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James A. Foshay Learning Center

3751 South Harvard Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90018 T L !H"# $3%3& 373'%700 (A) $3%3& 733'%1%0

John E. Deasy, Ph.D. School Superintendent Dr. George J. Mc enna III Superintendent, Local District 7 !"onne Garr#son E$%ar$s Principal

"*to+er 8, %013 To ,ho- .t /a0 Con*ern1 .t is a distin*t 2leasure to 3rite a letter of re*o--endation on +ehalf of 4ose2h /ora5 . have +een tea*hing for the last nineteen 0ears and . +elieve it is this ti-e and e62erien*e that has allo3ed -e to evaluate 0oung 2u2ils li7e /r5 /ora5 . -et 0oung 4ose2h as he *a-e to enroll in -0 S2anish 3 *ourse for the %010'%011 a*ade-i* 0ears5 8es2e*tful, effi*ient, and a +it unsure of his linguisti* 2rofi*ien*0, at the +eginning of the 0ear, 4ose2h did not stand out5 He 3as not 2assive and 3as not afraid to 2arti*i2ate in the *lass a*tivities, +ut S2anish 3as and it -a0 *ontinue to +e a +it of a torn in his life5 Ho3ever, at the end of the 0ear, 4ose2h sho3ed signs of +e*o-ing a -ore *onfident 2arti*i2ant in *lass5 ,e, edu*ators, 2ut a lot of e-2hasis on lifelong learners5 4ose2h /ora turned out to +e su*h a student5 S2anish 3as and it *ontinues to +e a 2assion and a sour*e of 2ride and identit0 in his life5 This is the reason 3h0 he enrolled in -0 -u*h tougher A5 !5 Language *ourse for the %011'%01% a*ade-i* 0ears5 He dis2la0ed signs of +e*o-ing -ore of an o3ner of his learning 2ro*ess5 . love students 3ho are 3illing to 2ut the ti-e, the s3eat and the tears to i-2rove in those areas 3here the0 -a0 not +e so strong5 After all, that is 3hat life is a+out5 .t is a+out fighting and tr0ing one9s +est to +e +etter than the da0 +efore5 4ose2h understands this and 2uts it to 2ra*ti*e5 He -a0 not +e the -ost talented student in the *lass +ut no+od0 is going to out3or7 hi-5 He reali:es that he is res2onsi+le for his o3n a*ade-i* 3ell'+eing and he is doing 3hat is ne*essar0 to 2ut hi-self in a 2osition to a*hieve his high s*hool di2lo-a5 He has -aintained a ver0 a**e2ta+le attendan*e 2attern and he *an +e *ounted to 3or7 ver0 3ell inde2endentl0 as 3ell as *olle*tivel05 He is 3ell li7ed and 3ell res2e*ted +0 his 2eers and the staff at our hu-+le s*hool5 !assionate, outs2o7en, and lo0al to his o3n *onvi*tions, 4ose2h is +lessed 3ith a ver0 o2inionated 2ers2e*tive5 He *learl0 understands that his future is his o3n res2onsi+ilit0 and he trul0 *o-2rehends that s*hool -a0 lead hi- out of the tough streets of South Central Los Angeles5 /ature +e0ond his 0ears, 4ose2h has a**e2ted the revelation that in order to +rea7 through the t02i*al inner *it0 +arriers that he fa*es as a -e-+er of a disadvantaged 2art of the 2o2ulation, he 3ill have to let go of his fears and inhi+itions5 . have no dou+ts 3hen . tell 0ou that he 3ill stand out +e*ause he has got the *hara*ter needed to thrive in life and he has dis2la0ed the tools needed to +e*o-e a 2rodu*tive and su**essful -e-+er of our so*iet05 A-ong his -an0 a*hieve-ents 0ou 3ill find that he has -ade the Honor 8oll, has +een an outstanding -e-+er of the (inan*e A*ade-0 as 3ell as +eing a ver0 solid -e-+er of the #eigh+orhood A*ade-i* .nitiative $#A.& ; <SC advan*ed edu*ational !rogra-5 He has -anaged to a*hieve a res2e*ta+le =!A $3500& 3hile 2arti*i2ating in a nu-+er of e6tra*urri*ular a*tivities that reveal his desire to +e a 3ell rounded hu-an +eing5 (or, e6a-2le, he has +een a -e-+er of the (osha0 Learning Center9s /ar*hing Band, a solid 2la0er of our (osha0>s ,olverine ?olle0+all Tea- and even found ti-e to volunteer at the <SC @inder to College 2rogra- and <SC #A. Theater ,or7sho2 3here he +e*a-e a ver0 relia+le stage *re3 3or7er5 .n general, . re*o--end 4ose2h /ora5 .f 0ou or 0our institution is interested in 3or7ing 3ith 2eo2le 3ho are res2e*tful, 3ho are 3illing to *oo2erate and +e great tea- 2la0ers, then 0ou 3ill give 4ose2h a *han*e to 2rove to 0ou 3hat . a- sa0ing a+out hi-5 .f 0ou have an0 Auestions or *on*erns in regards to 4ose2h, 2lease feel free to *onta*t -e at $3%3& 373'%700 at e6t5 37B5 Than7 0ou for 0our attention5

4onas Calderon S2anish Tea*her (osha0 L5C5



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