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To investigate the relationship between current and the strength of an electromagnet

The strength of an electromagnet depends on the numbers of turns on the coil Hypothesis: When current is increases, the strength of an electromagnet also increases

To investigate the relationship between current and the strength of an electromagnet

Variable: Manipulated variable: The current , I Responding variable: The numbers of clip paper Constant variable : The numbers of turns on the coil

Apparatus and material

Dry cell, copper wire (solenoid-48 turn of coil), ammeter, rheostat, switch, connecting wire , retort stand , paper clips.



1.The circuit is set up as shown in figure.

2.The circuit is switch on and the rheostat is adjusted till the reading on the ammeter is 0.50 A. Measure the number of clip paper attracted by electromagnet.

3.The experiment is repeated for difference values of I = 1.00 A, 1.50 A , 2.00 A and 2.50 A

Current, I (A) 0.5 1.0 The numbers of clip paper 6 10

2.0 2.5

24 60

Graph The numbers of clip paper against current

The numbers of clip paper


Current, I/A The numbers of clip paper

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