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m n strat on" BBA Pro#ram Supp$ementar% &uest on" M ! Term E'am nat on" Ma%(Au#ust" )*+, Or#an -at ons Be.a/ or Bat0.1 ,2

Tota$1 2* Mar3s Ans5er an% 2 of t.e fo$$o5 n#1

T me )42 .ours

1. a) Describe the factors that affect grapevine communication.

b) What are the prerequisites and problems of downward communication?

2. Suppose you are the ar!eting anager of a pharmaceutical company and want to convey a new idea of selling to the medical representatives through mar!eting officers. "ow develop a two way communication process for the given situation. #. a) What are the main goals of organi$ational behavior? b) %&plain the elements of goal setting. '. What is law of effect? Describe the interpretations and limitations of aslow(s theory of needs. ). Describe the path goal theory of leadership. *. +lassify communication barriers and describe their impact.

UNIVERSITY OF DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE (UODA) Department of Bus ness A!m n strat on" BBA Pro#ram Supp$ementar% &uest on" M ! Term E'am nat on" Ma%(Au#ust" )*+, Operat ons Mana#ement Bat0.1 ,6" ,7

Tota$1 2* Mar3s Ans5er an% 2 of t.e fo$$o5 n#1 1. Derive the relationship QBEP= 2. a)Define standard time and forecasting. b) Per o! 1 2 ! " # 6" No of 8omp$a nts 60 6

T me )42 .ours

$ind e%ponential smoothing &ith smoothing constant= 0.20 and determine f6 !. i) 'ia Enterprises sells a prod(ct for )*0 per (nit. +he variable cost is )"0 per (nit, &hile fi%ed costs are )- ,000. Determine the .a) brea/0even point in sales (nits, and .b) brea/0even point if the selling price &as increased to )100 per (nit. ii) +herape(tic 12stems sells its prod(cts for )# per (nit. 3t has the follo&ing costs4 5ent )120,000 $actor2 labor )1. 0 per (nit E%ec(tive salaries )112,000 5a& material ).-0 per (nit

1eparate the e%penses bet&een fi%ed and variable costs per (nit. 6sing this information and the sales price per (nit of )6, comp(te the brea/0even point.

") Develop a trend e7(ation for the follo&ing and calc(late ne%t t&o series

Per o! 1 2 ! "

Deman! "" 2 0 "

).Develop a five year weighted moving average.

Per o! 1 2 ! "

Deman! "" 2 0 "

*. Derive the relationship S,-",./0

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