Trillers Assessment Taxonomy 3

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Assessment Taxonomy Table

Bloom categories/Revised Taxonomy Knowledge /Remembering (recall, list, define, identify, collect, label)

Learning objective verbs define

Activity The student will define mean, median, mode, range, and measure of central tendency correctly. (not included in project but possible to use as needed) The student will use given bar charts to interpret their meaning or to make a prediction about the future. (not included in project but possible to use as needed) bjective ! "ctivity# The student will demonstrate understanding of mean, median and mode by reaching the level of mastery for this topic on $%&. bjective ' "ctivity# "fter watching this (han "cademy video, the student will create ) bar charts in a row correctly on (han "cademy. bjective * "ssessment# "fter watching this video about how to create a pie chart, the student will analyze the results of the data collected from the survey with !++, accuracy by calculating the mode and creating a pie chart.

Comprehension/Understanding interpret, predict (summarize, describe interpret, predict, discuss) Application/Applying (apply, demonstrate, illustrate, classify, experiment, discover) demonstrate

Analysis/Analy ing (analyze, classify, connect, explain, infer)


!val"ation/!val"ating (assess, recommend, convince, compare, conclude, summarize) #ynthesis/Creating (combine, integrate, plan, create, design, formulate)

create reflect

bjective ! "ssessment# The student will use the blog, to thoroughly and carefully reflect on the following -uestions# ./hat did you learn about calculating mean, median, mode and range0 1ow do you know you learned it0 /hat got in the way of your learning0 /hat helped your learning0. (2oss, '++3) bjective ' "ssessment# The student will create a detailed timeline of events

(instructions) needed to construct and analyze an accurate bar chart when given a set of raw data (preferably a meaningful set of data gathered by the student) bjective 4 "ssessment# "fter receiving feedback on their survey -uestions, students will create their survey using 5oogle forms then survey 4+ people.

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