Nov02.2013.docbill To Create A School For Sports

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2, 2013

NR # 3275

Bill to create a school for sports

A lawmaker has filed a bill creating a school for sports to develop world-class athletes among Filipinos. Rep. Lani Mercado-Revilla (2nd District !avite" said #o$se %ill 2&'2 seeks to establish the (hilippine #igh )chool for )ports ((#))" to develop world class athletes who will represent the co$ntr* in international to$rnaments as well as enco$rage the Filipino *o$th to e+cel in sports and in ed$cation. ,-t will be fo$nded on the basic philosoph* of ed$cation that sports and ph*sical development are basic elements in the ed$cation and formation of the *o$th especiall* on the level or stage of basic ed$cation . Mercado-Revilla said. Mercado-Revilla said the basic strateg* for sports development to enable the co$ntr* to become competitive in international competitions is to have a two-pronged approach to talent and pla*er development. ,/his approach looks at grassroots development on the one hand and elite training on the other . Revilla said. ,-t will also allow the general development of the sport in terms of becoming more pop$lar and widel* pla*ed and followed . she added. 0nder the bill the school shall offer on a free scholarship basis a secondar* co$rse with special emphasis on developing the athletic skills of the st$dents with the end in view of training *o$ng Filipinos for international sports competitions. /he school will be headed b* a director to be appointed b* the (resident with a fi+ed term of eight *ears. /he bill will also create a %oard of /r$stees to be composed of the )ecretar* of 1d$cation the Director of the (hilippine #igh )chool for )ports and three representatives from accredited sports associations. (&'" jc

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