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meet / be0123 / talk/ see0423 get / pull / do / say0523 6 know Love Story(Taylor Swift) 1.

Complete the song with the verbs in the past:

We 1._______ both young When I first 2. _______ you I close my eyes And the flashback starts I'm standing there n a balcony in summer air I see the lights !ee the party the ball gowns I see you make your way "hrough the crowd And say hello #ittle 3. _______ I know "hat you 4. _______ $omeo %ou 5. _______ throwing pebbles "hen my daddy 6. _______ stay away from &uliet And I 7. _______ crying on the staircase 'egging you please don't go CHOURUS And I !. _______ $omeo take me !omewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting All that's left to do is run %ou'll be the prince And I'll be the princess It's a love story 'aby (ust say yes !o I sneak out "o the garden to see you We keep )uiet Cause were dead if they ". _______ !o close your eyes &ust keep this down for a little while Cause you 1#. _______ $omeo I 11.__________ a !carlett letter And my daddy 12._________ stay away from &uliet

'ut you 13. _______ everything to me And I 14.______ begging you please don't go CHOURUS $omeo save me "hey're trying to tell me how to feel "his love is difficult 'ut it's real *on't be afraid We'll make it out of this mess It's a love story 'aby (ust say yes I 15. _______ tired of waiting Wondering if you 16. _______ ever coming around +y faith in you 17. _______ fading When I 1!. _______ you on the outskirts of town And I 1". _______ $omeo save me I've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you 'ut you never come Is this in my head, I don't know what to think -e knelt to the ground And 2#. _______ out a ring And 21. _______ +arry me &uliet %ou never have to be alone I love you And that's all I really know I 22. _______ to your dad .o pick out a white dress It's a love story 'aby (ust say yes

Cause we 23. _______ both young When I first 24. _______ you
'y +alu7 4881.4

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