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Pictures is taken after meeting at Delaware Valley Intelligence Center on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

(L-R) Inspector Walter E. Smith, Loi Ma, Manoj Jose, Quang H. Mac, Vincent E. Poovan, DPC William Blackburn, Muhammad Mallick, Daniel P. Thomas, Allan Wong, Tram Nguyen, Hani White & Aida Rivera. Not in the pictures including Tsiwen Law, Kong Ung and Watky Kho

***** The PPAAAC meeting held on Oct 2nd , 2013. Due to a significant interest from DPC Commissioner William Blackburn, this meeting was held at Delaware Valley Intelligence Center (DVIC). This center was completed on June 28, 2013 as a vision of Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey. The following members were present. Mr. Quang H. Mac, Vincent E. Poovan, Allan Wong, Tsiwen Law, Aida Rivera, Daniel P Thomas, Manoj Jose, Hani White, Kong Ung, Loi Ma, Muhammad Mallick, Tram Nguyen and Watky Kho.

This center is a vision towards partnership with the community. Staff Inspector Joel Dales briefed everybody on the entertainment for the International Association of Chiefs Police at PA Convention Center from October 19-23, 2013. There are Chinese, Indian, Filipino and Vietnamese dancing groups. The dancing groups will perform on October 22nd , 2013 . There is also a Seven Mountain Kung Fu will
perform on October 21th, 2013.

Rehearsal day on October 13th , 2013 at 12pm. Parking gathering time at 11:45AM at 12th and Arch street. 12pm will be rehearsal . Oct 12th is not available. Refreshment will be provided. Please provide names of all participants so that certificates can be issued. We had a tour of the Real Time Crime Center by Captain Derek Kehart and Inspector Walter E. Smith. Gang related crimes in 17th District is a problem. Criminal activity is mapped thru GIS system All gangs are color coded based on their violence level Social media is used to monitor criminal activity in their city. Gang members are usually 14-24 age group. They use social media to a substantial level. Capt. Ray Evers provided details about criminal intelligence units. Meeting adjourned at 6.15pm.

Vincent E. Poovan
Vincent E. Poovan Recording Secretary

Quang Hong Mac

Quang H. Mac Chairman

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