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Unit 5 How about a manicure?

Scene 1 Video Script

In Cheryls apartment, Cheryl, Marie, and Bob discuss personal appearance. Marie: Cheryl, your hair looks gorgeous. Cheryl: Thank you! I have a new shampoo Bright n Clean. Marie: Id like to try it. Did you ind it at the drugstore! Cheryl: "o, I #ought it at $y salon on %riday. Ill &i'k some u& or you ne(t ti$e I$ there. Marie: )reat, thanks! Cheryl: *ould you like some too, Bo#! Bo#: I have shampoo, thanks. Cheryl: But $ine will $ake your hair so ter and 'leaner+s$elling. Bo#: ,h, thanks, #ut no thanks. Marie: Co$e on, Bo#, dont you 'are a#out how you look! Bo#: - 'ourse I do. I sha$&oo, shower, and shave every day. Marie: Thats all! Bo#: Is there $ore to do! Marie: Dont you use any skin 'are &rodu'ts body lotion or skin cream! Bo#: "o. .hould I! Marie: I you want your skin to stay young and healthy. Do you use any conditioner! Bo#: Thats or wo$en. Cheryl: /ots o $en use it, too. Bo#: 0eally! Marie: .ure. *o$en like $en who take 'are o their a&&earan'e. Bo#: 0eally! -1. *ell, what else should I do! 2ou dont want $e to wear makeup, do you! Lipstick, mascara, eye shadow... Cheryl: "o. But how a#out a $ani'ure! I$ serious. /ook at your nails. Theyre a $ess. Bo#: Men get $ani'ures! Marie: Many do, yes. Cheryl: *e 'an give you one right here. Bo#: 0eally! Cheryl: 3ie'e o 'ake. Bo#: *ell...-1.

Cheryl: )reat. Then we 'an talk a#out your hair'ut, a'ial, and a'e+li t. Bo#: *hat!

Scene 2 Video Script

Cheryl and Marie give Bo# a a'ial, a hair'ut, and a $ani'ure. Bo#: *hat is this stu on $y a'e! Cheryl: It $akes your skin so t and s$ooth. Bo#: It tastes terri#le. Cheryl: -h! .orry. Bo#: I 'ant #elieve you 'ut $y hair. 4nd what did you &ut in it! Cheryl: Some hair spray. Bo#: Hair spray! Cheryl: Not much. 2oull like it. There. Bo#: *ow. My nails look great! Could I get a &edi'ure, too! Marie: ,h, no. Bo#: My hair looks great, too! Cheryl: .ee what a little &ersonal 'are 'an do! Bo#: *ow. Thank you so $u'h. Marie: 2ou know, its 'usto$ary to ti& the &erson who gives you a hair'ut. Bo#: 5ow do l look! Marie: )ood. Cheryl: 2ou look really, really good! 2ou look a$a6ing! Bo#: Then lets get &i66a$y treat. Marie: )reat! Bo#: 2ou 'an never tell anyone a#out this. 7s&e'ially the a'ial. Cheryl: Deal. Bo#: "ow when 'an I get an a&&oint$ent or another $ani'ure!

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