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Duration of this season There are six seasons in India. The rainy season is one of them.

It comes after summer. In India it begins generally from the end of June and last still the end of August. How rain is caused When water particles of the sea reaches the colder regions of the atmosphere, the water particles are condensed into clouds, and then they fall down as rain. Nature of the season In the rainy season, the sky is generally covered with clouds. Sometimes the sun is not seen. In Summer the heat is very great. Nature seems to be lifeless. But with the advent of the rainy season, Nature seems to get a now life. Advantages During this season, jute and paddy grow in plenty. Many sweet and juicy fruits are found in plenty in this season. Disadvantages In the rainy season roads become muddy. When rain falls continually, people are put into great difficulty and inconvenience. They cannot go out. Their work suffers. Sometimes the flood washes away their cottages. Many people then become homeless and helpless. Cattle and crops are also destroyed. The prices of things generally go up in the rainy season. Conclusion It is true that people suffer in many ways in the rainy season. But still the rainy season is very useful to us. The rainy season makes the earth cool after the severe heat of summer. In this season, paddy and jute grow. If there is not much rainfall, then these crops will not grow well. Famine will then break out for failure of crops. So in spite of its disadvantages, we welcome the rainy season.

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