12 Using Progressions in Jyotish

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(c) 2001 by SJVC [To be kept within SJVC] By P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, Jyotish Guru February 5, 2001 I prostrate before Lord Ganesa, Lord Jagannatha, Sri Achyuta Dasa and Pt. Sanjay Rath and share my little knowledge of progressions with the fellow students of SJVC.

Time is a relativistic concept. One day in the life of Gods is equivalent to one year in the life of human beings. We have various relativistic times taught in Manu Smriti that we can use to see the experiences of soul. We know that Sun finishes one cycle across the zodiac in one human year. If we take that time to be equivalent of one divine day or 3 divine days etc, we can understand various experiences of atman (Sun stands for atman or soul). We can progress Sun by one unit in various divisional charts to see the experiences of soul in the area related to that divisional chart. For example, each dasama is 3 degrees. Experience of soul in this life begins at birth. We start with birthchart and progress Sun by 3 degrees (one dasamsa) in each human year and this gives the experiences of soul in the area of karma (actions in society). If we progress Sun by 3.3333 degrees (one navamsa) in each human year, it gives the experiences of soul in the area of dharma. We can use one siddhamsa (1.25 degrees) per year to see the experiences of soul in the area of knowledge. We can use one vimsamsa (1.5 degrees) per year to see the experiences of soul in the area of upasana (religious worship activities). When we say "per year" above, we mean the standard solar year used in rasi dasas. Time of human beings is also measured in terms of Sun's motion. Time of human beings is measured in terms of the motion of Sun as our naked eye (or a telescope) perceives. Time scales to be used when analyzing the experiences of soul in various areas of life are different as already mentioned. * * * EXAMPLE 1: Let us say someone was born in 1961 with Sun at 24 Sc 45. Suppose we are looking at a day in 1993 with Sun at 24 Le 45. Suppose we need the progressed position of Sun using Siddhamsa (D-24) and Dasamsa (D-10). Let us see how many human years have passed since birth. When Sun reaches 24 Sc 45 in 1993, it will be exactly 1993-1961=32 years. But we are taking a day when Sun is at 24 Le 45. This is 90 degrees (3 months or 0.25 year) earlier. So the exact human years passed are 32-0.25=31.75. If we use Sidhamsa progression of Sun, Sun progresses by one siddhamsa=30/24 deg=1.25 deg per human year. So the progression amount is 31.75x1.25 = 39.6875 degrees = 39 deg 41.25 min. Adding this to the natal position (24Sc45), we get 4 deg 26' 15" in Cp. We find the date and time when Sun reached this position in January 1962 and take the positions of all the planets. These positions are the progressed positions based on siddhamsa progression. Though the native is living in 1993 with

Sun having moved by more than 31 cycles across the zodiac, the experiences of the soul in the matter of learning are influenced by the positions on Jan 17, 1962. Using dasamsa progression of Sun, progression amount in 31.75 years = 31.75x3 = 95.25 degrees = 95 deg 15 min. Adding this to the birth position of Sun, we get 0 Pi 0. Sun is at that position on March 14, 1962 after birth. Though the native is living in 1993 with Sun having moved by more than 31 cycles across the zodiac, the experiences of the soul in the matter of karma are influenced by the positions on March 14, 1962. * * * Using the progression of interest, find the progressed position of Sun for the required day & time and find the day & time after birth when Sun was physically at the progressed position. Find the physical positions of all the planets on that date & time. This chart is called the progressed chart. EXAMPLE 2: Consider the following natal chart Date: Time: Time Zone: Longitude: Latitude: April 4, 1970 17:48:20 5:30:00 (East of GMT) 81 E 12' 00" 16 N 15' 00"

Let us find the native's progressed chart based on dasamsa on October 7, 2000 at 10:39:24 pm (IST). You can see that the Tajaka monthly chart of the 7th month of the year 2000-01 starts at the time mentioned. So 30.5 years have passed since birth. Using dasamsa (3 deg) per year, progression amount is 30.5x3=91.5 deg. Natal Sun on April 4, 1970 is at 20 Pi 52' 33.73". Adding 91.5 deg, we get 22 Ge 22' 33.73". We find out the date & time when Sun entered this position roughly after 91.5 days from birth. The data of the progressed chart is given below: Progressed (3 deg): Date: Time: Time Zone: Longitude: Latitude: July 8, 1970 15:15:15 5:30:00 (East of GMT) 81 E 12' 00" 16 N 15' 00"

You can feed this data into JHLite and find the planetary positions. That will be the progressed chart for October 7, 2000 at 10:39:24 pm (using dasamsa progression). * * *

Sun shows atman (soul) and Moon shows manas (mind). Those two are the most important planets in progressed charts. Sun and Moon in a progressed chart show the soul and the mind having an experience in a relativistic time space. Soul has no

emotions, no happiness and no sorrow. It only has experiences. But mind has experiences, emotions, happiness and sorrow. When progressed Sun and Moon touch important natal positions or trines from them, important experiences come to the soul and the mind. By important natal positions, we mean natal planets, natal sahams, natal padas etc. A few practical examples may clarify this better. * * * EXAMPLE 3: Let us guess when the native of example 2 got married. Sun is roughly at 21 deg in Pi. The key positions related to marriage are 7th house, 7th lord, upapada and upapada lord. Here the 7th lord Jupiter is around 10 deg in Li and upapada is also in Li. Sun's progression in Li or trines is a good candidate. Of these, progression in Ge comes at the right age. Let us see when progressed Sun is around 10 deg in Ge (trine to Jupiter). Let us take Sun's navamsa progression to see the experience of soul in the matter of dharma. Sun has to progress by 9 deg in Pi + 60 deg in Ar & Ta + 10 deg in Ge. The required progression amount is 79 degrees. At the rate of 3.3333 deg per year, this is 79x3/10=23.7 years. So we can expect marriage marriage in the 24th year. The native got married on the night of August 1, 1993 (24th year!). The progressed chart has Sun at 8 Ge 36 and Moon at 9 Aq 34. In the natal chart, 7th lord Jupiter is at 9 Li 45. Both Sun and Moon are in trines to this in the progressed chart! EXAMPLE 4: Let us guess one important period in which the native started reciting a mantra. The 5th house shows one's devotion and bhakti. However bhakti and devotion live inside oneself and they relate to the true self. They cannot be seen or felt by the rest of the world. The world perceives one's bhakti based on the mantras one recites and the rituals one performs. So mantra pada (arudha of 5th) shows the manifestation and maya related to devotion. For recital of mantras, it is the most important factor. The 5th house is in Cp and 5th lord Saturn is in Ar. So mantra pada (A5) is in Ar. Mars is the lord of A5 and he occupies A5! So Mars is an important planet for mantras. Being in 8th, he shows dedicated and disciplined sadhana of mantras. In D-20 also, he is in the 5th house and aspects A5. Mars is at 26 deg 40 min in Aries. So the progression amount needed is 9+26.6=35.66 deg. Using vimsamsa progression (1.5 deg per year), this corresponds to 35.66/1.5=23.8 years. After 23.8 years from birth, vimsamsa-progressed Sun touches natal Mars. We can expect the soul to experience something related to disciplined sadhana of a mantra (8th house, A5 and A5 lord) at an age of 23 years 9-10 months. On 28th Jan 1994, the native started reading goddess Lakshmi's 108 names 108 times on Fridays.

EXAMPLE 5: Let us take A.B. Vajpayee. Date: Time: Time Zone: Longitude: Latitude: December 25, 1926 5:12:25 5:30:00 (East of GMT) 78 E 10' 00" 26 N 13' 00"

He became India's PM in March 1998. There was some turbulence initially and he suffered a setback in April 1999 and won again in October 1999. After some physical troubles, he started enjoying his power in late 2000. There was a marked change in his spirits after the surgery. Let us see if it makes sense based on dasamsa progression. Let us take the chart for Dec 25 2000, i.e. after 74 years. Progression in 74 years is 74x3=222 deg. Natal Sun is at 9 Sg 35' 55". Adding 222 deg (i.e. 7 signs and 12 deg), we get 21 Cn 35' 55". If you search for the natal positions near this, you will find GL (ghati lagna - seat of power and authority in a chart) at 21 Cn 25! In Oct-Dec 2000, progressed Sun (as per dasamsa progression) exactly touched natal GL! So he may have started truly enjoying power then. Of course, even in the few years surrounding this, progressed Sun has contact with GL and the native will have some power. EXAMPLE 6: Let us take a native with the following birthdata and consider his dasamsa progression. Date: Time: Time Zone: Longitude: Latitude: August 20, 1944 7:11:40 5:30:00 (East of GMT) 72 E 49' 00" 18 N 58' 00"

In the natal chart, several planets are maha yogadas. Of all the planets, Sun is Kevala Maha Yogada and the most powerful yoga giver. So when progressed Sun touches a trine from himself, we can expect great power. A progression amount of 120 degrees (exact trine) corresponds to 120/3=40 years. So, around the age of 40 years, we can expect great power! This is Rajiv Gandhi's chart. In October 1984, he suddenly became India's Prime Minister when his mother was assassinated. EXAMPLE 7: [This analysis is directly from Sanjay.]

Consider the native in example 2 again. Consider dasamsa progression of Sun. Sun activates natal Saturn at an age of 8.1 years (distance between natal Sun and Saturn is 24.2 deg and 24.2/3=8.1). The 2nd house shows eyesight. The trines from a house show its prosperity. In particular, the 9th house from a house shows its protection (dharmo rakshati rakshitah). So the 10th house and its lord are the protectors of eyes. Here Mercury is the 10th lord and he is in infancy. He is afflicted by debilitated 6th lord Saturn and this shows problem in eyesight due to weak muscles (Saturn shows muscles). Saturn in a fiery sign shows alochaka pitta too. Basically Saturn is the main troublemaker for eyesight. In fact, eyesight problems started in Saturn dasa. Sun's progression over Saturn activated karma that resulted in poor eyesight. At an age of 8, the native used to read books without proper lighting and his eyesight weakened. * * * Attempt these exercises using only progressions and no other techniques. EXERCISE 1: Consider a native with the following birthdata. Date: Time: Time Zone: Longitude: Latitude: November 19, 1917 23:03:00 5:30:00 (East of GMT) 81 E 52' 00" 25 N 28' 00"

Find the progressed Sun on June 26, 1975 using dasamsa progression. Find the natal planets/lagnas/sahams closely touched by him. What kind of results are possible in career? EXERCISE 2: Consider a native with the following birthdata. Date: Time: Time Zone: Longitude: Latitude: August 7, 1963 21:14:50 5:30:00 (East of GMT) 83 E 58' 00" 21 N 27' 00"

Guess approximately when he got married.

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