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Comet Impact: July 4, 2005 Impact Velocity: 23,000 mph

Spacecraft Size: Flyby spacecraft nearly as large as a Volkswagen eetle automob!le" #mpactor spacecraft about the same $!mens!ons as a typ!cal l!%!ng room coffee table"

Principal Investigator, Dr. Michael A' earn an! his science team "ant to fin! cl#es to the formation of the solar system an! more a$o#t the str#ct#re an! composition of comets $y ma%ing a !eep crater in Comet &empel '. &he o$(ectives for the mission are: '. )$serve ho" the crater forms *. Meas#re the crater's !epth an! !iameter +. Meas#re the composition of the interior of the crater an! its e(ecta ,. Determine the changes in nat#ral o#tgassing pro!#ce! $y the impact

Science )$(ective

Deep Impact -#ic% .acts

Mission/Instr#ment/&as% 0ame: )$(ectives: &eep #mpact

'o stu$y the pr!st!ne !nter!or of a comet by e(ca%at!ng a crater more than 25 m $eep an$ )00 m !n $!ameter" ))*0)*)+++ 0)*)2*2005 &elta ## ,astern test range -.enne$y /pace 0enter, Flor!$a1 ,ncounter $ate 0600 4 July 2005 7' #mpactor separat!on at 24 hrs pr!or to !mpact 8pproach solar phase angle5 639 #mpactor approach %eloc!ty5 )0"2 km*s Flyby /*0 closest approach5 500 km ,n$ of :!ss!on5 &ata return unt!l 0;*2005 -2; $ays1

Start Date: 1a#nch Date: 1a#nch Vehicle: 1a#nch Site: Mission 2vents: -2en$e3%ous -$!stance1* 4an$!ng -locat!on115

2n! of Pro(ect Date: 1a#nch Mass 3%g4:

03*2006 -!nclu$es + months of $ata analys!s1 )020 kg

1a#nch Vehicle .ly$y Spacecraft

.light System



0omet 'empel ) 'he !nteract!%e =ath

:a!n =resentat!on

8n art!st<s ren$!t!on of the flyby spacecraft releas!ng the !mpactor, wh!ch w!ll happen 24 hours before the coll!s!on

Cross"or! ' Cross"or! * Cross"or! +

5or! search game ' 5or! search game *

5or! search game +

6rain &"ister

)ther 6rain &"isters

>u!3 Fun facts 0olour =age =repare mo$el ) =repare :o$el 2 0hallenge >uest!ons

'h!s powerpo!nt was k!n$ly $onate$ to www"worl$ofteach!ng"com

http5**www"worl$ofteach!ng"com !s home to o%er a thousan$ powerpo!nts subm!tte$ by teachers" 'h!s !s a completely free s!te an$ re?u!res no reg!strat!on" =lease %!s!t an$ # hope !t w!ll help !n your teach!ng"

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