St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church: Sunday 11/3 Mark Chapter 1

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St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church

Name: Bible Questions for Gospel of Mark

Sunday 11/3 Mark Chapter 1 Who are the four fishermen who Jesus called to follow him and became his disciples in this chapter?

Who lived in the wilderness and preached a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins?

Monday 11/4 Mark Chapter 2 How did the paralytic man reach Jesus?

Who is the disciple who was a tax collector, followed Jesus and did not go back to his old job again?

Tuesday 11/5 Mark Chapter 3 How many disciples did Jesus appoint? Who did Jesus heal in this chapter?

Wednesday 11/6 Mark Chapter 4 In the parable of the sower, what does the seed refer to?

Peace be still Who said this verse and to whom? a- Jesus said it to Satan b- Jesus said it to the paralyzed man c- Jesus said it to calm the wind and the sea d- Jesus said it to the sinful woman

Thursday 11/7 Mark Chapter 5 Jesus healed the man with an unclean spirit. After healing him where did the demons enter? a- Into camels b- Into swine c- Into horses d- Into dogs If only I may touch his clothes, I shall be made well. Who said this verse? a- The man with Leprosy b- The man with unclean spirit c- The Samaritan woman d- the woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years. Do not be afraid; only believe To whom did Jesus say this verse? Which disciples went inside the room with Jesus?

Friday 11/8 Mark Chapter 6 How many loaves and fish did Jesus bless in this chapter? a- 5 loaves and 7 fish b- 7 loaves and 5 fish c- 5 loaves and 2 fish d- 7 loaves and 2 fish Who got beheaded in this chapter?

Saturday 11/9 Mark Chapter 7 How did Jesus casted the demon out of the daughter? a- He went to her house and casted the demon out b- he did not go to the house & told the mother the demon has gone out of your daughter c- Jesus put his hand on the daughter and prayed. Jesus looked up to heaven, He sighed, and said to him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened. To whom did Jesus say this verse and which miracle did He do?

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