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El pasado simple de los verbos regulares e irregulares

Pasado simple (verbos regulares)

I worked. You worked. He worked. She worked. It worked. We worked. You worked. They worked.

Forma afirmativa:
Sujeto + infinitive del verbo sin to + ed. I watched TV yesterday.

* on la !ayor"a de los vebos# se a$ade %ed al infinitive sin to.

work & worked * on verbos acabados en %e# se a$ade %d.

live & lived * on verbos acabados en consonante + y# la y se sustituye 'or %ied.

study & studied * on verbos acabados en consonante# vocal# consonante# la consonante se du'lica y se a$ade %ed. travel & travelled

Pasado simple (verbos irregulares)

(l 'asado si!'le de al)unos verbos in)leses no acaba en %ed# sino *ue tiene una for!a irre)ular# *ue es la !is!a 'ara todas las 'ersonas. +have, se convierte en +had, I had You had He had She had It had We had You had They had -os verbos irre)ulars no si)uen nor!as orto)r.ficas )enerales# 'or lo *ue hay *ue a'rend/rselos de !e!or"a.

Lista de verbos irregulares

Infinitivo - Pasado simple - Tradu be & was# were & ser# estar beco!e & beca!e & convertirse en# volverse be)in & be)an & e!'e0ar break & broke & ro!'er1se2 build & built & construir buy & bou)ht & co!'rar can & could & 'oder# saber catch & cau)ht & co)er co!e & ca!e & venir cost & cost & costar do & did & hacer draw & drew & dibujar drink & drank & beber i!n

drive & drove & conducir eat & ate & co!er feel & felt & sentir1se2# notar fi)ht & fou)ht & luchar find & found & encontrar fly & flew & volar for)et & for)ot & olvidar )et & )ot & conse)uir )et u' & )ot u' & levantarse )ive & )ave & dar )o & went & ir1se2 have & had & haber# tener hold & held & a)arrar# sujetar kee' & ke't & )uarder# !antener1se2 know & knew & saber# conocer learn & learnt & a'render leave & left & abandoner# irse 1de2 let & let & dejar lose & lost & 'erder !ake & !ade & hacer !eet & !et & conocer# encontrarse 1con2 'ay & 'aid & 'a)ar read & read & leer ride & rode & !ontar a 1caballo2# andar en 1bici32 run & ran & correr say & said & decir see & saw & ver

send & sent & !andar# enviar shine & shone & brillar sin) & san) & cantar sit & sat & sentarse slee' & sle't & dor!ir s'eak & s'oke & hablar s'end & s'ent & )astar# 'asar1tie!'o2 steal & stole & robar swi! & swa! & nadar take & took & co)er teach & tau)ht & ense$ar think & thou)ht & 'ensar wear & wore & vestir# llevar 'uesto write & wrote & escribir

Pasado simple (verbos regulares e irregulares) "egativo

I didn,t work. You didn,t work. He didn,t work. She didn,t work. It didn,t work. We didn,t work. You didn,t work. They didn,t work.

4id I work5

4id you work5 4id he work5 4id she work5 4id it work5 4id we work5 4id you work5 4id they work5

#espuestas $reves Afirmativa

Yes# I did. Yes# you did. Yes# he did. Yes# she did. Yes# it did. Yes# we did. Yes# you did. Yes# they did.

6o# I didn,t. 6o# you didn,t. 6o# he didn,t. 6o# she didn,t. 6o# it didn,t. 6o# we didn,t. 6o# you didn,t. 6o# they didn,t.

(l las frases ne)ativas e interro)ativas# as" co!o en las res'uestas breves# el au7iliar es el !is!o 'ara todas las 'ersonas. 8rases 6e)ativas9 I didn,t. You didn,t. He didn,t. She didn,t. It didn,t. We didn,t. You didn,t. They didn,t. 8rases interro)ativas9 4id I5 4id you5 4id he5 4id she5 4id it5 4id we5 4id you5 4id they5

#e uerda:
* (n las frases ne)ativas e interro)ativas# sie!'re se debe utili0ar el infinitivo del verbo sin to. She didn,t 'hone her 6o se 'uede decir9 She didn,t 'honed her. 4id you study yesterday5 6o se 'uede decir9 4id you studied yesterday5

* (n las 're)untas *ue contienen 'art"culas interro)ativas 1what# when# who# why# where2# estas se colocan delante del au7iliar did. Where did you )o5 Who did he visit5

(l 'asado si!'le se utili0a 'ara hablar de acciones *ue sucedieron en un !o!ento concreto del 'asado. (n estas frases a'arecen e7'resiones de tie!'o tales co!o yesterday 1ayer2# last week 1la se!ana 'asada2# last ni)ht 1anoche2# etc. I 'layed football last Saturday. We went sho''in) yesterday.

* :)o se traduce 'or ;hace; y se refiere a una acci<n del 'asado# a al)o *ue ya ha acabado. They travelled to -ondon three days a)o. * :)o no 'uede encaba0ar una e7'ression de tie!'o. ten years a)o 6o se 'uede decir9 a)o ten years

E&er i ios
A' (ompletar las frases
(je!'lo9 I didn,t watch TV last ni)ht. =. >n Saturday I ???????????? 1'lay2 co!'uter )a!es with !y cousins. @. Ay !u! ???????????? 1not cook2 dinner last ni)ht. B. I ???????????? 1walk2 to school because there weren,t any buses. C. They ???????????? 1not dance2 at the 'arty. D. Ay brother ???????????? 1travel2 to Ireland last su!!er.

Las respuestas orre tas

=. >n Saturday I 'layed co!'uter )a!es with !y cousins. @. Ay !u! didn,t cook dinner last ni)ht.

B. I walked to school because there weren,t any buses. C. They didn,t dance at the 'arty. D. Ay brother travelled to Ireland last su!!er.

$' Es ribe el pasado simple de estos verbos

=. co'y ?????????? @. revise ?????????? B. cycle ?????????? C. listen ?????????? D. 'ractice ?????????? E. 'lay ?????????? F. like ?????????? G. !ove ?????????? H. shout ?????????? =I. start ??????????

Las respuestas orre tas

=. co'y co'ied @. revise revised B. cycle cycled C. listen listened D. 'ractice 'racticed E. 'lay 'layed F. like liked G. !ove !oved H. shout shouted =I. start started

(' Es ribe las preguntas en el orden orre to

(je!'lo9 ni)ht5 J !eet J 4id J you J the! J last J 4id you !eet the! last ni)ht5 =. fil!5 J like J you J 4id J the J ????????????????????????????????? @. you J !any J did J ask5 J How J 'eo'le J ????????????????????????????????? B. a J have J ti!e5 J they J 4id J )ood J ????????????????????????????????? C. did J weekend5 J the J What J do J we J at J ????????????????????????????????? D. she J 4V45 J Where J that J did J buy J ????????????????????????????????? E. 'arty J on J your J )o J Saturday5 J he J 4id J to J ????????????????????????????????? F. did J yesterday5 J Who J you J see J ?????????????????????????????????

Las respuestas orre tas

=. 4id you like the fil!5 @. How !any 'eo'le did you ask5 B. 4id they have a )ood ti!e5 C. What did we do at the weekend5 D. Where did she buy that 4V45 E. 4id he )o to your 'arty on Saturday5 F. Who did you see yesterday5

)' (orrige las frases

Who do you !et on Saturday !ornin)5 K Who did you !eet on Saturday !ornin)5 =. 4id he went to school yesterday5 K @. Why did you to )o ho!e early5 K B. Where you did learn (n)lish5 K C. 4id she works today5 K D. What do you this yesterday5 K E. 4id they last ni)ht 'hone you5 K

Las respuestas orre tas

=. 4id he )o to school yesterday5 @. Why did you )o ho!e early5 B. Where did you learn (n)lish5 C. 4id she work today5 D. What did you do this yesterday5 E. 4id they 'hone you last ni)ht5

E' *+erbos regulares (#) o irregulares (I),

'lay L =. fly ??????????? @. use ??????????? B. study ??????????? C. eat ??????????? D. !ake ??????????? E. travel ??????????? F. see ???????????

Las respuestas orre tas

=. fly I

@. use L B. study L C. eat I D. !ake I E. travel L F. see I

F' Es ribe el pasado simple de los verbos del e&er i ios E'
=. ??????????? @. ??????????? B. ??????????? C. ??????????? D. ??????????? E. ??????????? F. ???????????

Las respuestas orre tas

=. flew @. used B. studied C. ate D. !ade E. travelled F. saw

-' (ompleta las frases utili.ando el pasado simple de los verbos'

be % )ot u' % !eet % have % )o % run % drink % slee' % swi! % eat Yesterday I )ot u' early# at about seven o,clock.

=. I ???????? a shower and so!e fruit for breakfast. @. Then I ???????? to the s'orts centre. B. I ???????? DII !eters in the swi!!in) 'ool and then C. I ???????? D kilo!eters. D. :t lunchti!e I ???????? !y friends in a caf/. E. We ???????? so!e 'asta and ???????? so!e juice. F. :fter lunch I ???????? for a few hours# I ???????? tiredM

Las respuestas orre tas

=. I had a shower and so!e fruit for breakfast. @. Then I went to the s'orts centre. B. I swa! ran DII !eters in the swi!!in) 'ool and then C. I ranD kilo!eters. D. :t lunchti!e I !et !y friends in a caf/. E. We ate so!e 'asta and drank so!e juice. F. :fter lunch I sle't for a few hours# I was tiredM

/' (ompleta on el verbo en pasado simple (verbos regulares)

=. I o'ened the door and ??????????? 1look2 inside. @. Who ??????????? 1close2 all the windows5 B. I ??????????? 1carry2 !y !o!,s sho''in) ba). C. I ??????????? 1not cli!b2 over the fence. D. I ??????????? 1ri'2 !y shirt. E. The 'lane ??????????? 1land2 ten !inutes a)o. F. We ??????????? 1live2 in that house when I was a baby. G. Ay brother ??????????? 1not cry2 when he fell of his bike. H. We ??????????? 1walk2 to school yesterday. =I. She ??????????? 1s!ile2 when she saw !e.

==. We ??????????? 1hurry2 to the station to catch the train. =@. She ??????????? 1lau)h2 when I told her the joke. =B. We ??????????? 1race2 each other on our bikes. =C. 4ad ??????????? 1not hel'2 !e with !y ho!ework. =D. Helen ??????????? 1whis'er2 !e a secret. =E. -uis Ai)uel ??????????? 1hurry2 to catch a bus. =F. We ??????????? 1return2 our books to the library. =G. She ??????????? 1not kiss2 the fro). =H. The fro) ??????????? 1chan)e2 into a 'rince. @I. Two doctors ??????????? 1rush2 into the roo!. @=. I ??????????? 1not kick2 the ball very hard. @@. Who ??????????? 1invent2 the co!'uter5 @B. 4inosaurs ??????????? 1live2 !any years a)o. @C. It ??????????? 1not snow2 last ni)ht. @D. They ??????????? 1not work2 until twelve last ni)ht.

Las respuestas orre tas

=. I o'ened the door and looked inside. @. Who did close all the windows5 B. I carried !y !o!,s sho''in) ba). C. I didn,t cli!b over the fence. D. I ri''ed !y shirt. E. The 'lane landed ten !inutes a)o. F. We lived in that house when I was a baby. G. Ay brother didn,t cry when he fell of his bike. H. We walked to school yesterday. =I. She s!iled when she saw !e. ==. We hurried to the station to catch the train.

=@. She lau)hed when I told her the joke. =B. We raced each other on our bikes. =C. 4ad didn,t hel' !e with !y ho!ework. =D. Helen whis'ered !e a secret. =E. -uis Ai)uel hurried to catch a bus. =F. We returned our books to the library. =G. She didn,t kiss the fro). =H. The fro) chan)ed into a 'rince. @I. Two doctors rushed into the roo!. @=. I didn,t kick the ball very hard. @@. Who invented the co!'uter5 @B. 4inosaurs lived !any years a)o. @C. It didn,t snow last ni)ht. @D. They didn,t work until twelve last ni)ht.

I' Pasado simple (verbos irregulares)

=. I ??????????? 1loose2 !y watch in the 'ark. @. 4avid ??????????? 1not hurt2 his knee. B. I kicked the ball and it ??????????? 1break2 a window. C. Ay new shoes ??????????? 1not cost2 a lot of !oney. D. I ??????????? 1)et2 this book fro! the library. E. We had a )ara)e where we ??????????? 1kee'2 our car. F. :li ??????????? 1cut2 his knee. G. The )lass ??????????? 1fall2 off the table. H. The )lass ??????????? 1not break2. =I. We ??????????? 1sell2 our old car. ==. We ??????????? 1buy2 a new car. =@. The bell ??????????? 1not rin)2.

=B. We all ??????????? 1)o2 into school. =C. The do) ??????????? 1catch2 the ball. =D. The !an ??????????? 1not kneel2 down. =E. >ur cat ??????????? 1run2 onto the road. =F. Nane ??????????? 1not write2 a letter. =G. I ??????????? 1buy2 a new ca!era last week. =H. We ??????????? 1drive2 to a safari 'ark yesterday. @I. Yesterday 4ad ??????????? 1not take2 !e to the carnival. @=. (li0abeth ??????????? 1)ive2 (va a chocolate. @@. Nack and Nill ??????????? 1not )o2 u' the hill. @B. Her rin) ??????????? 1cost2 ten (uros. @C. I ??????????? 1'ut2 su)ar in !y coffee. @D. He ??????????? 1not hit2 the ball over the net.

Las respuestas orre tas

=. I lost !y watch in the 'ark. @. 4avid didn,t hurt his knee. B. I kicked the ball and it broke a window. C. Ay new shoes didn,t cost a lot of !oney. D. I )ot this book fro! the library. E. We had a )ara)e where we ke't our car. F. :li cut his knee. G. The )lass fell off the table. H. The )lass didn,t break. =I. We sold our old car. ==. We bou)ht a new car. =@. The bell didn,t rin). =B. We all went into school.

=C. The do) cau)ht the ball. =D. The !an didn,t kneel down. =E. >ur cat ran onto the road. =F. Nane didn,t write a letter. =G. I bou)ht a new ca!era last week. =H. We drove to a safari 'ark yesterday. @I. Yesterday 4ad didn,t take !e to the carnival. @=. (li0abeth )ave (va a chocolate. @@. Nack and Nill didn,t )o u' the hill. @B. Her rin) cost ten (uros. @C. I 'ut su)ar in !y coffee. @D. He didn,t hit the ball over the net. 8ichas sobre el 'asado si!'le9 verbos re)ulares e irre)ulares

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