Europass-Cv-20131102-Kornau-En 2

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Curriculum Vitae


Julia Kornau
(Netherland !

"ulia#ornau$%mail&com Se' Female ( )ate o* +irth ,- ( Nationalit. /erman

JO0 APPLIE) FOR 1ORK E2PERIENCE 34 Januar. 5365 7 Pre ent

08c#erei and Konditorei Kornau9 0ruchhau en:Vil en (/erman.! Ser;in% %ue t in the ca*<9 includin% drin# a =ell a e;eral nac# &

Au%u t 5363 7 Se>tem+er 5363

Intern hi> : Kinder%arten

1aldor*#inder%arten En%eln9 En%eln (/erman.! I too# care o* a %rou> o* children =ho =ere in thi >articular in titution durin% the mornin%& Mo t attention =a >aid to the de;elo>ment o* the children in term o* e'>lorin% their en;ironment&

Se>tem+er 533, 7 Octo+er 533,

Intern hi> : Kinder%arten L?=en@ahn

Kinderta%e t8tte L?=en@ahn9 0ruchhau en:Vil en (/erman.! I too# care o* a %rou> con i tin% o* 64 children9 =hile e >eciall. *ocu in% on a di a+led child in order to hel> the child to inte%rate into the %rou>&

533A 7 533,

Leader hi>:Trainin%
Juleica9 0ruchhau en:Vil en (/erman.! Juleica ha>>en to +e a trainin% *or .oun% >eo>le that >ro;ide the mem+er o* the >ro%ram =ith #ill a =ell a #no=led%e needed in order to lead %rou> o* .oun% >eo>le& S#ill include *or e'am>le9 >re entation #ill and leader hi> #ill & A*ter the ucce *ull. o+ er;ation o* the >ro%ram one i a+le to ta#e care o* %rou> and to lead them&

E)BCATION AN) TRAININ/ 3- Se>tem+er 5365 7 Pre ent

0achelor o* International Communication

Can@e Bni;er it. o* A>>lied Science 9 /ronin%en (Netherland ! I am a *ir t .ear Student at the Can@e Bni;er it. o* A>>lied Science 9 International Communication&

Jul. 5363 7 )ecem+er 5366

National Certi*icate o* Educational Achie;ement

Kamo Ci%h School9 1han%arei (Ne= Dealand! The National Certi*icate o* Educational Achie;ement ha>>en to +e an educational certi*icate eEual to the /erman A+itur&

533F 7 5363

Secondar. School
/.mna ium 0ruchhau en:Vil en9 0ruchhau en:Vil en (/erman.!

G Euro>ean Bnion9 5335:536- ( htt>HIIeuro>a &cede*o>&euro>a&eu

Pa%e 6 I 5

Curriculum Vitae

Julia Kornau

5333 7 533F

Primar. School
/rund chule 0ruchhau en:Vil en9 0ruchhau en:Vil en (/erman.!

PERSONAL SKILLS Mother ton%ue( ! /erman

Other lan%ua%e( !




Li tenin%


S>o#en interaction

S>o#en >roduction

En%li h French

C5 A6

C6 A6

C5 A6

C6 A6

C5 A6

)i>lJme dKEtude en lan%ue *ranLai e (Le;el A6!

Le;el H A6IA5H 0a ic u er : 06I05H Inde>endent u er : C6IC5H Pro*icient u er Common Euro>ean Frame=or# o* Re*erence *or Lan%ua%e

Communication #ill

I can ea il. ada>t to di**erent culture e >eciall. due to m. time >ent a+road& M. time in Ne= Dealand *urthermore9 %a;e me the o>>ortunit. to de;elo> hi%h le;el En%li h #ill in +oth9 =ritin% a =ell a readin% and >ea#in%& A >ecial leader hi> trainin% *or .oun% >eo>le9 ena+led me to de;elo> hi%h Eualit. >re entation #ill a =ell a the a+ilit. o* leadin% %rou> & M. "o+ in the er;ice de>artment o* a +a#er. hel>ed me to de;elo> communication #ill in term o* interactin% =ith di**erent >eo>le& )ue to m. tud. and m. cultural +ac#%round I am a+le to o>erate com>letel. +i:lin%ual&

Or%ani ational I mana%erial #ill

)ue to an intern hi> in an e;ent mana%ement com>an. I am a+le to or%ani@e little e;ent 9 *or e'am>le a Ci%h School +all& The leader hi> trainin% *urthermore9 ena+led me to or%ani@e %rou> a =ell a coach meetin% an cla e & (I am currentl. licen ed to ta#e care o* %rou> o* .oun% >eo>le in term o* coachin%9 leadin% and tra;ellin%!& I *urthermore9 ha>>en to +e e'>erienced in the *ield o* %rou> =or#9 due to m. tudie 9 =or#in% en;ironment9 and trainin% &

Jo+:related #ill

The "o+ a a =aitre ena+led me to +uild u> hi%h le;el #ill in term o* team =or# a =ell a communication #ill to=ard the cu tomer& It *urthermore9 ena+led me to handle com>laint and to ol;e >ro+lem in term o* the cu tomer ati *action& I ha;e a %ood command o* Micro o*t 1ord9 E'cel and Po=er>oint& I am *ruthermore9 a+le to u e Ado+e Photo ho>9 Ado+e Illu trator and Ado+e Inde i%n on a +a ic le;el&

Com>uter #ill

G Euro>ean Bnion9 5335:536- ( htt>HIIeuro>a &cede*o>&euro>a&eu

Pa%e 5 I 5

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