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-a confidence man prospers only because of the dishonesty of the victim 1) locating the mark 2) gaining the mark's

confidence 3) showing the mark how they could make a lot of money dishonestly 4) allowing the victim to make a slight profit ) the victim feels the greed! decides to invest more" wanting a bigger profit -note# this is the trickiest part$ %hen the victim goes off to get more money" this is when the victim is most likely to wise up" either by asking around" going to the police" etc$ &o prevent this" the con man sends a 'tailer after the victim" to keep an eye on him and report back if he strays from the plan" so the con men can get away before the shoe drops$ () the blow-off! sending the mark away )) the getaway -the big store# a fake establishment where the con takes place -i$e$ the gambling club in 'the sting'" the psychiatrist's office in 'matchstick men' -playing a man against the wall * conning a mark without using a big store$ -there are three types of big con game# the wire" the rag" and the pay-off -note# all three cons are based on the notion of a big store" and fake information# no actual horse race" no actual stock trading" only an illusion$ + fake game room and a fake broker's office" with fake race results,stock prices coming in$ &-. %/0.# a racing swindle in which the con men convinced the victim that" with the connivance of a corrupt %estern 1nion official" they could delay the results of a horserace long enough for him to place a bet after the race had been run" but before the bookmakers received the results$ -re2uired a fake %estern 1nion office" with fake manager and telegraph instruments -re2uired a fake betting room 3a la &he 4ting) &-. 5+6-788# the victim is permitted to share in the illicit profits presumably taken by operators who are fleecing gambling clubs by means of fi9ed races$ -the victim first bets with money provided by the con men 3good faith payment)" wins big" and is then sent home for more of his own money to bet" and is fleeced$ &-. 0+:# the victim is convinced that one con man is a confidential agent of a powerful %all 4treet syndicate which is manipulating stock prices on the ;ew 6ork .9change$ -the agent buys and sells and it looks like they've got a sure thing" obviously$ -the victim gets their own money to bet on the sure thing" and is fleeced$ -in these cons" the con man no longer directed the mark towards the inside man$ /nstead" now everyone turned their sights on beating the big store 3or so it looks) -the victim's 2uestion '/s this right< is always trumped by a louder 2uestion rattling in their minds# '-ow much money could / make<

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