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Are you ready Lo #langchaL?

A weekly Lwluer chaL for World Language
1eachers ln exlsLence slnce 2011
ulscusslon Loplc voLed on by Leachers on 1wluer
Weekly on 1hursday aL 3pmS1
World Language Leachers from norLh Amerlca
(and someumes beyond!)
#langchaL - a 1hursday meeung for language Leachers
who explore a dlerenL Loplc each week
Are you ready Lo #langchaL?
Lrlca llsher [callcospanlsh
ulego C[eda [ulegoC[eda66
uon uoehla [ur_uMu
Sara-LllzabeLh Couerell [SLCouerell
krlsLy lacldo [placldo
CrlsLy vogel [msfrenchLeach
Colleen Lee-Payes [coleesensel

Are you ready Lo #langchaL?
ModeraLors wlll sLarL Lhe chaL wlLh
aruclpanLs usually lnLroduce Lhemselves
Who you are, where you are, whaL you Leach
ModeraLors LweeL ouL Lhe Loplc for lnlual
..and lL's o

Pow do l follow #langchaL?
1) Coogle 1weeLdeck" and slgn ln uslng your Lwluer accounL
(lL's safe - lL's a 1wluer producL)
2) LnLer Lhe #langchaL hashLag Lo seL up a dedlcaLed column
3) WaLch Lhe sLream, lurk Lhen [oln ln!
Main Twitter Stream Tweets Mentioning You The #langchat Stream
1weeung lnLo #langchaL (uslng 1weeLdeck)
Enter your tweet here

Dont forget the #langchat hashtag

Then press the Tweet button
!olnlng ln on #langchaL
Retweet Mark as Favourite)
When I asked my PLN what Twitter
does for you as an educator!
asL #langchaL Loplcs lnclude.
Watch for the summary to be tweeted out !
Visit the #langchat website to:
Suggest a Topic or See the Summaries

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