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Exercise 1. 1. I didn't know you were coming to the party. I am ___________ 2.

I studied a lot and I got a good mark in my test. I'm quite _______________ 3. I can't wait for lunch. I'm ______________ I need to eat something. 4. My teacher didn't come to school yesterday because she was ______________ I think she had a cold. 5. When my sister sees a mouse she is _____________ and she starts screaming. 6. I want to go to bed. I'm tired and _____________ 7. My friend Helen is ____________ with me because I forgot to call her for her birthday. 8. The girl is ___________ because she can't find her dog.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct option. happy upset angry excited bored scared surprised worried

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective 1. Ann is having fun with her friends, she's . 2. The children were very . about the trip. 3. There was a thief in my house, I was so 4. John lost his wedding ring, he was . 5. Ann hasn't phoned since last month, we are .. 6. I didn't expect a party! I was really .

Exercise 3. Match the words from the box to the most suitable picture to say how they feel: scared happy great ill surprised hungry nervous sleepy angry sad thirsty in love

pleased / satisfied - zadowolony grateful- wdziczny suspicious- podejrzliwy offended- uraony amazed - zdumiony delighted- zachwycony ashamed- zawstydzony disappointed- rozczarowany embarrassed- zakopotany envious- zazdrosny exhausted- bardzo zmczony, wyczerpany lonely- samotny depressed- przygnbiony miserable- nieszczliwy, ponury

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