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Lngllsh 103

kaLe Waldrop

#)*++ ,-./+ 0++1234536+ &/5
7558 9 Aug 19 Class lnLroducLlon
Aug 21 Classroom LxpecLaLlons/

Aug 23 lnLro Lo !ournals
Class locus
lnvenLlng ArgumenLs" on 88
7558 : Aug 26 lnLro Lo WA#1
Workshop Croups
!ournal 1
WhaL ls Lhe ConLemporary
WhaL ls a ersonal Lssay?"
Aug 28 rewrlLlng racLlces
Memolr ConvenLlons
ShlLLy llrsL urafLs"
1hls ls Pow ?ou WrlLe A
Aug 30 urafLlng racLlces !ournal 2
7558 ; SepL 2 no School
SepL 4 WhaL are argumenLs? !"# 3-22
SepL 6 WhaL ls rheLorlc?
WhaL ls a rheLorlcal slLuaLlon?
!"# 22-29
!ournal 3
7558 < SepL 9 8heLorlc ln PlsLory Why 8heLorlc? arL 1" on 88
SepL 11 Model eer 8evlew 8rlng a copy of !ournal 2
SepL 13 eer 8evlew on WA#1 #-4=)565> >?*@6 -@ 70A9
7558 B SepL 16 aLhos !"# ChapLer 2
SepL 18 LLhos !"# ChapLer 3
SepL 20 Logos 70A9 &?*@6
!"# ChapLer 4
7558 C SepL 23 lallacles of ArgumenLs !"# ChapLer 3
!ournal 4
SepL 23 lnLro Lo WA#2
8heLorlcal Analysls
!"# 90-107
SepL 27 vlsual 8heLorlc Lxplorlng vlsual LlLeracy" on 88
vlsual 8heLorlc"
7558 D SepL 30 8heLorlcal Analysls !"# 108-119
Why 8heLorlc? arL 2" on 88
CcL 2 8heLorlcal Analysls !ournal 3
CcL 4 SLrucLurlng ArgumenLs !"# ChapLer 7
7558 E CcL 7 SLrucLurlng ArgumenLs !ournal 6
CcL 9 Causal ArgumenLs !"# ChapLer 11
CcL 11 eer 8evlew on WA#2 #-4=)565> >?*@6 -@ 70A:
7558 F CcL 14 Self 8evlew on WA#2 70A9 ,13*) #-=G
CcL 16 ArgumenLs: ulscusslng CurrenL
!ournal 7
Lngllsh 103
kaLe Waldrop
CcL 18 ArgumenLs: uecldlng oLenLlal
70A: &?*@6
7558 9H CcL 21 no School
CcL 23 Academlc ArgumenLs !"# ChapLer 16
CcL 23 lnLro Lo WA#3
SLyle ln ArgumenLs
!"# ChapLer 13
7558 99 CcL 28 roposals
!"# ChapLer 12
CcL 30 Llbrary vlslL
nov 1 LvaluaLlng Sources
!"# ChapLer 18
7558 9: nov 4 uocumenLlng Sources
!ournal 8
nov 6 uslng Sources !"# ChapLer 19
nov 8 Conferences I?-=-+*)
7558 9; nov 11 Conferences I?-=-+*)
nov 13 Conferences I?-=-+*)
nov 13 ln Class Work on WA#3 70A: ,13*)
7558 9< nov 18 lnLro Lo WA#4
!"# ChapLer 10
nov 20 vldeo ComposlLlon
!"# ChapLer 14
nov 22 LvaluaLlons: 8ralnsLormlng !ournal 9
7558 9B nov 23 eer 8evlew of WA#3 #-4=)565> >?*@6 -@ 70A;
nov 27 no School
nov 29 no School
7558 9C uec 2 SLoryboards 70A; ,13*)
uec 4 eer 8evlew of SLoryboard !ournal 10
uec 6 ln Class Work on WA#4
7558 9D uec 9 lnLro Lo llnal 8eflecLlon
Course LvaluaLlons
70A< ,13*)
,13*) %J*4 I5?1-> - K5@)5.61-3 &/5
SecLlon 14: 1hu uec 12, 7:30am-9:30 am
SecLlon 31: Wed uec 11, 9:43am-11:43am

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