETAS2S6615 Conver gence 0 55 08,7699 soother point Fo 7G Answering the Another point question in the affirmative clears the display and the cursor is returned to the station name field for another entry. A negative answer displays another operation prompt allowing you to return to the main menu or exit to DOS. Option 2: SPC to Lat/Long [ NAD27 only } If you wish to convert SPC information to geodetic positions for the 1983 datum, you will need to run SPCS83 in stand-alone interactive mode. (See NGS documentation file SPC$83.DOC.) Selecting this option presents the following screen, GRIDCOOR 3-139 “hon, 15, 1990 ‘cuiocooe (©) Copyrtaht 1989-90 "201 by get, Vs vers 3,00 SSHTECM, INC Stave Plane —> Latitode & Longitude : eadiog Zone Code 858- i Dutput File Kone Display Factors): T Use Printer? % Adjustnene Datum | WAD27 boon Notice that there are no provisions for an input tile, This is strictly a manual entry option. A filled-in sample screen is displayed below. Yen. 95,1990 GRIDcoo WE) Copyright 1989-90 2:01 ew Ret. 1 Ver. 3.00 ASHIEEN, He 5 seatien 2 CAR Sorting #519874 319 Latiruse 37 22 08, 116206 Easting? 1563765 469 tongitoe — : 12206 04 465776, Eleyreet: 71.630 nontimers 5 “ah. Frasuiseaetsoe Eley Factor .so99peseszey2019 Seale Factor | “eoppsizvrtesiaee | Conbined Factor: _S0994787666i775% Convergence 0 55 08.7099 [another poine <7 or We > — - Option 3: Reset paths This option is normally not used. The usual operation of the program is from within the current data directory. If this is not the case, and you wish to access a file, you may change the data paths through this option. Also, the program expects to find its factor files in the default directory, CAGPPS. If this is not the case, you will need to change the factor file path with this option. Selecting this option will display the following screen. 3-140 GRIDCOOR (©) copyright 1989" ASHTECH, INC GE to State Plane Coordinates Ener the poth for factor files, the path for adjustment. files, tnd the path for ereated SPC iiles, the defauie DATA pathe are "null" foe "The Current Bi Path for set tiles Pressing the key in the last field, or hitting the key will relum to the main menu. GRIDCOOR 3-141 HOSE HOSE is the GPPS program module that extracts (or downloads) data from the Ashtech GPS receivers. After the receivers have collected the field measurement data, the receivers are connected to the computer using a cable, and the data is extracted from the GPS receivers into the computer for post processing, input Data Files There are no input data files, HOSE will extract the data stored in the GPS receiver internal memory. Output Data Files The extracted satellite measurement data will be saved as *B-files" (BEN files), satellite ephemeris (orbit) data into the "E-files” (EPHM files), site information into the "S-files” (SITE files), and photogrammetry data into the “PHOTO.DAT" file. ‘The format or structure for each of these files. is depicted in Appendix C. Program Execution In order to download the data, the receiver must be connected to the ‘computer to which the data will be transferred. This connection is made using the Ashtech provided full handshake null modem cable provided with the receiver. (The drawing for this cable is shown on the last page of this section). One end of the cable plugs into the GPS receiver via the RS-232 port labeled either Serial Port 1 or Serial Port 2 and the other end of the cable plugs into the computer RS-232 serial port generally labeled COMI or COM2. To begin execution of HOSE, type the following command at the DOS prompt: HOSE HOSE will aterpt to communicate viz COMI at 38400 baud. If either of these paremeters differ for your computer, you may also specify the communications port and/or the baud rate via the command line as described later or select the option to change communication parameters. HOSE 3-143 Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard program version screen directly followed by status information. This status information deseribes the program configuration (cither the default or command-line selected). If HOSE detects 4 communication problem, an error message will be displayed: ERROR! Ganngt:initisCize COM port, If this occurs, the only main menu option which can be executed is option Cas discussed below MAIN MENU AND MAIN DISPLAY The HOSE main menu is displayed below: Wain options: “) aitplay receiver directory. £) Reset for new receiver. Aeon ae 1 Read photogrammetry data ©) change camunicatien parameters. 6) Read stmanae dats, 8) change destinat Receiver type: OEXIE Space: 14082 KE $00 Tom Installing R825? driver on CoM AS-292 river installed oa “amp oF id» — Accept The main menu/display is composed of four sections: 1) Option setection section 2) Status information section 3) Supplementary information section. 4) Quit/Execute section. Option selection is performed by either: 1) highlighting the desired option and pressing the key or 2) by directly pressing the associated with the option, ‘The supplementary information section (the bottom portion of the screen) displays various information depending on the option selected. As scown above, the midcic sction of the main meau: display is called the Stats: information section. C ntained in this section c* the display are the following: 3-144 HOSE 1) Destination file path and destination file names, 2) Available disk space. 3) The current communication rate, 4) Receiver type. 5) Active communication port of the target computer, The destination file names are entered via main menu option B. Once files have been read from the receiver, these files will become “closed”, requiring you to open another set prior to the next read. The project subdirectory destination path may be changed via option D, and the communication speed may be changed via option C. OPTION SELECTION SECTION The option selection section of the menw/display provides you with a list of program options from which to choose. AS one can see, there are seven menu options from which to select: A) Display Receiver Directory, B) Download receiver files. C) Change communication parameters. D) Change destination path. E) Reset for new receiver. F) Read photogrammetry data G) Read almanac data To select a particular option move the highlighted bar (by use of the arrow keys) to the desired option and press or . You can also select an option by pressing the key associated with the option: ¢.g., to select option A press . To terminate the program, press . This provides a proper exit from the program where all files will be properly closed. Option A: Display Receiver Directory Option A will provide you with a listing of the files stored in the memory of the receiver. The directory information will be displayed in the Supplementary information section of the main menu/display: HOSE 3-145 Wain options: A) Display recelver directory. ©) feset for new receiver 83 bountoud reeriver ff Les. 1) eae photogrammetry a €) change comunication parameters, 6) Read sumanae dats BD tmange destination Both, Five Paths €:\gbRS\tUTOR 008 Receiver Type: UXT | Files: BEN" closed.” EPAM = closed sak Space: 1s52 KB SITE = elees sawp: "32400 "Poat: cow) - ‘SHTe TaFoRMATIOW co A OMAME BYTES GEEK TIME SES RCE ANT WDD CPR CODE Darce 11950 522 sBqe79 “A” Sis 913 WS. ASHTECH STATIC SITE Shay 24415 S28 Sen009 |B 514 13 — aso WraMNAY BASEL NE Included in the directory information are the followin; column Heading description * Session humber (use this eumber when selecting files to be read from the receiver. wwe The Last site rane entered by the receiver operator: avtes The number of Bytes the tile occupies in the memory of the receiver (MIE? This wilt MOT be the size of the files Enred on dish ~ the data fits on disk wilt typleally Fe larger): wee. GPS week of the file. rome Seconds of GPS week of the file. ses Recelver operator entered information. row Taken from receiver menu 9; receiver serial number an Taken from receiver menu 9; antenna serial number wooo Taken from receiver menu; Ronth and day entered by eperator ope Inken from receiver menu 9: operators initiats oot Taken fron receiver menu 9; operator entered cooments. Option B: Download receiver files. Selecting this option will cause a selection screen to be displayed si to the following: SHTE file ‘Seleenons ania Hg sia ss wma BL Esc ~ ABORT OPERATION -F10> - Accept/Start Doxnlond 3-146 HOSE ‘The bottom half of the screen shows the directory of the receiver files, while the top half shows the automatically created names for the files to be created on the computer. Each line of the top half corresponds with the bottom half. Sessions may be selected or de-selected for downloading. If the SELECT column is set to , the file will not be downloaded. This screen also allows editing of the filenames, either by changing the template field, or by editing the individuai file names. You can move between prompts by using the and keys (and + for reverse). Normal editing is provided within prompt fields: Insert via , Delete character via , and retype correct information. When satisfied with the file selections and their names, press . HOSE will attempt to open all of the files prior to commencing the download process. If any of the files already exist in the current directory, a message similar to the following will be displayed: pening auipat {Slee tor sess ton 0 Fite pRieka¥0.009 siresdy exits on disk. fo you wisn to tolverurite oF Clore opening: & If you respond by pressing , HOSE will terminate the file naming and downloading procedure. A response of <> will cause the existing file to be overwritten. As the files are being downloaded, the status of the downloading procedure will be displayed: Wain options: 1 Peer aceee dreary. 1) tesa for naw ect. Sitar” # ASSE notogtametty cia, ees, o) Neel Neeenats 3) Change destination path. Tranafeceing SITEDATA file for session 0. Transferring BEN/EPIN date for session 0. Record nese | Minber ea) 8 = aur HOSE 3-147 A continuous check is performed on the amount of free disk space available on the target disk. If, during any file transfer, there is not exist enough space to store the remaining data to be transferred, the following message will be displayed: Not enouah free disk space for requested aperation. When the downioad is completed, a summary screen similar to the following will be displayed: = bountene Summary | DORMLORO SUMMARY: +4 Jun 15 12:00:01 1990 lDownLono SiTE-THLE ePH-FILE BEN FILE Yoo SRICKASO.009 ERICKAPD.009 BRICKASU. O09 M-— SMURYE®O;009 EHMATEOO‘0O? BHKAYESO. 009 session 0 ~ Down Loaded to directory C:\GPPS\TUrOR.001 1LeMAME TOT tsKORS RECOY_ERR EPOCHS WANS ERO MSE satcxag0.oor "G00" 0000" «M/A. N/A NORMAL OOKMLOAD lentexaso.009 JsRic\A90.009 0000 0000225405 NORMAL DOKNL OAD session 1 Bown Loaded to directory C:\GPPS\TUrOR.001 “ Page Up ~ Page Down <€8c> ~ Done In addition to the and keys, the and keys may be used (0 scan through the session summary. This summary is appended to the download summary file in the current directory under the filename HOSE. SUM. Option C: Change communications parameters. Option C provides you with a means of changing either or both the communication speed or computer communications port. Upon selecting option C, the following selection menu is displayed: 3-148 HOSE ‘Meru: change Camunications Paranetere currant weup: 3800 ‘current COMM port: com Select New gato: Select Hew COMM port 300) eg 600 toe 200 2400 s00 600 19200 38200 6009 ‘112000 + uit <1» ~ 005 shell or «f10> - SELECT Move the selection cursor to the desired communication rate via the arrow keys or by the lelter associated with the desired speed and press or . This menu provides selectable BAUD rates which are available for a given receiver. Specifically, for those receivers which are not capable of 56000 and 112000 BAUD the menu will not display these selections. You move the selection cursor to the desired communication rate and/or COMM port and press or . If the requested change does not occur due to an error, the following message will be displayed: ERROR: Vile attempting to initialize the coumnications Port, anRSE32 Tine status check indicates ene of the following conditions: 1) Cables not comected properly: 2) Cables not fastened securely; and/or 3) Receiver power not "Ow". Ensure cables are conmected (with FUL MULL WOOEN) and receiver power ts on. Press any key when ready to try again... Follow the instructions provided. If the message occurs repeatedly, then its most probable that one of the following conditions exist: 1) Cables are connected to an incorrect port of the target computer. 2) The cable between the receiver and target computer is NOT a Full tTandshake Null Modes Cable, 3) Receiver is tumed OFF. HOSE 3-149 4) The computer COMM port is not configured as a data communications equipment (DCE) port, Jf the computer port is a data terminal equipment (DTE) port, then use a full handshake cable or add a null modem adapter to the Ashtech HOSE cable. If ducing file transfers @ large number of checksum errors occur, the RS-232 connection may not be sound. To remedy the problem, tighten all connections, use a shorter RS-232 cable (maximum length is 100 feet), decrease the communication rate, and/or change communications ports on either or both the receiver or computer. If you remove the power from the receiver while HOSE is running, you will have to restast the program. Finatly, Ashtech strongly recommends that the users do not disconnect communication cables from one receiver to another without using Option E Reset for new receiver. Disconnecting the receiver cable, without resetting the computer and receiver could create unwanted problems with the computer data files. Option D: Change destination path. This option will display a sereen as follows: enc: Change Five destination orivere Directory path: \GPeS\fUTOR.091 + ABORT OPERRIHON — = 00S shold __ = ACCEPT/OONE To download data into a different drive and/or directory, enter the appropriate drive and path information and press to accept the new directory path name. Option E: Reset for new receiver ‘This option provides a means of properly switching from one receiver to the next without having (o restart HOSE. To use this option, select the option and follow the instructions provided as shown below: 3-150 HOSE Wain options: 1A) Display receiver directory. 8) Bounloud receiver files. 2) Chonge cormunication parameters, 6) Read Slmanac date. 1} Change destination path Perform the fol suing) 1) Disable power 2) Dleeenneee it from PC; 3) Enable pover to new recel 4%) connect ws: 232 to new rece! Press any key when ready ws0 > wT Wb O08 shett TED or «FI necepe Option F: Read photogrammetry data Option F will read any photogrammetry data stored in the receiver memory. If this option is selected and the receiver has no stored photogrammetry data, the following message will be displayed: There i¢ not any photogrammetry deta te read. The file generated will either be named PHOTO.DAT or according to the file name template given for session Q of the file naming menu. Specifically, if the template name is used, then the photogrammetry data file will be named P followed by the file name template. Option G: Read almanac data Option G will read any almanac data stored in the receiver memory. Choosing this option will cause HOSE to automatically name and create the output almanac data file. NOTE: If the file name generated by HOSE corresponds with one in the target directory, that file will be overwritten. ‘The output file name will be of the form ALMyy.ddd where, yy is the year and ddd is the day of the almanac. These dates are taken from the almanac data ~ not from the computer’s internal clock. HOSE 3-151 QUIT/EXECUTE SECTION Normal Program Termination Pressing the key from the main menu will cause HOSE 10 terminate normally and exit to either the GPPS program or DOS TROUBLESHOOTING NOTE: Atany time during the execution of the program the receiver docs fot respond Wa command, the screen will be cleared and a message similar to the following will be displayed: x88: 18252 reccive problem Receiver nas rex responded to most recent comand Simply togale the power en the recelver end ron HOSE again Status Bepisters: Moden Status Real ster Clear Yo Sena Change Line status aesister: normal. Status. Press any bey to continue... If this occurs, follow the instructions provided. ADVANCED PROGRAM OPTIONS ‘Couniand Line Parameters: The following is a list of the command tine parameters which are accepted by HOSE: -b- To set communication rate (BAUD) -¢ To set Communication port -¢ Executive Overlay ‘These parameters can exist in any order, but their related parameters must follow them in the same order; see examples, HOSE, in its default configuration, will atlempt to communicate via COMI at 38400 Baud. The default start-up configuration can also be set via these command line parameters. To force HOSE to utilize COM2 at 38400 © sod, enter the followir.: at the DOS prompt: NOSE -¢ 2 3-152 HOSE HOSE CABLE (Full handshake null modem cable) geceiver computer Pore (1 or 2 cont ore oce aie tomate bees, one Bs ers ose co oC oie 3-154 HOSE KINSRVY KINSRVY is the GPPS program module which provides the processing for the kinematic survey. The calculations are performed between the fixed site and a rover site. The rover starting location should be initialized using the ANTSWAP program module. Input Data Files KINSRVY requires the COMMON.NAV, LOGTIMES, MARKPOS.ASC, FILENAME. OBS, and U-files to measure each of the rover sites. Output Data Files KINSRVY records the measured values in the MARKPOS.ASC file and creates a summary output file, KINSURVY.OUT. Also created is a ROVER.TRI file which contains the differenced measurements for the rover trajectory. In batch mode, the output vectors are in a file using the 0*.* filename convention and the rover trajectory file is R*.*. Program Execution KINSRVY requires a number of files before execution. You should execute ANTSWAP to initialize the starting position for the rover measurements. To begin KINSRVY, type the following at the DOS prompt: KINSRVY ‘Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard version screen followed by an entry screen similar to the following: KINSRVY 3-155 LAOING KINSEY Enter ihe file number for the FIXED receiver? 0 Enter the file nunber for the ROVER receiver: 1 Enter the stort interval. number where the FIXED. eve sare and the BOVER STARE mark are knowns 11 Enter the Ust interval Go process: 33 WILE LISTING ©: untexapo.9os Ve weeA90. 009 "Ee - 10 aur ‘The example above is from the TUTOR,003 project. Enter, when requested, the fixed receiver file number, the rover receiver file number, followed by the interval number where the fixed receiver and rover start location is known and the kinematic survey begins. Finally, enter the last interval to be calculated. ‘The interval values are determined from the LOGTIMES file. After the entries have been made, KINSRVY will provide information about the U-files similar to the following display: ROTH KINSEY Enter the file number for che FINED receiver: @ Enter the file number for the ROVER receiver: Enter the start Incerval number snere the Fl evr mark and the ROVER START mark are known: 11 Enter the last interval to process: 23 lite Common information: Start cine: 1990/01/09 08:40:20.0 End timer 1980/01/09 10246 260.00 0.090000 Last Epocn: 767 Son i2 13 16 19 Would you Like to set the reference saxetice (y/m? ih Would you Like to Carppend to ROVER.TRJ or stare 9 (new ROVER.IRIT ‘You can manuaily set the reference satellite or the program will select the reference satellite for you. You can also either create a new ROVER. TRI file or add to a previous trajectory file. NSRVY will calculate the starting ambiguity for each satellite art incicate the number of poin: solutions averaged! o+:r for the calculation. ‘Tu ambiguities should be close to integer values. f they are not, trends will occur in the residuals as processing continues. If the ambiguities are 3-156 KINSRVY not very good (an ambiguity between 0.2 to 0.8 is generally not very good) the user should restart with a different starting vector. Press any key to continue the trajectory calculations. Below is shown a typical display: REFERENCE Sv: > AVERAGE AMBIGUITY POINTS. AVERAGED OVER 167284. 906 1B oF 18 1 008 7 oF 17 12 13 OF 18 5 18 OF 38 Press any key to continue... ~ 10 aur KINSRVY will then display status of the calculations during execution, as shown in the following display: FIXED: RIO Rover: cAIK REFERENCE sv: 9 EBOEH AT CURRENT MABK: 3 Time: 09207:20.00 sy esio 1) AESID (2 nesiD (3) os "0.002 ‘ & " 0.032 x 0:03 we 0.008 0. -0:008, % O:one x 02010 ‘CURRENT POSITION: ‘S7.S3693767 237.93419022-14.1962 AVERAGE POSITION: Sie + 10 wT When KINSRVY has process to a marked station, the number of measurements or epochs collected during the occupation of that site is displayed in "EPOCH AT CURRENT MARK". Once the receiver is in motion again, where “ROVER" indicates 7727, the average position of the previous site is displayed on the bottom line. he display shows the soicllites and the residuals for each satellite over thee iterations, Typicz!z, the first iteration ~ii! display Jarge values especially if the receiver js in motion. By the third iteration, the residuals wil be much lower in vaiue. Ifa cycle slip occurs, during that epoch the KINSRVY 3-157 indication “{slip}” will appear next to the residual value. If there is more than four satellites, the cycle slip will automatically be repaired by KINSRVY if the residuals are large on too many satelfites, KINSRVY will ask you if you would like to continue processing. You can also start KINSRVY specifying a new starting interval Note that in the advanced option batch mode, KINSRVY will search for a new starting interval and automatically continue processing, KINSRVY detects large residual trends, cycle slips, and breaks in the data collected IF processing cannot continue for any of these reasons, either a new starting interval or another beginning rover sile will be selected. New ambiguities will be calculated and every possible combination of the data collected will be processed. After KINSRVY has completed the calculations, the results are displayed and the MARKPOS.ASC file updated. For this example, the following results would be displayed MMi WME ka CaTETUDE couctTuoe 37 31 6.70651 w 1223 51. 18081 37 33 celerv0e W122 351.2406 Br 31 ke.se20 W122 5 51. 1R6I5 ogo kick 9 9,000 Qo0e1 MIKE 2 0.000, ouoz Wie > 9.000, 37 32 3710008 122% “9° at002 3733 0.27205 4 122 3 38.9992 3733 O87 W122 3 Bs as 3731 4a.57e55 W122 3 52.5523, ‘eae Gone 2 9.000 005 H¥RO > 0.000, 008 va 2 0.000, 007 $555} 0.000 n ‘Qos CRIK 2 DboO w 37 32 We.97SH9 w Ize 4H SelDtETE x Finished Processing ~ Press aoy key to terminate ao = F0 auT Press any key to finish executing KINSRVY. The ROVER.TRS file can be further processed by the READROV program module to create a print file or plot file of the rover trajectory. The summary file KINSURVY.OUT contains a summary of the processing results and resultant vectors. Shown below isa sample of the output: 3-158 KINSRVY | : | er Ashtech, Ine. 6PPS:2 Peogran: K1MsavY Version: 3.0.00 Fei" dum 15. 12:00:00" 1990 Common start of wo UFILES: 1990/01/09 98:40:20.0 Common end of two UELLES: 1990/01/09 10:44340.00 Epoch Interval (seconds) 10.000000 Fixe: R10 Rovek: mike Reference st: 9 BY 6 Arbiguity = -167234.988 SU kebiguity = “41777008 5v 12 Arbiguity = 60958.010 v2 Arbiguiey = 32689,980 Measure of Geometry Cera Pampers = Se ramuced 16,261982 rac_resid = 0.00575 Stationt: tick ‘stat iongs cain avitete: “37 '52964070 "37 31 44.7065) 31.53693766 87 32 12.9755 E“Long 237/95570816 237 56 8.1959 23798419008 237 56 13.08429 Wang + 12206421686 122 3 51. 18061 22,06sa0ee2 122 “3 so.osr1 Enteight: “13.6290 “140880 Baseline vector? 142.7990 495.1015 «6H, 9498 ark! aya: -2688530.0977 -4291036.2111 3864145.2056 Arve oy 350. 13768 *0:0356 2.0209 eN'a ur -140. 8132 809.8710 “0.4570, ark2 nya 1 -2608387 12987 -4291343.0206 3860607" 1549 wee e202 370. 13651 ‘Ologer "82210209 Bue iz 307995 -n08 8719 0.0570 ADVANCED PROGRAM OPTIONS Command Line Parameters ‘The following is a list of the command line parameters which are accepted by KINSRVY: bb Batch,processing KINSRVY can process kinematic survey project data in the batch mode using the command line parameters. To execute KINSRVY in the batch mode, enter the following command at the DOS prompt: KINSRVY -b baseline.inp ‘The “baseline.inp” file is used to answer the questions asked in the manual mode. The baseline input file structure is shown below: sneceiver enfin sor “Lum! Fite tie ibsshorscar hte Fxeg- antenna par ‘00000 pe 20.0 Temperature (degrees 50.0 Munidity (percent) KINSRVY 3-159 1010.0 [eresvure (ail bars) 1u1CA90, 09 Jeasurement 1 onane Rovor-antenna parameters Sian Receiver Ident fier for "LOGTIMES™ F118 ane ie character site name 20.9 Songer ature (degrees ¢? Sa.9 Inamial ty (percent) 1910.0 pressure tail libers) iteA99.002 [ncSsuremene {i lename fun- Lime: parameters: 1 {iiest interval to process 1 ifisal interval te process 0 elevation cutof angle (degrees) ' toate to process (tet, 212, 32416) 01000 Conver genre criterion meters) 106 00 09 60 09 00 00 omit these eatellites 5 mori ‘erations to pestorm ‘68 90 00 00 00 op co Farbidtden reference SVE yes apply trope delay correction ‘The run time parameters allow you to enter the starting and ending interval automatically using the example shown. The elevation cutoff angle and data to process method are self explanatory. If the rms for a solution is outside of the range specified in the convergence criteria, parameter a “b” for bad flag will appear beside the solution in the rover trajectory file. Otherwise, a "g" flag witl appear for good. Maximum iterations to process specifies the number of iterations you want to perform for the satellite residuals as displayed in the screen, i.e Resid(O), Resid(1), ete ‘The other options function the same as described in the LINECOMP section. 3-160 KINSRVY t LINECOMP LINECOMP is the GPPS program module that processes STATIC and PSEUDO-KINEMATIC data collected by two receivers and computes the baseline vector between these two stations. LINECOMP uses the BASELINE.INP formatted file to determine the two stations to be processed and the processing parameters. The results are provided in the BASELINE.OUT file and the PLOTFILE. Input Data Files LINECOMP uses a BASELINE. INP data file. The name of the input file ccan be specified as part of the command line or during execution of the program. The input data file will contain the name of the U-files to be used for the known and unknown sites. Refer to the MAKEINP description in this reference section for a description of the parameters and their effect during execution of LINECOMP. Output Files LINECOMP creates an output file, which contains a copy of the input data file, to provide a record of the processing parameters used in the solution, followed by a listing of the processing results. The name of the ‘output file is BASELINE, OUT or can be specified as part of the command line or during execution of the program. LINECOMP will optionally creale a PLOTFILE and a DD_OBS file as specified in the BASELINE.INP file. The PLOTFILE contains plot data which can provide an époch-by-epoch residual for each double-difference satellite pair. The DD_OBS ASCII file contains each of the computed double differences. Program Execution ‘To begin execution of LINECOMP, type the following at the DOS Prompt: LINECOMP Once the program ‘:s begun execution, you will see the Ashtech stzndard version screen follcwed by prompls for the input, output, and ptetfile filenames. The boldfaced characters are the operator responses. LINECOMP: 3-161 Program: LIMECOHP — Version: 3.0.00 Relessede 06/15/90 Copyeight Ce) 1988, 1989, 1990. AIL eights reserved. Enter baseline. ing file none t2 be used: BASELIME.1NP Enter basel ine.cut tile mane to be crewted: BASELIME.QUT «ces Enter plotfite none 10 be created: PLOTFILE.OUT «cee LINECOMP will then begin processing the measurements between the wo project station points identified in the "BASELINE.INP" file using the measurement filenames specified. Intermediate results for the triple difference solution, float double difference solution, and fixed double difference solution will be displayed during processing. A copy of the BASELINE. INP file will be copied to the output file, BASELINE. OUT, along with the results of each of the processing solutions. If the input file requested an output plotfile, then the epoch-by-epoch residuals for each double difference satellite pair will be saved under the PLOTFILE.OUT filename. If the computed double difference file was requested, it would be written to the file, DD_OBS. LINECOMP can also be executed by typing the following command at the DOS prompt LLIMECOM BASELINE. IMP CBASELIME.CUT PLOTFILED where BASELINE. INP is the name of the input file for the baseline to be processed. ‘The parameters enclosed in the brackets “{* and “|* are ‘optional. When the additional parameters are not provided, the baseline output file and plotfile are named "BASELINE.OUT" and “PLOTFILE.OUT*. You will not be prompted for these file names. When the additional two parameters are used, the baselines results file and ploifile are named and must be in the order shown above. ‘The operation of LINECOMP is initialized and controlled by the contents of the BASELINE. INP file. No questions nor prompts presented to the operator at ran time is beyond the scope »! this manual to descri’x. all the steps involves: in 0st processing. ‘Tae flowing description w! | serve to give you an understanding of the measurements errors and the techniques used 10 3-162 LINECOMP 4 PO remove or minimize those errors. Measurements using the GPS satellite signals are subject to a number of error sources which must be compensated to obtain the measurement accuracy requited for survey applications. These error sources have been categorized as follows: Satellite Dependent » errors in the satellite ephemeris of real-time satellite positioning - errors in the satelite clock model Station Dependent = receiver clock errors - errors due to uncertainties in the station coordinates Observation Dependant - signal propagation delays due to ionosphere and troposphere - carrier phase ambiguities Measurement Errors ~ antenna phase center movement - residual biases - eycle slips + multipath ‘The differencing techniques used by LINECOMP in processing the GPS measurement data either removes or minimizes the satellite, station, and observation dependant errors. Antenna phase center movement is minimized with the Ashtech antenna by selection of the microstrip antenna design, The remaining errors such as cycle slips and multipath can be minimized by careful site selection and evaluation of the data processing results. The field operator can also reduce the error by ensuring a stable tripod setup and by orienting the antennas in the same direction (typically North) for each point measured. In computing a vector between the two observation points, the differen technique is used to remove oF minimize most of the errors described above. Then a caiculation called a least squares computation is made to determine the best solution for the vector. A single difference is a difference in the measure-cnts between two receivers measuring the same satellite at the same time, or between two satellites to the same receiver. ‘The first single difference -rethod greatly reduces the errors associated with the satellite clock errors and orbit errors. The other single difference LINECOMP 3-163 technique removes error associated with the receiver. Specifically, a difference removes, or reduces biases which are common. A double difference is a difference in the measurements between two receivers measuring two different satellites at the same time. This double difference has the effect of reducing the receiver clock errors, satellite clock errors, and orbit errors. A triple difference is the difference of two double difference results having different time tags. The triple difference eliminates the integer ambiguity in the phase measurement to the satellites The triple difference also allows the identification of cycle slips in the stream of measurements from a satellite. A cycle slip is a sudden change in the carrier phase observable to a satellite. The integer number of cycles is affected by this change, not the fractional phase measurement The cause of the cycle slip is a loss of lock on the satellite signal LINECOMP automatically detects and corrects the effects of most cycle slips and computes an estimate of the position solution, The triple difference solution brings the baseline estimate to within a meter of uncertainty. The float double difference processing solves for the integer number of cycles and computes the baseline to within 20 cm. ‘The fixed double difference processing holds the imegers determined in the float double difference fixed and processes the final baseline result using these fixed integers. A BASELINE, OUT listing is shown below for the static TUTOR.OO! stations of RICK and REZ2. This file is a summary of tne processing results. Comments have been inserted in large type to explain the listing: ‘The first section is a copy of the BASELINE. INP file which was used in processing the results. This copy provides a record of the options and parameters used for the computations. Refer to the MAKEINP reference section for a discussion on the meaning and value of the parameters. 3-164 LINECOMP, Ashtech, Ine. oPe5°2 Prograas UIECOMP version: 3.0.00 Fes Jan 48 12:01:00 1990 Project information Statve Tutorial j2S-character project name (the | is in column 26, 1 1B [S-character session name 1990 01 09 00:00:00 Baset ine occupation calendar start date-tine (UTC). 900 01 09 00:00:00 |nasetine occupation calendar ed dote-time (UIC). Proieet ttormetion Keouncstat ion parameters cect ceiver identifier used sn *LOGTIMES" F466 ‘oeot Flex Frego staTION [25ccharacter long name o Position extraction (Osbelow, HU: file,2=proj- file) b 37.32vecoe97 usLat tage degrees 5 a 31 es. 7065) Latitude degemin-see 5 a7. gusraiies br ss 8.1939 122.054776856 [ei Congicude degrees 2 122. 351.7806 WeLongicude degrmin-see 718.6290 [eUipeoidat hefsht” tm 5 "0,000 Foecidol height "cm 8 a.a000 ‘MeaneSeartevel ht tm -2688530.0077 rect “ty 5 “c2otas6.2111 fret @ b Baeet4s 2056 Hrect tm 0.0008) juoren antenna oftseecm) 0000 lease antenne offset tm) 2.0809 0,1630 0.0000 [Vert antenna offset (md: slant/radius/del te_verticat 20.0 Hrenpersture. cdegrees ©) 50:0 [Rumiaity (percent) 010.0 leressure (wil tibars) UueiceA0.009 MMessurenent filename (restricted to 24 characters) Knounsstation parameters Unkrowe-station parameters [Receiver identifier used in MOcTIMEs® fie [project station narber igvenaracter short name Uoscchaescter Long name Jposttion extraction (Osbelow,t=U-tile,2eproj. filed Wnlotieude degrees. Cgepoad:bebag) jwrtatitude dep-min-sec (gegood;b=bed) E-Longitude degrees (gegood;bebad) [W-tonsttude deg-min-see (s-geed;b-bed) llipsoidat height (w) (gegocd:b=bed) Met “ea fer freer {3 Sroaioe) [hss tite ofteetend ifsc artewa offsets Were anterna etee_ tah strt/raio/e IWeoetatre estes © inca toate assure Ei bray wnt E.009 essrennt enon (restfetd £0 26 eharactre) Unknown station perameters ney pracere oo ites eet gree 4 Final epoch to 2 = last available) vo lApproxinate se 300.0 Irtsq a pr tori bet stes_cutot) 15.0 letevation cutolt orale Caegress) : joete to process (lect; 2et2;Seezbekt-L2ySaL 142) 3.0 Edit data with residuals greater then thiatras, cutoff 100000 H1sq conversence eriterion cmeters) LINECOMP: 3-165 09 00 09 €0 00 00 00 fomie these satellites (up to_7) 2 [atts SVenission criterion cent of Reference 8v) [Dispiay good resichals (bad are siways displared) maximum Steeations tor tleq snd dlsq ‘Speed: fastsstow Forbidden reference Sve (up to 7) Pe ‘efaute 20) lascti fite (00/085) of double ditterences jenerace *PLOTFILE" fer plotting restouals Hine search data eaiting Factor (1-0-3,07 nuto = -1.0) tent of integer search: “to eM For al 00s yes Hbepand ‘ined double difference process Fons time poraneters The second section provides status information. ‘The version and release date of LINECOMP, the common beginning and end of the U-files, which satellites useable in processing, how many measurements, and the data (epoch) interval LIMECOMP 3.0.00 04/15/90 Conner start of tuo UFILES: 1990/01/09 08:54:60 Common ed. of tue UFILES: 1980/01/09 10:29:60 Selected First epoch: | Selected (ast epoch: 96 for $V 3 there are” 85 triple-ditference neasurcnents. for SV & there are Tl triple-difference measurements, For SV 9 there are 89 Eriplecdifference measurements For SV 18 there a Iple-difference meaturements. For sv 12 there are difference neosurements. For $v 13 there a difference neesurements. For $v 19 there are difference measurements Epoch interval Ceeconds) 60000000 The third section describes the results of the triple differencing calculations. ‘TLSQ refers to the triple feast squares and rms_resid refers to the root mean square residual. Markl_xyz is the xyz coordinates of the fixed station, and Mark2_xyz. is the xyz coordinates of the unknown station, Azl, Ell, DI and Az2, El2, D2 are the azimuth, elevation, and distance from the known to the unknown station and from the unknown to the known station, respectively. El, NI, Uf and E2, N2, and U2 are the geodetic easting, northing, and upping from the fixed to unknown station and from the unknown to known station, respectively. THE 1a 7. DIFFERENCE SOLUTION Fe<< TSO ae iine of geometry: 49. 798112 S408) “mmused 2 505 os reid = 0.019802 1.082127 01960535 0463306, LINECOMP et_statians -0,000005 9.000000 0.000005 Stationts Frage station Stationd: UNKNOWN STATTOM 00001) eReK 0002) (RE22) Letieude: 37.52960070. 37°53 46, 70651 37.36890551 37.22 8.20312 Flong : 237193578816 237 Se 8.91939 237, 90964619 237 59 58.00829 Yetong + Tezlogaztese 122 "3 511906 zzionossser 122 0 1.99871 Eenesghe: 1816290 s0.1971 Gaveline vector: 56.4825 -12197.4856 14 144.5252 Markl eyz + -2688530.0977_-4201856.2111 3864165.2056 mr eti'oy tez.asi7e Ol0112 $8708 cue hat ut Sears ie3s 17935. 1563 23.8261 Mark2 xyz: -2689516.5402 «30503316767 3850020.6804 wee i202, a2 9003 On1872 18TOS ake Eeazuz : $630.26 1783 7H7D 23.8261, Deuble-Di tference epochs: bens 3. Start epoch? rm Pent Start epoch? 9 Start Start stert Start Pen: 19° Start epoch: 80. End epoch: Setetiite 19 dropped cue to insuft. good dbs. Mater of meaturenents = 13 5 pepeese Hu The fourth section describes the final float double difference results. You should examine the ambiguity fit results to determine how well the ambiguities were resolved. The closer the ambiguities are to whole integers (for example, .973 or .012 in amb[2] and amb(1] below), the better the measurements were. If the ambiguities are closer to the center (for example, .7 or .3), range problems will probably develop during fixed double difference processing, which typically would not yield an acceptable solution. THE FLOAT DOUBLE DIFFERENCE SOLUTION FOLLOWS: Float-dtsq measure of geometry: 0.010635 rumneas 395 ram used = 380 rme_resid = 0.025426 r Reference sv: 9 amo0) = -2935418.082 Sv-03 Fit: 0.024 Mum mess » 50 amott) = 69167-012 §V-06 Fit: 0.027 Mun meas = 70 wR) = <2332,973 BVI Fitz 0.027 Kun meas = 90 wis) = 609451087 sv-12 sabi) = 47784946 5-18 Sfamex com: 0.062811 Sigmay (em: 0.056172 Signer (em: 0.022577 Signa 9.019545 Sigman olora28e ‘Sigman 9.004857 Sinan 01012647 Signal 9c010867 LINECOMP 3-167 coy rR x too ¥-0:80y 1.00 Poles alts 1.00) S091 D956 O°47K 1.00 4% 0.928-0.75N-0.624-0.80% 1.00 5 O.C6N 0.9m 9.00-0.27H D'SeN 1.09 43-0806 0,94 9.384 0.94H-0"82N-0.07% 1.00 0°95 0191W 0.354 0.95H-D.84H-0.20" 0.96m 1,00 sel_statian: 6.000000 -0.000000 -0..000000 Stationt: FEED STATION Stationd: UMMAH STATION -$430'3021 1795670428. TRE Section six gives the top ten best-fitting integer combinations. Once the ambiguities are determined, a statistical test called Chi-Square is calculated to determine the best integers for further processing. ‘The test performs every combination of integer change from -n to +n on all ambiguities (as specified by the "Extent of integer search for all double difference parameter" from the input file) and determines which combination best fits the measurements. The top case is the best choice. The second line is the second best choice, etc. The ratio is calculated between the best and second best choice, If this ratio is 2 or less, then a message will be printed noting that there was a poor solution to the data and fixed double differencing will not be calculated, (The user can force a fixed double difference calculation in this case by changing the BASELINE. INP file to demand fixed double difference processing.) Eo squored. ‘c005120 ratio = 01105302 0.350889 9.187185 01194056 0206680 0: 20666 01221965 THE FIXED DOUBLE DIFFESEK°: SOLUTION FOLLONS: Fined-disq measure of ooorte fumineat = 395" num_used = 500 3-168 000598 33.762 ‘rae_resid = 0.030800 LINECOMP sug 2935638, 000 0.023 29167000 07029 2385 000 01000 40968 000 Sx 12 01085 amie) = 77851000 sv13 loge Signor Com: 0.013230 Signy (om: 0.086723, sigue Cem: 01072361 ye 1 106 40.39 1.00 1-0'S6E-01892 1.00 del_statien: -0,000000 9.000000 -0.009000, Seationts 61XED stavioW Seation?: Uso StaTLO4 con009) ease 00000)" tRe22) Latitude: 37 52960070 37°51 46.7065 sy seanusee 57't2 "8.20006 Ellong ": 237 98570806 237 56-8 237 gonuaeed 237 59 58.00/10 ong ecaaee 20 8 12e.cunssss8 fa T-9oe0 Echerahcs + 6.2420 fasebine vector: -86.6072-12497.5105 161445046 - Mark! xyz -2688530.0977 -4291836.2111 3864165. 2056 mane Yeeesie? olbNy 18703 a8be Baur surge -v7eiscten an arto hark2 nye: -2600816.589 -KB06038.7216 eed 8 Sug 49058 0.57% ei oe ssesaiaeek 17834.7053 Ft Sa 15: 12:02:08. 1990, If the ambiguities in section four are close to integer numbers and the ratio in section five is significantly above 2, then you have confidence that the fixed double difference solution reflects a strong solution. If these values are not in the range expected, the poor measurements may be due to increased ionospheric activity or measurements over long baselines. Single frequency users should limit the maximum baseline to 20-30 kilometers, and decrease this length during periods of high ionospheric activity. PLOTFILE produced by LINECOMP should be examined to view a r display of the residuals. If sections appear noisier than others, or cycles slips have not been detected, then the data can be edited to remove these measurements. The baselines can then be re-computed which could yield improved results. PPLOT or the PLOT program is executed to view the piot of the residuals and FILETOOL is used to edit the data. ‘The plot of all the satellite pairs for the example shown above would look like the following: LINECOMP 3-169 So M8 OR. oar athe Fooim (0 tucorde Eh) ~ ‘An example DD_OBS file is shown below for the static TUTOR.001 stations of RICK and REZ? along with a definition of the data presented: Ae oe ° . F ena ’ 2 7900 $2280.00 -e595265% 45726224 -s9600345 -g95STO7S 9 6 117.668 © 47900 32280°00 65082686 65724224 “Gns51403 ~eBsescE? 9 11 1405050, 1 47900 $2280.00 “65952686 -65724224 -75946104 -757T64% 9 12 555.608 8 A700 $8280.00 -68982684 -45724274 “THESOSSE “71192871 9 15 1690966 where: (AI Maroing fag: nen-tero means do not use. fe] edb tied julian day oF measurements [C)_ Seconds. of medi fied Jultan day of measurement. (8) Nanosecond offset from epoch ime fo transmit time for reference sv at fixed site. CE) Manesecond offset from epoch cime €@ transmit tise for reference S¥ et unknown (Fy Manosecond offset from epoch time to transmit Ciee for differenced SY et fixed ~ site. 6) Wanosecond of fget fram epoch time to transmit time for differenced SV at unknown tite. ( Reterence st. U1) differenced Sv. 1} Doublerdi ference observable corrected for cycle-slips. Advanced Program Options If desired, yow can execute LINECOMP specifying the following commar.. ne parameters: Ls MP GBASELINE IMP TRASEL- QUT PLOTFILEDT (suited Where BASELINE. INP, BASELINE. OUT, PLOTFILE, and switches are 3-170 LINECOMP: optional parameters. An example usage is shown below: LINED THCCTHEA.O0R O1CKIEEA.OOP PIEKIKEA.009 -weca> ‘The entry order for the filenames, input, output, and plot can be changed by using -i, -0, and -p switches as shown in the following example: LIMECON +5 HHOKTXEA.009 -p PICKTKEA.OO9 -0 OIEKIKEA.009 BASELINE. INP is the input filename which contains the processing, parameters and the names of the U-files (o be used for the known and unknown sites, BASELINE.OUT is the output filename which contains a copy of the input file along with a listing of the processing results. PLOTFILE is the output plotfite filename which contains plot data of epoch-by-epoch residual for each double difference satellite pair. SWITCHES have the following effect: -i ‘Used to specify the BASELINE. INP filename. - 0 Used to specify the BASELINE.OUT filename -p Used to specify the PLOTFILE filename = Generate 12 slip files for dual frequency processing = b Batch mode which produces minimal screen output -v Batch verbose, used in conjunction with -b to display output in a smaller screen area. -e Executive Overlay ‘The executive overlay option is setup for those who wish to call Ashtech programs from their own software. In general, however, most programs can directly call LINECOMP without the need of this option. This option should only be used if the calling program is utilizing too much memory to allow LINECOMP to be loaded at a higher memory address. ‘this option informs LINECOMP that it was loaded over the space occupied by the calling program and must therefcre ensure that the calling program is restarted in the same address space, When using this option LINECOMP. 3-171 it is VERY IMPORTANT that the calling program be able to save and restore its state. It is recommended that users who are unfamiliar with this type of calling sequence NOT utilize this option. Misuse of this option can cause undesirable effects, To invoke the executive averlay option you must follow the -€ option with the name of the calling program (provide complete path if the program is not in the current working directory or DOS search path). For example, LuNecoNP <2 erPHOG ‘The batch mode (-b) option processes the line in the same manner but displays a limited amount of information during the processing. The output file BATCH.SOL is also created to provide summary results, The structure of BATCH.SOL is: struct bat stece ¢ int solution type; 77 9 --> Mo solution ” be 155 Retaged Pauedo-cange +7 2) Triple-difference 7 5 > Flose vowle-aifterence */ <3 Fixed Double-difterence */ 9 --> Error on golution */ couple fit: eters. ” Soubte x ” Soubte y ("> ech coordinate. ” Gupte 2: re y Geuble fix_retio; ft Integer search ration for 47 (2 "Tied dovblerditfercnce f [solutions ” invoked with the ‘The verbose option (-v) is a verbose batch mode. I command -by or -vb. 3-172 LINECOMP } MAKEINP MAKEINP is the GPPS program module which creates and edits the BASELINE. INP file used by the post processing program LINECOMP, The BASELINE. INP file contains information about the known station parameters, unknown station parameters, and run-time processing parameters. Input Data Files MAKEINP uses the file named BASELINE. INP as an input data file. Output Files ‘The output filename is BASELINE.INP which can be saved under any user desired filename. Program Execution To begin execution of MAKEINP, type the following at the DOS prompt: MAKEINP ‘Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard version screen as follows: Program: MAKEINP Version: 3.0.00 Released: 06/15/90 by ASMTECH, Inc. 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, Ch 96005, copyright + exit «ED + 008 Shell ~ Accept Selection The and keys position the highlighted bar over a menu selection, and the or keys accept the highlighted selection. The key allows you to shell to DOS and perform any DOS commands. The key allows you to exit to DOS. Pressing the letter key associated with a selection immediately accepts that selection, e.g. pressing the key immediately shows you the edit submenu, Option A: Edit BASELINE.INP Data ‘The first selection of the main menu, the default highlighted selection, is used to edit the BASELINE. INP information. Selecting this option will cause the following submenu to be displayed: 3-174 MAKEINP. eo Tot > EI BASELINE. INP Date Select option: 1D Edit FALe Headhé Intotinarson 8) Edit xnoun Station Parameters €) EdiE Unknown Station Parsneters D) Edit OL5@ Run-time Parameters - Part 1 ED Edit 0150 Run-time Paronecers = Fart 2 ¥ done ~ 005 Shell ~ Accept Selection ~ done Sub Option A: Edit File Header Information Choosing this sub option presents the entry menu: Project Hane: GPs! subvey: 2.8 (5 characters) Seezion_ 10” 12394 (3 chard oe ‘Start Date: year 1988, month 14, day ff End Date: yeor 1968, month #1, day HE 21> = 008 shel ~ vone/Aceept sese> ABoeT Edit The two important items to edit here are the Project Name and the Session_ID. ‘The Session_ID is used by the program ADJUSTIN to identify a vector uniquely. If you plan to “Bluebook” the session in an NGS format, enter the session code in the following format: DDDYA. where DDD is the day of the year, ¥ is the last digit of the year, and A is the alphanumeric character denoting the observation session on day pbb. The start and end dates and times are for information purposes only, and not used for processing. If used, the dates and times could note the scheduled start and end times of the session, or they could be used to specify the start and end dates of the project. The actual start and end times of common data are prir<4 in the output files = the program LINECOM? When editing has been completed, simply press the key. The MAKEINP. 3-175 edited values will be saved in memory and the program returns to the edit submenu, Sub Option B: Edit Fixed Station Parameters This option displays the following screen: Weng 1.1.2 Fixed Station Parameters Receiver wor GODOT Project station mo: Q000T Station 1D: EIXT Station Hane: FIXED: STATION, Position Extraction: © (0 = data below, 1= U-Flle, of 2 = Project Fite) Deg Min sec Decimal Degrees arth center Fixed tote og Go" aastmmag cate AEC m asane ~ ton: WS z en: ¥ 0, 000000r oe oe ETtipsotdal Heights 100:00800 fw) ~ Geoidal Heiahe: CB) °F 00000 (a) Mean Seo Level: 8) = (020000 «my interno Offsets: Worth 0.0000 slant Bistance 20,0000 cw) East” plooed fm) Radius ‘gion (oy 8.c0oe (o> THEROID cwit Thar Teeperavure: #0100 «€) humidity Measurement File Name (U-tile): ) 5) Sele «FD 005 Shelt <510> + Done/Accept ABORT Edit This section is where the position of the fixed or "known" station is entered, along with the name, antenna height, and the name of its associated measurement file (U-file) as described below: Receiver No. Enter a number identifying the ceceiver. This number is used to associate the LOGTIMES receiver identification (RO, Ri, R2, through R9) with the station parameters. This entry must be properly entered for pseudo-kinematic and kinematic processing. As an example, in the TUTOR.002, pseudo-kinematic project, the first receiver using URICKA90.009 measurement file would be entered as receiver no. 00000 to correspond to RO. The second receiver, using UMIKEA90.009 would bbe entered as receiver no. 00001 to correspond fo RI in the LOGTIMES file shown in the KINEMATIC tutorial project. Project Station No. is for informational purposes and is optional. However, if you are doing NGS “bluebooking”, you will probably want to secuentially number all stations in the project, and enter that number as tl *-oject Station No. Station 1D is used by ADJUSTIN to uniquely idertit: ations, and to identify the connections of vectors in creating adjustment input files. This 3-176 MAKEINP ID can be entered in either upper or lower case. However, ADIUSTIN will convert the Station ID to upper case prior to its use The Station Name is for information purposes while optional, it is important for blue-booking the results. ‘The Position Extraction code determines the source of the known location value. If it is set to zero (0), whatever position is entered below will be used as the position of the station. If that position is not correct, a bad vector solution may result, If the position extraction code is set to one (1), the position will be read from the weighted pseudorange position in the U- file. The position extraction code of two (2) is not implemented. NOTE: A known or previously computed position should be used for the fixed station. Errors in the fixed position can lead to poor baseline results, As a rule of thumb, an error of ten meters can cause up to 1 ppm of error in the vector result. WARNING: Do not use NAD27 positions. The GPS system uses WGS8¢ coordinates upon which the NAD83 system is based. The differences between NAD27 positions and NAD83 positions can be over 100 meters. If NAD83 coordinates for a station are not known, observe the change between the two datums of surrounding points and apply the average shift to the NAD27 position. This should yield an adequate starting position. ‘When entering a known position, use either the Deg Min Sec format, or X, ¥, Z format. Whichever format is used, the other format will automatically be changed. If the Geoidal Height and the Mean Sea Level are knowa instead of the ellipsoid height, enter the appropriate heights and change the respective b’s to g's. The ellipsoid height will be computed. The Antenna Offsets North and East are rarely used, but are available in case they are needed. For example, when the antenna cannot be placed over the mark since the mark is in the wall of a building. The vertical antenna offset (antenna height) is broken down into three components; slant distance, radius, and added offset. Slant dista.c« is the measurement rovsnally made by the opezator, as the dists:.¢ from the station mark to a point on the antenna, The point on tre antenna may be either the edge of the antenna or the ground plane (using measuring tape), or through the measuring MAKEINP 3-177 holes (using the HI RODS). Radius is the distance from the center of the antenna to the point at which the operator measures the slant distance. Radi for the: Ashtech XIT geodetic antenna are shown in the following table: Antenna edge 0.1425 meters Inside edge of hoies 0.105 meters Center of holes 0.110 meters Outside edge of holes 0.115 meters The thickness of the antenna is 0.012 meters. Added offset is any added vertical distance. When using the measuring rod through the holes in the antenna, the added offset would normally be zero. For instance, if the measurement were made by tape (0 the bottom edge of the antenna ground plane, the added offset would be 0.012 meters to add the thickness of the ‘antenna mounting plate. NOTE: Measure antenna heights very carefully and measure them more than once to verify the measurement accuracy. Survey results have been destroyed by antenna height errors. It is recommended that the antenna be measured at least three times from different sides of the antenna, both before and after the session. Each of these measurements should be written down and averaged. This average measurement should be entered in the receiver menu 9, site information screen, which will be transferred to the S-file ‘The Temperature, Humidity and Pressure values should only be changed if they have actually been measured, otherwise leave them at the default values. These values effect the tropospheric modelling algorithms, and will only be used if the use of tropospheric modelling is set to yes in the run-time parameters. The measurement of these values is only necessary for precise work and in areas where the temperature is significanly different. Temperature is in units of Celsius, humidity in percent, and pressure in millibars. Measurement File Name (U-File) is the name of the U-file for the known, site. When all tae values have bees: ente.c. correctly, press the < "10> key to accept the entries as shown. The program will then return to the Edit 3-178 MAKEINP submenu. Sub Option C: Edit Unknown Station Parameters Making this selection will show the following screen: era 1.1.2 Unknown Station Paraneters Receiver wor 00002 Project station wo: 00002 ‘Station 1D: UMOL Stat ton Name: URNA” STATION Position Extraction: 1 (0 = data below File, or 2» Project Filey PB Ms agg SGML RERty arty tins at 0000 Lacs'n "aos098000600 x: 06th fom 8009 Bosoo00o ton: W g0-cononv000 —¥: <:4aNa' eine (ay Eipnoidat eights = 400200000 tm wdornece-6510 (m) Geoidal Height: 1 = T@ZO00 (my Kean Sea Level: tbl = :0:0000 «m> ‘nterna Offsets: North |0,0900 cm) stant Distance 8.0000 «m Fast 0-000 (@) Radius 0.4000" (m Delta Vertical 0.0000 a) “BOO CC) mamidity: 5000 OH Pressure: 1010500 cwil ibare) Measurenent Fite Kone U-file): ih fae TE «F - 008 shetl + ooneraccept sEs0> ABORT Edit ‘The unknown station parameters are set in the same manner as the fixed station, See the discussion above on the fixed station parameters. The values which need to be entered are the Station ID, Project Station No., Station Name, Antenna Offset, U-file name, and the meteorological data if used. Note that the Position Extraction code defaults to 1 for the unknown station. Sub Option D: Edit DLSQ Run-time Parameters - Part 1 7 epochs Firat epoch to process, at cba) Lace epoen to process (-1 = Last avatlabled, Eis rey, ztorinte second toy tog frosting ona eavett) thag'a prior! bao.restoual criterion (12 ,7me_cutoft). Sub cdegrees) Elevation cutoft Sngi Process. dete (Lt; 2612, Sette, dott-t2, SaLtet2). ate dove uhen vestcunts’» thie rambersraacutoft- tag convergence criterion. Eotettiees to ante during Brocessing (up to 7D. dato SV amiseion percencage. Bispiay roe te ch = bad = bad B lew, ¥ = all ens) anim mnksr cf leg and’ tleg iterate“. Scrfeestown Spee 20.6 BEBO Forbidden retsrcace Wvts (up te 7) Reply troposnhe re delay correction waeee- aa. 2 BS E “ =aruP MAKEINP 3-179 { ; The run-time parameters control the operation of the post-processing analysis program LINECOMP. Each parameter will have an affect on the baseline solution. Defaults should be changed only after results have been analyzed and problems identified. First (and Last) epoch to process: These parameters allow one to specify the beginning and ending common epochs to use in processing. The defaults are (1) for begin at the first epoch, and (-I} for end at the last available epoch. These options are used to delete epochs from the beginning of a session or the end of a session, or to select a portion of data from the middle of a session, deleting data from both ends, They are particularly useful when the residual plots show that most of the session is clean, but after (or before) a certain epoch the data is noisy. As an example, if noisy data is observed from the beginning to epoch 45 and then smooths out, 50 can be entered as the first epoch and -1 as the last epoch, processing will use only the data from epoch 50 and above, effectively deleting the noisy data. As an alternative, you could select epochs from the Be-file using the utility FILETOOL or use the LOGTIMES file to selectively remove time intervals without modifying the U-files. Approximate seconds for tIsq processing: This parameter affects only the triple least squares processing. The default is (100.0) which tells triple least squares processing (o use every epoch for its processing. The epoch spacing is computed by dividing this number by the epoch imerval. For example, a tlsq of 100.0 with a 20 second epoch would result in a sampling of every 5 epochs. Tisq a priori bad-residual criterion: This parameter also applies only to the first iteration of the triple least square algorithms. The default is (10.0) which means that tlsq will use all data that fall within a root mean square (RMS) of 10.0 on its first iteration. Increasing this number will allow more data to be included in the first iteration of tisq, and decreasing this number will cause more data to be rejected in the first iteration, causing tlsq to look at Jess data in the first iteration. If it is noticed that a lot of data is being rejected in the first iteration of tlsq, this number could be increased. Elevation cutoff angle: This parameter specifies the satellite elevation angle below which data will be ignored. The default is set to (15,0). Generally, this value shovid nm: be decreased, as data a! elevations below T° cegrees are subject k-ve amounts of trevosneric delay. We rece) :.! send that you plan Lose ation sessions usir's a |* degree cutoff for L1 only receivers and 20 degree cutoff for L1/L2 receivers 3-180 MAKEINP. Process data: ‘The default is set to (1) for processing Lt data only. Options other than the default are only meaningful when the L2 capability has been installed in the user’s receivers. process only LI data process only 2 data process only LI corrected data (LI/1.2 ionosphere free combination) 4 process L1-L2 data 5 process L1+12 data Dual frequency users typically use option 3 to provide ionospherically free combination measurements. Options 2, 4, and 5 are available for scientific investigation, Edit data with residuals > thistrms_cutoff: Any data that lies outside this number times the computed RMS of fit will be discarded for the current iteration only. This factor applies to all iterations of tsg except the first, and ail iterations of the double feast squares (dlsq) algorithms. This value should be changed only for research purposes. Tisq convergence criterion: This parameter specifies the amount of change (in meters) allowed between the position computed in the previous iteration and the position computed in the current iteration, defining convergence for the tsq algorithms. For example, the default value of (0.1000) defines convergence to be when the position of the current iteration has changed from that of the previous iteration by one ienth of a meter or less. If this criterion is not met prior to the maximum number of iterations set below, the iterations will end. If this criterion is met before the maximum number of iterations occur, the tsq routine will have converged and will end. ‘Omit these satellites (up to 7): To omit satellites from any consideration in the processing, enter the PRN number of the satellite(s) to be deleted here, starting with the first slot. For example, if satellite 3 and satellite 13 are to be deleted, the parameter would look like this: 03 13 00 00 00 00 00. This parameter allows satellites that are providing bad data for one reason or another to be celeted, Auto SV omissior. criterion: This paramcter allows one to specify the percentage of measurements {compared to the satellite with the most MAKEINP 3-181 number of measurements) below which any satellite will automatically be omitted from consideration. The default is set to (20) which means that any satellite with less than 20 percent of the measurements of the satellite with the most measurements will not be used in processing. Sometimes, a satellite with just a few measurements causes an undue influence on the solution, and therefore, degrade the solution, This parameter helps avoid that problem. It must be noted that when there are few sateliites in a solution (say a maximum of 4 satellites), a better solution is achieved using all the satellite data available as the geometry ‘of the measurement is more important. A value of zero (0) disables deletion of satellites that have some measurements. Display residuals: The default is set to (B). The parameter can have three different values. (N) display bad residuals and those measurements rejected due to low elevation. (B) display bad residuals only (default) (Y) display all residuals, good, bad, and low elevation. It is not recommended to set this parameter to yes, as doing so displays many numbers. If it is desired to see the residuals of the good data and any pattems they may have, set the parameter to yes. Maximum iterations for tlsq and disq: The default is set to (3) iterations. This parameter will be overridden by the tlsq convergence discussed above, and will terminate the tisq algorithms if reached prior to convergence there. If the data is particularly noisy, this number may be increased. Usually, however, convergence will occur by the third iteration. In triple difference processing, this parameter may be overridden if the solution has not met the convergence criterion. In float double-difference, this parameter specifies the number of double difference iterations. Fixed double difference iterates only two times. Speed: This value affects only the tlsq algorithms. If set to (fast), the efault, tIsq will use every third of the selected measurement epochs in the first iteration, every second of the selected epochs in the second iteration, and every one of the selected epochs in the third and following iterations. If set (0 (slow), tlsq will use every selected epoch for every iteration. Forbidden reference SVs (up to 7): Enter any satellites to be excluded from being used as the reference satellite. The default (08 00 00 00 00 00 00) is set (o exclude PRN as a reference as it is operating on a crystal clock and proviees poor measurement dei. To force a particular satellite to be the refercne satellite, enter the : °N numbers of all sioner satellites here. 3-182 MAKEINP Apply tropo delay correction: If yes is entered, the temperature, pressure and humidity of both stations will be taken from the input file and a tropospheric delay correction will be computed and applied to the data. If these values were not measured, use the default values of 20 degrees Celsius, 50 percent humidity, and 1040 millibars of barometric pressure. ‘Tropospheric corrections should be applied when baseline length is greater than 10,000 meters or when the difference in the ellipsoidal height between two stations is greater than 300 meters. IE mo is entered here, the tropospheric delay correction will not be computed and any temperature, pressure and humidity values will be ignored Press to return to menu 1.1, Edit BASELINE. INP data. ‘Sub Option E: Edit DLSQ Run-time Parameters - Part 2 ‘Sv:eyele- slip: epoch begin:epoc Bate qual ity factor (To-c0;"aetautt 20). ASCIL FIle (00088) of double differences. Generate "PLOITILE” for plotting restdusls. Int. search editing factor (1-0°5.0; default 1.0). Extent of integer search for alt double diffs, Demand fixed double difference process ing <1 + DOS shell - vone/Aecept <€sc> ABORT Edi SVscyele-sliprepoch_begin:epoch_end: Each of these ten lines are for fixing cycle slips that have been missed by the automatic cycle slip fixer. This does not occur often. However, there are a few situations where it is difficull for the automatic fixer to be 100 percent accurate. Cycle slips can only be seen by looking at the plot files and are typically indicated in LINECOMP by poor integers ambiguities. If the baseline solution in the 3ASELINE.OUT file p:ovides poor results, exzinine the PLOTFILE using he utility PLOT. MAKEINP 3-183 ‘The following figures are two samples of cycle slip plots. Notice the definite breaks in plot consistency. Also notice that this plot shows the double difference residuals between SV 12 and SV 13 where SV 13 is the reference satellite. Note that you always fix cycle slips on the differencing satellite (SV 12) and not tie reference satellite, This is true even in the event that the same slip occurs in all the differencing SV plots (which would indicate a slip in the reference satellite). sya 2 suo ‘ane "te "7309 Dey 161 ol co toa Rove (20 Seconds Each) Cycle-slip of negative 7 Using the plot figures as a basis, the operator would edit one of the ten lines in the corresponding BASELINE. INP file to fix these cycle slips. The above figure shows a cycle stip of -1 on SV 12 at epoch 144 for the 7202 7208 baseline, and tt “gure below shows th: there is a cycle slip ¢° 1 on SV 12 that star - epoch 35 and ends « ech 73 for the 7202 w '209 baseline (use the .:ss-hair in the PLOY , s gram to locate 3-184 MAKEINP the exact epoch). For the first cycle slip, edit one line to the foilowing: 12:+1:0144;9999 sag = sya bo i 0.24 w ow oF Enoch (20 Seconds Each? Cyele-slip of positive 1 For the second cycle slip, edit the line as follows: 12:01:0035:0073, Only change one line, leave the other nine unchanged unless there are cycle slips on other satellites in the same baseline. The changes tell on SV 12 from epoch ‘ove cycle slip on SV 12 4a and (0 fix a positi: roch 73. shrough the end of the from epoch 35 through MAKEINP 3-185 Very Important! When fixing cycle slips, do not change any other run- time parameters. Changing more than one parameter with cach processing run could affect the method that LINECOMP uses to detect and fix cycle slips. As an example, if you change the data quatity factor while manually correcting a cycle slip, LINECOMP may overcorrect the eyele slip. Data quality factor: This is a weighing factor used by LINECOMP. It indicates the general quality of data from very good (10) to poor (40). It 1s used by the cycle slip fixing routine in selecting good data near a suspected eycle slip. This parameter should only be changed by these doing research. ASCII file (DD_OBS) of double differences: The normal user will not want this file, and the default is set to (no). It is there for scientifie investigation. If you set this option to (yes), the file DD_OBS must be renamed before re-running LINECOMP, or the file will be overwritten with information on the next baseline. Generate “PLOTFILE” for plotting residuals: This file is very useful for determining the noise level of the data, and to see if any cycles were missed by the automatic cycle slip fixer as noted above. The default is sct to (yes) and it is suggested that this not be changed Int search data editing factor: This factor acts as a filter in determining good data versus bad data during the integer search process. The default value of (-1.0) tells LINECOMP to use an automatic algorithm to set this value to the maximum allowed. If it is desired to set il manually, it can be done by entering a positive number. This number times the RMS of the Float Double Difference solution must not be greater than 0.08. Generally, this number is left at the default value of (1.0) allowing the program compute the value. N=Extent of integer search: -N to +N for all DDs: (1) is the default value, and it is almost never changed. The default value tells the program that it can add (or subtract) one from the current ambiguities before rounding in its search for the best integers. Setting this value to (2) would allow the program to add (or subtract) one or two from the current ambiguities as it is searching for the best combinations. It should be noted that the larger the number is, the Jonger the isteger search will take. “his parameter should civ be change: dy those “oing researc! 3-186 MAKEINP. Demand fixed double difference processing: The default is set to (yes), but the operator may desire otherwise. Sometimes, on baselines where the integers are not strong and the program terminates after the float double difference solution, the integers may have been correct even though they were ambiguous. In these cases, the fixed solution would have been better than the float had it been computed. The fixed solution can always be discarded if it is bad, but if it is has not been computed, the baseline will need to be reprocessed to obtain i Press to return to menu 1.1, Edit BASELINE. INP data. Sub Option F: Done Select this option to return to the main menu, Option B: Read in a BASELINE.INP File This option allows a previously created BASELINE.INP file to be loaded into memory and edited. Upon selecting this option, the following prompt will be displayed: Enter the name of the Input BASELINE INP file: (Preece, Ese>, to ABORT current operation) SEataetas Shy Weerccos Te heeee, «51-005 Shell -Aecept File Mame -ABORT Fite Mane Entry Simply enter the name of the file to be edited and press the key. ‘This file will then be loaded into memory. Option C: Write a BASELINE.INP File Select this option and the following screen will be displayed: ape te ane of tpt ASELME He: CTS SE SUS anne -00S Shell -ABORT File Name Entry Enter the name of the file to be created, and press tic key to write the file. MAKEINP 3-187 Option D: Generate a template BASELINE.INP Select this option to generate a default BASELINE. INP file. This file will be created using the standard default positions and run-time parameters from the program. Any edited information in memory will not be used This selection will display the same screen that is shown above for option C), Write a BASELINE. INP File. 3-188 MAKEINP, MAKEUFIL MAKEUFIL is the GPPS program module which creates the un- differenced phase data files required by the Static, Kinematic, and Pseudo- Kinematic processing software, Input Files MAKEUFIL requires 2 input files per execution. These files are the common navigation (COMMON.NAV produced by the program COMNAV) and a raw measurement (B-file) fil. Precise orbit files can be optionally used instead of the transmitted navigation messages. These files contain accurate orbital information and can be used to increase the accuracy of final results. These files, however, are not produced by Ashtech. They can be obtained through the National Geodetic Survey and are commercially available at a reasonably low cost (Request the binary ECF2 format from NGS.) When using precise orbit files, a COMMON.NAV is also required 10 synchronize the raw B-file with the precise (binary) orbit file. The start week number and time are contained within the COMMON.NAY file. Output Files MAKEUFIL will generate a U-File for the corresponding input B-file. Program Execution ‘To begin execution of MAKEUFIL using the default run-time parameters, type the following at the DOS prompt: MAKEUFIL MAKEUFIL with then prompt the operator for the following information: MAKEUFIL 3-189 . ‘The common navigation data filename : ‘The input B-file name. - ‘The output U-File name. - Whether or not it is desired that a point-position solution be generated and placed in the U-file. . Whether or not it is desired to input precise orbital information into the program. If the operator indicates that precise orbital information is desired, MAKEUFIL will prompt for the name of the file containing that precise data. Upon operator request, MAKEUFIL generates a point-position solution and places that solution in the U-file. This point-position solution can be helpful in later processing. If you are sure that the point-position solution is not needed (¢.g., roving receiver in a kinematic survey), then simply indicate that it is not desirable to generate this value -- not generating this value speeds up processing time, The listing below is a typical example of MAKEUFIL execution. The boldfaced letters are operator responses. rom: MAKEUFIL Version: 3.0,00 Released: 06/15/90 co ASHTECH, Ine. 390 Potrero Averwe Sunnyvale, cA 96086 Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL rights reserved. reer the ASHTECH X11 Eom AA) GaRa TNA. Select a navigation file from one site ond Use that gone navigation file for the other wites. corm wav fier the AENTECH XI) SRR IETS. BRIEKADO. 009 Eocer the output GRUNT Giices ALGhaae U2ie 650,009. 3-190 MAKEUFIL ould you Like to generate a point-position satutton? rer ould you like to use precise ephemer ides? wie the epoch interval is 60.900000 seconds. Pee-proceasing is in progress. he FILE header uae updated co) completion of ExtFleriphea® pre-processing Ihe carrier phase preprocessing time in seconds: 5 Epochs sampled for point-position solution: 2 Epochs used for point:position solution: 22 Extimate of peeuo-range fit to the point position solutfon: 3 (meters). Epochs sompled for pelnt-position solution: 23 Epochs Ored for point:position solution: 2) Estimate of peeudo-range fit ta the point pogition goluttens 2 cmeters). Epochs sampled for peint-position solution: 25 poche Used for point=positton solution: 20 Estimate of pscudcreange fit to the point position solution: 2 (meters). Epochs sampled for pelat-position solution: 25 Epechs Used for point-position salutien:. 20 Fit to the point position solution: 2 (meters). opesition elution: 25 {poche used for point-position solution: 20 Fetieate of pseude-range fit to the point position solution: 2 (mete dpproxinate North latitude : 37 31 46.695556 Approximate East longitude: 237 56 8.830171 Aeproxinste Vest Approximate EU The UFILE header was. agai updated (with point-position solution? on completion of « pre-processing. The total processing time in seconds: 9 Advanced Program Opt If desired, you can execute MAKEUFIL specifying the following command line parameters: -b Batch mode -e Executive Overlay -i Maximum iterations for point position -~ -p Use precise orbits -8 Skip epochs for point positions -v Batch verbose mode ‘These parameters may exist in any order but their related parameters must follow in the same order as noted in the following examples. In Batch mode (-b), the navigation data file name, the raw B-file, and the output U-file names and the response for generating the point position solution, respectively, mus: ‘ollow the -b, [MXEUFIL -B COMRIOM.KAY 55 CKABO.009 URICKAIO.O0P MAKEUFIL 3-191 This example executes. MAKEUFIL using the batch mode. COMMON. NAV is the input navigation file. BRICKA90.009 is the input B-file, URICKA90.009 is the output U-file. Additionally, the "Y" indicates that a point position should be computed. An "N* would be used if no point position were to be computed. The batch mode will create a BATCH.SOL file with the following structure: struct bat strct ¢ Tne solution type: /* 9 =-> wo solution zu P2173 Averaged Pauedo-cange +7 Pe o2 os Teiplesditferance 7 (355 Float Dowlerdl Herence */ 3 Fixed Dowle-ai ference +7 (7 9953 error on solution sy dmabte it = ms in aeons: * cole oa ? Souble ¥! (2 "> ECE coordinate. ” Soule ne ” Soubte 2 Toceger search cation for 4y fe "Tined deublerdifference—*/ 7 solutions ” ‘The Verbose (-v) option has meaning only when -b is used. Specifically, the processing screer. output which is generated during manual mode is displayed. The following examples produce the same result: WAKEUFIL -8 COMEM.WAY BRICKAGD.009 URICEAPO.009 Y -V WAKEUFIL -BV COMMOM.LAAV BEICKAPO.00P URICKABO.009 Y The point position computation performed by MAKEUFIL is an iterative weighted average of the receiver generated positions: the weighing is based on PDOP. From the command line you may set either or both the maximum number of iterations (-i) and epoch sampling rate (-e) both of these are followed directly by parameters as shown in the following examples: MaeEUFIL -1E 5 6 WaT, “15 -€ 6 «ee WaEUFIL -£ 6-15 Each of these examples perform the same function. ‘The maximum number of iterations is set to 5 and the point position sampling rate is set to 6 epochs. ‘The maximum numbc: of iterations can be set ‘o a maximum value of 25. ‘The position ccsput.:ion sampling interval cs.a be set to a mavimurs of 7 epochs. Boll. MAKEUFIL 3-193 MENUINST MENUINST is the GPPS program module which will modify Ashtech menu driven program module display colors for color monitors, and shades for monochrome monitors. MENUINST also can change the delay time that error messages will appear on the screen. Input Data Files MENUINST uses any of the GPPS program modules, which are menu. driven, as input data files. Output Data Files MENUINST will modify the menu attributes of the selected GPPS program module. No new output files are created, as modifications are made directly to the program module. Program Execution To begin MENUINST execution, type the following at the DOS prompt: MENUINST Once the program has begun execution, you will sce the Ashtech standard version screen followed by a description of the menu items as follows: Program: MewINst Version: 3.0.00 Released: 06/15/90, by ASHTECH, Ine. 390 Potrerd Averue Sunnyvale, Ch 94086 Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL rights reserved. The program was designed to change the various ‘ven programs. this program is. tied to specific versione f f-scrama.’ You ulil be provides the capability to change che display ater stes of the following menu. stems: Uo'Siad Setectfon.- the item cm which the cursor reste tor cultiple cho: 7) empe Fields + thes enters 18 display in which dots can be MENUINST 3-195 3) Active Prompt + the “Prompt Fels! on unich the cursor rests Gite. the area in wich data may entered): 4) Menu Boxes the boxes. surrounding various areas of 3 menu: 3) Error Display * the tent displayed to inform the operator of erronmous entry oF same avent that requires attention; 63 Mormal Text - Any text displayed wich does not Fall inte one Of che above, andy 7) Error ouration - The length of tine an error meseage is displayed Press any key to continue... MENUINST will then display a list of the Ashtech GPPS program modules which can be modified by MENUINST: 1) Aco_eKe 2) ASHTORIN.Ext 3) Convent exe 4) OATALOGR- Exe 5) FILETOOL EXE 4) oPPs.Exe. 1) Wose Exe 3) MAKE ine xe 32) READROV EXE 15) TimeSys 0x8 Enter the number associated with the program to be changed (enter a ol for all progeass of “2 for programs pot listed): # You can select a program from this list by entering the corresponding number, enter a -1 10 modify all program modules to the same attributes, or enter a -2 to modify a prograin module which is not listed, If you select a single program to update, such as FILETOOL, the following message will be displayed: Enter_the conplete 005 path and nawe of FILETOOL. EXE or simply «Returns to Getault the path to the current working directory ard to default the name to FILETOOL EXE. If the program selected is in your default path you can enter a carriage return () to continue or type in the full path name for the program, Normally, the GPPS programs are stored in the GPPS subdirectory on the C drive so the response would be: CAGPPS\programname.exe MENUINST will then read the program menu attributes and display the following message: 3-196 MENUINST WILL update the felLoning pregrans: Searching program FILETOOL- Ce for menus attributes, FIUETORLExE 3.0.00, Enter display type (2:Guit, T2Monochrome, 25Color, SeBlack & White): If you have a monochrome display enter a I. If you have a color display, enter a 2. If you have a color graphics card but a black & white or monochrome display, enter a 3. The Menu Attributes screen will then be displayed Menu attributes | Nenu itens Current Settings ra cg | owormat reer gut) | Mormat reat ree | "Hern selection (ws) | Selected Menu Item Raknxnex | Prompt fields GF) | prompt feta Exmmete Kaan KKK | Active Prompt Co) | Active Proepe: Example Bannan | Hew Bones Dh —————e Kannan | Error Display (0) | Error olaplays <8 + Yogale Flash attribute <0> + pone ‘Arcow Keys ~ Select attribute <@> = QuitsAbort Stas” 2 Select Menu Teen With this display, you are able to modify the attributes used by the selected program(s). On the left portion of the screen (where the X"s are) will be the display attributes selectable by the program. ‘The Menu Attributes display is divided into four areas; 1) Menu Altributes selection, 2) Menu Items, 3) Current Settings, and 4) Instructions. The Menu Attributes area displays the attributes which may be selected for any menu item. For color displays, this area provides an array of all the selectable foreground and background colors, For monochromatic displays emulating colors, this area will emulate colors by shading. For black and white displays, the area will show combinations of intensities for both foreground and background colors. The Menu Items area lists the parts of the Ashtech menu screens which can be modified. The symbol > points to the menu iten which can be modified. ‘The Current Settings area provides a visual display of the currently MENUINST 3-197 [ configured attributes. Each time you change a menu attribute, the change will be reflected in this area. ‘The Instructions area provides a short description of the commands which you can execule. To modify the attributes associated with a particular menu item, first position the menu item pointer (>) to the desired item by pressing the key. You will note that repeated presses of the key will cycle the pointer from top to bottom through each of the menu items. Next, select the desired attribute by pressing the keys until the "box" is over the desired attribute. Note that the current settings item will change with each movement of the box, aiding you in your selection. If you desire to change the attribute for another menu item, position the menu item pointer (>) to that item and position the box to the desired attribute, After you have set all the menu items to your desired configuration, you can save this configuration by pressing . MENUINST will record your configuration in the GPPS program module(s) and provide you with the following display: Enter the tine durotion Cin milLiseconda) of error messages in response To invalid operator inputs "The default iz set to 3800 Cor 37500 Seconds). Te select default enter no value: You can set the delay time that the menu related error messages will be displayed on the screen. ‘The value which you enter is the length of time {in milliseconds) that error messages will be displayed. We recommend that this value should be at least 1000 to display the message for one second. After all the attributes and time duration parameters have been saved for the program module, MENUINST will display a message or messages similar to the following and terminate: Program FILETCOL.EXE updated with new attributes ceyeres > 3-198 MENUINST PLOT PLOT is the GPPS program module which will display or print two dimensional Cartesian graphs. PLOT will automatically scale the data and display the graph on various computer monitors. Input Data Files PLOT reads in the plot datafile specified in the DOS command line. Output Data Files PLOT does not create any disk datafiles, however PLOT can automatically print the graph on an HP LaserJet Il compatible printer or graphics compatible dot-matrix printer which print graphics using + . Program Execution To execute PLOT, type the following at the DOS prompt: PLOT plotfile ‘The plotfile is the name of the file containing the plot information data to be plotted which has been created by the GPPS processing programs. As an example, if the following command is executed using the TUTOR.OO1 static project directory: PLOT PICKSS5A.009 PLOT will display the graph: PLOT 3-199 If the plotfile contains more than one graph, the user can sequence from graph to graph using the SPACEBAR key. Each subsequent graph will be displayed until the end of the file. At the end of the file, the first graph will be redisplayed. When you are done viewing the graph(s) in each plotfile, press to Quit PLOT. Program Options PLOT provides various options which can be used while displaying graphs. These options include the ability (o obtain coordinates of certain data points, expand or contract sections of the graph, change colors, and print the displayed graph. PLOT allows you to position the crosshairs over the graph to enable you to extract a specific point coordinate values. To use the crosshairs, press . The crosshairs will appear in the center of the display. The coordinates for the crosshairs will appear in the lower left of the display You can move the crosshairs left, right, up, or down using the appropriate arrow key. If you want to move a greater distance, press the shift key while pressing the directional arrow key. NOTE: Some keyboards do not support + . Instead try +<2>, + <4>, + <6>, +<8> keys to move a greater distance. the point, the coordir ices are ove the crosshairs frow: the ‘When you have located the crosshairs or in ths lower lef of the disylay. To ~ disp), press th: iey. To magnify a section of the graph, select the box option using the 3-200 PLOT key. A large rectangle will appear on the display. Once you are in the box mode, you can size and move the box. To expand or contract the box, press the key. To move the box, press the key. The arrow Keys are used to size and move the box. If you want to size or move faster press the shift and the arrow key at the same time. During size mode, the box will be expanded and contracted from the top and right sides of the display. You may expand or contract the box in all directions at the same time by pressing the <-+ > or the <-> key, while in either the "s* mode or the “m" mode. Once you have sized and moved the box to the desired area, press to implement the change. The graph data within that box will then be plotted. To retum the graph to its original state, press , To change colors for the lines graphed, press for increment. You may find that some colors contrast better than others when evaluating your graphs. Repetitive pressing of I will cycle through the color combinations available for your display. To print the graph, press the key for the HP LaserJet II printer or press the + keys (or depending on your keyboard) for a dot matrix printer. The printout on the dot matrix Printer may require you to execute a graphics screen dump program compatible with your dot matrix printer before you execute the PLOT program. (GRAPHICS.COM supplied with DOS may be necessary for some printers.) Consult your computer or printer manual for further details. PLOT will only print graphics screen dumps on those dot-matrix printers and GRAPHICS programs which can print a display in this manner. ADVANCED PROGRAM OPTIONS If desired, you can execute PLOT specifying the following command line parameters: PLOT fname {options} Where: stom hg the He cing ese oat ion) Gn lc Ct) i i meh mrs ice ca ee 1c RRR TIE eae PLOT 3-207 Series 11 compatible printers. M ++ Graphics moge (consult manaal). This paraneter must, be followed by @ paraneter specifying the graphics rede. p+ Rutomatie dump of all plate to printers {mien normally interface via scbriser $s -+ Symbot”'size scale factor. This paranater mist be Fol loved by’ parameter specltving the Seale factor. e+ Force scale ends to be fixed to shote munbers, 009 -tms 05 Example: PLOT pick5S5 If you execute PLOT without a fname, the above message will be displayed. ‘The -N option will provide better contrast for some colors on ~ monochrome monitors : ‘The -L option will automatically dump ali graphs in the piot file (fname) to a HP LaserJet II compatible printer. You should note that some plot files may contain several graphs and this printing process may take some time to complete, The -M option will force the display to the specified graphics mode. The usage is -M n where n is the mode value selected from the chart below. The -M mode is optional and PLOT will use the highest graphics mode available when not specified. In some displays you may not be able to i use the print screen capability of a dot matrix printer unless you use a lower graphics mode resolution. Typically, VGA displays require mode 0 (640x200) in order to use the print screen capability, 40x20 s0x550 620x200 c0x350 40x350 720x348 3 - 202 PLOT arr400 y20200 palette 0 3203200, 3203200, 53202200, ‘soxz00 Store? Colors ‘404200 16 Cotors 6404350 16 Colors seons80 16 Colors 72003502 Colors ehoAa80 of 256 Cotors Wires 256 Calors The -P option automatically prints all graphs toa dot matrix printer. The dot matrix printer would typically interface using the DOS + method. The printout on the dot matrix printer may require you to execute a graphics screen dump program compatible with your dot matrix printer before you execute the PLOT program. Consult your computer or printer manual for further details. ‘The -S option provides the ability to change the symbol size. The -U option forces the automatic scaling to use integer numbers. This may be useful for displaying or printing plots used in project reports. Input Data File Format This information is provided for advanced applications which may need to create plot input files, or modify the files created by the GPPS processing programs. PLOT reads an ASCII (text) file containing the graphics data to be displayed. You may plot any data (X to Y format) provided that data is in the required input format described below and does not require more memory than available random access memory (RAM). There are 3 sections to the input data file: 1) Identification/Global Parameters; 2) Individual Graph Parameters; 3) Graphics Data. 1: +« important to note ths sis is minimal. stor checking during “> read process of thi: Identification/Global Parameters Section PLOT 3 - 203 The identification/Global Parameters section is contained in the first record of the data file. This record contains 3 items, the second if which must start in or after column 12. ‘The following isa description of this record: tem___Conten —____ Il 8 Characters for source program name (8 characters maximum) 2 The Total number of graphs to be plotted (1-12) Must start in of after column 12. 3 Logical value used to specify Fixed-scale (1) or Free-scale (0) graphs. For a free-scale graph (i.¢., item 3 is set to 0), PLOT will adjust the scale of each graph according to the range of data available for that graph. For a fixed-scale graph (i.e., item 3 is set to 1), PLOT will hold the plotting scale fixed for all graphs and the plotting scale will be based upon all data within the plotfile. Individual Graph Parameters ‘The individual graph parameters section of the input file is used to define the data associated with a particular graph. Contained within this section are such items as titles, labels, plotting attributes, and actual data association parameters For each graph (total number of graphs dictated by record 1 column 12) there are the following records: a) Free-formatted record containing a C, X-axis compression, and a Y-axis compression. ‘These compressions are in the percentage of the space available for plotting (i.e, compression ranges are from 20% to 100% are represented 0.20 to 1.00, respectively). Typically, the X and Y ‘compression factors are set to 1.00 implying the utilizati of the entire display area. b) The next few records are tag records. The tag records Provides the association between graphs and the data pertaining to thai graph, These records are organized as Aten en t The Tog 7 ah Titegeh BesOeTAReG wT TORS, 3-204 PLOT _~ on data. 2 Then set to one, plot @ Dot at each 4,1 ‘conrdinate 5 Shon sett one, plot an x at each X,Y ‘coordinate ‘ hen set to one, plot @ Square at each ¥,¥ coordinate 5 hen set to one, plot @ Circle et each ¥,¥ ‘coordinate ‘ hen set to one, plot o Triangle at cach 1X," coordinate r When set to ene, comect xfi-1),¥1-0) to 2(3),18) by 8 Line, e hen" Set to one, draw Lines as in item 7 ‘but only when spin between xC1-11 and x11) Ss. tess than Some specified value. (see below) and hen span’ between yfi-1) and ‘yUiV ts Less than sove specified vatue (see below. ° When set to one, draw Lines as in item 7 ‘but only afen span between KCV=1) apd (i) {Less than some percentage of the Maxinun X span (see below) and when span between Yunis sand “ylt} Ie lest thon some Percentage of the Maxim Y span (see Delow). these percentages should be ‘expressed a5 0.01't0 1.00. 10 War Une connecting span of X (only valid shen ten 8 oF 9) set to one. n Wax Line connecting span at Y Canty valid then item 8 or 9) set to one, 2 ‘Grapnice color Note: The dota is processed sequentially specifically, assessments on Line comections are made en XC1o1) te X(4) and oavtiet) tov). ° 1 to 2 graph title fines. There must be one record for each title line. Each record must contain a T, followed by a space, then followed by the title (1 to 69 characters). d) 1 to 2 X-Label title lines. There must be one record for each label line. Each record must contain a X, followed by ‘a space, then followed by the X-label (1 to 69 characters). e) 1 to 2 Y-Label title lines. There must be one record for each label line. Each record must contain a Y, followed by a space, then followed by the Y-label (1 to 69 characters). Graphics Data ‘The graphics data section contains the data to be displayed graphically. These records are free-formatted (i.c., not tied to specific columns). The input data must be tagged in sv-": a way as to indicate the graph to which the da: selongs, This is truc sen when there exists culy one graph. “Tags are simply integers. Where there is a tag matching “at of a graph, then that point will be plotted witi that graph. "Tagged rcvords are of the PLOT 3-205 form tag x-coord y-coord where tag is an integer, and the x and y coordinates are integers or floating point numbers. NOTE: Data can be associated with more than one graph by including the desired tag and attributes in the graph parameters section, LINECOMP plot files generate the last composite satellite graph in this manner. ‘The following is a truncated version of an actual plot file: Linecomp 2 1.000" 1.000 0890001010 6.0 100.01 09000010106.0 100.03 T svos = svoe 1 7102 0.7103 Day 162 X Epochs (20 Seconds Each) 1 Residuals cycles? 52000 9 000 110.000.1010 6,9 100.02 Tsvit > sue T 1102 to 7103 cay 162 X Epochs (20 Seconds Each) ¥ Residuals ceyeles) Og 2 0-002 2 oo oe 3 -0:000 13 0/009 08-0015 1 § “0,008 og § -aloe 1 5 0.009 0% -0-001 6 cos as F-01006 M7 oco0e 08 -0.020 3-206 PLOT PPDIFF PPDIFF is the GPPS program module which has been designed to differentially post-process the navigation solutions collected in the field Using this technique, solutions of 1 to 10 meters in position can be obtained for each epoch of data in the mobile receiver files. NOTE: PPDIFF will provide accurate results with data obtained using receiver software version 5A or later. Input Data Files Ata minimum, PPDIFF requires two B-Files and a Navigation data file ‘One of the B-files must be from a known site (having known WGSB4 coordinates). The navigation data file can be generated from the receiver E-files using the COMNAV program. If the E-files are resident in the ‘current subdirectory when running PPDIFF, COMNAV will automatically be executed to create COMMON. NAV._If site files (S-files) are present in the current subdirectory, PPDIFF will extract the antenna heights for each receiver from these files. These heights will be treated as slant heights if an antenna radius is input. Output Data Files PPDIFF will generate an ASCII C-file (corrected positions file) for every rover receiver processed. This file contains the per epoch corrected positional information. Optionally, the program will generate a vector summary file. For each site name entered (receiver menu 9) into the rover receivers, PPDIFF will generate a weighted average position and vector: the weight is based upon the PDOP of the navigation solutions. Field Procedures Field data collection procedures are similar to those of kinematic and pseudo-kinematic techniques. When the antenna is placed over the desired mark, input the 4-character site name (receiver menu 9). Before moving. the antenna, ent-- "7772". The "2722" indicates, to PPDIFF, the receiver is in motion. It is important to noie that PPDIFF will geverate a position for every epoch regardless of ti: site name. PPDIFF 3-207 Program Execution To begin PPDIFF with default options, enter the following command at the DOS prompt: PPDIFF ‘These default options are as follows: 1) Radius of antenna height measurement = 0.0000 meters. 2) C-file positional information in WGS-84 Earth Centered Fixed coordinates. 3) The vector summary file (if requested) will be named “VECTORS.OUT* Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard version screen followed by status information as follows: Progran: PPOLFF Version: 3.0.00 _—ReLeated: 06/15/90 wy ASHTECH, te 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, Ch 9088 Copyright (e) 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL rights reserved. Upon program star-up, PPDIFF first finds all B-files in the current subdirectory. The program searches for the corresponding site files and attempts to extract antenna height information. If the program cannot open a site file, an error message similar to the following will be displayed: Error opening site file SRICKA9O,009 ‘This occurrence will NOT cause the program to terminate. PPDIFF will then attempt to open the file COMMON.NAV. If that file already exists, the following prompt will appear: Regenerate common revigation date file? Enter <> to regenerate CO?‘MON.NAV or 10 use the existing file. 3-208 PPDIFF If COMMON.NAV does not exist, then program COMNAV will be executed, the E-files read and a COMMON.NAV created, PPDIFF will then present the Fixed Site menu as shown in the following display: Select Fixed Site 9-1 le: BRIAR: Flo = 00S SHELL «FB ~ WE input or ~ To SELECT To QUIT This example is shown using data from the TUTOR,003, kinematic tutorial. You can check the site HI antenna data with the pop-up . This will present the following sub-menu: stant: 2.0900 ralus: 0.1430 nove OFFSET: 0.0000 COMPUTED ME: 2.0851 “ ~ ABORT After you have checked the HI measurement, press to accept the measurement. Next, select the fixed site using the cursor then press or . After choosing the fixed site, PPDIFF will read the B-file and extract an approximate fixed site position. The user will then be presented with the following pop-up sub-menu: Fined Site Position rarer om 3 iS dae 8 Se Postriow x Posttiow as Posttiow 2 sam 91008 10 ADSEPT PPDIFF 3-209 Enter the coordinates of the fixed site and press Once the fixed site information has been entered, the Program Options Menu will be displayed: 8) Apply Corrections €) Average €-File by exit “Fo bos SHELL QUIT Option A - Select Fixed Site If you enter option , you can re-select the fixed site as described above. Option B - Apply Corrections This option allows you to identify the B-files to be processed differentially. If you select option the following corrections menu will be presented: Fixed Site 6 ‘BRICEAS0.009 Apply corrections to B-File: ABE HSEICES “Fp = 008 SHELL - MT INPUT or - SELECT <€6t>- QUIT To select the rover file, position the cursor over the desired file and press or . This menu allows you to select the B-files to be processed differentially. ‘One can process selective multiple rover receiver files in a single batch- like run, Before doing so, you must select/de-select the files to be processed. This is done by positioning the cursor over the desired file and to select or to deselect the hi.’ ‘ighted file. By files are selected, “Ise files marked via "” are de-selected press the k=. Upon completing ttis “ep position the cursor over the item labeled "ALL B-FILES” and press or 3-210 PPDIFF . All files not marked with an *X” will then be selected for processing. Similar to the fixed site menu, you ean check or change the HI antenna data with the pop-up After entering or , either in single or multiple file mode, the following prompt will be presented: ‘90 YOM WANT TO AVERAGE STATIC SITES? C¥/W) Answering "Y" will invoke the option to generate the vector summary file. PPDIFF will then process the selected B-files and provide the corrected position file for the requested files. If a vector summary file was requested, it will also be created. NOTE: Measurements having a PDOP greater than 40.0 are not averaged. This parameter can be changed using an advanced program option described later. Option C - Average C-file This option provides the capability to average the C-file. You might want to do this if you answered to the question above (Do you want to average static sites) or if you want change the pdop-mask used for averaging the site data. Selecting this option will display the following: Fined Site @-fite: BR average Ci “Fp ~ 008 SHELL ER or ~ SELEEY Ee UIT Select the C-file to be averaged using the cursor key and pressing or . The averaged results will be saved in the VECTORS.OUT file. If you have selected option without selecting a fixed site B- file, you can enter a fixed site name and position values after you have selected the C-file to be aver:ced as shown below: PPDIFF 3-211 Fixed Site Position SITE aE y war 0.0 ,000000 Cow E00 9.000000 Etesoton. wi” ered position x ¢378137.00000 rton Sponge ost position 2.5." 0;00000 ESC ABORT 710 ACCEPT The example below shows a sample of the results of a VECTORS. OUT processed using, PPDIFF. Ashtech, Ine. 6PP5:2 Version: 3.0.00 fri gan 15. 12:00:01 1990, 30 Solution RAS: 3.46 meters) Stetiont: (0060) Station: — (oo01> 32,6099078 32°51 39.98122 32.22a4p51_ 32°51 39,05824 24304266257 243 50 32.06458 243 86237887 ake 51 6456265 Sa7 45758768 197 9 2713507 N17. 13762163 117 "8 1545715 36.1380 100.5733 Beseline vector: 1652.3510 863.1848 10.0400 Markd nye: -2467890.5225 -4771697.0091 3661070. 4956 aeteti ot = 90.48977 0518951366: 2566 etwtur Ye5A ITS ts. eae Mack? nye? -PA46198.1713, -4772560.2739 3441080554 Bez ele'02 : 270.50058 0.2082 18642566 ez ve 16h 1783 sets aes Total occupation time: 1040.00 Csecends) Geometry (9000): 4.331905 am used: 29 Solution RNS: 4,71 cmeters) Station: _ (0060) Station2: (0150) Lecitude: 32.86099478" 32°51 39.58122 32,8608ez1s 32.51 39.10375, Estong : 242 84268257 242 50 32.06453 242.86107200 262 5139-85993 Wtong : 117,18759763 117 9 27. 13547 117, 15892780 117 "8 20:14007 E-weight: 96.1350 BAIT Baseline vector 1564.46 -805.6305, 9.6556 Mark) nya + -2467850.5223 -4771697.0891 3441070.4956 aa att OF 90:67877 0.1559 17499677 ert ur 1741.8965 16.7056 41976 477250217286 346060 2397 17419677 Optic: O - Exit 3-212 PPDIFF This option will exit to DOS. Advanced Program Options: Optionally PPDIFF can be executed with the following command line parameters: PPDIFF -r meters -g -v fname -f -p pdop-mask -e Where: -t, "meters" is the default radius of the antenna height measurement. (For example, -r 0.1430) -g. forces C-file positional information in Latitude, _ Longitude, and Ellipsoidal Height. -v, “frame” specifies the name of the vector summary file. (For example, -¥ VECTOR.OUT) -f, fixed altitude for 3-sv position computations. ‘The pop- up for the corrections menu will allow you to enter the fixed ellipsoidal height for these computations as shown below: sunt: 1.5400 -p, "pdop-mask" for position averaging (value other than default of 40.0). (For example, -p 10.0) -£, executive overlay For example, PPDIFF -r 0.115 -v VECSAS0.°33 or PPDIFF 3-213 PPDIFF -rv 0.115 VECSA90.033 specifies a default antenna height measurement radius (outside edge of ground-plane holes) of 0.115 and names the vector summary output file. 3-214 PPDIFF \ PPLOT PPLOT is the GPPS program module which drives the PLOT program (o allow you to view the available plot files in a directory, You can select the plot filenames on an individual basis or display all files with one command. Input Data Files PPLOT reads all of the plot files (P-files) in the current directory. Output Data Files Optional output files for a HP LaserJet or dot-matrix printer can be created using PLOT commands. Program Execution ‘To begin PPLOT execution, type the following at the DOS prompt: PPLOT Once the program has begun execution, you will sce the Ashtech standard version screen: Program: PPLOT Version: 3.0.00 Released: 06/15/90 Copyright (€) 1988, 1969, 1970. ALL Fights reserved. The program will then read all of the plot filenames in a directory and display a menu similar to the following: PPLOT 3-215 SELECT FILE TO PLOT: jf PCOR ALE! PLot Att PICKSSSA.009 —“PICKEDZA,009 ——_#555E22A.000 SF” OO SWELL

= SET ARGS ~ SELECT SG UIT The example from the TUTOR.OO1 static project is shown. The keys position the highlighted bar over the plot file 1 be displayed, and the or keys accept the highlighted selection. The PLOT ALL option will display ali of the plot files which have not been deselected (see below). If only one file is selected, the PLOT program module will be called for that plot file. When finished viewing the plot, press the key, and plot will terminate and will return control to PLOT. You can then select another plot file to display. If PLOT ALL is selected, each time a plot fite is terminated (using the key), the next plot file will be displayed. When alt plot files have been displayed, the following menu will be displayed: SELECT FILE To PLor: /=PLOF-ARL A PICKSS5A.009 — PleKEZ2A,00 jf PSSSEZZA.009 WFD O05 SHELL ~ SET ARGS ercFl> ~ SELECT ESC» - QUIT ‘After cach file has been displayed an X will appear in the selection box. if you want to re-display a particular plot file, move the highlighted bar to the desired plot file name and remove the X using the INS (insert) key, and re-select the plot file. After you have finished viewing the plot files, you can exit the program using the key. and are typically used in conjunction with the "PLOT ALL" option to select and deselect those files to be plotted. If you select the PLOT ALL option and you are viewing a plot and you do not war: :0 view any more file: vress to "eXit" riot, 3-216 PPLOT SELECT FILE TO PLOT: PLOT ALL Plot ALL PICKSS5A.008 __PICKEZ2A.007 __—»SSSEZ24.000 FILENAME *FILENAME.SLT PRINT OPTIOH GRAPH HOOE > sHMoOL SIZE “Eom ABORT «FIO ACCEPT “i = BOS SWELL SET ARGS - - SELECT ES wiT The pop-up window allows the user to enter parameters for the PLOT program module. As an example, plots can be sent to the HP LaserJet II compatible printer using the -L print option code. You can also specify the graph mode and the symbol size. Refer to the PLOT program documentation in this reference manual for details on these uptions. The PLOT parameters are accepted using the key or rejected using the key. When you have completed displaying or printing the desired plot files, you return to DOS using the key. For details on the PLOT program options, refer to the PLOT section of this reference manual. PPLOT 3-217 PROCESS PROCESS is the GPPS program module which will automatically process your survey data. It will aide in the input file generation and execute the appropriate GPPS program modules to produce the result for the selected survey type (STATIC, PSEUDO-KINEMATIC, or KINEMATIC). input Data Files PROCESS requires that you execute the program from the directory in which the data you wish to process is located. PROCESS will then use the raw data files as input data. If PROCESS has been previously executed, PROCESS can also use the saved PROJFILE to re-run the project without having to reenter the site parameters. Output Data Files Various output files are created by the PROCESS program during the processing steps. You should refer to the individual programs modules for format or function of the dala files. When PROCESS has completed automatic processing, the SUMMARY QUT, O-files, P-files, and R-files (for kinematic surveys) will contain the results of the processing. The PROIFILE, if saved, will contain the project file information. Program Execution ‘To begin execution of PROCESS, type the following at the DOS prompt: PROCESS Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard version screen followed by the main menu as follows: PROCESS 3-219 Processing Options: ap static 8) Pseudo. ©) Kinematic » 905 SHEL ESO” DONE Selecting Option A will allow you to process the data using the STATIC processing method. Option B is for PSEUDO-KINEMATIC processing and Option C is for KINEMATIC processing. Each option will produce a sub-option menu to allow you to edit the project file, edit run-time parameters, edit logtimes file (PSEUDO-KINEMATIC or KINEMATIC), a and begin processing. For the PSEUDO-KINEMATIC option (B), or KINEMATIC option (C), the following sub-option menu would be displayed: Note: The STATIC project option does not have the "Edit Logtimes File” option. fetting aptione: siteroer or 1) ate Run Tie Parameters © edit Logtines Fite Dy Process Project “Fp ~ 0S SHELL “ = RETURN TO MATH ‘<€8¢> = DOME Sub Option A: Edit Project File Choosing this selection presents the project station information menu. The following is a sample display: 3-220 PROCESS hens 1.1 + Project Station Information surg seston mig sugar rare 8am © fee bon ines tt OL SMon ure Teme ok 8 fase ASP St ceipiase we Tha 230 hop G33 Sues Wie F Fi SITE DATA <#3> POP wD ACCEPT esc» ART While the example above shows only five sites (CRIK, GONE, HYRD, MIKE, and RICK), if more than 20 sites have been recorded, the above menu would allow you to scroll through the display using the and keys. Jf you do not want to process a site, you can use the key or key to move the cursor to the line in question and change the first column to N. ‘The KNOWN column is an indicator of the accuracy to which this site is known. A 9 is used to indicate it is completely unknown. A 0 says that the site is to be used as a fixed control site using the coordinates displayed. ‘The following table is a guide to the meaning of the knowness values: KNOWN = MEANING Fixed control site Fixed solution from control Float solution from control Triple solution from control Pseudorange error 0 to 10 meters Pseudorange error 10 to 20 meters Pseudorange error greater than 20 meters ‘Unknown CoraLnes When you enter a 0 for a fixed control site, PROCESS will first process all baselines from that site to the other sites. ‘These newly computed sites will then be used to compute the remaining baselines to the other sites, After completion of processing, the project file would contain positions with a knowness from 0 10 3, If you do not know the coordinates of any of the sites, you can leave all of the stations unknown, In this case, the baselines wil! be processed starting with the site having the lowest pseudorange position «ror. After ‘completion ©: processing, the project file would contain pox :ions with a knowness from 6 to 8. PROCESS 3-221 ‘The SLANT column is for the antenna height measurement. This column is used to correct the difference between the antenna and the point. Since it is difficuit to directly measure from the point to the center of the antenna, the field survey crew will measure from the point (o the edge of the antenna platform using the Ashtech "HI RODS". Hint: You should always check this number and compare it with the field survey data sheets to be sure the number has been correctly entered. Pressing while the cursor is in the SLANT column will display a “Pop Up", which will allow you to enter the slant measurement along with the method the measurement was made, as follows: sunt raptus ApveD oF#ser compute at + Avot #10 ~ ACCEPT ‘The Pop Up will allow you to enter the SLANT, RADIUS, and ADDED. OFFSET measurement. The SLANT is the measurement from the mark to the center of the antenna. Since this measurement is not usually in a vertical line directly to the antenna (but along a slant), the RADIUS allows for the program to correctly compute the vertical height. If the HI RODS are used to make the measurement, the diameter from the antenna center 10 the outside edge of the HE RODS holes is 0.1125 meters. If the measurement was made to the top outside edge of the antenna platform, then the radius is 0.1430 meters. After you enter the measurements, press to accept the data and restore the station information display. If you press , you can enter site meteorological information as follows: 3-222 PROCESS DenweRaTuRE ¢C) 20,00 maiory 30.0 PRESSURE (we) 1010.0 You can also enter position data by pressing on any position prompt except "elip_ht": Lar 00 0.00000 ° tou 0 0 0200000, ELiPsoionL mt 0.0000 Position x 4378137.00000 POSITION ¥ ‘9.00000 PoeITtOn 2 00000 ESC ABORT FS WEIGHT FTO ACCEPT If the cursor is positioned over the ELIP_HT column, a Pop Up can be displayed with the key as shown below: ceoron. vesomr HORGISGOO enw sea vever Seas ELLIPsoIOAL weLour {ANB If the WGS 84 ellipsoid height is not available for the control station, you can enter the sea level elevation and geoid height. The ellipsoidal height will be computed from the geodial height plus the sea level displayed. To save this value and return to the “Edit Projfile* menu, press . To quit without saving this value, press . ‘The station information displa will allow you to add an entry to the station st using the ‘ey. After pressing the key, the following menu will be display PROCESS 3-223 site 10 5555 Sesstow A ve 90 or ° B-FILE @5555450.007 Enter the SITE ID, the session code, the year, and day of year of the entry to be added to the station information list. When you press the key to accept the entries, the station will be added to the list. For any pop-up, pressing will accept the values displayed and remove the pop-up entry menu. Pressing will remove the pop- up without changing any entered parameters. Sub Option B: Edit Run-Time Parameters By default, the run-time parameters are used from the BASELINE.INP file. Selecting this option allows you to modify the parameters just prior to processing the data. Selecting this option for STATIC or PSEUDO-KINEMATIC will result in the following display: Hera 1-4» Run-Time Parameters Ty epee Fire epoch to process, add cepeem) Last epoch to process (-1 = Last availble). | ves Approximate seconds for tlaq processing 400 T7Eq°e price! bed-restdual criterion Cems_cutof Bad degrees) Etevat fon cuter deg Process data (1 = ti, f= 12, 3 = Led, Eat dete aith residials grester than this*rns_cutoft ‘aq convergence criterion (raters) th 60 00 09 Satellites to onit during processing (wp to 7). Ba Olaptoy residuals (2 bed, m- bod B tow, alt a Citeraeiong) imm nurber of dlsq ond’ seq Ieeratlens. $0'60°50'B8 00 00 Forbidaen reference sire (up to 7) mM) apply trapospheric delay sorreetion. on, Denon fthed deubte cit erence processing. “fio - DOs Shell FS - WORE - bone/Aecept ~ ABORT This display is similar to the menu provided by the MAKEINP program module. The run-time parameter: control the operation <7 the post-processing ansiysis program LINECGMP. Each parameter +7: have an affect on the: baseline solution. Defaulis should be changed oniy ater results have beer analyzed and problems identified. 3-224 PROCESS First (and Last) epoch to process: These parameters allow one to specify the beginning and ending epochs to use in processing. The defaults are (1) for begin at the first epoch, and (-1) for end at the last available epoch, ‘These options are used to delete epochs from the beginning of a session or the end of a session, or to select a portion of data from the middle of a session, deleting data from both ends. They are particularly useful when the residual plots show that most of the session is clean, but after (or before) a certain epoch the data is noisy. As an example, if noisy data is observed from the beginning to epoch 45 and then smooths out, 50 car be entered as the first epoch and -1 as the last epoch, processing will use only the data from epoch 50 and above, effectively deleting the noisy data, As an alternative, you could select epochs or "pick" epochs in the B-file using the utility FILETOOL. Approximate seconds for tlsq processing: This parameter affects only the triple least squares processing. The default is (1.0) which tells triple to use every epoch for its processing. Assuming that the collection data interval was 20 seconds, to have the tlsq algorithms use every third epoch of dala, set this option to 40.0. The epoch spacing is computed by adding this number to the epoch interval and doing an integer divide by the epoch interval. Tisq a priori bad-residual criterion: This parameter also applies only to the first iteration of the triple least square algorithms. The default is (100.0) which means that tsq will use all data that fall within a root mean square (RMS) of 100.0 on its first iteration, Increasing this number will allow more data to be included in the first iteration of tlsq, and decreasing this number will cause more data to be rejected in the first iteration, causing tIsq to look at fess data in the first iteration. If it is noticed that a lot of data is being rejected in the first iteration of tlsq, this number could be increased. Elevation cutoff angle: This parameter specifies the elevation angle below which data will be ignored. The default is set to (15.0). Generally, this value should not be decreased, as data at elevations below 15 degrees are subject to large amounts of tropospheric delay. If there is a long data set and the results are not great, try increasing this value to eliminate some of the tropospheric delay in the lower elevation data. It is recommended that you plan observation sessions using a 15 degree cutoff for L1 and 20 to 25 degree cutoff for L2. Process data: The default is set to (1) for processing Li data only. ‘Opions other than the defauit are only meaningful when the L2 capability has been installed in the user’s receivers. PROCESS 3-225 process only L1 data 2 process only L2 data 3 process only Li corrected data (LVL2 ionosphere free combination) Dual frequency users typically use option 3 to provide ionospheric corrections for L1 measurements. Options 2, 4, and 5 are available for ‘entific investigation. Edit data with residuals > this*rms_eutoff: Any data that lies outside this number times the computed RMS of fit will be discarded for the current iteration only. This factor applies to all iterations of tisq except the first, and all iterations of the double least squares (dlsq) algorithms. This number is almost never changed. Tisq convergence criterion: This parameter specifies the amount of change (in meters) allowed between the position computed in the previous iteration and the position computed in the current iteration, defining convergence for the tisq algorithms. For example, the default value of (0.000100) defines convergence to be when the position of the current iteration has changed from the position of the previous iteration by one tenth of a millimeter or less. If this criterion is not met prior to the maximum number of iterations set below, the iterations will end. If this criterion is met before the maximum number of iterations occur, the tlsq routine will have converged and will end. ‘Omit these satellites (up to 7): To omit satellites from any consideration in the processing, enter the PRN number of the satellite(s) to delete here, starting with the first slot. For example, if satellite 3 and satellite 13 are to be deleted, the parameter would look like this: 03 13 00 00 00 00 00. This parameter allows satellites that are providing bad data for one reason or another to be deleted, i.e. a satellite ephemeris is incorrect. Display residuals: The default is set to (B). The parameter can have three different values. (N) display bad residuals and those measurements rejected due to low elevation. (B) display bad residuals only (default). () display all residuals. good, bad, and low elevation. It is not re.cmmended to set this »crameter to yes, as dog so displays many neviers, If it is desired 1 see the residuals of vx good data and any sms they may have, sc the parameter to yes. 3. 226 PROCESS Maximum iterations for tlsq and dlsq: The default is set to (8) iterations. This parameter will override the tlsq convergence criterion discussed above, and will terminate the disq algorithms if reached prior to convergence there. If the data is particularly noisy, this number may be increased. Usually, however, convergence will occur by the third iteration, Forbidden reference SVs (up to 7): Enter any satellites to be excluded from being used as the reference satellite. The default (08 00 00 00 00 00 00) is set to exclude PRN 8 as a reference because it is operating on a crystal clack and provides bad measurement data. To force a particular satellite 0 be the reference satelite, enter the PRN numbers of all the other satellites here. Apply tropo delay correction: If YES is entered, the temperature, pressure and humidity of both stations will be taken from the input file and a tropospheric delay correction will be computed and applied to the data. If these values were not measured, use the default values of 20 degrees Celsius, 50 percent humidity, and 1010 millibars of barometric pressure. IfNO is entered here, the tropospheric delay correction will not be computed and any temperature, pressure, and humidity values will be ignored. Demand fixed double difference processing: If YES is entered, fixed double difference processing will be performed, If NO is entered, the program may not perform fixed double difference processing if the ambiguities cannot be resolved Additional run-time parameters can be changed using the (MORE) key. You will be presented with the following pop-up: 1 omission criterion, Speed: fast/slow Data quality factor (10-40; default 20) ASCII Elle (00-008) of double giffterences Denerate PLOTFILE for plotting residusls -0 Int search editing factor (1-03.03 <1-0 AITO) wExtent of integer search: -W to H for all ODS = ABORT “ = Bone/Accept ‘fter_you have change? any parameters for vour requirement, press to accept the parameters. Pressing the key returns you: to the menu without any changes to the parameters. PROCESS 3-227 Auto SV omission criterion: This parameter allows the user to specify the percentage of measurements (compared to the satellite with the most number of measurements) below which any satellite will automatically be omitted from consideration. The default is set to (20) which means that any satellite with less than 20 percent of the measurements of the satellite with the most measurements will not be used in processing. Sometimes, a satellite with just a few measurements causes an undue influence on the solution, degrading the solution, This parameter helps avoid that problem, You may decrease this value if there are only four satellites and one is being thrown out because it falls below the given percentage of measurements. A value of zero (0) disables this action. Speed: This value affects only the tisq algorithms, If set to (Fast), the default, thsq will use every third of the selected measurement epochs in the first iteration, every second of the selected epochs in the second iteration, and every one of the selected epochs in the third and following iterations If set to (slow), tlsq will use every selected epoch for every iteration. Data quality factor This is a weighing factor used by LINECOMP. It indicates the general quality of data from very good (10) to poor (40). It is used by the cycle slip fixing routine in selecting good data near a suspected cycle slip. This parameter should only be changed by those doing research, ASCII file (DD_OBS) of double differences The normal user will not want this file, and the default is set to (no). It is there for scientific investigation. If you set this option to (yes), the file DD_OBS must be renamed before re-running LINECOMP, or the file will be overwritten with information on the next baseline. Generate "PLOTFILE" for plotting residuals This file is very useful for determining the noise level of the data, and to see if any cycles were missed by the automatic cycle slip fixer as noted above. The default is set 10 (yes) and it is suggested that this not be changed. Int search data editing factor This factor acts as a filler in determining good data versus bad data during the integer search process. The default value of (-1.0) tells LINECOMP to use an automatic algorithm to set this valce to the maximum allowed. If it is desired to sc: ‘t manually, it can be ¢::.2 by entering a positive number. This number es the RMS of the Floa! Double Difference sotu:ion must not be greate: :aan 0.08. Generally, this number is left at the default value of (-1.0) allowing the 3-228 PROCESS program compute the value. N=Extent of integer search: -N to +N for all DDs (1) is the default value, and it is almost never changed. The default value tells the program. that it can add (or subtract) one from the current ambiguities before rounding im its search for the best integers. Setting this value to (2) would allow the program to add (or subtract) one or owo from the curtent ambiguities as iis searching for the best combinations. It should be noted that the larger the number is, the longer the integer search will take. This parameter should only be changed by those doing research. Sub Option C: Edit Logtimes Fite ‘This _sub-option is only available for PSEUDO-KINEMATIC and KINEMATIC processing. When you select this option the following entry menu will be displayed: a Gila atten sh 4 BH AT 351000 : en wn Nan He i ie ebiaolog bs U0 Fa pe a aa et i Ded th ae tac ar eee ee te Et ea wa the ie ss Bo eT pees oa ne ak 208 St o978 haan howe 0 Soa Goel ioe PA HE ee oo Oe be Ba Ri Hk orc 200 TOU KE I RK JOG. go tua eeoss Bik kok tant bmn Boek nae Se ree Be Mat 8 ey Se bas a te ae AK ARR ot KR RK ae Se ; oe ee oe ee pat Bone ‘oun 4031840 aiues & So ak Hine come Sor Bt atk s€SC> QUIT

DELETE LINE 4655 N00 LINE WRITE Each of the highlighted fields above can be modified to correct field entry errors such as the time, correct incorrect site names, or delete/add a line. To modify any field, press the key to move the cursor to the field to be changed and type in the correct information, After you have made the modifications, press to write the updated LOGTIMES ‘le. Pressing the key returns you tc ‘ previous menu with: ay changes. PROCESS 3-229 Sub Option D: Process Project This option will present a slightly different menu, depending on the type of project being processed. A STATIC project will present the following menu ALY ta 1) Process Radial ly ©) View Baseline Sumery “Fir ~ 00S SHELL > RETURN TO BATH “ES OOKE Option A of menu 1.3 is the recommended option, especially for network densification (contral} projects. Processing all combinations will compute the lines between the known site and all unknown sites along with the lines between each unknown site. This option will produce N(N-1)/2 baselines per session, where N is the number of receivers participating in the session, The figure below depicts the lines which are computed using this option: ati GoMarMateoNs ES RECEIVERS — 10 BASELINES va Option B of menu 1.3 will process all the baselines radially from the known or control site only. This option will produce N-1 baselines, where N is the number of receivers used in the session, ‘The figure below depicts the lines which are comp:d using this option: 3-230 PROCESS 5 PECERYERS 9 paseritire If you are processing a PSEUDO-KINEMATIC project, the following menu will be displayed: Processing Options: ‘a Pree AL LCR EON B) Process only with Fixed ©) View aseline Summary = RETURN TO MATH “Est = BONE Option A should be used if either you used the “leap frog technique” (no master) or you wish to process between ROVERS. The program will check every combination of site names similar to STATIC and make sure that two site observation times overlap. If this condition is true, the program will process the pair of sites. Otherwise, the next pair of sites will be examined, Option B requires at least one site to be labeled as a FIXED site in the project file, This is identified by entering an entry in the first column of the project file instead of ¥. The program will process the sites in order of knowness and each FIXED site will be tied to all of the rover sites. The rover sites are identified with a first column entry of Y. If there is more than one FIXED site you will be prompted with the ‘tion "Tie the fixed?". If you answer , he FIXED sites will be essed as a STATIC survey before continuing with the /DO-KINEMATIC ineasurements. If you are processing a KINEMATIC project, the following menu will be PROCESS 3-231 displayed: Processing Opti AD Process static between all Fixed first 8) Process Only between Fixed and Rover © View Baseline Summary a - 008 SHELL = RETURN TO MATH “ESC ~ DOME The KINEMATIC project option A will allow you to Process the vectors between all FIXED sites (those identified with an F in the project file), before continuing with the KINEMATIC processing. The set of fixed sites will be treated as an independent static survey and alt combinations will be processed. After the static processing has been completed, processing will continue using the same procedure as option B below. ‘The KINEMATIC project option B will process only between FIXED and ROVER pairs, This option will kinematically process every FIXED- ROVER pair possible. The best known fixed site will be used first and the ROVER will be processed starting from the sites identified by the S, using an initialization from the best “knowness” or an antenna swap point. Before a site can be used as a start point, it must either be initialized with ‘a swap or the position be known. Note, each roving receiver must have 4 unique start point. After you select the processing option for your type of project (STATIC, PSEUDO-KINEMATIC, OR KINEMATIC), PROCESS will run the COMNAV program module which reads each of the site navigation files and produces the common navigation file. MAKEUFIL program module will run and produce an undifferenced (U-file) for each site. For static and pscudo-kinematic projects, the LINECOMP program module will then run and perform the baseline calculations for triple-difference, float double-difference, and fixed double difference. For KINEMATIC processing, the program will determine, by examining the logtimes file, whether if swap was performed. if an antenna swap was performed, ANTSWAP will automatically be executed to initialize the vector. KINSRVY will then be executed to determine the vectors for the ROVER points. During executica of each of these preg-am modules, displays s'milar 10 those shown ia the Chapter 2 tutoriais will be displayed. Vhen the 3-232 PROCESS computer has completed processing your project, the computer will overlay the following message: ase seeeatog, Competes. 18 1s recomended to. sun Netverk iu 6 aekermine the qual ity at te ate, Ge TIGET or oE ‘This is a reminder that the quality of the results is best determined in a network. When you Tun a network adjustment program, you will know if the results are Consistent with the overall network. Pressing any key below: erase the overlay and re-display menu 1.3 as shown ene 13 Processing Options: Pleckda AU coos 8) Process Only with Fixed €) View Bosel ine Sumery FD 08 SHELL io > neta To ma scr > Done You can view the summary results of your project by selecting option . This option will display the results created for the project which has been saved as a file named SUMMARY.OUT in the computer. Selecting this option will display results similar to the following: > Preceesing sumary 15/1950 Jcomay was run using the fotlouing Files: EMIKERSO.009 ERICKASO.009 PROCESS ran IMACEUFIL results were as follows: [LIMECOMP Results Are As Fol Lous: From To SESSION LENGTH ws ‘sou Riek ce 822.093. 0.01851 Fixes RICK GOW 1616.75. 0:02008 Fined “Pal = 2oge Up “Pebe> = Page Down “Esc> ~ Gone This display gives you a quick indication of the strength of the solution, PROCESS 3-233 In this example, a solution was reached using a fixed value for the ambiguity. Vector lengths were 822.013 meters from site RICK to CRIK and 1614.775 meters from RICK to GONE. Comparing the vector length and a ratio value greater than 3 gives you a confidence that a strong solution was obtained. If there are problems with the solution, you can expect to see an increase in the rms errors. If many baselines were computed during this processing session, the temainder of the results summary can be viewed by pressing the or keys. If you wish, you can also move a line up or down using the keys or When you have finished reviewing the baseline summary results, press this will return you to menu 1.3. You can press to return to the previous menu. If in GPPS, pressing will return you to the main menu. If PROCESS was run as a Standalone program, pressing will exit the program, In either case, when you press the following message will be displayed: save projtite on disk? 7m Pressing Y will save the project information as file PROJFILE. 3-234 PROCESS ~ ADVANCED PROGRAM OPTIONS If desired, you can execute PROCESS specifying the following command line parameters: -v Verbose mode -e East coordinates -w West coordinates -x Use cartesian coordinates -p Use precise orbits The -v option executes PROCESS in the verbose mode. Normally the display output from programs MAKEUFIL and LINECOMP is suppressed. The verbose option will display the information provided by MAKEUFIL and LINECOMP. ‘The -© or -w options will display positions using either the eastern or western hemisphere coordinates. For example, W 122 degrees can be displayed instead of E 238 degrees. The -x option wili display the "Edit project file” menu using cartesian coordinates instead of WGS 84. The -p option will use the NGS precise orbit files instead of the ephemeris files. The precise orbit file must be named using the naming convention: ECFYYWW. where "YY" is the fast (wo digits of the year and "WW" is the week of the year. PROCESS 3-235 READROV READROV is the GPPS program module utility which will summarize the output of the kinematic processing results and produce a rover trajectory print file, a plotfile of the kinematic track, or compute various averaged sotutions for sites in a kinematic survey. Input Data Files READROV uses the rover trajectory file created by the KINSRVY program, ROVER. TRI. Output Data Files READROV creates a PRINTER.FIL print file using the print options specified. Optionally created is a PLOTFIL-E.RVR plot file which can be displayed or printed using the PLOT program. Average solution information for all named sites is saved in the AVERAGES.RVR file. Program Execution To begin READROV execution, type the following at the DOS prompt: READROV ‘Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard version screen followed by a prompt as follows: Released: 06/15/90 & ASHTECH, Inc. 90" Potters Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086 ‘copyright key without typing a fiiename, accepts the defeult name of ROVER.TRS, When the key is pressed, and either READROV 3-237 ROVER.TRI or the entered filename exits, the following message is displayed: Performing peetiminary check en rover trajectory Fite: working / with the "/* rotating like an unwinding key. When the file has been checked, the main menu will be displayed as follows: wena 1.0 Hain Program options: Ay Set Racird efCter ina 8) Create ROVER. TRS Print File ©) Create Plotfite of Lat., Long., Refaht and Distance 1) compute Averages mit + 005 shett ~ Accept selection Option A: Set Record Filtering This option is used to select the points which will be used by options B-D. When this option is selected, the following sub-menu is displayed: wert 117 Filer Setection Renu Record Flicers Start Record number: lid End Record Munber! GRE cast necord = 559 (Good/80d Flog Mode: Flag Setection: { (9 = good only, b= bad onty, “FID = DOS Shell = Reset Filter = Accept ABORT Fait The default filter values are set to include all the data in the rover trajectory file. In the example screen above, the total number epochs in the file is 559, and the record filter start has been set to the first record, while the record filter end has been set to the last record. The user may change the selected starting and endie epochs as required. The position filter defaults have been initialized with the minimum and 3-238 READROV maximum latitudes, longitudes, and heights of the positions in the rover trajectory file. The user may change these values to select information falling within a certain area. Finally, the user may select data based on the good/bad flag. The default is set to ignore this flag and use all data. If the user wants to accept only that data which was flagged as good during the processing, the user would enter a instead of the Filters may be used alone or in tandem. When the filters have been set, press the to accept and return to the main menu, Option B: Create ROVER.TRJ Print File Selecting this option will display the following sub-menu: sai ener TS Print Options: Line width: <0 (Characters) Left Margin: 49 (characters) Pepe venath: 8S (Lines) Form Feeds: ¥ (Yes/wod Fete Format: 1 (1 --> Do not span fields en separate poses, 12 <-> Fields nay be broken and placed on separate pages. = 005 shell “ = Done7accept “ ABORT Ede ‘This menu allows the user to name the print file (default PRINTER.FIL), and specify some formatting options. ‘The default options will provide a very readable listing of the rover trajectory file, The defaults may be changed to suit the user ‘As soon as the key is pressed, the print file (named as shown on the screen) will be created. It will contain all epochs which fall within the filter criterion, The screen will clear and the Working 7 message will be displayed. When compicte, the main menu will be restored. READROV 3-239 Option C: Create Plotfile of Lat., Long., Height and Distance The option will create a plotfile for the PLOT program. The plotfile will contain four individuat plots of the rover trajectory. The first - a plan view of latitude and longitude, the second - height vs. latitude, the third - height vs. longitude, and the fourth - height vs. distance. These plots will contain only data which falls within the specified filter criterion. ‘When the option is selected, the screen will clear and following message will be displayed: Enter the none of the PLOT file Gust return for PLOTFTLE.2¥R3: Attar entering ine filentne (oF «ORD, the following message Wilt de displayed: Working / and upon completion, the user will be returned to the main menu. Option D: Compute Averages This option will create a file containing average solution information for all named sites in the file. Only data falling within the filter criterion will be used in the averages, When this option is selected, the screen will clear and the following message will appear: Enter the nane of the AVERAGES file Gust return for AVERAGES.RV Alvear entecing the Filename (oF the filename ROVER. TRI will be used as the input filename. or SORTROV filename where filename is the rover trajectory filename. Once the program has begun execution, you will see the Ashtech standard version screen followed by status information as follows: Progcam: SORTROV Version: 3.0.00 Released: 06/15/90 cer right Ce) 1988, 1989, 1953. ALL Fights reserved. SORTROV 3-243 If the input ROVER.TRI file exists in the current directory, the following status message will be displayed as the program executes. After completion, the user will be returned to DOS. Reading ingur (ily and Loading Sort Table Sorting Table Generating Sorted output file Program normal completion: Sorted file generated If the file ROVER.TRJ does not exist, the following message will be displayed and the user will be returned to DOS: Error opening input fie ‘The output file will be named ROVER.SRT. 3-244 SORTROV eee TIMESYS TIMESYS is a GPPS program module utility which will convert between the four time systems used in GPS operations and processing. Input Data Files None. Output Data Files None. Program Execution To begin TIMESYS execution, type the following at the DOS prompt: TIMESYS Once the program fas begun execution, the following screen will be displayed: ors Wodi ied Jul fan Ss sets a. gBbanemnmnoon | Mtsetan Scone ot weeks tian nen oid ‘Gregorien Years 1990 Month: “6° (AUN) ie: aeiieocoosomeca ie i> bo shel sts0> Ealt Program The screen will show the current computer time in each of the four formats, Any change to the , TIMESYS: 3-245 , , and keys. The key shells to DOS system, allowing execution of any DOS command, To exit the program, press the key. The program is particularly useful for finding the Gregorian calendar date for a given Day of Year, or finding the Day of Year for the current date, or for converting to and from GPS time. 3-246 ‘TIMESYS i Na APPENDIX A Ashtech XII GPPS Programs GPPS Programs Executive Processing Program: cops Be Process Be All-in-one Exgcutive Program Overlay tor GPS Morus Processing Programs: nose BE comay BE saEL id ake tM ad Cine come BE ‘cemtos ee aersone ad kawsevy ad READROY oF SORRY oe poole ee Uti Liey Programe aco oe ASHToaL BE ‘suroee Be ouvert BE FILEVODL oe psn. con MewuINsT BE ROT BE Por BE Pua DE TIMES'S BE Dounlosds meagurenent date trom GPS receivers Greate cannon navigation files fran E-files Creates uncifterenced measurement files. Creates and edite tnput tiles. for UIMECOM Produces detailed static andpseudo-tinemat ie results Creates LOGTINES file for Kinenatic processing al Location from antenna swap" Led kinematic results res Kinematic print and plot fit Sorts ROVER. TRI files Creates differential post-processing results Ashtech change or create project directory Convert Ashtech ephemeris. to. almanac file Convert Ashtech rau data fites te RINEK format Convert old Ashtech rau files to ew Ashtech format Ucitity set te view and edit rau files Read almanac file and provige satel tte visibitity Modify colors in Ashtech men prograns Convert ASCII NGS precise (ECFZ) erbits to binary Display and print plot fies Executive to display and print all plot fites Convert tine from various reference systens Adjustaent input and state Plane programs: swrnzer XE Compute coordinates in feet from SPCS83 output aouustn EXE Greate input files for FILLMET, GEOLAB, eter ‘exipcoce EXE Compute state plone coordinates from FILLWET cutput spcsas EXE Compute KADES State plane coordinates (NGS program) spcsa DOE Deciaentat ion for NOS program 10127 THT Ujat of MAD 27 SPC codes, Zoees Tx Ut of Mab 83 SPC codes oar MAD 27 $PC factors rine Index to GPDAT APPENDIX A - GPPS Programs A247 Miscellaneous data files: BASELINE INP Templace input Fite for Linccour Places DAT ist of Locations Saved by CPSP Praanes DAT Lie of printers supparted by PSM? Prwowos BAT Uist of printer commande used by GPSKAP PRureR DAT List Of printers supported by GPSWAP PRATINST EXE Printer Snetal lation program for GPSKAP rosoot XE Compressed STATIC tutorial date file Tuv0R002 EXE Compressed PSEUDO-EINEMATIC data tive ruroao03 EXE Compressed KINEMATIC data file DOS Environment GPPS requires that the DOS environment be properly configured. For first time users, the GPPS INSTALL file will set the environment to the required configuration. However, if you have installed other software programs or utilities, the INSTALL program will not recognize your changes. You may need to modify these two files to combine the GPPS configuration with that of your other program configuration environment. The following configuration for the DOS files CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT is installed by the INSTALL program for GPPS: conrie.s¥s Figs = 20. BUFFERS * 20 uToexEc.8ar PROWPT SP 36 PATH C:\;0:\008;C2\GPPS; ‘The statement C:\GPPS should be in your path so that any GPPS program module can be executed from any project directory. For further information about DOS commands refer to your DOS manual. A-248 APPENDIX A - GPPS Programs APPENDIX B Recommended Filenames File naming Convention Experience has shown that certain file naming conventions provide the best protection against accidently overwriting a data file and at the same time allow for keeping track of data files for large projects. The Ashtech HOSE program automatically creates names for computer files from the receiver file information. A unique first letter identifies each type of file. For example, the binary phase data file begins with a B (Brfile), the binary ephemeris data file begins with an E (E-file), and the ASCH site information file begins with an $ (S-file), The next four characters are for the site name, followed by one character for the session, followed by two digits for the year. This completes the eight digi allowed for a DOS file name. The final three digit filename extension is used for the consecutive day of the year This convention is best illustrated as TannnSyy.DDD where T is the type identifier, nnnn is the 4-character site name, S is the session indicator, yy is the last two digits of the year, and DDD is the day of the year (using all three digits, e.g. 034). Following are several ‘examples of filenames using this convention: = BHILLA89.304 = phase data file = EHILLB90.003 = ephemeris file = BCO01C90.034 = phase data file ‘The first and third file are binary phase data files. ‘The first and second files are for station HILL. The first file was observed on the 304th day ‘of 1989 (Oct. 31st) and was the first session that day. ‘The second file, ar. ephemeris data file, was observed on the third cay of 1990 during the second session. The third file is for station 001 » ich is part of project *e" observed on day 034 “3 Feb. 1990) and ws. the third session that day. APPENDIX B - File Name Convention B-249 Character vs Number filenames Because you need to include the maximum amount of information in a filename, numbers rather than characters are preferred for site or station names. The most efficient way to number stations in a given project is to first number the control points (e.g. 001, 002, 003 ...) and unknown stations in the network beginning in one corer and numbering sequentially. This three digit number will be preceded by a one digit or character code for the project, ¢.g. 7001 or W092, to form the complete 4-character station ID. We have found there will be less confusion if this procedure is followed The three digit sequential number you assign a station can also be used as the point’s serial number if you submit your data to the National Geodetic Survey for publication. The NGS files require that each point be assigned: (1) a three digit serial number, (2) a unique four-character name, and (3) a unique 25-character name. The four-character name for point JONES 1932 whose serial number is 004 could be either JONS or E004 where E designates certain project. The 25-character name is, at this time, for informational purposes only as far as GPPS-2 is concerned. Tt may, in the future, be used to create bluebook files, During baseline processing, three files are created which have a slightly different naming convention because they involve two stations. The files are the input files for LINECOMP which start with an I, the baseline solution output files which start with an Q, and the plotfiles containing measurement residuals which start with a P. These files all follow the following naming convention: TNNNnnnS.DDD where TT is the beginning letter identifying the file type, NNN is the last three characters (the serial number) of the 4-character FROM station ID, ‘nnn is the last three characters of the 4-character TO station ID, S$ is the session identifier, and DDD is the day of the year. To avoid having dupticate files with this convention, it is important that the last three characters of the 4-character site codes be the rapidly changing characters, For example, if we have 5 stations in a session, they should be named: 0001, 92, 0003, 0004, 0005 ‘her than 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000. 8-250 APPENDIX 8 - File Name Convention If the second set of station names were used with the standard naming convention, we would end up with one set of file names as shown below: 10000004. 165 Q000000A.. 165 POQOODOA. 165, rather than 10 sets of files. The contents of these files would relate to the last vector processed SAMPLE FILE NAMES Site dependent files: BA020B89.305 - Binary phase data 0235C90.009 - Binary ephemeris data S1111A89.354 - ASCII site info Vector related files: 1020134B.305 - LINECOMP input file OPOTACKA.024 - LINECOMP output file PI11112A.354 - LINECOMP residual plotfile Almanac files: COMMON.NAV - Created by COMNAV ALM90.033 - Created by ASHTOALM from COMMON.NAV APPENDIX B - File Name Convention B-251 APPENDIX C Ashtech Data File Structure Data File Structure ‘The following sections provide the structure of each of the computer data files created by the Ashtech programs: B-file The B-file contains the raw measurement file information downloaded from the GPS receiver. Each record corresponds to one epoch. These records are defined as follows: the size of @ benstruct header = 90 bytes det ing TorcHae 12 ‘struct header har verstont101; ASCHL: set to Mversions# Untlaned enar chu_versionz Current version set to 1 char evr typetion; ASCIT Receiver type: COKiE, MXIT, apd Uk char cchan_ver 1103; ASCHT channel software version. char 3? ASCIL NAY software version Copabit ity of receiver: char ceservedttnl; The size of @ benstruct epoch = 353 words ‘unsigned Long epent (TOTCHAN); Inerapents shite lock {5 maintained. Unsigned char prnCTOTCNANS 3 PRN amber reigned char chonid(TOTCHAN ; Channel 1d ruber char potarity{Torcvan); Status of Lock To SV: 1,2,3 Imply no good, fard.t and 5 Imply good, ‘unsigned chor vat idEFOTCHANI : Measurement validity code: ‘22 ns> tracked SY 23 --> tracked SV, ‘ebrained WAV, but not used in position emt ime (TOTEHAN | Soppler CTOTCHNA | sreg_LTcrorcuaN ; seagita erorenaw ; ves2qvorciant; ‘intdoppl ee CTOTCHAN ; Carritr haze messurement on U1 ¢cycten). carpnase! crorcian Carrier Phage peasurement on (2 Ceyeles). erpnasez{TOTCHAN APPENDIX ¢ - Data File Structure C-253 float float Unstaned char elavat!on{TOIcHAaN); Sasigned cher reserved TOTCHAN) Preserved TOTCHAN); Seinuth(rorcuaa Unsigned char warning TOFCMANI; Reserved. Reserved, Satellite elevation angle. Satellite szimath (2 degrees). Yarning flag (non-zero implies warning) char. ‘st tenane £6) ‘Seharacter site name (operator entered dowate rev times Epoch receive time (see) Souble ” Stacion position: ECEF-Y (meters). out % ECEF-Y (meters). Soule ECEF-Z (neers). teat sot: Velocity tm ECEF-¥ coordinate (ayeee). toat oot: Velocity in ECEF-Y “coordinate cm/sec) fost Eat? Velocity th ECEF-2 coordinate (m/sec). double fave! Receiver Clock offset (meters) Goubte Peserved: Reserved. Snstgned int pope Poor. E-file The E-file contains the ephemeris information transmitted from each satellite, Each record consists of a byte containing the SVPRN identifier, followed by a navstrct. ‘The data is recorded at hourly intervals and may consist of several records for a single satellite. If a satellite was not tracked during a given hour, there will be no entry for that satellite for that hour. The navstrct consists of 32 records per SVPRN. The record definitions and the units of the orbit data conform to GPS-ICD-200. The file records are defined as follows: int avpen ine GPS week number. (ang Seconds of GPS week, thot Group delay (sec). Clock date issue, (see). Clock’ parameters: (see/see2) (see/see) (see). Orbit dota issue. Hear anomaly correction (seni-circle/sec), Mean snemaly at reverence Cine Ceemt-circle). Eccentricity. ‘Square root of semi-major axis (meters 1/2). Reterence tine for orbit (3c). Harwonte correction ters (radians). Warmonie correction term (neters). monte correction term (radians) rrmonie correction term (meters). Narmonte correction term (radians). Harmonte correction ter lan of Ase, ode csemt rg. of Periger (Sea'-ciretes). {nelination angle at reference tine (semi -ciretes> (seni-cireles/sec). fost erazadets Rate of right F< float Test; Rote of inclination (seri-ciretes/see). ine “v3 (coded). int Ty keoded). int interval (coded). c-254 APPENDIX C - Data File Structure S-file The S-file (site file) is an ASCII text file containing the information entered by the field survey operator using the GPS receiver menu 9. An example of the data is shown below: ‘SEE EWFORMATION WANE BYTES. “WEEK TIME. SES RCH ANT HHOD CPR CODE. Bick 147272 $22. 2147B OR 18k O16 0108 RS, AE Tony Tver MaMIDETY saessuRe eerore 2.090050 0 o D0 aren” 20900 «9G a} APPENDIX C - Data File Structure C-255 APPENDIX D GPS Surveying Methods GPS Survey Techniques “This section is intended to familiarize the new GPS user with some of the techniques used in GPS surveying. Experienced users may wish to pass cover this section. A FEW OF THE ADVANTAGES OF GPS GPS provides the capability of bringing in state plane coordinates to areas where the cost would be prohibitive using conventional surveying methods. In fact, GPS will make many projects feasible which would not have been so with conventional methods. GPS is extremely cost effective for primary control networks, photo control projects, and remote boundary control. It is not limited to these types of surveys however. Users have found that once they have acquired GPS receivers, they have used them very effectively on projects they would not have considered as GPS projects prior to ownership. For example, using the antenna swap method, GPS can provide extremely accurate azimuth control in a very short period of time, regardless of weather conditions. GPS can be used to close out traverses, i.e. traverses run one-way to pick up ties in wooded terrain can be closed using GPS, eliminating many hours of return traversing, A short list of some of the GPS advantages include: - No requirement for line of sight between points, ~ Bring in state plane control in a day. = Some projects are possible that would be impossible using conventional methods. Several methods arc on screen 9 of the receiver shoulc be done after al least one epoch of 79%'s has been recorded. If you choose to tum off data recording during your move, you must remember to tum it back on D-262 APPENDIX D - Survey Techniques before enter your next station name, Jn a typical pseudo-kinematic survey, a base station is left on a known station while one or more roving receivers observe independent groups of points. The same receiver must visit cach of its points twice, i.e. one receiver cannot visit a station for the first S-minutes while a different receiver observes the second S-minutes an hour later. Both 5-minute visits must be made by the same receiver If the operators of the coving receivers are in radio contact and they collect data at common tines, the baselines between the rovers may also be computed. Processing of these between-rover baselines may be done automatically using the GPPS-2 program. COMBINED METHODS ‘Combining all three methods may lead to the most efficient completion of any larger project. Knowing when and where to use each method for the best production will be the mark of the good GPS surveyor. Project planning is key to the successful completion of a GPS survey network. Taking the overall view of an project and deciding what stations should be observed statically. pseudo-kinematically, and kinematically is one of the most important tasks in planning and successfully completing GPS projects. It is no longer simply a matter of site reconnaissance and travel time. Satellite visibility along the route must also be taken into account. Route reconnaissance can be as important as site reconnaissance in today's GPS projects. APPENDIX D - Survey Techniques 0-263 Index ACD covets bee : 2, 51, 127, 196, 247 ADJUSTIN 2 19-21, 44, 53-62, 64, 66-4, 126, 175-177, 247 Almanac o voces cee. 8, 10, 81, 124, 129, 131, 144-147, 151, 247, 251 Ambiguities : 56, 156, 158, 163, 167-169, 183, 186, 227, 229, 258, 259, 261, 262 Antenna offset : + 86, 165, 177, 179 Antenna swap an cee =. . 35, 36, 38, 77-80, 232, 247, 257, 259 ANTSWAP, - : 2, 38, 39, 44, 77-80, 118, 125, 155) 232, 247 ASHTOALM | : eee aes 2. 2, 81, 247, 251 ASHTORIN beeen se bo... 2, 83, 85, B7, BB, 196, 247 AUTOEXEC.BAT ........ 2. 72, 248 Befile . 44, 84, 85, 88, 91, 92, 95:97, 100-106, 116, 180, 189-193, 209-211, 224, 225, 249, 253 BASELINE.INP 0... » 44, 125, 159, 161, 162, 164, 168, 170, 171, 173-175, 183, 184, 187, 188, 224 BASELINE.OUT cess - «44, 53, 56, 161, 162, 164, 170, 171, 183 Baud rate. obtener ee bees : 143 Biases cones cee 163, 164, 258, 261 Cables . COMNAY 2, 16, 18, 24, 25, 34, 41, 44, 77, 89, 90, 93 189, 207, 209, 232, 233, 247, 251 CONFIGSYS |. : 248 Conventions rrr ren = 2,5, 47, 50, 52, 249 CONVERT , 45, 83, 87, 88, 91-93, 99, 109, 193, 124, 135, 139, 177, 196, 245, 247 Correlation eee e eee ee tee 2. 59, 60 Cyele slip . + 40, 157, 158, 164, 183-186, 228 DATALOG! ... 2, 95-97, 196 Differenced 155, 170, 189, 190 Differencing 163, 166, 168, 184 Differential 247 DLSQ . -183, 24, 226, 227 Doppler - 107, 253 16-18, 29-31, 49, 162, 164, 166-169, 171, 182-184, 186, 187, 224, 227, 228, 232, 258 Double difference - Duai frequency 0 eee eee 171, 181, 226 Efe. 1 "g3-85, 95-97, 109-111, 249, 254 Elevation angle so. 0c vce wees = 180, 225, 254 Elipsviual height |. 0s... 0... 11... 15, 26, 36, 116, 165, 176, 153, 183, 213, 223 Ephemeris.... 2.00... ee 16, 24, 44, 63, 81, 89, 99, 108-110, 123, 125, 128,143, Index 265 163, 226, 235, 247, 249, 251, 254, 261 Epoch oo... 00.2... + 39, 45, 49, 78, 97, £00, 102-108, 156, 157, 159, 161, 162, 165-167, 170, 171, 179, 180, 182-185, 191, 192, 207, 224, 225, 228, 253, 254, 259, 262 Error sources vee 163 Filename evens 9, 10, 20, $4, 56-59, 61, 62, 65, 68-70, 74, 77, 81, 84, 85, 88, 99, 101, 103, 104-106, 109, 111, 112, 115-117, 148, 155, 160, 162, 165, 171, 173, 190, 193, 217, 237, 238, 240, 243, 249, 250 FILETOOL ........ 3, 44, 45, 99, 100, 123, 124, 169, 180, 196-198, 225, 247 PILLNET : : 17, 20, 21, 30, 40, 53-55, $7-59, 136-138, 233, 247 Fixed antenna. ve teae see te eee eee ee eee 78 Full handshake . . tee tee 8, 95, 143, 149, 150, 154 Gfile 22... . ©. 53, 62 GENLOG ... 13, 25, 34, 77, 115-119, 125, 247 Geodial height eect eee 223 GEOLAB . 117, 20, 21, 30, 40, 53, 57-62, 137, 233, 247 Geometry «18, 31, 41, 159, 166-168, 182, 212, 258, 261, 262 GPPS -3, 5-8, 10, 11, 18-21, 23, 25, 31, 33-35, 41, 43, 48, 51-62, 64, 66, 67-74, 77, 81, 83, 84, 89, 91, 95-97, 99, 115, 116, 121-129, 135, 137, 140, M41, 143, 144, 146-148, 150-152, 155, 159, 161, 165, 173, 189, 195, 196, 198, 199, 203, 207, 212, 215, 219, 234, 237, 243, 245, 247, 248, 250, 263 GPSMAP . ee . ae ‘3, 81, 123, 124, 129-131, 133, 247, 248, GRIDCOOR . vite tee eee +3, 44, 135-141, 247 Help ... 14, 21, 31, 41, 258 HI rods - eee . 13, 14, 26, 27, 178, 222 Home/away pair... ee 78,79 HOSE TUTTI L113) 81, 23, 33, 44, 96, 123, 143, 144, 147, 148, 150-154, 193, 196, 247, 249 Intergraph GNA . 20, 53, 57, 61 Kinematic . . . +2, 1,7, LL, 12, 20, 23-30, 33-38, 40, 41, 45, 48, 54, 56, 77, 80, 115, 116, 117, 118, 121, 123, 125, 127, 155, 156, 159, 161, 176, 189, 190, 207, 209, 219, 220, 224, 229, 231, 232, 237, 240, 247, 248, 257-263 LINECOMP ...........-.. 3, 16-18, 29-31, 44, 62, 118, 125, 126, 128, 160-166, 169-173, 175, 180, 183, 185, 186, 206, 224, 228, 232, 233, 235, 247, 248, 250, 251 LOGTIMES .........--- 25, 28, 34, 35, 37, 77, 115-118, 125, 155, 156, 159, 160, 165, 176, .80, 220, 229, 232, 247 MAKEINP 02.0.6 -0.0-2.02255 «+ +3, 44, 125, 161, 164, 173, 196, 224, 247 MAKEUFIL ... . . 3, 16, 18, 29. 31, 38, 41, 44, 77, 108, 125, 128, 189-193, 232, 233, 235, 247 266 Index Mean sea level occ = +=. 176, 177, 179, 223 MENUINST ......... 23 6 45, 123, 124, 195, 196, 198, 247 N-file . 84 NAD... ae betes 58, 135, 137, 138, 247 NAD27 cee es 136-140, 177 NAD83 .. wees oe. 137, 138, 177, 247 Network 1, 17, 19-21, 30, 31, 40. 4l, 43, 44, 53, 56, 61, 126, 230, 233, 250, 263 NGS Formats . . eae . 19, 55, 62 Nuifmodem .. . ve ae . . 8, 95, 143, 149, 150, 154 PDOP ... “102, 103, 108, 192, 207, 211-213, 254 Phase ambiguity... . . Lee sees we 259 PLOT... 00.21 +++ 3,45, 74, 75, 128, 132, 158, 161, 169, 171, 183, 184, 199-206, 215, 216, 217, 237, 240, 241, 247 Polar map ........ . -. BL 132 PPDIFF sete ee +3, 45, 125, 196, 207-209, 211-214, 247 PPLOT . : 3, 19, 126, 127, 169, 196, 215, 216, 247 Precise orbits ©... eee : . 128, 191, 193, 235 PRN number . . . . . . - 181, 226, 253 PROCESS... 0.2... 2... 31,3, 7, 9:13, 15, 16, 18, 23-26, 28, 29, 31, 33-35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 48, 49, 79, 86, 87, 90, 92, 93, 116-118, 123, 125, 128, 147, 156, 157, 159, 160, 165, 179-181, 186, 196, 202, 203, 207, 210, 211, 219, 220, 1, 224-226, 228, 230-235, 247 PROFILE 202222 - + ..- 18, 121, 219, 223, 234 Pseudo-kinematic . . kee 2, 1 7, 12, 23-30, 34, 115, 117, 121, 123, 125, 161, 176, 189, 207, 219, 220, 224, 229, 231, 232, 247, 248, 257, 262, 263 Radius... . . 13, 14, 27, 36, 86, 88, 165, 176-179, 207-209, 213, 214, 222 Ratio... + 18, 31, 41, 56, 168, 169, 172, 192, 233, 234 READROV ..... 3, 19, 45, 126, 127, 158, 196, 237, 247 Reference satelite - os -39, 79, 156, 182, 184, 227 Residuals 1 44, 49, 156-158, 160, 162, 165, 166, 169, 179, 181-184, 186, 206, 224, 226, 227, 228, 250 RINEX este eee - 45, 83-88, 247 RMS . 18, 31, 39, 41, 49, 69, 71, 79, 116, 159, 160, 165-168, 172, 179-181, 186, 192, 212, 224-226, 228, 233, 234 Rover .........0-0- 26, 28, 29, 35, 36, 38-40, 45, 78, 80, 125, 127, 155-160, 207, “240, 231, 232, 237-241, 243, 244, 247, 261-263 Rover antenna. -. 239 Suite 184, 95, 178, 249, 255 10, 12-15, 17, 18, 25, 27, 30, 31, 35, 35, 41, 68, 71, 83, 96, 98, 103, 115, 146-148, 151, 165, 175, 178, 180, 221, 224, 225, 230, 233, 234, 249, 250, 258, 261, 262 Session Index 267 Sigma bones : beeen eee ees 60, 62, 63, 69 Single difference . + 163 Site name ve ceesss sess 9 13, 26, 28, 35, 37, 78, 96, 118, 146, 159, 160; 207, 211, 212, 249, 254, 259, 261 Slant sees . 12-15, 25-27, 35, 36, 86, 88, 117, 265, 176-179, 207, 209, 213, 221, 222 SORTROV ns 3, 19, 126, 127, 243, 247 Static . 2,1, 5, 7,9, 11-13, 15-18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 38, 40, 41, 43, 48, 54, 57, 81, 84, 121, 123, 129, 146, 161, 164, 165, 170, 189, 199, 211, 216, 219, 220, 224, 230-232, 247, 248, 257-259, 261, 262 Station identifier 66 SUMMARY,OUT .....- 18, 30, 121, 219, 233 Time... ......- +--+ +. 2,9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 25, 26, 28, 29, 35, 37, 39, 45, 47, 49, 50, 55, $9, 60, 65, 72, 78, 86-88, 92, 93, 95-97, 101, 104, 105, 108, 115, 117, 121, 124, 125, 127, 131-133, 146, 182, 156, 157, 160, 162-166, 170, 173, 174, 175, 178-180, 183, 186, 188-191, 195, 196, 198, 201, 202, 212, 216, 220, 224, 227, 229, 243, 245-250, 253-255, 257-259, 263 TIMESYS . . beeen ees 3,45, 123, 124, 196, 245, 247 TLSQ .... +. 49, 165, 166, 179-182, 224-228 Triple difference 16, 17, 29, 30, 162, 164, 166, 182 ‘Tropo delay . 160, 166, 183, 227 Troposphere 60, 163 Ufile oo... wi... 16, 28,38, 44, 78, 100, 108, 165, 176-179, 189-192, 232 Undifferenced : ce eee «. 44, 116, 125, 232, 247 «124, 129-132, 247, 262, 263 Visibility WGS-84 . - 14, 15, 208 Xfile 2. 91 Zone codes 1137 268 Index

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